package; import de.gaalop.cfg.*; import de.gaalop.dfg.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This visitor traverses the control and data flow graphs and generates Java code. */ public class JavaVisitor implements ControlFlowVisitor, ExpressionVisitor { public String filename; protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JavaVisitor.class); protected StringBuilder codePre = new StringBuilder(); protected StringBuilder codeCalc = new StringBuilder(); protected StringBuilder codePost = new StringBuilder(); protected ControlFlowGraph graph; protected int indentation = 0; protected Set<String> declaredLocal = new HashSet<String>(); protected Set<String> outputtedMultivectors = new HashSet<String>(); private final int JAVALIMIT = 65500; // let space for indentation! private byte curSection = 0; private boolean implementFactorial = false; /** * Appends a character to the result string * @param character The character to append */ private void append(char character) { append(character + ""); } /** * Appends a string to the current code section * The code section is definied by the curSection member * @param string The string to append to the code section */ private void append(String string) { switch (curSection) { case 0: codePre.append(string); break; case 1: codeCalc.append(string); break; case 2: codePost.append(string); break; } } /** * Returns the code, created by this code generator * @return The generated code */ public String getCode() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(codePre); if (codeCalc.length() > JAVALIMIT) { result.append(splitUpCalcMethods()); } else { result.append(codeCalc); } result.append(codePost); return result.toString(); } /** * Appends the indentation to the result string */ protected void appendIndentation() { for (int i = 0; i < indentation; ++i) { append('\t'); } } @Override public void visit(StartNode node) { graph = node.getGraph(); //process all members curSection = 0; implementFactorial = false; append("import java.util.HashMap;\n\n"); int lastDotIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIndex != -1) filename = filename.substring(0, lastDotIndex); append("public class " + filename + " implements GAProgram {\n"); indentation++; indentation++; appendIndentation(); curSection = 1; node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } /** * Sorts a set of variables by name to make the order deterministic. * * @param inputVariables * @return */ protected List<Variable> sortVariables(Set<Variable> inputVariables) { List<Variable> variables = new ArrayList<Variable>(inputVariables); Comparator<Variable> comparator = new Comparator<Variable>() { @Override public int compare(Variable o1, Variable o2) { return o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName()); } }; Collections.sort(variables, comparator); return variables; } private String getVarName(Variable var) { if (!(var instanceof MultivectorComponent)) { return var.getName() + "$0"; } else { return var.getName() + "$" + ((MultivectorComponent) var).getBladeIndex(); } } @Override public void visit(AssignmentNode node) { appendIndentation(); declaredLocal.add(getVarName(node.getVariable())); node.getVariable().accept(this); append(" = "); node.getValue().accept(this); if (node.getVariable() instanceof MultivectorComponent) { append(';'); append(" // "); MultivectorComponent component = (MultivectorComponent) node.getVariable(); append(node.getGraph().getAlgebraDefinitionFile().getBladeString(component.getBladeIndex())); } append(";\n"); node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } @Override public void visit(ExpressionStatement node) { appendIndentation(); node.getExpression().accept(this); append(";\n"); node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } @Override public void visit(StoreResultNode node) { outputtedMultivectors.add(node.getValue().getName()); node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } @Override public void visit(IfThenElseNode node) { Expression condition = node.getCondition(); appendIndentation(); append("if ("); condition.accept(this); append(") {\n"); indentation++; node.getPositive().accept(this); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}"); if (node.getNegative() instanceof BlockEndNode) { append("\n"); } else { append(" else "); boolean isElseIf = false; if (node.getNegative() instanceof IfThenElseNode) { IfThenElseNode ifthenelse = (IfThenElseNode) node.getNegative(); isElseIf = ifthenelse.isElseIf(); } if (!isElseIf) { append("{\n"); indentation++; } node.getNegative().accept(this); if (!isElseIf) { indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); } } node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } @Override public void visit(LoopNode