/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.test.cluster.multicfg.test; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import junit.framework.Test; import org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb2.crossserver.CalledHome; import org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb2.crossserver.CalledRemote; import org.jboss.test.JBossClusteredTestCase; import org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext; /** * HA-JNDI clustering tests. * * @author Jerry Gauthier * @author <a href="mailto:galder.zamarreno@jboss.com">Galder Zamarreno</a> * @version $Revision: 75732 $ */ public class HAJndiTestCase extends JBossClusteredTestCase { // ENVIRONMENT PROPERTIES private static final String NODE0 = System.getProperty("node0"); private static final String NODE0_JNDI = System.getProperty("node0.jndi.url"); private static final String NODE1_JNDI = System.getProperty("node1.jndi.url"); private static final String NODE0_HAJNDI = System.getProperty("node0.hajndi.url"); private static final String NODE1_HAJNDI = System.getProperty("node1.hajndi.url"); private static final String DISCOVERY_GROUP = System.getProperty("jbosstest.udpGroup"); private static final String DISCOVERY_TTL = System.getProperty("jbosstest.udp.ip_ttl", "1"); private static final String DISCOVERY_PARTITION = System.getProperty("jbosstest.partitionName", "DefaultPartition"); // BINDING SUBCONTEXT NAMES private static final String SUBCON1 = "subcontext1"; private static final String SUBCON1A = "subcontext1a"; private static final String SUBCON2 = "subcontext2"; // BINDING KEYS and VALUES private static final String LOCAL0_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.Local0Key"; private static final String LOCAL0_VALUE = "Local0Value"; private static final String LOCAL1_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.Local1Key"; private static final String LOCAL1_VALUE = "Local1Value"; private static final String GLOBAL0_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.Global0Key"; private static final String GLOBAL0_VALUE = "Global0Value"; private static final String CALLED_HOME_KEY = "cluster.ejb.CalledHome"; private static final String JNDI_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.JNDIKey"; private static final String JNDI_KEY3 = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.JNDIKey3"; private static final String SUB1_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.Sub1Key"; private static final String SUB2_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.Sub2Key"; private static final String SUB1A_KEY = "org.jboss.test.cluster.test.Sub1aKey"; private static final String JNDI_VALUE1 = "JNDIValue1"; private static final String JNDI_VALUE2 = "JNDIValue2"; private static final String JNDI_VALUE3 = "JNDIValue3"; private static final String SUB1_VALUE = "Sub1Value"; private static final String SUB2_VALUE = "Sub2Value"; private static final String SUB1A_VALUE = "Sub1aValue"; public HAJndiTestCase(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() throws Exception { return getDeploySetup(HAJndiTestCase.class, "cross-server.jar"); } /** * Test local bindings using local and HA-JNDI lookups * * @throws Exception */ public void testLocalBinding() throws Exception { getLog().debug("HAJndiTestCase.testLocalBinding()"); validateUrls(); // bind to node0 locally Context naming = getContext(NODE0_JNDI); naming.bind(LOCAL0_KEY, LOCAL0_VALUE); closeContext(naming); // lookup binding locally on Node0 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE0_JNDI); String value = (String)lookup(naming, LOCAL0_KEY, true); closeContext(naming); assertEquals("lookup local binding on same server", LOCAL0_VALUE, value); // lookup binding locally on Node1 - should fail naming = getContext(NODE1_JNDI); value = (String)lookup(naming, LOCAL0_KEY, false); closeContext(naming); assertNull("lookup local binding on different server in cluster", value); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node0 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); value = (String)lookup(naming, LOCAL0_KEY, true); closeContext(naming); assertEquals("lookup local binding on same server using HA-JNDI", LOCAL0_VALUE, value); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node1 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE1_HAJNDI); value = (String)lookup(naming, LOCAL0_KEY, true); closeContext(naming); assertEquals("lookup local binding on different server in cluster using HA-JNDI", LOCAL0_VALUE, value); } /** * Test HA-JNDI bindings using local and HA-JNDI lookups * * @throws Exception */ public void testHAJndiBinding() throws Exception { getLog().debug("HAJndiTestCase.testHAJndiBinding()"); validateUrls(); // bind to node0 using HA-JNDI Context naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); naming.bind(GLOBAL0_KEY, GLOBAL0_VALUE); closeContext(naming); // lookup