/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.management.j2ee; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException; import javax.management.ObjectName; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * The JBoss JSR-77.3.16 implementation of the WebModule model * * @author <a href="mailto:andreas@jboss.org">Andreas Schaefer</a> * @author <a href="mailto:scott.stark@jboss.org">Scott Stark</a> * @author <a href="mailto:thomas.diesler@jboss.org">Thomas Diesler</a> * @version $Revision: 81025 $ */ public class WebModule extends J2EEModule implements WebModuleMBean { private static final String[] eventTypes = {NotificationConstants.OBJECT_CREATED, NotificationConstants.OBJECT_DELETED}; // Attributes ---------------------------------------------------- private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WebModule.class); /** * list of Servlet names as strings */ private List servletNames = new ArrayList(); private String jbossWebDD; /** * used to see if we should remove our parent when we are destroyed. */ private static final Map fakeJ2EEApps = new HashMap(); // Static -------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates the JSR-77 WebModule * * @param mbeanServer MBeanServer the WebModule is created on * @param earName Name of the Application but if null object then it * is a standalone module (no EAR wrapper around) * @param warName Name of the war * @param pURL URL path to the local deployment of the module (where to find the DD file) * @param webContainerName the JBoss web container mbean name */ public static ObjectName create(MBeanServer mbeanServer, String earName, String warName, URL pURL, ObjectName webContainerName) { String webXml = null; String jbossWebXml = null; ObjectName jsr77ParentName = null; ObjectName lCreated = null; ObjectName j2eeServerName = J2EEDomain.getDomainServerName(mbeanServer); ObjectName jsr77Name = null; try { // Get the J2EEServer name Hashtable props = j2eeServerName.getKeyPropertyList(); String j2eeServer = props.get(J2EEManagedObject.TYPE) + "=" + props.get("name"); if (earName == null) { // If there is no ear use the J2EEServer as the parent jsr77ParentName = j2eeServerName; } else { // Query for the J2EEApplication matching earName ObjectName lApplicationQuery = new ObjectName(J2EEDomain.getDomainName() + ":" + J2EEManagedObject.TYPE + "=" + J2EETypeConstants.J2EEApplication + "," + "name=" + earName + "," + j2eeServer + "," + "*"); Set lApplications = mbeanServer.queryNames(lApplicationQuery, null); if (lApplications.isEmpty()) { lCreated = J2EEApplication.create(mbeanServer, earName, null); jsr77ParentName = lCreated; } // end of if () else if (lApplications.size() == 1) { jsr77ParentName = (ObjectName) lApplications.iterator().next(); } // end of if () } // Get the J2EE deployement descriptor webXml = J2EEDeployedObject.getDeploymentDescriptor(pURL, J2EEDeployedObject.WEB); // Get the JBoss Web deployement descriptor jbossWebXml = J2EEDeployedObject.getDeploymentDescriptor(pURL, J2EEDeployedObject.JBOSS_WEB); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not create JSR-77 WebModule: " + warName, e); return null; } try { // Get JVM of the j2eeServer String[] jvms = (String[]) mbeanServer.getAttribute(j2eeServerName, "javaVMs"); WebModule webModule = new WebModule(warName, jsr77ParentName, jvms, webXml, webContainerName, jbossWebXml); jsr77Name = webModule.getObjectName(); mbeanServer.registerMBean(webModule, jsr77Name); //remember if we created our parent, if we did we have to kill it on destroy. if (lCreated != null) { fakeJ2EEApps.put(jsr77Name, lCreated); } // end of if () log.debug("Created JSR-77 WebModule: " + jsr77Name); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not create JSR-77 WebModule: " + warName, e); return null; } return jsr77Name; } /** * Destroy a JSR-77 WebModule * * @param mbeanServer The JMX MBeanServer the desired WebModule is registered on * @param jsr77Name the JSR77 EJBModule component ObjectName */ public static void destroy(MBeanServer mbeanServer, ObjectName jsr77Name) { try { mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(jsr77Name); log.debug("Remove