node) { appendIndentation(); append("while(true) {\n"); indentation++; node.getBody().accept(this); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } @Override public void visit(BreakNode breakNode) { appendIndentation(); append("break;\n"); } @Override public void visit(BlockEndNode node) { // nothing to do } @Override public void visit(EndNode node) { indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n\n"); // close procedure calculate curSection = 2; indentation--; if (implementFactorial) { appendIndentation(); append("private double fact(int n) {\n"); indentation++; appendIndentation(); append("double result = 1;\n"); appendIndentation(); append("for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)\n"); indentation++; appendIndentation(); append("result *= i;\n"); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("return result;\n"); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); } append("\n"); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); // close class //declare variables curSection = 0; append("\n"); indentation++; indentation++; appendIndentation(); append("// input variables\n"); for (Variable inputVar : graph.getInputVariables()) { appendIndentation(); append("private double " + getVarName(inputVar) + ";\n"); } append("\n"); //outputtedMultivectors //declaredLocal LinkedList<String> locals = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<String> outputs = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String l: declaredLocal) { String name = l.split("\\$")[0]; if (outputtedMultivectors.contains(name)) { boolean outputComponentExist = false; for (String outputVarStr : graph.getPragmaOutputVariables()) if (outputVarStr.split("\\$")[0].equals(name)) outputComponentExist = true; if (outputComponentExist) { if (graph.getPragmaOutputVariables().contains(l)) outputs.add(l); else locals.add(l); } else { outputs.add(l); } } else locals.add(l); } String[] localsArr = locals.toArray(new String[0]); String[] outputsArr = outputs.toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(localsArr); Arrays.sort(outputsArr); appendIndentation(); append("// local variables\n"); for (String curLocal : localsArr) { appendIndentation(); append("private double " + curLocal + ";\n"); } append("\n"); appendIndentation(); append("// output variables\n"); for (String curOutput : outputsArr) { appendIndentation(); append("private double " + curOutput + ";\n"); } append("\n"); // getValue for output variables appendIndentation(); append("@Override\n"); appendIndentation(); append("public double getValue(String varName) {\n"); indentation++; for (String curOutput : outputs) { appendIndentation(); append("if (varName.equals(\"" + curOutput + "\")) return " + curOutput + ";\n"); } appendIndentation(); append("return 0.0d;\n"); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); // close procedure getValue append("\n"); //getValues for output variables appendIndentation(); append("@Override\n"); appendIndentation(); append("public HashMap<String,Double> getValues() {\n"); indentation++; appendIndentation(); append("HashMap<String,Double> result = new HashMap<String,Double>();\n"); for (String curOutput : outputs) { appendIndentation(); append("result.put(\"" + curOutput + "\"," + curOutput + ");\n"); } appendIndentation(); append("return result;\n"); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); // close procedure getValues // setValue for input variables appendIndentation(); append("@Override\n"); appendIndentation(); append("public boolean setValue(String varName, double value) {\n"); indentation++; for (Variable inputVar : graph.getInputVariables()) { appendIndentation(); append("if (varName.equals(\"" + getVarName(inputVar) + "\")) { " + getVarName(inputVar) + " = value; return true; }\n"); } appendIndentation(); append("return false;\n"); indentation--; appendIndentation(); append("}\n"); // close procedure setValue appendIndentation(); append("\n"); appendIndentation(); append("@Override\n"); appendIndentation(); append("public void calculate() {\n"); indentation++; curSection = 2; } @Override public void visit(ColorNode node) { node.getSuccessor().accept(this); } protected void addBinaryInfix(BinaryOperation op, String operator) { append("("); addChild(op, op.getLeft()); append(operator); addChild(op, op.getRight()); append(")"); } protected void addChild(Expression parent, Expression child) { if (OperatorPriority.hasLowerPriority(parent, child)) { append('('); child.accept(this); append(')'); } else { child.accept(this); } } @Override public void visit(Subtraction subtraction) { addBinaryInfix(subtraction, " - "); } @Override public void visit(Addition addition) { addBinaryInfix(addition, " + "); } @Override public void visit(Division division) { addBinaryInfix(division, " / "); } @Override public void visit(InnerProduct