/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.test.jca.test; import java.net.URL; import java.sql.Connection; import javax.management.Attribute; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory; import javax.sql.DataSource; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import junit.framework.Test; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.mx.util.MBeanServerLocator; import org.jboss.mx.util.ObjectNameFactory; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.BaseConnectionManager2; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionManager; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionManagerMBean; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.ManagedConnectionPool; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.NoTxConnectionManager; import org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.PreFillPoolSupport; import org.jboss.test.JBossTestCase; import org.jboss.test.jca.adapter.TestConnectionRequestInfo; import org.jboss.test.jca.adapter.TestManagedConnectionFactory; import org.jboss.test.util.ejb.EJBTestCase; import org.jboss.tm.TransactionManagerLocator; /** * A PrefillDeploymentUnitTestCase. * * @author <a href="weston.price@jboss.com">Weston Price</a> * @version $Revision: 92695 $ */ public class PreFillPoolingUnitTestCase extends EJBTestCase { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PreFillPoolingUnitTestCase.class); private static final ObjectName PREFILL_POOL = ObjectNameFactory.create("jboss.jca:name=PreFillDS,service=ManagedConnectionPool"); private static final ObjectName NO_PREFILL_POOL = ObjectNameFactory.create("jboss.jca:name=NoPreFillDS,service=ManagedConnectionPool"); private static final ObjectName NO_ELEMENT_PREFILL_POOL = ObjectNameFactory.create("jboss.jca:name=NoElementPreFillDS,service=ManagedConnectionPool"); private static final ObjectName CRI_PREFILL_POOL = ObjectNameFactory.create("jboss.jca:name=CriPreFillDS,service=ManagedConnectionPool"); private static final ObjectName INVALD_PREFILL_POOL = ObjectNameFactory.create("jboss.jca:name=InvalidPreFillDS,service=ManagedConnectionPool"); private static final String CONN_NAME = "ConnectionCount"; private static final String MIN_NAME = "MinSize"; private static final String FLUSH_METHOD_NAME = "flush"; private static final String PREFILL = "PreFill"; //For non managed prefill testing. static TransactionManager tm; static TestConnectionRequestInfo cri1 = new TestConnectionRequestInfo("info1"); static TestConnectionRequestInfo cri2 = new TestConnectionRequestInfo("info2"); public PreFillPoolingUnitTestCase(String name) { super(name); } @Override public void setUp() { tm = TransactionManagerLocator.getInstance().locate(); } protected MBeanServer getServer() { return MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss(); } /** * Test basic prefill support on a OnePool. * * PoolType: OnePool * Deployed *-ds.xml: prefill-ds.xml * Conditions: * Prefill should be set to true * The pool should be prefilled and the connection count should equal the minimum count. * * @throws Exception */ public void testDeployPreFillPool() throws Exception { Boolean prefill = (Boolean)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, PREFILL); assertTrue(prefill.booleanValue()); Integer count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); Integer min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Minimun count and connection count should be the same.", count.intValue() == min.intValue()); } /** * Test prefill support after flushing a pool. * PoolType: OnePool * Deployed *-ds.xml: prefill-ds.xml * * Conditions: * Prefill should be set to true * After flush, the pool should be prefilled and the connection count should equal the minimum count. * * @throws Exception */ public void testPreFillFlush() throws Exception { Boolean prefill = (Boolean)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, PREFILL); assertTrue(prefill.booleanValue()); Integer count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); Integer min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Prefill is set to true. Minimun count and connection count should be the same.", count.intValue() == min.intValue()); Attribute flush = new Attribute(PREFILL, Boolean.FALSE); getServer().setAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, flush); getServer().invoke(PREFILL_POOL, FLUSH_METHOD_NAME, new Object[0], new String[0]); count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Pool was flushed and prefill set to false. Minimum count and connection count should not be equal.", count.intValue() != min.intValue()); flush = new Attribute(PREFILL, Boolean.TRUE); getServer().setAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, flush); getServer().invoke(PREFILL_POOL, FLUSH_METHOD_NAME, new Object[0], new String[0]); //Let pool filler run Thread.sleep(5000); count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Prefill is set to true. Minimun count and connection count should be the same.", count.intValue() == min.intValue()); } /** * * Test basic prefill support on a non prefilled pool. * * @throws Exception */ public void testDeployNoPreFillPool() throws Exception { Boolean prefill = (Boolean)getServer().getAttribute(NO_PREFILL_POOL, PREFILL); assertFalse("Prefill is set to false.", prefill.booleanValue()); Integer count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(NO_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); Integer min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(NO_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Prefill is set to false. Min count and connection count should not be equal", count.intValue() != min.intValue()); } /** * Test prefill pool where <prefill> element is explicitly false. * * @throws Exception */ public void testDeployElementNoPreFillPool() throws Exception { Boolean prefill = (Boolean)getServer().getAttribute(NO_ELEMENT_PREFILL_POOL, PREFILL); assertFalse("Prefill was explicitly set ot false. Prefill should be false.", prefill.booleanValue()); Integer count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(NO_ELEMENT_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); Integer min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(NO_ELEMENT_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Prefill is set to false. Min count and connection count should not be equal", count.intValue() != min.intValue()); } /** * FIXME Comment this * * @throws Exception */ public void testInvalidPreFillPool() throws Exception { Boolean prefill = (Boolean)getServer().getAttribute(INVALD_PREFILL_POOL, PREFILL); assertTrue(prefill.booleanValue()); Integer count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(INVALD_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); Integer min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(INVALD_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Non supporting prefill pool is used. Min count and connection count should not be equal", count.intValue() != min.intValue()); } /** * FIXME Comment this * * @throws Exception */ public void testPoolByCriPreFill() throws Exception { Boolean prefill = (Boolean)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, PREFILL); assertTrue(prefill.booleanValue()); Integer count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); Integer min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); Integer initialCount = count; Integer initialMin = min; assertTrue(count.intValue() != min.intValue()); InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:/CriPreFillDS"); Connection conn = ds.getConnection("sa", ""); Thread.sleep(30000); count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue("Count=" + count + ", Min=" + min +", initial Count before getting connection =" + initialCount + ", initial Min before getting connection = "+ initialMin, count.intValue() == min.intValue()); conn.close(); //Now we explictly set prefill, flush Attribute flush = new Attribute(PREFILL, Boolean.TRUE); getServer().setAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, flush); getServer().invoke(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, FLUSH_METHOD_NAME, new Object[0], new String[0]); count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue(count.intValue() != min.intValue()); conn = ds.getConnection("sa", ""); Thread.currentThread().sleep(20000); count = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, CONN_NAME); min = (Integer)getServer().getAttribute(CRI_PREFILL_POOL, MIN_NAME); assertTrue(count.intValue() == min.intValue()); conn.close(); } public void testNonPreFillSupportingPoolPreFill() throws Exception{ int minSize = 3; int maxSize = 5; ManagedConnectionPool mcp = getOnePoolPrefill(minSize, maxSize, true); BaseConnectionManager2 cm = getNoTxCM(mcp); PreFillPoolSupport support = (PreFillPoolSupport)mcp; support.prefill(null, null, false); //Let pool fill Thread.sleep(10000); int currentSize = mcp.getConnectionCount(); assertTrue(currentSize == minSize); } public void testNoPreFillSupportingPool() throws Exception{ int minSize = 3; int maxSize = 5; ManagedConnectionPool mcp = getOnePoolPrefill(minSize, maxSize, false); BaseConnectionManager2 cm = getNoTxCM(mcp); PreFillPoolSupport support = (PreFillPoolSupport)mcp; support.prefill(null, null, false); //Let pool fill Thread.sleep(10000); int currentSize = mcp.getConnectionCount(); assertTrue(currentSize == 0); assertTrue(currentSize != minSize); } public void testPreFillSupportingPool() throws Exception{ int minSize = 3; int maxSize = 5; ManagedConnectionPool mcp = getOnePoolPrefill(minSize, maxSize, true); BaseConnectionManager2 cm = getNoTxCM(mcp); PreFillPoolSupport support = (PreFillPoolSupport)mcp; support.prefill(null, null, false); //Let pool fill Thread.sleep(10000); int currentSize = mcp.getConnectionCount(); assertTrue(currentSize == minSize); } private ManagedConnectionPool getOnePoolPrefill(int minSize, int maxSize, boolean prefill){ InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams pp = new InternalManagedConnectionPool.PoolParams(); pp.minSize = minSize; pp.maxSize = maxSize; pp.blockingTimeout = 10000; pp.idleTimeout = 0; pp.prefill = prefill; ManagedConnectionFactory mcf = new TestManagedConnectionFactory(); ManagedConnectionPool poolingStrategy = new JBossManagedConnectionPool.OnePool(mcf, pp, false, log); return poolingStrategy; } private BaseConnectionManager2 getNoTxCM(ManagedConnectionPool poolingStrategy) throws Exception { CachedConnectionManager ccm = (CachedConnectionManager) getServer().getAttribute(CachedConnectionManagerMBean.OBJECT_NAME, "Instance"); BaseConnectionManager2 cm = new NoTxConnectionManager(ccm, poolingStrategy); poolingStrategy.setConnectionListenerFactory(cm); return cm; } public static Test suite() throws Exception { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); URL resURL = loader.getResource("jca/prefill/prefill-ds.xml"); Test t1 = JBossTestCase.getDeploySetup(PreFillPoolingUnitTestCase.class, resURL.toString()); resURL = loader.getResource("jca/prefill/no-prefill-ds.xml"); Test t2 = JBossTestCase.getDeploySetup(t1, resURL.toString()); resURL = loader.getResource("jca/prefill/no-element-prefill-ds.xml"); Test t3 = JBossTestCase.getDeploySetup(t2, resURL.toString()); resURL = loader.getResource("jca/prefill/cri-prefill-ds.xml"); Test t4 = JBossTestCase.getDeploySetup(t3, resURL.toString()); resURL = loader.getResource("jca/prefill/invalid-prefill-ds.xml"); Test t5 = JBossTestCase.getDeploySetup(t4, resURL.toString()); return JBossTestCase.getDeploySetup(t5, "jca-tests.jar"); } }