package org.isatools.isacreator.managers; import org.isatools.isacreator.autofiltercombo.AutoFilterComboCellEditor; import org.isatools.isacreator.configuration.MappingObject; import; import org.isatools.isacreator.spreadsheet.model.TableReferenceObject; import java.util.*; /** * Created by the ISA team * * @author Eamonn Maguire ( * <p/> * Date: 10/07/2012 * Time: 14:07 */ public class ConfigurationManager { private static List<TableReferenceObject> assayDefinitions; private static List<MappingObject> mappings; /** * Loads ISA configurations * * @param configDirectory directory with configuration files */ public static void loadConfigurations(String configDirectory) { if (configDirectory != null) { ConfigXMLParser configXMLParser = new ConfigXMLParser(configDirectory); configXMLParser.loadConfiguration(); mappings = configXMLParser.getMappings(); assayDefinitions = configXMLParser.getTables(); } } /** * @return a list of MappingObjects */ public static List<MappingObject> getMappings() { return mappings; } /** * Retrieves the measurement endpoints * * @return array of strings with measurement endpoints */ public static String[] getMeasurementEndpoints() { List<MappingObject> assayToTypeMapping = getMappings(); Set<String> measTypeSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (MappingObject mo : assayToTypeMapping) { if (!mo.getTechnologyType().equals("n/a") && !mo.getMeasurementEndpointType().equalsIgnoreCase("[sample]") && !mo.getMeasurementEndpointType().equalsIgnoreCase("[investigation]")) { measTypeSet.add(mo.getMeasurementEndpointType()); } } List<String> tempMeasTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); tempMeasTypes.addAll(measTypeSet); Collections.sort(tempMeasTypes); return tempMeasTypes.toArray(new String[tempMeasTypes.size()]); } /** * Retrieves technology types * * @return array of strings */ public static String[] getTechnologyTypes() { List<MappingObject> assayToTypeMapping = getMappings(); Set<String> techTypeSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (MappingObject mo : assayToTypeMapping) { if (!mo.getTechnologyType().equals("n/a") && !mo.getTechnologyType().equals("")) { techTypeSet.add(mo.getTechnologyType()); } } List<String> tempTechTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); tempTechTypes.addAll(techTypeSet); Collections.sort(tempTechTypes); tempTechTypes.add(0, AutoFilterComboCellEditor.BLANK_VALUE); return tempTechTypes.toArray(new String[tempTechTypes.size()]); } /** * Retrives the allowed technologies per endpoint * * @return map of string and string list */ public static Map<String, List<String>> getAllowedTechnologiesPerEndpoint() { Map<String, List<String>> measToAllowedTechs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (MappingObject mo : getMappings()) { if (!measToAllowedTechs.containsKey(mo.getMeasurementEndpointType())) { measToAllowedTechs.put(mo.getMeasurementEndpointType(), new ArrayList<String>()); } measToAllowedTechs.get(mo.getMeasurementEndpointType()).add(mo.getTechnologyType()); } return measToAllowedTechs; } public static TableReferenceObject searchMappingsForMatch(String measurementEndpoint, String technologyType) { for (MappingObject mo : getMappings()) { if (mo.getMeasurementEndpointType().equalsIgnoreCase(measurementEndpoint) && mo.getTechnologyType().equalsIgnoreCase(technologyType)) { for (TableReferenceObject tro : assayDefinitions) { if (tro.getTableName().equalsIgnoreCase(mo.getAssayName())) { return tro; } } } } return null; } /** * Select the TableReferenceObject which is required for a given measurement endpoint * and technology type using the MappingObject. * * @param measurementEndpoint - e.g. Gene Expression * @param techType e.g. DNA Microarray * @return TableReferenceObject if one exists, null otherwise. */ public static TableReferenceObject selectTROForUserSelection( String measurementEndpoint, String techType) { measurementEndpoint = getTrimmedName(measurementEndpoint); techType = getTrimmedName(techType); TableReferenceObject matchedReferenceObject = searchMappingsForMatch(measurementEndpoint, techType); // attempt use of wildcard configuration for loading. if(matchedReferenceObject == null) { matchedReferenceObject = searchMappingsForMatch("*", "*"); } return matchedReferenceObject; } private static String getTrimmedName(String string) { string = string.contains(":") ? string.substring(string.lastIndexOf(":") + 1) : string; return string; } /** * Select the TableReferenceObject which is required for a given tableType * * @param tableType - e.g. study sample or investigation * @return TableReferenceObject if one exists, null otherwise. */ public static TableReferenceObject selectTROForUserSelection( String tableType) { for (MappingObject mo : mappings) { if (mo.getTableType().equals(tableType)) { for (TableReferenceObject tro : assayDefinitions) { if (tro.getTableName().equalsIgnoreCase(mo.getAssayName())) { return new TableReferenceObject(tro.getTableFields()); } } } } return null; } public static MappingObject getMappingObjectForMeasurementAndTechnology(String measurementEndpoint, String techType) { measurementEndpoint = getTrimmedName(measurementEndpoint); techType = getTrimmedName(techType); for (MappingObject mappingObject : mappings) { if (mappingObject.getMeasurementEndpointType().equals(measurementEndpoint) && mappingObject.getTechnologyType().equals(techType)) { return mappingObject; } } return null; } /** * Sets the mappings object. * * @param mappings list of MappingObjects */ public static void setMappings(List<MappingObject> mappings) { ConfigurationManager.mappings = mappings; } /** * Sets the assayDefinitions object * * @param assayDefinitions list of TableReferenceObjects */ public static void setAssayDefinitions(List<TableReferenceObject> assayDefinitions) { ConfigurationManager.assayDefinitions = assayDefinitions; } }