innerProduct) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The Java backend does not support the inner product."); } @Override public void visit(Multiplication multiplication) { addBinaryInfix(multiplication, " * "); } @Override public void visit(MathFunctionCall mathFunctionCall) { String funcName = "(double) Math." + mathFunctionCall.getFunction().toString().toLowerCase(); if (mathFunctionCall.getFunction() == MathFunction.FACT) { funcName = "fact"; implementFactorial = true; } append(funcName); append('('); mathFunctionCall.getOperand().accept(this); append(')'); } @Override public void visit(Variable variable) { append(getVarName(variable)); } @Override public void visit(MultivectorComponent component) { append(getVarName(component)); } @Override public void visit(Exponentiation exponentiation) { if (isSquare(exponentiation)) { Multiplication m = new Multiplication(exponentiation.getLeft(), exponentiation.getLeft()); m.accept(this); } else { append("Math.pow("); exponentiation.getLeft().accept(this); append(','); exponentiation.getRight().accept(this); append(')'); } } /** * Returns if the exponentiation has an exponent which is equal to 2 * @param exponentiation The exponentiation * @return <value>true</value> if the exponent is equal to 2, <value>false</value> otherwise */ protected boolean isSquare(Exponentiation exponentiation) { final FloatConstant two = new FloatConstant(2.0f); return two.equals(exponentiation.getRight()); } @Override public void visit(FloatConstant floatConstant) { append(Double.toString(floatConstant.getValue())); append('d'); } @Override public void visit(OuterProduct outerProduct) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The Java backend does not support the outer product."); } @Override public void visit(BaseVector baseVector) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The Java backend does not support base vectors."); } @Override public void visit(Negation negation) { append("(-"); addChild(negation, negation.getOperand()); append(")"); } @Override public void visit(Reverse node) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The Java backend does not support the reverse operation."); } @Override public void visit(LogicalOr node) { addBinaryInfix(node, " || "); } @Override public void visit(LogicalAnd node) { addBinaryInfix(node, " && "); } @Override public void visit(LogicalNegation node) { append('!'); addChild(node, node.getOperand()); } @Override public void visit(Equality node) { addBinaryInfix(node, " == "); } @Override public void visit(Inequality node) { addBinaryInfix(node, " != "); } @Override public void visit(Relation relation) { addBinaryInfix(relation, relation.getTypeString()); } @Override public void visit(Macro node) { throw new IllegalStateException("Macros should have been inlined and removed from the graph."); } @Override public void visit(FunctionArgument node) { throw new IllegalStateException("Macros should have been inlined and no function arguments should be the graph."); } @Override public void visit(MacroCall node) { throw new IllegalStateException("Macros should have been inlined and no macro calls should be in the graph."); } //Calc method code can be exceeded about 65535 chars, //catch this hard limit by splitting up the calc method /** * Splits the calculation method in parts, so that each one don't exceeds the java code hard limit of * 65535 chars * @return The splitted methods */ private String splitUpCalcMethods() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int backupIndentation = indentation; int length = codeCalc.length(); int curPosition = 0; int curProcCounter = 1; LOOP: while (length - curPosition > JAVALIMIT) { // Divide in two parts: String part = codeCalc.substring(curPosition, curPosition + JAVALIMIT); int lastSemicolon = part.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (lastSemicolon > 0) { curPosition += lastSemicolon + 1; result.append(part.substring(0, lastSemicolon + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < indentation; ++i) { result.append('\t'); } result.append("calculate" + curProcCounter + "();\n"); //end procedure and begin new procedure indentation--; for (int i = 0; i < indentation; ++i) { result.append('\t'); } result.append("}\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < indentation; ++i) { result.append('\t'); } result.append("public void calculate" + curProcCounter + "() {\n"); indentation++; curProcCounter++; } else { System.err.println("Expression is more than " + JAVALIMIT + " chars long. The outputted file is not compilable with code limit of java! Try to split the calculate method manually!"); break LOOP; // catch endless loop } } result.append(codeCalc.substring(curPosition)); indentation = backupIndentation; return result.toString(); } }