/* * Freeplane - mind map editor * Copyright (C) 2008 Joerg Mueller, Daniel Polansky, Christian Foltin, Dimitry Polivaev * * This file is created by Dimitry Polivaev in 2008. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.freeplane.features.nodestyle; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.util.Collection; import org.freeplane.core.extension.IExtension; import org.freeplane.core.io.ReadManager; import org.freeplane.core.io.WriteManager; import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController; import org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils; import org.freeplane.features.map.MapController; import org.freeplane.features.map.MapModel; import org.freeplane.features.map.NodeModel; import org.freeplane.features.mode.CombinedPropertyChain; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; import org.freeplane.features.mode.ExclusivePropertyChain; import org.freeplane.features.mode.IPropertyHandler; import org.freeplane.features.mode.ModeController; import org.freeplane.features.styles.IStyle; import org.freeplane.features.styles.LogicalStyleController; import org.freeplane.features.styles.MapStyleModel; /** * @author Dimitry Polivaev */ public class NodeStyleController implements IExtension { public static Color standardNodeTextColor = Color.BLACK; public static NodeStyleController getController() { final ModeController modeController = Controller.getCurrentModeController(); return getController(modeController); } public static NodeStyleController getController(ModeController modeController) { return (NodeStyleController) modeController.getExtension(NodeStyleController.class); } public static void install(final NodeStyleController styleController) { final ModeController modeController = Controller.getCurrentModeController(); modeController.addExtension(NodeStyleController.class, styleController); } final private ExclusivePropertyChain<Color, NodeModel> backgroundColorHandlers; // // // final private Controller controller; final private CombinedPropertyChain<Font, NodeModel> fontHandlers; final private ModeController modeController; final private ExclusivePropertyChain<String, NodeModel> shapeHandlers; final private ExclusivePropertyChain<Color, NodeModel> textColorHandlers; public static final String NODE_NUMBERING = "NodeNumbering"; public NodeStyleController(final ModeController modeController) { this.modeController = modeController; // controller = modeController.getController(); fontHandlers = new CombinedPropertyChain<Font, NodeModel>(true); textColorHandlers = new ExclusivePropertyChain<Color, NodeModel>(); backgroundColorHandlers = new ExclusivePropertyChain<Color, NodeModel>(); shapeHandlers = new ExclusivePropertyChain<String, NodeModel>(); addFontGetter(IPropertyHandler.DEFAULT, new IPropertyHandler<Font, NodeModel>() { public Font getProperty(final NodeModel node, final Font currentValue) { final Font defaultFont = NodeStyleController.getDefaultFont(); return defaultFont; } }); addFontGetter(IPropertyHandler.STYLE, new IPropertyHandler<Font, NodeModel>() { public Font getProperty(final NodeModel node, final Font currentValue) { final Font defaultFont = getStyleFont(currentValue, node.getMap(), LogicalStyleController.getController(modeController).getStyles(node)); return defaultFont; } }); addColorGetter(IPropertyHandler.DEFAULT, new IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel>() { public Color getProperty(final NodeModel node, final Color currentValue) { return standardNodeTextColor; } }); addColorGetter(IPropertyHandler.STYLE, new IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel>() { public Color getProperty(final NodeModel node, final Color currentValue) { return getStyleTextColor(node.getMap(), LogicalStyleController.getController(modeController).getStyles(node)); } }); addBackgroundColorGetter(IPropertyHandler.STYLE, new IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel>() { public Color getProperty(final NodeModel node, final Color currentValue) { return getStyleBackgroundColor(node.getMap(), LogicalStyleController.getController(modeController).getStyles(node)); } }); addShapeGetter(IPropertyHandler.STYLE, new IPropertyHandler<String, NodeModel>() { public String getProperty(final NodeModel node, final String currentValue) { final MapModel map = node.getMap(); final LogicalStyleController styleController = LogicalStyleController.getController(modeController); final Collection<IStyle> style = styleController.getStyles(node); final String returnedString = getStyleShape(map, style); return returnedString; } }); addShapeGetter(IPropertyHandler.DEFAULT, new IPropertyHandler<String, NodeModel>() { public String getProperty(final NodeModel node, final String currentValue) { return getShape(node); } private String getShape(final NodeModel node) { return NodeStyleModel.SHAPE_AS_PARENT; } }); final MapController mapController = modeController.getMapController(); final ReadManager readManager = mapController.getReadManager(); final WriteManager writeManager = mapController.getWriteManager(); final NodeStyleBuilder styleBuilder = new NodeStyleBuilder(this); styleBuilder.registerBy(readManager, writeManager); } public IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel> addBackgroundColorGetter(final Integer key, final IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel> getter) { return backgroundColorHandlers.addGetter(key, getter); } public IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel> addColorGetter(final Integer key, final IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel> getter) { return textColorHandlers.addGetter(key, getter); } public IPropertyHandler<Font, NodeModel> addFontGetter(final Integer key, final IPropertyHandler<Font, NodeModel> getter) { return fontHandlers.addGetter(key, getter); } public