binding locally on Node0 - should fail naming = getContext(NODE0_JNDI); String value = (String)lookup(naming, GLOBAL0_KEY, false); closeContext(naming); assertNull("lookup HA-JNDI binding on same server using local JNDI", value); // lookup binding locally on Node1 - should fail naming = getContext(NODE1_JNDI); value = (String)lookup(naming, GLOBAL0_KEY, false); closeContext(naming); assertNull("lookup HA-JNDI binding on different server in cluster using local JNDI", value); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node0 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); value = (String)lookup(naming, GLOBAL0_KEY, true); closeContext(naming); assertEquals("lookup HA-JNDI binding on same server using HA-JNDI", GLOBAL0_VALUE, value); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node1 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE1_HAJNDI); value = (String)lookup(naming, GLOBAL0_KEY, true); closeContext(naming); assertEquals("lookup HA-JNDI binding on different server in cluster using HA-JNDI", GLOBAL0_VALUE, value); } /** * Test HA-JNDI operations * * @throws Exception */ public void testHAJndiOperations() throws Exception { getLog().debug("HAJndiTestCase.testHAJndiOperations()"); validateUrls(); // bind to node0 using HA-JNDI Context naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); naming.bind(JNDI_KEY, JNDI_VALUE1); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node0 - should succeed String value = (String)lookup(naming, JNDI_KEY, true); assertEquals("lookup after initial HA-JNDI binding operation", JNDI_VALUE1, value); // bind it again - this should fail with NameAlreadyBoundException try { naming.bind(JNDI_KEY, JNDI_VALUE1); fail("binding key a second time in HA-JNDI should throw NamingException"); } catch (NamingException ne) { assertTrue("binding key a second time in HA-JNDI should throw NamingException", ne instanceof NamingException); } // rebind it using a different value naming.rebind(JNDI_KEY, JNDI_VALUE2); // lookup binding - should return new value value = (String)lookup(naming, JNDI_KEY, true); assertEquals("lookup after HA-JNDI rebind operation", JNDI_VALUE2, value); // unbind it naming.unbind(JNDI_KEY); // lookup binding - should fail with NamingException value = (String)lookup(naming, JNDI_KEY, false); assertNull("lookup after HA-JNDI unbind operation", value); closeContext(naming); } /** * Test HA-JNDI bindings using subcontexts * * @throws Exception */ public void testHAJndiSubcontexts() throws Exception { getLog().debug("HAJndiTestCase.testHAJndiSubcontexts()"); validateUrls(); // create subcontexts Context naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); Context sub1 = naming.createSubcontext(SUBCON1); Context sub2 = naming.createSubcontext(SUBCON2); Context sub1a = sub1.createSubcontext(SUBCON1A); // bind something to each subcontext sub1.bind(SUB1_KEY, SUB1_VALUE); sub2.bind(SUB2_KEY, SUB2_VALUE); sub1a.bind(SUB1A_KEY, SUB1A_VALUE); // close contexts naming.close(); sub1.close(); sub2.close(); sub1a.close(); // lookup bindings using HA-JNDI on Node0 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); sub1 = (Context)lookup(naming, SUBCON1, true); String value = (String)lookup(sub1, SUB1_KEY, true); assertEquals("lookup subcontext HA-JNDI binding on same server in cluster using HA-JNDI", SUB1_VALUE, value); // lookup bindings using HA-JNDI on Node1 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE1_HAJNDI); sub2 = (Context)lookup(naming, SUBCON2, true); value = (String)lookup(sub2, SUB2_KEY, true); assertEquals("lookup subcontext HA-JNDI binding on different server in cluster using HA-JNDI", SUB2_VALUE, value); sub1a = (Context)lookup(naming, SUBCON1 + "/" + SUBCON1A, true); value = (String)lookup(sub1a, SUB1A_KEY, true); assertEquals("lookup nested subcontext HA-JNDI binding on different server in cluster using HA-JNDI", SUB1A_VALUE, value); naming.close(); sub1.close(); sub2.close(); sub1a.close(); } /** * Test EJB Bindings using local and HA-JNDI lookups * * @throws Exception */ public void testEJBBinding() throws Exception { getLog().debug("HAJndiTestCase.testEJBBinding()"); validateUrls(); // CalledHome EJB is contained in cross-server.jar and bound during deployment // lookup binding locally on Node0 - should succeed Context naming = getContext(NODE0_JNDI); CalledHome home = (CalledHome)lookup(naming, CALLED_HOME_KEY, true); if (home != null) { // ensure that EJB is operational CalledRemote remote = home.create(); remote.remove(); } closeContext(naming); assertNotNull("lookup EJB binding on same server using local JNDI", home); // lookup binding locally on Node1 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE1_JNDI); home = (CalledHome)lookup(naming, CALLED_HOME_KEY, true); if (home != null) { // ensure that EJB is operational CalledRemote remote = home.create(); remote.remove(); } closeContext(naming); assertNotNull("lookup