/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jctools.queues.atomic; import org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue; import org.jctools.util.Pow2; import org.jctools.util.RangeUtil; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray; public class SpscGrowableAtomicArrayQueue<E> extends BaseSpscLinkedAtomicArrayQueue<E> { private int maxQueueCapacity; // ignored by the unbounded implementation private long lookAheadStep;// ignored by the unbounded implementation public SpscGrowableAtomicArrayQueue(final int capacity) { this(Math.max(8, Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(capacity / 8)), capacity); } public SpscGrowableAtomicArrayQueue(final int chunkSize, final int capacity) { RangeUtil.checkGreaterThanOrEqual(capacity, 16, "capacity"); // minimal chunk size of eight makes sure minimal lookahead step is 2 RangeUtil.checkGreaterThanOrEqual(chunkSize, 8, "chunkSize"); maxQueueCapacity = Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(capacity); int chunkCapacity = Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(chunkSize); RangeUtil.checkLessThan(chunkCapacity, maxQueueCapacity, "chunkCapacity"); long mask = chunkCapacity - 1; // need extra element to point at next array AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer = allocate(chunkCapacity + 1); producerBuffer = buffer; producerMask = mask; consumerBuffer = buffer; consumerMask = mask; producerBufferLimit = mask - 1; // we know it's all empty to start with adjustLookAheadStep(chunkCapacity); soProducerIndex(0L);// serves as a StoreStore barrier to support correct publication } protected final boolean offerColdPath(final AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, final long mask, final E e, final long index, final int offset) { final long lookAheadStep = this.lookAheadStep; // normal case, go around the buffer or resize if full (unless we hit max capacity) if (lookAheadStep > 0) { int lookAheadElementOffset = calcElementOffset(index + lookAheadStep, mask); // Try and look ahead a number of elements so we don't have to do this all the time if (null == lvElement(buffer, lookAheadElementOffset)) { producerBufferLimit = index + lookAheadStep - 1; // joy, there's plenty of room writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset); return true; } // we're at max capacity, can use up last element final int maxCapacity = maxQueueCapacity; if (mask + 1 == maxCapacity) { if (null == lvElement(buffer, offset)) { writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset); return true; } // we're full and can't grow return false; } // not at max capacity, so must allow extra slot for next buffer pointer if (null == lvElement(buffer, calcElementOffset(index + 1, mask))) { // buffer is not full writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset); } else { // allocate new buffer of same length final AtomicReferenceArray<E> newBuffer = allocate((int) (2*(mask +1) + 1)); producerBuffer = newBuffer; producerMask = newBuffer.length() - 2; final int offsetInNew = calcElementOffset(index, producerMask); linkOldToNew(index, buffer, offset, newBuffer, offsetInNew, e); int newCapacity = (int) (producerMask + 1); if (newCapacity == maxCapacity) { long currConsumerIndex = lvConsumerIndex(); // use lookAheadStep to store the consumer distance from final buffer this.lookAheadStep = -(index - currConsumerIndex); producerBufferLimit = currConsumerIndex + maxCapacity - 1; } else { producerBufferLimit = index + producerMask - 1; adjustLookAheadStep(newCapacity); } } return true; } // the step is negative (or zero) in the period between allocating the max sized buffer and the // consumer starting on it else { final long prevElementsInOtherBuffers = -lookAheadStep; // until the consumer starts using the current buffer we need to check consumer index to // verify size long currConsumerIndex = lvConsumerIndex(); int size = (int) (index - currConsumerIndex); int maxCapacity = (int) mask+1; // we're on max capacity or we wouldn't be here if (size == maxCapacity) { // consumer index has not changed since adjusting the lookAhead index, we're full return false; } // if consumerIndex progressed enough so that current size indicates it is on same buffer long firstIndexInCurrentBuffer = producerBufferLimit - maxCapacity + prevElementsInOtherBuffers; if (currConsumerIndex >= firstIndexInCurrentBuffer) { // job done, we've now settled into our final state adjustLookAheadStep(maxCapacity); } // consumer is still on some other buffer else { // how many elements out of buffer? this.lookAheadStep = (int) (currConsumerIndex - firstIndexInCurrentBuffer); } producerBufferLimit = currConsumerIndex + maxCapacity; writeToQueue(buffer, e, index, offset); return true; } } private void adjustLookAheadStep(int capacity) { lookAheadStep = Math.min(capacity / 4, SpscArrayQueue.MAX_LOOK_AHEAD_STEP); } }