package de.gaalop.maple; import com.sun.jna.Platform; import de.gaalop.CompilerFacade; import de.gaalop.ConfigurationProperty; import de.gaalop.Notifications; import de.gaalop.OptimizationStrategy; import de.gaalop.OptimizationStrategyPlugin; import de.gaalop.ConfigurationProperty.Type; import de.gaalop.maple.engine.Maple; import de.gaalop.maple.engine.win32.Win32MapleFinder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.awt.*; import; import; import java.util.Observable; /** * This class is the Plugin class for the maple plugin. */ public class Plugin extends Observable implements OptimizationStrategyPlugin { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Plugin.class); private static MapleSimplifier simplifier = null; private int progress, max; /** This is a configuration property and should not be modified. */ @ConfigurationProperty(type = Type.TEXT) public String mapleBinaryPath=""; /** This is a configuration property and should not be modified. */ @ConfigurationProperty(type = Type.TEXT) public String mapleJavaPath=""; /** This is a configuration property and should not be modified. */ @ConfigurationProperty(type = Type.TEXT) public String gaalopPath=""; @ConfigurationProperty(type = Type.BOOLEAN) public boolean constantFolding = false; /** This is a configuration property and should not be modified. */ @ConfigurationProperty(type = Type.BOOLEAN) public boolean useCodeSegmenter; /** * Try guessing a default value for the maple Path on Windows */ public Plugin() { if (Platform.isWindows()) { try { Win32MapleFinder finder = new Win32MapleFinder(); String maplePath = finder.getMaplePathFromRegistry(); mapleBinaryPath = maplePath + "\\\\"; mapleJavaPath = maplePath + "\\java\\";"Maple Path from Windows Registry: " + "binary=\"" + mapleBinaryPath + "\", java=\"" + mapleJavaPath + "\""); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"Unable to find Maple in the Windows registry."); } } else if (Platform.isMac()) { String maplePath = "/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/13"; mapleBinaryPath = maplePath + "/bin.APPLE_UNIVERSAL_OSX/"; mapleJavaPath = maplePath + "/java/"; } else if (Platform.isLinux()) { String maplePath = "/net/bifur/gaalop/maple"; mapleJavaPath = maplePath + "/java/"; mapleBinaryPath = maplePath + "/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/"; } } public static void main(String[] args) { new Plugin().createOptimizationStrategy(); } private synchronized MapleSimplifier getSimplifier() { if (!Maple.isInitialized()) { try { Maple.initialize(new File(mapleJavaPath), new File(mapleBinaryPath)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new Notifications.Error(new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find Maple installation directory."))); } } if (simplifier == null) { simplifier = new MapleSimplifier(this); } return simplifier; } /** * Needed for BeanUtils to write configuration file. * * @return the mapleBinaryPath */ public String getMapleBinaryPath() { return mapleBinaryPath; } /** * Needed for BeanUtils to read configuration file. * * @param mapleBinaryPath the mapleBinaryPath to set */ public void setMapleBinaryPath(String mapleBinaryPath) { this.mapleBinaryPath = mapleBinaryPath; } /** * Needed for BeanUtils to write configuration file. * * @return the mapleJavaPath */ public String getMapleJavaPath() { return mapleJavaPath; } /** * Needed for BeanUtils to read configuration file. * * @param mapleJavaPath the mapleJavaPath to set */ public void setMapleJavaPath(String mapleJavaPath) { this.mapleJavaPath = mapleJavaPath; } /** * @return gaalopPath the path to the maple optimization file. */ public String getGaalopPath() { return gaalopPath; } /** * If you want another signature to be used for the generation of the multivector arrays, you can * write your own gaalop.m file. In order to use it you set the path here. * @param gaalopPath set the path to the gaalop.m file you want to use. */ public void setGaalopPath(String gaalopPath) { this.gaalopPath = gaalopPath; } /** * Needed for BeanUtils to write configuration file. * */ public boolean getConstantFolding() { return constantFolding; } /** * Needed for BeanUtils to read configuration file. * */ public void setConstantFolding(boolean constantFolding) { this.constantFolding = constantFolding; } public boolean getUseCodeSegmenter() { useCodeSegmenter = CompilerFacade.isUseCodeSegmenter(); return useCodeSegmenter; } public void setUseCodeSegmenter(boolean useCodeSegmenter) { this.useCodeSegmenter = useCodeSegmenter; CompilerFacade.setUseCodeSegmenter(useCodeSegmenter); } @Override public OptimizationStrategy createOptimizationStrategy() { return new MapleStrategy(getSimplifier(), constantFolding); } @Override public String getName() { return "Maple"; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Optimizes the algorithm using the Maple computer algebra system."; } @Override public Image getIcon() { return null; // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } void notifyMaximum(int max) { this.max = max; setChanged(); notifyObservers(new Notifications.Number(max)); } void notifyProgress() { progress++; int percent = progress * 100 / max; System.out.println("Optimizing... " + percent + "%"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(new Notifications.Progress()); } void notifyStart() { progress = 0; setChanged(); notifyObservers(new Notifications.Start()); } }