package org.freeplane.plugin.remote.v10.model; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freeplane.features.icon.MindIcon; import; import; import org.freeplane.features.note.NoteController; import org.freeplane.features.note.mindmapmode.MNoteController; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) abstract public class NodeModelBase implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String id; public String nodeText; public Boolean isHtml; public Boolean folded; public String[] icons; public ImageModel image; public String link; public String locked; public String note; public List<String> childrenIds; @JsonIgnore private final NodeModel freeplaneNode; /** * necessary for JAX-B */ protected NodeModelBase() { this.freeplaneNode = null; // id = null; // nodeText = null; // isHtml = false; // folded = false; // icons = null; // image = null; // link = null; // locked = null; //freeplaneNode = null; } // public NodeModelBase(NodeModel freeplaneNode) { // this(freeplaneNode, null, false); // } public NodeModelBase(NodeModel freeplaneNode, boolean autoloadChildren) { this.freeplaneNode = freeplaneNode; = freeplaneNode.getID(); this.nodeText = freeplaneNode.getText(); this.isHtml = freeplaneNode.getXmlText() != null; this.folded = freeplaneNode.isFolded(); this.icons = getIconArray(freeplaneNode); this.image = getImage(freeplaneNode); this.note = getNote(freeplaneNode); URI uri = NodeLinks.getValidLink(freeplaneNode); = uri != null ? uri.toString() : null; LockModel lm = freeplaneNode.getExtension(LockModel.class); this.locked = lm != null ? lm.getUsername() : null; saveChildrenIds(freeplaneNode); if(autoloadChildren) { //load children models loadChildren(true); } } private String getNote( freeplaneNode) { NoteController noteController = MNoteController.getController(); final String noteText = noteController.getNoteText(freeplaneNode); //if no note, 'noteText' is null return noteText; } private String[] getIconArray( freeplaneNode) { String[] iconNames = new String[freeplaneNode.getIcons().size()]; int count = 0; for(MindIcon mi : freeplaneNode.getIcons()) { iconNames[count++] = mi.getName(); } return iconNames; } private ImageModel getImage( freeplaneNode) { // TODO: implement; Where is the Image hidden? (JS) return null; } /** * stores nodeIds * @param freeplaneNode */ protected void saveChildrenIds(NodeModel freeplaneNode) { childrenIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for(NodeModel node : freeplaneNode.getChildren()) { childrenIds.add(node.getID()); } } /** * loads the children into the model * @return number of children that have been added */ public abstract int loadChildren(boolean autoloadChildren); @JsonIgnore public abstract List<NodeModelDefault> getAllChildren(); public String toJsonString() { try { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); return mapper.writeValueAsString(this); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } protected NodeModel getFreeplaneNode() { return freeplaneNode; } // @JsonIgnore // protected String getJsonStringParts() { // String childrenList = ""; // if(childrenIds != null) { // for(String cId : childrenIds) { // childrenList += ",\""+cId+"\""; // } // childrenList = childrenList.substring(1); // } // // return "\"id\":\""+id+"\"," + // "\"nodeText\":\""+new String(JsonStringEncoder.getInstance().quoteAsString(nodeText))+"\"," + // "\"isHtml\":"+isHtml.toString()+"," + // "\"link\":\""+(link != null ? new String(JsonStringEncoder.getInstance().quoteAsString(link)) : "")+"\"," + // "\"folded\":"+folded+"," + // "\"locked\":\""+(locked != null ? new String(JsonStringEncoder.getInstance().quoteAsString(locked)) : "")+"\"," + // (childrenIds != null && childrenIds.size() > 0 ? "\"childrenIds\":["+childrenList+"]," : "") + // "\"image\":\""+"NOT IMPLEMENTED"+"\"," + // "\"icons\":\""+"NOT IMPLEMENTED"+"\""; // } }