package org.isatools.isacreator.protocolselector; import org.isatools.isacreator.common.UIHelper; import org.isatools.isacreator.model.Protocol; import org.jdesktop.fuse.InjectedResource; import org.jdesktop.fuse.ResourceInjector; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * Created by the ISA team * * @author Eamonn Maguire ( * <p/> * Date: 08/08/2011 * Time: 12:24 */ public class ProtocolSelectorListCellRenderer extends JComponent implements ListCellRenderer { @InjectedResource private ImageIcon selectedIcon; private Color selectedBackgroundColor = new Color(141, 198, 63, 10); JLabel selectedIconContainer; /** * CustomListCellRenderer Constructor */ public ProtocolSelectorListCellRenderer() { ResourceInjector.get("").inject(this); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); selectedIconContainer = new JLabel(selectedIcon); add(selectedIconContainer, BorderLayout.EAST); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(205, 30)); add(new ProtocolInformationPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER); setBorder(null); } /** * Sets all list values to have a white background and green foreground. * * @param jList - List to render * @param val - value of list item being rendered. * @param index - list index for value to be renderered. * @param selected - is the value selected? * @param cellGotFocus - has the cell got focus? * @return - The CustomListCellRendered Component. */ public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList jList, Object val, int index, boolean selected, boolean cellGotFocus) { //image.checkIsIdEntered(selected); Component[] components = getComponents(); for (Component c : components) { c.setBackground(selected ? selectedBackgroundColor : Color.WHITE); if (c instanceof ProtocolInformationPane) { ProtocolInformationPane protocolInformationPane = (ProtocolInformationPane) c; if (val instanceof Protocol) { Protocol protocol = (Protocol) val; protocolInformationPane.setProtocolName(protocol.getProtocolName()); protocolInformationPane.setProtocolType(protocol.getProtocolType()); } else { protocolInformationPane.setProtocolName(val.toString()); } protocolInformationPane.setSelected(selected); } if (selected) { c.setFont(UIHelper.VER_11_BOLD); } else { c.setFont(UIHelper.VER_11_PLAIN); } } return this; } class ProtocolInformationPane extends JPanel { private Color lessTransparentSampleName = new Color(141, 198, 63, 70); private Color lessTransparentAdditionInfo = new Color(0, 104, 56, 70); private JLabel protocolName; private JLabel protocolType; ProtocolInformationPane() { setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); setOpaque(false); protocolName = UIHelper.createLabel("", UIHelper.VER_12_BOLD, UIHelper.LIGHT_GREEN_COLOR); protocolType = UIHelper.createLabel("", UIHelper.VER_8_PLAIN, UIHelper.DARK_GREEN_COLOR); protocolType.setSize(new Dimension(160, 10)); add(protocolName); add(protocolType); } public void setProtocolName(String sampleNameText) { protocolName.setText(sampleNameText); } public void setProtocolType(String additionalInfoText) { protocolType.setText(additionalInfoText); } public void setSelected(boolean selected) { protocolName.setForeground(selected ? UIHelper.LIGHT_GREEN_COLOR : lessTransparentSampleName); protocolType.setForeground(selected ? UIHelper.DARK_GREEN_COLOR : lessTransparentAdditionInfo); selectedIconContainer.setIcon(selected ? selectedIcon : null); } } }