/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.test.cluster.defaultcfg.clusteredentity.test; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import org.jboss.test.cluster.clusteredentity.classloader.AccountHolderPK; import org.jboss.test.cluster.clusteredentity.classloader.EntityQueryTest; import org.jboss.test.JBossClusteredTestCase; /** * Base class for tests involving clustered entities with a scoped classloader. * * FIXME. Have all tests provide a region prefix in their config; test in jpa-deployers * that persistent unit deployments that don't specify a region prefix have one * synthetically created and don't retest that here. This avoids the problem * discussed in {@link #createCacheRegionPrefix(String, String, String)}. * * @author Brian Stansberry * @version $Id: EntityUnitTestCase.java 57207 2006-09-26 12:06:13Z dimitris@jboss.org $ */ public class EntityClassloaderTestBase extends JBossClusteredTestCase { public static final String EAR_NAME = "clusteredentity-classloader-test"; public static final String JAR_NAME = "clusteredentity-classloader-test"; public static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "tempdb"; public static final String STD_QUERY_CACHE_NAME = "org.hibernate.cache.StandardQueryCache"; protected org.jboss.logging.Logger log = getLog(); protected static final long SLEEP_TIME = 300L; static boolean deployed0 = true; static boolean deployed1 = true; protected static final AccountHolderPK SMITH = new AccountHolderPK("Smith", "1000"); protected static final AccountHolderPK JONES = new AccountHolderPK("Jones", "2000"); protected static final AccountHolderPK BARNEY = new AccountHolderPK("Barney", "3000"); protected EntityQueryTest sfsb0; protected EntityQueryTest sfsb1; public EntityClassloaderTestBase(String name) { super(name); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); sfsb0 = getEntityQueryTest(System.getProperty("jbosstest.cluster.node0")); sfsb1 = getEntityQueryTest(System.getProperty("jbosstest.cluster.node1")); sfsb0.cleanup(); sfsb1.cleanup(); } protected EntityQueryTest getEntityQueryTest(String nodeJNDIAddress) throws Exception { Properties prop1 = new Properties(); prop1.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"); prop1.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"); prop1.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://" + nodeJNDIAddress + ":1099"); log.info("===== Naming properties for " + nodeJNDIAddress + ": "); log.info(prop1); log.info("Create InitialContext for " + nodeJNDIAddress); InitialContext ctx1 = new InitialContext(prop1); log.info("Lookup sfsb from " + nodeJNDIAddress); EntityQueryTest eqt = (EntityQueryTest)ctx1.lookup("EntityQueryTestBean/remote"); eqt.getCache(isOptimistic()); return eqt; } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if (sfsb0 != null) { try { sfsb0.remove(true); } catch (Exception e) {} } if (sfsb1 != null) { try { sfsb1.remove(true); } catch (Exception e) {} } sfsb0 = sfsb1 = null; } protected void standardEntitySetup() { // sfsb0.createAccountHolder(SMITH, "94536"); sfsb0.createAccount(SMITH, new Integer(1001), new Integer(5), "94536"); sfsb0.createAccount(SMITH, new Integer(1002), new Integer(15), "94536"); sfsb0.createAccount(SMITH, new Integer(1003), new Integer(20), "94536"); // sfsb0.createAccountHolder(JONES, "63088"); sfsb0.createAccount(JONES, new Integer(2001), new Integer(5), "63088"); sfsb0.createAccount(JONES, new Integer(2002), new Integer(15), "63088"); sfsb0.createAccount(JONES, new Integer(2003), new Integer(20), "63088"); // sfsb0.createAccountHolder(BARNEY, "63088"); sfsb0.createAccount(BARNEY, new Integer(3001), new Integer(5), "63088"); sfsb0.createAccount(BARNEY, new Integer(3002), new Integer(15), "63088"); sfsb0.createAccount(BARNEY, new Integer(3003), new Integer(20), "63088"); log.info("Standard entities created"); } protected void resetRegionUsageState() { String stdName = createRegionName(STD_QUERY_CACHE_NAME); String acctName = createRegionName("AccountRegion"); sfsb0.getSawRegionModification(stdName); sfsb0.getSawRegionModification(acctName); sfsb0.getSawRegionAccess(stdName); sfsb0.getSawRegionAccess(acctName); sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(stdName); sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(acctName); sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(stdName); sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(acctName); log.info("Region usage state cleared"); } protected void modifyEntities(EntityQueryTest bean) { bean.updateAccountBranch(1001, "63088"); bean.updateAccountBalance(2001, 15); log.info("Entities modified"); } protected void restoreEntities(EntityQueryTest bean) { // Undo the mods done in queryTest bean.updateAccountBranch(1001, "94536"); bean.updateAccountBalance(2001, 5); log.info("Standard entities restored to initial state"); } /** * Executes a series of entity operations and queries, checking that * expected modifications and reads of the query cache occur. * * @param setupEntities <code>true</code> if entities don't exist and need * to be created; <code>false</code> if they should * exist and need to be returned to their initial state * @param useNamedQuery <code>true</code> if named queries are to be used; * <code>false</code> if the EJBQL should be passed * to the Query * @param useNamedRegion <code>true</code> if the query should be cached in * "AccountRegion"; <code>false</code> if it should be * cached in the default region * @param expectInactivatedRegion <code>true</code> if the test should assume * the query cache region is inactive on each * server until accessed on that server; * <code>false</code> if it should be assumed * the region is activated and able to * receive replication events. * @param localOnly TODO */ protected void queryTest(boolean setupEntities, boolean useNamedQuery, boolean useNamedRegion, boolean expectInactivatedRegion, boolean localOnly) { if (setupEntities) standardEntitySetup(); else restoreEntities(sfsb0); resetRegionUsageState(); // Initial ops on node 0 String regionName = createRegionName(useNamedRegion ? "AccountRegion" : STD_QUERY_CACHE_NAME); // Query on post code count assertEquals("63088 has correct # of accounts", 6, sfsb0.getCountForBranch("63088", useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); assertTrue("Query cache used " + regionName, sfsb0.getSawRegionModification(regionName)); // Clear the access state sfsb0.