package; import org.isatools.isacreator.configuration.RecommendedOntology; import org.isatools.isacreator.ontologymanager.OntologySourceRefObject; import org.isatools.isacreator.ontologymanager.common.OntologyTerm; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * This plugin will allow any implementing classes to act as a new search function in the Ontology Lookup component. */ public interface PluginOntologyCVSearch { void registerSearch(); void deregisterSearch(); /** * Will search using the plugin for terms across all resources defined within the plugin * * @param term - term to search for. * @return Map<OntologySourceRefObject, List<OntologyTerm>> Result of the query */ Map<OntologySourceRefObject, List<OntologyTerm>> searchRepository(String term); /** * Will search using the plugin for terms across all resources defined within the plugin * * @param term - term to search for. * @param recommendedOntologies - recommended ontologies as defined in the ISA configuration XML. * @param searchAll - search in all ontologies, or search in just those defined in the recommended ontologies or found in the field definition in the * resource-description.xml * @return Map<OntologySourceRefObject, List<OntologyTerm>> Result of the query */ Map<OntologySourceRefObject, List<OntologyTerm>> searchRepository(String term, Map<String, RecommendedOntology> recommendedOntologies, boolean searchAll); boolean hasPreferredResourceForCurrentField(Map<String, RecommendedOntology> recommendedOntologies); Set<String> getAvailableResourceAbbreviations(); }