package de.gaalop.globalSettings; import de.gaalop.*; import de.gaalop.ConfigurationProperty.Type; import java.awt.Image; import java.util.Observable; /** * Sets the algebra on the Control Flow Graph * @author Christian Steinmetz */ public class Plugin extends Observable implements GlobalSettingsStrategyPlugin { @ConfigurationProperty(type=Type.FILEPATH) public String maximaCommand = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Maxima\\bin\\maxima.bat"; /* * Please make sure this is disabled by default. * Some tests fail otherwise. */ @ConfigurationProperty(type=Type.BOOLEAN) public boolean optMaxima = false; @Override public GlobalSettingsStrategy createGlobalSettingsStrategy() { return new MyGlobalSettingsStrategy(this); } @Override public String getName() { return "Global Settings Plugin"; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "This plugin sets the global settings"; } @Override public Image getIcon() { return null; } void notifyError(Throwable error) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new Notifications.Error(error)); } public String getMaximaCommand() { return maximaCommand; } public void setMaximaCommand(String maximaCommand) { this.maximaCommand = maximaCommand; } public boolean isOptMaxima() { return optMaxima; } public void setOptMaxima(boolean optMaxima) { this.optMaxima = optMaxima; } }