package org.jctools.maps.nhbm_test; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.jctools.maps.NonBlockingHashMap; /* * Written by Cliff Click and released to the public domain, as explained at * * Big Chunks of code shamelessly copied from Doug Lea's test harness which is also public domain. */ public class perf_hash_test extends Thread { static int _read_ratio, _gr, _pr; static int _thread_min, _thread_max, _thread_incr; static int _table_size; static int _map_impl; static ConcurrentMap<String, String> make_map(int impl) { switch (impl) { case 1: return null; // new Hashtable<String,String>(0); case 2: return null; // new CliffWrapHerlihy(); // was a non-blocking HashSet implementation from Maurice // Herlihy case 3: return new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(16, 0.75f, 16); // force to 16 striping case 4: return new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(16, 0.75f, 256); // force to 256 striping case 5: return new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(16, 0.75f, 4096); // force to 4096 striping case 6: return new NonBlockingHashMap<String, String>(); default: throw new Error("Bad imple"); } } static String names[] = { "ALL", "HashTable", "HerlihyHashSet", "CHM_16", "CHM_256", "CHM_4096", "NBHashMap", }; static String KEYS[]; static volatile boolean _start; static volatile boolean _stop; static int check(String arg, String msg, int lower, int upper) throws Exception { return check(Integer.parseInt(arg), msg, lower, upper); } static int check(int x, String msg, int lower, int upper) throws Exception { if (x < lower || x > upper) throw new Error(msg + " must be from " + lower + " to " + upper); return x; } public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length == 0) { args = new String[] { "50", "2", "8", "2", "100000", "-1" }; } // Parse args try { _read_ratio = check(args[0], "read%", 0, 100); _thread_min = check(args[1], "thread_min", 1, 100000); _thread_max = check(args[2], "thread_max", 1, 100000); _thread_incr = check(args[3], "thread_incr", 1, 100000); _table_size = check(args[4], "table_size", 100, 100000000); _map_impl = check(args[5], "implementation", -1, names.length); _gr = (_read_ratio << 20) / 100; _pr = (((1 << 20) - _gr) >> 1) + _gr; int trips = (_thread_max - _thread_min) / _thread_incr; _thread_max = trips * _thread_incr + _thread_min; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "Usage: perf_hash_test read%[0=churn test] thread-min thread-max thread-increment hash_table_size impl[All=0,Hashtable=1,HerlihyHashSet=2,CHM_16=3,CHM_256=4,CHM_4096=5,NonBlockingHashMap=6]"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } System.out.print(_read_ratio + "% gets, " + ((100 - _read_ratio) >> 1) + "% inserts, " + ((100 - _read_ratio) >> 1) + "% removes, " + "table_size=" + _table_size); if (_read_ratio == 0) System.out.print(" -- churn"); String name = _map_impl == -1 ? "Best" : names[_map_impl]; System.out.println(" " + name); System.out.println("Threads from " + _thread_min + " to " + _thread_max + " by " + _thread_incr); // Do some warmup int keymax = 1; while (keymax < _table_size) keymax <<= 1; if (_read_ratio == 0) keymax = 1024 * 1024; // The churn test uses a large key set KEYS = new String[keymax]; int[] histo = new int[64]; for (int i = 0; i < KEYS.length; i++) { KEYS[i] = String.valueOf(i) + "abc" + String.valueOf(i * 17 + 123); histo[KEYS[i].hashCode() >>> (32 - 6)]++; } // verify good key spread to help ConcurrentHashMap // for( int i=0; i<histo.length; i++ ) // System.out.print(" "+histo[i]); System.out.println("Warmup -variance: "); run_till_stable(Math.min(_thread_min, 2), /* extra warmup round for churn */_read_ratio == 0 ? 