package; import org.isatools.isacreator.ontologymanager.OntologyManager; import org.isatools.isacreator.ontologymanager.common.OntologyTerm; import org.isatools.isacreator.settings.ISAcreatorProperties; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by the ISA team * * @author Eamonn Maguire ( * <p/> * Date: 17/03/2011 * Time: 11:06 */ public class IOUtils { public static final String TERM = "term"; public static final String SOURCE_REF = "term source"; public static final String ACCESSION = "term accession"; /** * * Given the full header (e.g. Characteristics[OBI:organism]) returns the header value inside the square brackets (e.g. OBI:organism). * * @param header * @return */ public static String getHeaderValue(String header){ if (header.contains("[")) return header.substring(header.indexOf('[') + 1, header.indexOf("]")); return null; } public static String getHeaderName(String header){ if (header.contains("[")) return header.substring(0, header.indexOf('[')); return null; } /** * Ontology terms are detected when there is a presence of 3 values in the field set with the same base name and * the words "Term Accession Number" & "Term Source Ref" are found. * * @param fieldNames - field names for the ISA section @see Set<String> * @return Map from hashcode for field to a Map indicating which fields are source refs, terms and term accessions. */ public static Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> getOntologyTerms(Set<String> fieldNames) { Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> fields = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, String>>(); if (fieldNames != null) { Set<String> ontologyFields = filterFields(fieldNames, ACCESSION, SOURCE_REF); for (String ontologyValues : ontologyFields) { String actualFieldName = ontologyValues.substring(0, ontologyValues.toLowerCase().indexOf("term")).trim(); int hash = actualFieldName.hashCode(); if (!fields.containsKey(hash)) { fields.put(hash, new HashMap<String, String>()); if (actualFieldName.contains("[")) { actualFieldName += "]"; } fields.get(hash).put(TERM, actualFieldName); } if (ontologyValues.toLowerCase().contains(ACCESSION)) { fields.get(hash).put(ACCESSION, ontologyValues); } else if (ontologyValues.toLowerCase().contains(SOURCE_REF)) { fields.get(hash).put(SOURCE_REF, ontologyValues); } } } return fields; } public static Set<String> filterFields(Set<String> toFilter, String... filters) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); for (String value : toFilter) { for (String filter : filters) { if (value.toLowerCase().contains(filter)) { result.add(value); } } } return result; } /** * Outputs ontology fields as a string for output in ISA-Tab * * @param ontologyTerms * @param fieldValues * @return */ public static Map<String, String> processOntologyField(Map<String, String> ontologyTerms, Map<String, String> fieldValues) { String term = fieldValues.get(ontologyTerms.get(IOUtils.TERM)); // At this point, we not have the term, accession and source ref fields. Next, is to set them to their correct values String tmpTerm = ""; String tmpAccession = ""; String tmpSourceRefs = ""; if (term != null && term.contains(";")) { // then we have multiple values String[] ontologies = term.split(";"); int numberAdded = 0; for (String ontologyTerm : ontologies) { OntologyTerm oo = OntologyManager.getOntologyTerm(ontologyTerm); if (oo != null) { tmpTerm += oo.getOntologyTermName(); tmpAccession += oo.getOntologyTermAccession(); tmpSourceRefs += oo.getOntologySource(); } else { if (term.contains(":")) { String[] termAndSource = term.split(":"); if (termAndSource.length > 1) { tmpSourceRefs += termAndSource[0]; tmpTerm += termAndSource[1]; } else { tmpTerm = termAndSource[0]; } } else { tmpTerm += ontologyTerm; } } if (numberAdded < ontologies.length - 1) { tmpTerm += ";"; tmpAccession += ";"; tmpSourceRefs += ";"; } numberAdded++; } } else if (term != null && term.contains(":")) { System.out.println("Getting ontology object for " + term); OntologyTerm oo = OntologyManager.getOntologyTerm(term); System.out.println("oo = " + oo); tmpTerm = term; tmpAccession = ""; tmpSourceRefs = ""; if (oo != null && oo.getOntologyTermName() != null) { tmpTerm = oo.getOntologyTermName(); tmpAccession = ISAcreatorProperties.getProperty("ontologyTermURI").equals("true") ? oo.getOntologyTermURI() : oo.getOntologyTermAccession(); tmpSourceRefs = oo.getOntologySource(); System.out.println("Got ontology term... good times. Term is now " + tmpTerm); } else { if (term.contains(":")) { String[] termAndSource = term.split(":"); if (ISAcreatorProperties.getOntologyTermURIProperty()){ tmpSourceRefs = ""; } else { tmpSourceRefs = termAndSource[0]; } if (termAndSource.length == 2) { tmpTerm = termAndSource[1]; } else { tmpTerm = ""; } } } } Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); result.put(ontologyTerms.get(IOUtils.TERM), tmpTerm); result.put(ontologyTerms.get(IOUtils.ACCESSION), tmpAccession); result.put(ontologyTerms.get(IOUtils.SOURCE_REF), tmpSourceRefs); return result; } }