package de.gaalop.visualizer; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.jdom.Element; /** * Implements a point cloud and common operations on point clouds like loading and saving from/to XML Element * @author Christian Steinmetz */ public class PointCloud { public String name; public Color color; public LinkedList<Point3d> points; public PointCloud(String name, Color color, LinkedList<Point3d> points) { = name; this.color = color; this.points = points; } /** * Reads in a given XML Element * @param element The XML Element */ public PointCloud(Element element) { name = element.getAttributeValue("name"); color = new Color( Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("colorR")), Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("colorG")), Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("colorB")), Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("colorA")) ); points = new LinkedList<Point3d>(); for (Object childObj: element.getChildren()) { Element child = (Element) childObj; points.add(new Point3d( Double.parseDouble(child.getAttributeValue("x")), Double.parseDouble(child.getAttributeValue("y")), Double.parseDouble(child.getAttributeValue("z")) )); } } /** * Creates an XML Element from this instance and returns it * @return The created XML Element */ public Element toElement() { Element result = new Element("PointCloud"); result.setAttribute("name", name); result.setAttribute("colorR", Integer.toString(color.getRed())); result.setAttribute("colorG", Integer.toString(color.getGreen())); result.setAttribute("colorB", Integer.toString(color.getBlue())); result.setAttribute("colorA", Integer.toString(color.getAlpha())); for (Point3d p: points) { Element pElement = new Element("p"); pElement.setAttribute("x", Double.toString(p.x)); pElement.setAttribute("y", Double.toString(p.y)); pElement.setAttribute("z", Double.toString(p.z)); result.addContent(pElement); } return result; } }