2 : 1); // Now do the real thing System.out.print("==== HashMap Threads Trial: "); int num_trials = 7; // Number of Trials for (int i = 0; i < num_trials; i++) System.out.printf(" %3d ", i); System.out.println(" Avg Stddev"); for (int i = _thread_min; i <= _thread_max; i += _thread_incr) run_till_stable(i, num_trials); } static void run_till_stable(int num_threads, int num_trials) { if (_map_impl > 0) { run_till_stable(num_threads, num_trials, _map_impl); } else if (_map_impl == 0) { for (int i = 1; i < names.length; i++) run_till_stable(num_threads, num_trials, i); } else { run_till_stable(num_threads, num_trials, 3); run_till_stable(num_threads, num_trials, 6); } } static void run_till_stable(int num_threads, int num_trials, int impl) { ConcurrentMap<String, String> HM = make_map(impl); if (HM == null) return; String name = names[impl]; System.out.printf("=== %10.10s %3d", name, num_threads); // Quicky sanity check for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { HM.put(KEYS[i], KEYS[i]); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (HM.get(KEYS[j]) != KEYS[j]) { throw new Error("Broken table, put " + i + " but cannot find #" + j); } } } long[] trials = new long[num_trials]; // Number of trials long total = 0; for (int j = 0; j < trials.length; j++) { long[] ops = new long[num_threads]; long[] nanos = new long[num_threads]; long millis = run_once(num_threads, HM, ops, nanos); long sum_ops = 0; for (long op : ops) sum_ops += op; long ops_per_sec = (sum_ops * 1000L) / millis; trials[j] = ops_per_sec; total += ops_per_sec; if (j == 0) System.out.printf(" cnts/sec="); System.out.printf(" %10d", ops_per_sec); // Note: sum of nanos does not mean much if there are more threads than cpus // System.out.printf("+-%f%%",(ops_per_sec - ops_per_sec_n)*100.0/ops_per_sec); if (HM instanceof NonBlockingHashMap) { long reprobes = ((NonBlockingHashMap) HM).reprobes(); if (reprobes > 0) System.out.printf("(%5.2f)", (double) reprobes / (double) sum_ops); } } if (trials.length > 2) { // Toss out low & high int lo = 0; int hi = 0; for (int j = 1; j < trials.length; j++) { if (trials[lo] < trials[j]) lo = j; if (trials[hi] > trials[j]) hi = j; } total -= (trials[lo] + trials[hi]); trials[lo] = trials[trials.length - 1]; trials[hi] = trials[trials.length - 2]; // Print avg,stddev long avg = total / (trials.length - 2); long stddev = compute_stddev(trials, trials.length - 2); long p = stddev * 100 / avg; // std-dev as a percent if (trials.length - 2 > 2) { // Toss out low & high lo = 0; hi = 0; for (int j = 1; j < trials.length - 2; j++) { if (trials[lo] < trials[j]) lo = j; if (trials[hi] > trials[j]) hi = j; } total -= (trials[lo] + trials[hi]); trials[lo] = trials[trials.length - 2 - 1]; trials[hi] = trials[trials.length - 2 - 2]; // Print avg,stddev avg = total / (trials.length - 2 - 2); stddev = compute_stddev(trials, trials.length - 2 - 2); p = stddev * 100 / avg; // std-dev as a percent } System.out.printf(" %10d", avg); System.out.printf(" (+/-%2d%%) %d", p, HM.size()); } if (HM instanceof NonBlockingHashMap) System.out.printf(" size=%d", ((NonBlockingHashMap) HM).raw_array().length); System.out.println(); } static long compute_stddev(long[] trials, int len) { double sum = 0; double squ = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { double d = (double) trials[i]; sum += d; squ += d * d; } double x = squ - sum * sum / len; double stddev = Math.sqrt(x / (len - 1)); return (long) stddev; } // Worker thread fields final int _tnum; final ConcurrentMap<String, String> _hash; // Shared hashtable final long[] _ops; final long[] _nanos; public perf_hash_test() { _tnum = 0; _hash = null; _ops = new long[0]; _nanos = new long[0]; } private perf_hash_test(int tnum, ConcurrentMap<String, String> HM, long[] ops, long[] nanos) { _tnum = tnum; _hash = HM; _ops = ops; _nanos = nanos; } static long run_once(int num_threads, ConcurrentMap<String, String> HM, long[] ops, long[] nanos) { Random R = new Random(); _start = false; _stop = false; HM.put("Cliff", "Cliff"); HM.remove("Cliff"); int sz = HM.size(); while (sz + 1024 < _table_size) { int idx = R.nextInt(); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { String key = KEYS[idx & (KEYS.length - 1)]; HM.put(key, key); idx++; } sz = HM.size(); } while (sz < ((_table_size >> 1) + (_table_size >> 3))) { int trip = 0; int idx = R.nextInt(); while (true) { String key = KEYS[idx & (KEYS.length - 1)]; if (sz < _table_size) { if (HM.put(key, key) == null) { sz++; break; } } else { if (HM.remove(key) != null) { sz--; break; } } idx++; if ((trip & 15) == 15) idx = R.nextInt(); if (trip++ > 1024 * 1024) { if (trip > 1024 * 1024 + 100) throw new RuntimeException( "barf trip " + sz + " " + HM.size() + " numkeys=" + KEYS.length); System.out.println(key); } } } if (sz != HM.size()) { throw new Error("size does not match table contents sz=" + sz + " size()=" + HM.size()); } // Launch threads perf_hash_test thrs[] = new perf_hash_test[num_threads]; for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) thrs[i] = new perf_hash_test(i, HM, ops, nanos); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) thrs[i].start(); // Run threads long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); _start = true; try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* empty */} _stop = true; long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); long millis = stop - start; for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) try { thrs[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new RuntimeException(ie); } return millis; } // What a worker thread does public void run() { while (!_start) // Spin till Time To Go try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Exception e) { /* empty */} long nano1 = System.nanoTime(); int total; if (_read_ratio == 0) { total = run_churn(); } else { if (_hash instanceof NonBlockingHashMap) { total = run_normal((NonBlockingHashMap) _hash); } else if (_hash instanceof ConcurrentHashMap) total = run_normal((ConcurrentHashMap) _hash); else total = run_normal(_hash); } _ops[_tnum] = total; long nano2 = System.nanoTime(); _nanos[_tnum] = (nano2 - nano1); } // Force a large turnover of live keys, while keeping the total live-set // low. 10 keys kept alive per thread, out of a set of a million or so. // constantly churned, so we constantly need to 'cleanse' the table to flush // old entries. public int run_churn() { int reprobe = System.identityHashCode(Thread.currentThread()); int idx = reprobe; int get_ops = 0; int put_ops = 0; int del_ops = 0; while (!_stop) { // Insert a key 10 probes in the future, // remove a key 0 probes in the future, // Net result is the thread keeps 10 random keys in table String key1 = KEYS[(idx + reprobe * 10) & (KEYS.length - 1)]; _hash.put(key1, key1); put_ops++; // Remove a key 0 probes in the future String key2 = KEYS[idx & (KEYS.length - 1)]; _hash.remove(key2); del_ops++; idx += reprobe; } // We stopped; report results into shared result structure return get_ops + put_ops + del_ops; } public int run_normal(NonBlockingHashMap<String, String> hm) { SimpleRandom R = new SimpleRandom(); int get_ops = 0; int put_ops = 0; int del_ops = 0; while (!_stop) { int x = R.nextInt() & ((1 << 20) - 1); String key = KEYS[R.nextInt() & (KEYS.length - 1)]; if (x < _gr) { get_ops++; String val = hm.get(key); if (val != null && !val.equals(key)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatched key=" + key + " and val=" + val); } else if (x < _pr) { put_ops++; hm.putIfAbsent(key, key); } else { del_ops++; hm.remove(key); } } // We stopped; report results into shared result structure return get_ops + put_ops + del_ops; } public int run_normal(ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> hm) { SimpleRandom R = new SimpleRandom(); int get_ops = 0; int put_ops = 0; int del_ops = 0; while (!_stop) { int x = R.nextInt() & ((1 << 20) - 1); String key = KEYS[R.nextInt() & (KEYS.length - 1)]; if (x < _gr) { get_ops++; String val = hm.get(key); if (val != null && !val.equals(key)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatched key=" + key + " and val=" + val); } else if (x < _pr) { put_ops++; hm.putIfAbsent(key, key); } else { del_ops++; hm.remove(key); } } // We stopped; report results into shared result structure return get_ops + put_ops + del_ops; } public int run_normal(ConcurrentMap<String, String> hm) { SimpleRandom R = new SimpleRandom(); int get_ops = 0; int put_ops = 0; int del_ops = 0; while (!_stop) { int x = R.nextInt() & ((1 << 20) - 1); String key = KEYS[R.nextInt() & (KEYS.length - 1)]; if (x < _gr) { get_ops++; String val = hm.get(key); if (val != null && !val.equals(key)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatched key=" + key + " and val=" + val); } else if (x < _pr) { put_ops++; hm.putIfAbsent(key, key); } else { del_ops++; hm.remove(key); } } // We stopped; report results into shared result structure return get_ops + put_ops + del_ops; } }