package datapath.graph; import datapath.graph.modlib.Module; import datapath.graph.modlib.Wire; import datapath.graph.modlib.WireIO; import datapath.graph.operations.ParentInput; import datapath.graph.operations.ParentOutput; import datapath.graph.type.FixedPoint; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Class to create a (very simple) testbench for one datapath. * @author jh */ public class TestbenchCreator { private Graph graph; private Writer writer; public static boolean fixpoint = true; private TestbenchCreator(Graph graph, Writer writer) { this.graph = graph; this.writer = writer; } public static void writeTestbench(Graph graph, Writer writer) throws IOException { TestbenchCreator creator = new TestbenchCreator(graph, writer); creator.create(); writer.close(); } private void create() { HashMap<Wire, String> ios = new HashMap(); HashSet<Wire> in = new HashSet<Wire>(); HashSet<Wire> regs = new HashSet<Wire>(); HashSet<Wire> wires = new HashSet<Wire>(); writeLine("`timescale 1ns / 1ns"); writeLine("module testbench();"); regs.add(new Wire("RESULT_ACCEPT")); regs.add(new Wire("CANCEL")); regs.add(new Wire("START")); regs.add(new Wire("START_CTRL")); regs.add(new Wire("CLK")); regs.add(new Wire("RESET")); regs.add(new Wire("INIT")); wires.add(new Wire("END")); regs.add(new Wire("CE")); TreeSet<ParentInput> input = new TreeSet<ParentInput>(new SortByNumber()); input.addAll(graph.getInput()); TreeSet<ParentOutput> output = new TreeSet<ParentOutput>( new SortByNumber()); output.addAll(graph.getOutput()); Module m = new Module("graph" + graph.getId(), "g", graph.getId()); for (Wire reg : regs) { writeLine("reg " + reg.withSize() + ";"); m.addIO(new WireIO(reg, reg.toString())); } for (Wire wire : wires) { writeLine("wire " + wire.withSize() + ";"); m.addIO(new WireIO(wire, wire.toString())); } for (ParentInput inp : input) { Wire io = new Wire(inp.getName()); in.add(io); io.setSize(inp.getOutputBitsize()); ios.put(io, ModlibWriter.getDataWire(inp.getSource())); writeLine("reg " + io.withSize() + ";"); } for (ParentOutput out : output) { Wire io = new Wire(out.getName()); io.setSize(out.getOutputBitsize()); ios.put(io, ModlibWriter.getDataWire(out)); writeLine("wire " + io.withSize() + ";"); } for (Entry<Wire, String> entry : ios.entrySet()) { m.addIO(new WireIO(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } writeLine(Modlib.module(m)); writeLine("integer file;"); writeLine("integer error;"); writeLine("initial begin"); for (Wire reg : regs) { writeLine(reg.toString() + " = 0;"); } writeLine("file = $fopen(\"inputdata\", \"r\");"); writeLine("$ferror(file, error);"); writeLine("if (error != 0) begin"); writeLine("// input data begins here"); for (Wire inp : in) { writeLine(String.format("%s = %d'd0;", inp.toString() ,inp.getSize())); } writeLine("// end of input data"); writeLine("end"); writeLine("else begin"); writeLine("`include \"inputdata\""); writeLine("end"); writeLine("#20 RESET=1;"); writeLine("#10 RESET=0;"); writeLine("#4"); writeLine("INIT = 1;"); writeLine("CE = 1;"); writeLine("#5 INIT = 0;"); if(fixpoint) { addFixpointOutput(); } writeLine("end"); writeLine("// clock with cycle length 10"); writeLine("always begin"); writeLine("#5 CLK=~CLK;"); writeLine("end"); writeLine("endmodule"); } private void writeLine(String line) { try { writer.write(line); writer.write("\n"); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Cannot write testbench"); } } private void addFixpointOutput() { TreeSet<ParentOutput> output = new TreeSet<ParentOutput>( new SortByNumber()); output.addAll(graph.getOutput()); TreeSet<ParentInput> input = new TreeSet<ParentInput>(new SortByNumber()); input.addAll(graph.getInput()); writeLine("@(posedge END) begin"); for(ParentInput in : input) { assert in.getType() instanceof FixedPoint; int frac = ((FixedPoint)in.getType()).getFractionlength(); int bits = in.getType().getBitsize(); writeLine(fixpoint(in.getName(), frac, bits,in.isSigned())); } for(ParentOutput out : output) { assert out.getType() instanceof FixedPoint; int frac = ((FixedPoint)out.getType()).getFractionlength(); int bits = out.getType().getBitsize(); writeLine(fixpoint(out.getName(), frac, bits,out.isSigned())); } writeLine("end"); } private static String fixpoint(String name, int frac, int bits, boolean signed) { bits = bits -1; if(signed) return String.format("$display(\"%s: %%s %%f\", (%s[%d:%d] == 1 )? \"-\": \" \", $itor((%s[%d:%d] == 1)? -%s:%s) / $itor(2)**%d);",name,name,bits,bits,name,bits,bits,name,name,frac); else return String.format("$display(\"%s: %%f\", %s / $itor(2)**%d);",name,name,frac); } }