package org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy; import groovy.lang.Closure; import java.awt.Color; import; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController; import org.freeplane.core.util.ColorUtils; import org.freeplane.features.filter.Filter; import org.freeplane.features.filter.FilterController; import; import; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; import org.freeplane.features.styles.MapStyle; import org.freeplane.features.styles.MapStyleModel; import org.freeplane.features.ui.IMapViewManager; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.ScriptContext; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy.Map; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy.Node; public class MapProxy extends AbstractProxy<MapModel> implements Map { public MapProxy(final MapModel map, final ScriptContext scriptContext) { super(map, scriptContext); } // MapRO: R public Node node(final String id) { final NodeModel node = getDelegate().getNodeForID(id); return node != null ? new NodeProxy(node, getScriptContext()) : null; } // MapRO: R public Node getRoot() { final NodeModel rootNode = getDelegate().getRootNode(); return new NodeProxy(rootNode, getScriptContext()); } @Deprecated public Node getRootNode() { return getRoot(); } // MapRO: R public File getFile() { return getDelegate().getFile(); } // MapRO: R public String getName() { final IMapViewManager mapViewManager = getMapViewManager(); for (Entry<String, MapModel> map : mapViewManager.getMaps().entrySet()) { if (map.getValue().equals(getDelegate())) return map.getKey(); } return null; } // MapRO: R public boolean isSaved() { return getDelegate().isSaved(); } // MapRO: R public Color getBackgroundColor() { // see MapBackgroundColorAction final MapStyle mapStyle = (MapStyle) Controller.getCurrentModeController().getExtension(MapStyle.class); final MapStyleModel model = (MapStyleModel) mapStyle.getMapHook(); if (model != null) { return model.getBackgroundColor(); } else { final String colorPropertyString = ResourceController.getResourceController().getProperty( MapStyle.RESOURCES_BACKGROUND_COLOR); final Color defaultBgColor = ColorUtils.stringToColor(colorPropertyString); return defaultBgColor; } } // MapRO: R public String getBackgroundColorCode() { return ColorUtils.colorToString(getBackgroundColor()); } // Map: R/W public boolean close(boolean force, boolean allowInteraction) { if (!getDelegate().isSaved() && !force && !allowInteraction) throw new RuntimeException("will not close an unsaved map without being told so"); final IMapViewManager mapViewManager = getMapViewManager(); changeToThisMap(mapViewManager); return mapViewManager.close(force); } private void changeToThisMap(final IMapViewManager mapViewManager) { String mapKey = findMapViewKey(mapViewManager); if (mapKey == null) throw new RuntimeException("map " + getDelegate() + " does not seem to be opened"); mapViewManager.changeToMapView(mapKey); } private IMapViewManager getMapViewManager() { return getModeController().getController().getMapViewManager(); } private String findMapViewKey(final IMapViewManager mapViewManager) { for (Entry<String, MapModel> entry : mapViewManager.getMaps().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(getDelegate())) { return entry.getKey(); } } return null; } // Map: R/W public boolean save(boolean allowInteraction) { if (!getDelegate().isSaved() && getDelegate().getURL() == null && !allowInteraction) throw new RuntimeException("no url set for map " + getDelegate()); changeToThisMap(getMapViewManager()); return getModeController().save(); } // Map: R/W public void setName(final String title) { changeToThisMap(getMapViewManager()); Controller.getCurrentController().getMapViewManager().getMapViewComponent().setName(title); } // Map: R/W public void setSaved(final boolean isSaved) { Controller.getCurrentModeController().getMapController().setSaved(getDelegate(), isSaved); } // Map: R/W public void setBackgroundColor(Color color) { final MapStyle mapStyle = (MapStyle) Controller.getCurrentModeController().getExtension(MapStyle.class); final MapStyleModel model = (MapStyleModel) mapStyle.getMapHook(); mapStyle.setBackgroundColor(model, color); } // Map: R/W public void setBackgroundColorCode(String rgbString) { setBackgroundColor(ColorUtils.stringToColor(rgbString)); } // Map: R/W public void setFilter(final Closure<Boolean> closure) { final FilterController filterController = FilterController.getCurrentFilterController(); if (closure == null) { filterController.applyNoFiltering(); } else { final Filter filter = new Filter(ProxyUtils.createCondition(closure, getScriptContext()), false, false, true); filterController.applyFilter(filter, getDelegate(), true); } } // Map: R/W public void filter(final Closure<Boolean> closure) { setFilter(closure); } // Map: R/W public void setFilter(final boolean showAncestors, final boolean showDescendants, final Closure<Boolean> closure) { final FilterController filterController = FilterController.getCurrentFilterController(); if (closure == null) { filterController.applyNoFiltering(); } else { final Filter filter = new Filter(ProxyUtils.createCondition(closure, getScriptContext()), showAncestors, showDescendants, true); filterController.applyFilter(filter, getDelegate(), true); } } // Map: R/W public void filter(final boolean showAncestors, final boolean showDescendants, final Closure<Boolean> closure) { setFilter(showAncestors, showDescendants, closure); } // Map: R/W public void redoFilter() { FilterController.getCurrentFilterController().redo(); } // Map: R/W public void undoFilter() { FilterController.getCurrentFilterController().undo(); } }