EJB binding on different server in cluster using local JNDI", home); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node0 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); home = (CalledHome)lookup(naming, CALLED_HOME_KEY, true); if (home != null) { // ensure that EJB is operational CalledRemote remote = home.create(); remote.remove(); } closeContext(naming); assertNotNull("lookup EJB binding on same server using HA-JNDI", home); // lookup binding using HA-JNDI on Node1 - should succeed naming = getContext(NODE1_HAJNDI); home = (CalledHome)lookup(naming, CALLED_HOME_KEY, true); if (home != null) { // ensure that EJB is operational CalledRemote remote = home.create(); remote.remove(); } closeContext(naming); assertNotNull("lookup EJB binding on different server in cluster using HA-JNDI", home); } /** * Test HA-JNDI AutoDiscovery * * @throws Exception */ public void testAutoDiscovery() throws Exception { getLog().debug("HAJndiTestCase.testAutoDiscovery()"); validateUrls(); // this test doesn't run properly if node0=localhost or node0= // because the jndi code would find localhost:1099 server and would use // that one if (NODE0 != null && (NODE0.equalsIgnoreCase("localhost") || NODE0.equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { getLog().debug("testAutoDiscovery() - test skipped because node0=localhost"); return; } // bind to node1 locally Context naming = getContext(NODE1_JNDI); naming.bind(LOCAL1_KEY, LOCAL1_VALUE); closeContext(naming); // bind to node0 using HA-JNDI naming = getContext(NODE0_HAJNDI); naming.bind(JNDI_KEY3, JNDI_VALUE3); closeContext(naming); //create context with AutoDiscovery enabled naming = getAutoDiscoveryContext(false); // lookup local binding using HA-JNDI AutoDiscovery - should succeed String value = (String)lookup(naming, LOCAL1_KEY, true); assertEquals("local lookup with AutoDiscovery enabled", LOCAL1_VALUE, value); // lookup HA binding using HA-JNDI AutoDiscovery - should succeed value = (String)lookup(naming, JNDI_KEY3, true); assertEquals("lookup of HA-JNDI binding with AutoDiscovery enabled", JNDI_VALUE3, value); // now disable AutoDiscovery and confirm that the same lookups fail closeContext(naming); naming = getAutoDiscoveryContext(true); // lookup local binding without HA-JNDI AutoDiscovery - should fail value = (String)lookup(naming, LOCAL1_KEY, false); assertNull("local lookup with AutoDiscovery disabled", value); // lookup HA binding without HA-JNDI AutoDiscovery - should fail value = (String)lookup(naming, JNDI_KEY3, false); assertNull("lookup of HA-JNDI binding with AutoDiscovery disabled", value); closeContext(naming); } private Context getContext(String url) throws Exception { Properties env = new Properties(); env.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"); env.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url); env.setProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"); Context naming = new InitialContext (env); return naming; } private Context getAutoDiscoveryContext(boolean autoDisabled) throws Exception { // do not add any urls to the context Properties env = new Properties(); env.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"); env.setProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"); // Don't let the discovery packet off the test server so we don't // get spurious responses from other servers on the network env.setProperty(NamingContext.JNP_DISCOVERY_TTL, DISCOVERY_TTL); if (autoDisabled) { env.put(NamingContext.JNP_DISABLE_DISCOVERY, "true"); } else { if (DISCOVERY_GROUP != null && "".equals(DISCOVERY_GROUP) == false) { // Use the multicast address this test environment is using env.put(NamingContext.JNP_DISCOVERY_GROUP, DISCOVERY_GROUP); } if (DISCOVERY_PARTITION != null && "".equals(DISCOVERY_PARTITION) == false) { // Limit to the partition this test environment is using env.put(NamingContext.JNP_PARTITION_NAME, DISCOVERY_PARTITION); } } Context naming = new InitialContext (env); return naming; } private void closeContext(Context context) { try { context.close(); } catch (NamingException e) { // no action required } } private Object lookup(Context context, String name, boolean failIfMissing) { try { Object o = context.lookup(name); log.info(name + " binding value: " + o); return o; } catch (NamingException e) { if (failIfMissing) { String msg = "Name " + name + " not found. " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); log.info(msg, e); fail(msg); } else { log.debug("Name " + name + " not found."); } return null; } } private void validateUrls() throws Exception { if (NODE0_JNDI == null) throw new Exception("node0.jndi.url not defined."); if (NODE1_JNDI == null) throw new Exception("node1.jndi.url not defined."); if (NODE0_HAJNDI == null) throw new Exception("node0.hajndi.url not defined."); if (NODE1_HAJNDI == null) throw new Exception("node1.hajndi.url not defined."); } }