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); log.info("First query on node0 done"); // Do it again from node 1 // Sleep a bit to allow async repl to happen sleep(SLEEP_TIME); // If region is activated and cache isn't localOnly, replication should have been modified boolean modifiedRemotely = sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(regionName); assertEquals("Query cache remotely modified " + regionName, !expectInactivatedRegion && !localOnly, modifiedRemotely); // Clear the access state sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); assertEquals("63088 has correct # of accounts", 6, sfsb1.getCountForBranch("63088", useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); if (!modifiedRemotely) { // If not replicated before, local query should have cached it assertTrue("Query cache modified " + regionName, sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(regionName)); // Clear the access state sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); } else { // Hibernate may change the query SQL slightly, so we could either // have a modification or an access; either are OK boolean modified = sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(regionName); boolean accessed = sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); assertTrue("Query cache used " + regionName, modified || accessed); } log.info("First query on node 1 done"); // We now have the query cache region activated on both nodes. // Sleep a bit to allow async repl to happen sleep(SLEEP_TIME); // Do some more queries on node 0 assertEquals("Correct branch for Smith", "94536", sfsb0.getBranch(SMITH, useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); assertEquals("Correct high balances for Jones", 40, sfsb0.getTotalBalance(JONES, useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); assertTrue("Query cache used " + regionName, sfsb0.getSawRegionModification(regionName)); // Clear the access state sfsb0.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); log.info("Second set of queries on node0 done"); // Sleep a bit to allow async repl to happen sleep(SLEEP_TIME); // Do it again from node 1 // First check if the previous queries replicated (if the region is replicable) modifiedRemotely = sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(regionName); assertEquals("Query cache remotely modified " + regionName, !localOnly, modifiedRemotely); // Clear the access state sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); assertEquals("Correct branch for Smith", "94536", sfsb1.getBranch(SMITH, useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); assertEquals("Correct high balances for Jones", 40, sfsb1.getTotalBalance(JONES, useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); if (!modifiedRemotely) { // If not replicated before, local query should have cached it assertTrue("Query cache modified " + regionName, sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(regionName)); // Clear the access state sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); } else { // Hibernate may change the query SQL slightly, so we could either // have a modification or an access; either are OK boolean modified = sfsb1.getSawRegionModification(regionName); boolean accessed = sfsb1.getSawRegionAccess(regionName); assertTrue("Query cache used " + regionName, modified || accessed); } log.info("Second set of queries on node1 done"); // Modify underlying data on node 1 modifyEntities(sfsb1); // Confirm query results are correct on node 0 assertEquals("63088 has correct # of accounts", 7, sfsb0.getCountForBranch("63088", useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); assertEquals("Correct branch for Smith", "63088", sfsb0.getBranch(SMITH, useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); assertEquals("Correct high balances for Jones", 50, sfsb0.getTotalBalance(JONES, useNamedQuery, useNamedRegion)); log.info("Third set of queries on node0 done"); } protected void sleep(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Interrupted while sleeping", e); } } protected String createRegionName(String noPrefix) { String prefix = createCacheRegionPrefix(getEarName(), getJarName(), getPersistenceUnitName()); return "/" + prefix + "/" + noPrefix.replace('.', '/'); } protected String getEarName() { return EAR_NAME; } protected String getJarName() { return JAR_NAME; } protected String getPersistenceUnitName() { return PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME; } /** * FIXME this is a duplication of an implementation detail and makes * the whole test fragile. If the way the kernel name for a * PersistenceUnitDeployment is created changes leading to test failures, * this method should be changed. * * @param earName name of the ear containing the persistence unit, sans ".ear" * or null if there is no ear * @param jarName name of the jar containing the persistence unit, sans ".jar" * @param unitName name of the persistence unit * * @return string matching the expected kernel name of a PersistenceUnitDeployment * packaged */ public static String createCacheRegionPrefix(String earName, String jarName, String unitName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("persistence.unit:unitName="); if (earName != null) { sb.append(earName); sb.append(".ear/"); sb.append(jarName); sb.append(".jar"); } sb.append('#'); sb.append(unitName); return sb.toString(); } protected boolean isOptimistic() { return false; } }