JSR-77 WebModule: " + jsr77Name); ObjectName jsr77ParentName = (ObjectName) fakeJ2EEApps.get(jsr77Name); if (jsr77ParentName != null) { log.debug("Remove fake JSR-77 parent Application: " + jsr77ParentName); J2EEApplication.destroy(mbeanServer, jsr77ParentName); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Could not destroy JSR-77 WebModule: " + jsr77Name, e); } } // Constructors -------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor taking the Name of this Object * * @param warName Name to be set which must not be null * @param j2eeAppName the name of the parent JSR77 model component * @param jvms the names of the deployment env JVM JSR77 model components * @param webDD the web.xml descriptor text * @param webContainerName the JBoss web container service name for the war * @param jbossWebDD the jboss-web.xml descriptor text */ public WebModule(String warName, ObjectName j2eeAppName, String[] jvms, String webDD, ObjectName webContainerName, String jbossWebDD) throws MalformedObjectNameException, InvalidParentException { super(J2EETypeConstants.WebModule, warName, j2eeAppName, jvms, webDD); this.jbossWebDD = (jbossWebDD == null ? "" : jbossWebDD); } // Public -------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return the associated servlet names as Strings. * * @jmx:managed-attribute */ public String[] getservlets() { String[] servlets = new String[servletNames.size()]; servletNames.toArray(servlets); return servlets; } /** * @jmx:managed-operation */ public String getservlet(int pIndex) { if (pIndex >= 0 && pIndex < servletNames.size()) { return (String) servletNames.get(pIndex); } else { return null; } } /** * @jmx:managed-attribute */ public String getjbossWebDeploymentDescriptor() { return jbossWebDD; } // J2EEManagedObjectMBean implementation ------------------------- public void addChild(ObjectName pChild) { String lType = J2EEManagedObject.getType(pChild); if (J2EETypeConstants.Servlet.equals(lType) ) { servletNames.add(pChild.getCanonicalName()); } } public void removeChild(ObjectName pChild) { String lType = J2EEManagedObject.getType(pChild); if (J2EETypeConstants.Servlet.equals(lType)) { servletNames.remove(pChild.getCanonicalName()); } } // javax.managment.j2ee.EventProvider implementation ------------- public String[] getEventTypes() { return eventTypes; } public String getEventType(int index) { String type = null; if (index >= 0 && index < eventTypes.length) { type = eventTypes[index]; } return type; } public void postCreation() { sendNotification(NotificationConstants.OBJECT_CREATED, "Web module created"); } public void preDestruction() { sendNotification(NotificationConstants.OBJECT_DELETED, "Web module destroyed"); } // Object overrides --------------------------------------------------- public String toString() { return "WebModule[ " + super.toString() + ", Servlets: " + servletNames + ", JBoss-Web-DD: " + jbossWebDD + " ]"; } // Package protected --------------------------------------------- // Protected ----------------------------------------------------- /** * @param jsr77ParentName the WebModule parent's JSR77 ObjectName * @return A hashtable with the J2EE-Application and J2EE-Server as parent */ protected Hashtable getParentKeys(ObjectName jsr77ParentName) { Hashtable parentKeys = new Hashtable(); Hashtable parentProps = jsr77ParentName.getKeyPropertyList(); String parentName = (String) parentProps.get("name"); String j2eeType = (String) parentProps.get(J2EEManagedObject.TYPE); // Check if parent is a J2EEServer or J2EEApplication if (j2eeType.equals(J2EETypeConstants.J2EEApplication) == false) { // J2EEServer parentKeys.put(J2EETypeConstants.J2EEServer, parentName); parentKeys.put(J2EETypeConstants.J2EEApplication, "null"); } else { // J2EEApplication parentKeys.put(J2EETypeConstants.J2EEApplication, parentName); String j2eeServerName = (String) parentProps.get(J2EETypeConstants.J2EEServer); parentKeys.put(J2EETypeConstants.J2EEServer, j2eeServerName); } return parentKeys; } // Private ------------------------------------------------------- // Inner classes ------------------------------------------------- }