/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.test.cluster.multicfg.test; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Vector; import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection; import javax.management.MBeanServerInvocationHandler; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.management.Notification; import junit.framework.Test; import org.jboss.test.JBossClusteredTestCase; import org.jboss.test.cluster.hapartition.ds.DistributedStateUser; import org.jboss.test.cluster.hapartition.ds.IDistributedState; import org.jboss.test.cluster.hapartition.ds.IDistributedState.NotifyData; import org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.rmi.RMIAdaptorExt; import org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.rmi.RMINotificationListener; /** Tests of http session replication * * @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org * @version $Revision: 85945 $ */ public class DistributedStateTestCase extends JBossClusteredTestCase { private static final String PARTITION_NAME = System.getProperty("jbosstest.partitionName", "DefaultPartition"); private static final String NOTIFY_KEY = "NotifyKey"; private static final String NOTIFY_VALUE = "NotifyValue"; // note - this static variable must match the category defined in ds-tests.sar private static final String NOTIFY_CATEGORY = "DistributedStateTestCase"; class TestListener extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RMINotificationListener { /** The serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3694780966459612453L; private String type = null; private Object data = null; TestListener() throws RemoteException { } public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) throws RemoteException { System.out.println(notification); type = notification.getType(); data = notification.getUserData(); } public String getNotificationType() { return type; } public Object getNotificationData() { return data; } } public static Test suite() throws Exception { Test t1 = getDeploySetup(DistributedStateTestCase.class, "ds-tests.sar"); return t1; } public DistributedStateTestCase(String name) { super(name); } public void testStateReplication() throws Exception { log.debug("+++ testStateReplication"); MBeanServerConnection[] adaptors = getAdaptors(); RMIAdaptorExt server0 = (RMIAdaptorExt) adaptors[0]; log.info("server0: "+server0); ObjectName clusterService = new ObjectName("jboss:service=HAPartition,partition=" + PARTITION_NAME); Vector view0 = (Vector) server0.getAttribute(clusterService, "CurrentView"); log.info("server0: CurrentView, "+view0); ObjectName dsService = new ObjectName("jboss.test:service=DistributedStateTestCase"); IDistributedState ds0 = (IDistributedState) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(server0, dsService, IDistributedState.class, true); TestListener listener0 = new TestListener(); server0.addNotificationListener(dsService, listener0, null, null); ds0.put("key0", "value0"); String value = (String) ds0.get("key0"); log.info("server0: get(key0): "+value); assertTrue("server0: value == value0", value.equals("value0")); RMIAdaptorExt server1 = (RMIAdaptorExt) adaptors[1]; log.info("server1: "+server1); Vector view1 = (Vector) server1.getAttribute(clusterService, "CurrentView"); log.info("server1: CurrentView, "+view1); IDistributedState ds1 = (IDistributedState) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(server1, dsService, IDistributedState.class, true); TestListener listener1 = new TestListener(); server1.addNotificationListener(dsService, listener1, null, null); value = (String) ds1.get("key0"); log.info("server1: get(key0): "+value); assertTrue("server1: value == value0", value.equals("value0")); ds1.put("key0", "value1"); value = (String) ds1.get("key0"); assertTrue("server1: value == value1("+value+")", value.equals("value1")); value = (String) ds0.get("key0"); assertTrue("server0: value == value1("+value+")", value.equals("value1")); ds1.put("key1", "value11"); Collection categories = ds0.listAllCategories(); log.info("server0: categories: " + categories); assertTrue("server0 has category " + NOTIFY_CATEGORY, categories.contains(NOTIFY_CATEGORY)); categories = ds1.listAllCategories(); log.info("server1: categories: " + categories); assertTrue("server1 has category " + NOTIFY_CATEGORY, categories.contains(NOTIFY_CATEGORY)); Collection keys = ds0.listAllKeys(NOTIFY_CATEGORY); log.info("server0: keys: " + keys); assertEquals("server0 keys size", 2, keys.size()); keys = ds1.listAllKeys(NOTIFY_CATEGORY); log.info("server1: keys: " + keys); assertEquals("server1 keys size", 2, keys.size()); Collection vals = ds0.listAllValues(NOTIFY_CATEGORY); log.info("server0: values: " + vals); assertEquals("server0 values size", 2, vals.size()); vals = ds1.listAllValues(NOTIFY_CATEGORY); log.info("server1: values: " + vals); assertEquals("server1 values size", 2, vals.size()); ds0.remove("key0"); value = (String) ds1.get("key0"); assertTrue("server1: value == null("+value+")", value == null); value = (String) ds0.get("key0"); assertTrue("server0: value == null("+value+")", value == null); // set a key/value on server0 and test its notifications on both servers ds0.put(NOTIFY_KEY, NOTIFY_VALUE); Thread.sleep(5000); // check the change notification on server0 String type = listener0.getNotificationType(); NotifyData data = (NotifyData)listener0.getNotificationData(); assertTrue("server0: change notification type = " + type, type.equals(DistributedStateUser.NOTIFY_CHANGE)); assertNotNull("server0: change notification data is null", data); String cat = data.category; String key = (String)data.key; String val = (String)data.value; boolean isLocal = data.locallyModified; assertTrue("server0: change notification category = " + cat, cat.equals(NOTIFY_CATEGORY)); assertTrue("server0: change notification key = " + key, key.equals(NOTIFY_KEY)); assertTrue("server0: change notification value = " + val, val.equals(NOTIFY_VALUE)); assertTrue("server0: change notification isLocal = " + isLocal, isLocal == true); // check the change notification on server1 type = listener1.getNotificationType(); data = (NotifyData)listener1.getNotificationData(); assertTrue("server1: change notification type = " + type, type.equals(DistributedStateUser.NOTIFY_CHANGE)); assertNotNull("server1: change notification data is null", data); cat = data.category; key = (String)data.key; val = (String)data.value; isLocal = data.locallyModified; assertTrue("server1: change notification category = " + cat, cat.equals(NOTIFY_CATEGORY)); assertTrue("server1: change notification key = " + key, key.equals(NOTIFY_KEY)); assertTrue("server1: change notification value = " + val, val.equals(NOTIFY_VALUE)); assertTrue("server1: change notification isLocal = " + isLocal, isLocal == false); // remove the key from server1 and check its notifications ds1.remove(NOTIFY_KEY); Thread.sleep(5000); // check the remove notification on server0 type = listener0.getNotificationType(); data = (NotifyData)listener0.getNotificationData(); assertTrue("server0: removal notification type = " + type, type.equals(DistributedStateUser.NOTIFY_REMOVAL)); assertNotNull("server0: removal notification data is null", data); cat = data.category; key = (String)data.key; val = (String)data.value; isLocal = data.locallyModified; assertTrue("server0: removal notification category = " + cat, cat.equals(NOTIFY_CATEGORY)); assertTrue("server0: removal notification key = " + key, key.equals(NOTIFY_KEY)); assertTrue("server01: removal notification value = " + val, val.equals(NOTIFY_VALUE)); assertTrue("server0: removal notification isLocal = " + isLocal, isLocal == false); // check the remove notification on server1 type = listener1.getNotificationType(); data = (NotifyData)listener1.getNotificationData(); assertTrue("server1: removal notification type = " + type, type.equals(DistributedStateUser.NOTIFY_REMOVAL)); assertNotNull("server1: removal notification data is null", data); cat = data.category; key = (String)data.key; val = (String)data.value; isLocal = data.locallyModified; assertTrue("server1: removal notification category = " + cat, cat.equals(NOTIFY_CATEGORY)); assertTrue("server1: removal notification key = " + key, key.equals(NOTIFY_KEY)); assertTrue("server1: removal notification value = " + val, val.equals(NOTIFY_VALUE)); assertTrue("server1: removal notification isLocal = " + isLocal, isLocal == true); } }