package org.isatools.isacreator.model; /** * Created by the ISA team * * @author Eamonn Maguire ( * <p/> * Date: 09/03/2011 * Time: 10:10 */ public class StudyContact extends Contact { public static final String CONTACT_LAST_NAME = "Study Person Last Name"; public static final String CONTACT_FIRST_NAME = "Study Person First Name"; public static final String CONTACT_MID_INITIAL = "Study Person Mid Initials"; public static final String CONTACT_EMAIL = "Study Person Email"; public static final String CONTACT_PHONE = "Study Person Phone"; public static final String CONTACT_FAX = "Study Person Fax"; public static final String CONTACT_ADDRESS = "Study Person Address"; public static final String CONTACT_AFFILIATION = "Study Person Affiliation"; public static final String CONTACT_ROLE = "Study Person Roles"; public static final String CONTACT_ROLE_TERM_ACCESSION = "Study Person Roles Term Accession Number"; public static final String CONTACT_ROLE_TERM_SOURCE_REF = "Study Person Roles Term Source REF"; public StudyContact() { this("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } /** * Contact Constructor * * @param lastName - last name of contact * @param firstName - first name of contact * @param midInitial - initial(s) for contact * @param email - email address * @param phone - phone no * @param fax - fax no * @param address - address * @param affiliation - where they are from e.g.EBI * @param role - persons role e.g. curator. */ public StudyContact(String lastName, String firstName, String midInitial, String email, String phone, String fax, String address, String affiliation, String role) { this(lastName, firstName, midInitial, email, phone, fax, address, affiliation, role, "", ""); } /** * Contact Constructor * * @param lastName - last name of contact * @param firstName - first name of contact * @param midInitial - initial(s) for contact * @param email - email address * @param phone - phone no * @param fax - fax no * @param address - address * @param affiliation - where they are from e.g.EBI * @param role - persons role e.g. curator. * @param roleTermAccession - accession for the role term. * @param roleTermSourceRef - source ref for the role term. */ public StudyContact(String lastName, String firstName, String midInitial, String email, String phone, String fax, String address, String affiliation, String role, String roleTermAccession, String roleTermSourceRef) { super(); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_LAST_NAME, lastName); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_FIRST_NAME, firstName); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_MID_INITIAL, midInitial); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_EMAIL, email); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_PHONE, phone); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_FAX, fax); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_ADDRESS, address); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_AFFILIATION, affiliation); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_ROLE, role); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_ROLE_TERM_ACCESSION, roleTermAccession); fieldValues.put(CONTACT_ROLE_TERM_SOURCE_REF, roleTermSourceRef); } /** * Returns the Contact's address. * * @return String representing the Contacts address */ public String getAddress() { return getValue(CONTACT_ADDRESS); } /** * Returns the Contact's affiliation. * * @return String representing the Contacts affiliation */ public String getAffiliation() { return getValue(CONTACT_AFFILIATION); } /** * Returns the Contact's email. * * @return String representing the Contacts email */ public String getEmail() { return getValue(CONTACT_EMAIL); } /** * Returns the Contact's fax number. * * @return String representing the Contacts number */ public String getFax() { return getValue(CONTACT_FAX); } /** * Returns the Contact's First name (forename). * * @return String representing the Contacts First name (forename) */ public String getFirstName() { return getValue(CONTACT_FIRST_NAME); } /** * Returns the Contact's identifier. This method is required by the Implemented Class. * * @return String representing the Contacts First name (forename) , Last name (surname) & email address * @see org.isatools.isacreator.gui.StudySubData */ public String getIdentifier() { return getFirstName() + " " + getLastName() + " " + getEmail(); } /** * Returns the Contact's Last name (surname). * * @return String representing the Contacts Last name (surname) */ public String getLastName() { return getValue(CONTACT_LAST_NAME); } /** * Returns the Contact's Mid Initial. * * @return String representing the Contacts Mid Initial */ public String getMidInitial() { return getValue(CONTACT_MID_INITIAL); } /** * Returns the Contact's Phone. * * @return String representing the Contacts Phone */ public String getPhone() { return getValue(CONTACT_PHONE); } /** * Returns the Contact's Role. * * @return String representing the Contacts Role */ public String getRole() { return getValue(CONTACT_ROLE); } /** * Returns the Contact's Role Term Accession. * * @return String representing the Contacts Role Term Accession */ public String getRoleTermAccession() { return getValue(CONTACT_ROLE_TERM_ACCESSION); } /** * Returns the Contact's Role Term Source REF. * * @return String representing the Contacts Role Term Source REF */ public String getRoleTermSourceRef() { return getValue(CONTACT_ROLE_TERM_SOURCE_REF); } /** * Set the role of the contact to some String. * * @param role - the Contact's role. */ public void setRole(String role) { fieldValues.put(CONTACT_ROLE, role); } }