package de.gaalop.visualizer.ia_math; /** * * <p> * -- classes implementing real intervals * as part of the "ia_math library" version 0.1beta1, 10/97 * * <p> * Copyright (C) 2000 Timothy J. Hickey * <p> * License: <a href="">zlib/png</a> * <p> * the class RealInterval represents closed intervals of real numbers */ public class RealInterval implements Cloneable{ double lo,hi; public RealInterval(double lo, double hi) throws IAException { if (lo <= hi) { this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi; } else throw new IAException("RealInterval(x="+lo+",y="+hi+"): must have x<=y"); } public RealInterval(double x) throws IAException { if ((Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY<x) && (x < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { this.lo = x; this.hi = x; } else throw new IAException("RealInterval(x): must have -inf<x<inf"); } /** * construct the interval [-infty,infty] */ public RealInterval() { this.lo = java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; this.hi = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } public double lo() { return this.lo; } public double hi() { return this.hi; } public boolean equals(RealInterval x) { return((this.lo==x.lo)&&(this.hi==x.hi)); } public void intersect(RealInterval x) throws IAException { this.lo = Math.max(this.lo,x.lo); this.hi = Math.min(this.hi,x.hi); if (this.lo <= this.hi) return; else throw new IAException("this.intersect(X): intersection is empty"); } public void union(RealInterval x) throws IAException { this.lo = Math.min(this.lo,x.lo); this.hi = Math.max(this.hi,x.hi); } public boolean nonEmpty() { return(this.lo <= this.hi); } public String toString(){ return this.toString2(); } private String toString1(){ return(new String( "[" + doubleToString(this.lo) + " , " + doubleToString(this.hi) + "]"));} private String toString1a(){ return(new String( "[" + ((new Double(this.lo)).toString()) + " , " + ((new Double(this.hi)).toString()) + "]"));} private String toString2(){ Double midpoint = new Double((this.lo + this.hi)/2.0); String midpointString = doubleToString((this.lo + this.hi)/2.0); String hi1String = doubleToString(this.hi - midpoint.doubleValue()); if (Math.abs(midpoint.doubleValue()) > (this.hi-this.lo)/2.0) return(new String( // this.toString1() + " = " + "("+ midpointString + " +/- " + hi1String + ") ")); else return(this.toString1()); } private String doubleToString(double x) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer((new Double(x)).toString()); int i = s.length(); int j; for(j=1;j<20-i;i++) s.append(' '); return(s.toString()); } public Object clone() { return new RealInterval(this.lo,this.hi); } public static RealInterval emptyInterval() { RealInterval z = new RealInterval( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); return z; } public static RealInterval fullInterval() { RealInterval z = new RealInterval( Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return z; } /** * a test procedure which generates a few intervals * and adds and multiplies them */ public static void main(String[] args) { /* create several RealInterval objects */ RealInterval x = new RealInterval(-3.0,-2.0); RealInterval y = new RealInterval(-6.0,7.0); RealInterval z = new RealInterval(); RealInterval w = new RealInterval(); z = IAMath.add(x,y); System.out.println("x = [" + x.lo + " , " + x.hi + "]"); System.out.println("y = [" + y.lo + " , " + y.hi + "]"); System.out.println("x+y = [" + z.lo + " , " + z.hi + "]"); w = IAMath.mul(x,y); System.out.println("x*y = [" + w.lo + " , " + w.hi + "]"); } }