package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.genomespace.client.DataManagerClient; import org.genomespace.client.GsSession; import org.genomespace.client.exceptions.ForbiddenException; import org.genomespace.client.exceptions.NotFoundException; import org.genomespace.client.utils.WebClientBuilder; import org.genomespace.datamanager.core.GSDirectoryListing; import org.genomespace.datamanager.core.GSFileMetadata; import org.isatools.errorreporter.model.ErrorLevel; import org.isatools.errorreporter.model.ErrorMessage; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by the ISATeam. * User: agbeltran * Date: 26/09/2012 * Time: 14:41 * * Data Manager for GenomeSpace * * @author <a href="">Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran</a> */ public class GSDataManager { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GSDataManager.class); private GsSession gsSession = null; /*** * Constructor. The data manager works for a particular GS session. * * @param session */ public GSDataManager(GsSession session){ gsSession = session; } public DataManagerClient getDataManagerClient(){ return gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); } /** * List files in given directory * * @param dirPath */ public List<String> ls(String dirPath){ try{ DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); GSDirectoryListing dirListing = dmClient.list(dirPath); List<GSFileMetadata> fileMetadataList = dirListing.getContents(); List<String> listing = new ArrayList<String>(); for(GSFileMetadata fileMetadata:fileMetadataList){ listing.add(fileMetadata.getName()); } return listing; }catch(NotFoundException e){ System.err.println("The directory path "+dirPath+" was not found in Genome Space."); System.exit(-1); } return null; } /** * Get InputStreams for all the files in a directory * * @param dirPath * @return */ public List<InputStream> lsInputStreams(String dirPath) { //setting the max number of concurrent connections WebClientBuilder.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(10); DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); GSDirectoryListing dirListing = dmClient.list(dirPath); List<GSFileMetadata> fileMetadataList = dirListing.getContents(); List<InputStream> listing = new ArrayList<InputStream>(); for(GSFileMetadata fileMetadata:fileMetadataList){ System.out.println("fileMetadata="+fileMetadata); InputStream is = dmClient.getInputStream(fileMetadata); listing.add(is); } return listing; } /** * List files in home directory * * @param username */ public void lsHome(String username){ DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); GSDirectoryListing homeDirInfo = dmClient.listDefaultDirectory(); } public GSFileMetadata getFileMetadata(String url){ String filePath = transformURLtoFilePath(url) ; DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); GSFileMetadata fileMetadata = dmClient.getMetadata(filePath); return fileMetadata; } public boolean uploadFiles() { return false; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } /** * Download a file to a given directory * * @param fileToDownload * @param localDirPath * @return */ public ErrorMessage downloadFile(String fileToDownload, String localDirPath) { log.debug("fileToDownload="+fileToDownload); fileToDownload = transformURLtoFilePath(fileToDownload); DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); GSFileMetadata fileToDownloadMetadata = dmClient.getMetadata(fileToDownload); System.out.println("remote file ="+fileToDownloadMetadata); String localFilePath = localDirPath+fileToDownloadMetadata.getName(); System.out.println("local file = "+localFilePath); File localTargetFile = new File(localFilePath); dmClient.downloadFile(fileToDownloadMetadata, localTargetFile, true); return null; } /** * Given a directory path in GS and a local directory path, it downloads all the files in the GS directory to the local directory. * * @param dirPath * @param localDirPath * @return */ public List<ErrorMessage> downloadAllFilesFromDirectory(String dirPath, String localDirPath, String pattern) { List<ErrorMessage> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorMessage>(); DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); dirPath = transformURLtoFilePath(dirPath); GSDirectoryListing dirListing = null; try{ dirListing = dmClient.list(dirPath); }catch(NotFoundException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); errors.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "The directory "+dirPath+" was not found")); return errors; }catch(ForbiddenException e){ errors.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "Access forbidden to directory "+dirPath+" in Genome Space")); return errors; }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ errors.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "The directory "+dirPath+" is not correct in Genome Space")); return errors; } List<GSFileMetadata> fileMetadataList = dirListing.getContents(); for(GSFileMetadata fileToDownload: fileMetadataList){ if (pattern!=null && !fileToDownload.getName().matches(pattern)) continue; String localFilePath = localDirPath+fileToDownload.getName(); File localTargetFile = new File(localFilePath); dmClient.downloadFile(fileToDownload, localTargetFile,true); } return errors; } /** * Only download the files from the directory that follow the pattern given * * @param dirPath * @param localDirPath * @param pattern * @return */ public List<ErrorMessage> downloadAllPatternFilesFromDirectory(String dirPath, String localDirPath, String pattern) { List<ErrorMessage> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorMessage>(); DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); dirPath = transformURLtoFilePath(dirPath); GSDirectoryListing dirListing = null; try{ dirListing = dmClient.list(dirPath); }catch(NotFoundException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); errors.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "The directory "+dirPath+" was not found")); return errors; }catch(ForbiddenException e){ errors.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "Access forbidden to directory "+dirPath+" in Genome Space")); return errors; }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ errors.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "The directory "+dirPath+" is not correct in Genome Space")); return errors; } List<GSFileMetadata> fileMetadataList = dirListing.getContents(); for(GSFileMetadata fileToDownload: fileMetadataList){ String localFilePath = localDirPath+fileToDownload.getName(); File localTargetFile = new File(localFilePath); dmClient.downloadFile(fileToDownload, localTargetFile,true); } return errors; } private String transformURLtoFilePath(String url){ if (url==null) return null; Pattern HOME = Pattern.compile("/Home/"); Matcher m = HOME.matcher(url); while (m.find()) { return url.substring(m.start()); } return null; } public Pair<GSFileMetadata,ErrorMessage> mkDir(String newDirectoryName, GSFileMetadata parentDirectoryName) { DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); ErrorMessage errorMessage = null; GSFileMetadata newDirMeta = null; try{ newDirMeta = dmClient.createDirectory(parentDirectoryName,newDirectoryName); }catch(ForbiddenException ex){ errorMessage = new ErrorMessage(ErrorLevel.ERROR, "Access forbidden to directory "+parentDirectoryName+" in Genome Space"); } Pair<GSFileMetadata,ErrorMessage> result = new Pair(newDirMeta, errorMessage); return result; } public boolean saveFile(File localFile, GSFileMetadata parentDirectory){ DataManagerClient dmClient = gsSession.getDataManagerClient(); dmClient.uploadFile(localFile, parentDirectory); return true; } }