/* * Generated by XDoclet - Do not edit! */ package org.jboss.test.cmp2.idxandusersql.ejb; /** * Local interface for DBIndexTest. */ public interface DBIndexTestLocal extends javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject { public void setPKey( java.lang.String pKey ) ; public java.lang.String getPKey( ) ; /** * This field gets a <dbindex/> that we want to look up in the database to see if the index was really created on the file. * @todo set the dbindex property here with a modern xdoclet* */ public java.lang.String getFoo( ) ; /** * This field gets an index via the <post-create-sql/> setting in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file * @todo set the dbindex property here with a modern xdoclet */ public java.lang.String getBar( ) ; /** * This field is not indexed */ public java.lang.String getBaz( ) ; public java.util.Collection getCmr1s( ) ; public void setCmr1s( java.util.Collection cmr1s ) ; public java.util.Collection getCmr2s( ) ; public void setCmr2s( java.util.Collection cmr2s ) ; }