IPropertyHandler<String, NodeModel> addShapeGetter(final Integer key, final IPropertyHandler<String, NodeModel> getter) { return shapeHandlers.addGetter(key, getter); } public Color getBackgroundColor(final NodeModel node) { return backgroundColorHandlers.getProperty(node); } public Color getColor(final NodeModel node) { return textColorHandlers.getProperty(node); } private Color getStyleBackgroundColor(final MapModel map, final Collection<IStyle> styleKeys) { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); for (IStyle styleKey : styleKeys) { final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNode(styleKey); if (styleNode == null) { continue; } final NodeStyleModel styleModel = NodeStyleModel.getModel(styleNode); if (styleModel == null) { continue; } final Color styleColor = styleModel.getBackgroundColor(); if (styleColor == null) { continue; } return styleColor; } return null; } private int getStyleMaxNodeWidth(final MapModel map, final Collection<IStyle> styleKeys) throws Exception { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); for (IStyle styleKey : styleKeys) { final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNode(styleKey); if (styleNode == null) { continue; } final NodeSizeModel sizeModel = NodeSizeModel.getModel(styleNode); if (sizeModel == null) { continue; } final int maxTextWidth = sizeModel.getMaxNodeWidth(); if (maxTextWidth == NodeSizeModel.NOT_SET) { continue; } return maxTextWidth; } return 600; } private int getStyleMinWidth(final MapModel map, final Collection<IStyle> styleKeys) throws NullPointerException { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); // DOCEAR try { for (IStyle styleKey : styleKeys) { final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNode(styleKey); if (styleNode == null) { continue; } final NodeSizeModel sizeModel = NodeSizeModel.getModel(styleNode); if (sizeModel == null) { continue; } final int minWidth = sizeModel.getMinNodeWidth(); if (minWidth == NodeSizeModel.NOT_SET) { continue; } return minWidth; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { LogUtils.warn("org.freeplane.features.nodestyle.NodeStyleController.getStyleMinWidth: "+e.getMessage()); } return 1; } public static Font getDefaultFont() { final int fontSize = NodeStyleController.getDefaultFontSize(); final int fontStyle = NodeStyleController.getDefaultFontStyle(); final String fontFamily = NodeStyleController.getDefaultFontFamilyName(); return new Font(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontSize); } /** */ private static String getDefaultFontFamilyName() { return ResourceController.getResourceController().getProperty("defaultfont"); } private static int getDefaultFontStyle() { return ResourceController.getResourceController().getIntProperty("defaultfontstyle", 0); } private static int getDefaultFontSize() { return ResourceController.getResourceController().getIntProperty("defaultfontsize", 10); } public Font getDefaultFont(final MapModel map, final IStyle style) { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNodeSafe(style); return getFont(styleNode); } private Font getStyleFont(final Font baseFont, final MapModel map, final Collection<IStyle> collection) { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); Boolean bold = null; Boolean italic = null; String fontFamilyName = null; Integer fontSize = null; if(collection != null) { for (IStyle styleKey : collection) { final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNode(styleKey); if (styleNode == null) { continue; } final NodeStyleModel styleModel = NodeStyleModel.getModel(styleNode); if (styleModel == null) { continue; } if (bold == null) bold = styleModel.isBold(); if (italic == null) italic = styleModel.isItalic(); if (fontFamilyName == null) fontFamilyName = styleModel.getFontFamilyName(); if (fontSize == null) fontSize = styleModel.getFontSize(); if (bold != null && italic != null && fontFamilyName != null && fontSize != null) break; } } return createFont(baseFont, fontFamilyName, fontSize, bold, italic); } private Font createFont(final Font baseFont, String family, Integer size, Boolean bold, Boolean italic) { if (family == null && size == null && bold == null && italic == null) { return baseFont; } if (family == null) { family = baseFont.getFamily(); } if (size == null) { size = baseFont.getSize(); } if (bold == null) { bold = baseFont.isBold(); } if (italic == null) { italic = baseFont.isItalic(); } int style = 0; if (bold) { style += Font.BOLD; } if (italic) { style += Font.ITALIC; } return new Font(family, style, size); } private String getStyleShape(final MapModel map, final Collection<IStyle> style) { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); for (IStyle styleKey : style) { final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNode(styleKey); if (styleNode == null) { continue; } final NodeStyleModel styleModel = NodeStyleModel.getModel(styleNode); if (styleModel == null) { continue; } final String shape = styleModel.getShape(); if (shape == null) { continue; } return shape; } return null; } private Color getStyleTextColor(final MapModel map, final Collection<IStyle> collection) { final MapStyleModel model = MapStyleModel.getExtension(map); for (IStyle styleKey : collection) { final NodeModel styleNode = model.getStyleNode(styleKey); if (styleNode == null) { continue; } final NodeStyleModel styleModel = NodeStyleModel.getModel(styleNode); if (styleModel == null) { continue; } final Color styleColor = styleModel == null ? null : styleModel.getColor(); if (styleColor == null) { continue; } return styleColor; } return null; } public Font getFont(final NodeModel node) { final Font font = fontHandlers.getProperty(node, null); return font; } public String getFontFamilyName(final NodeModel node) { final Font font = getFont(node); return font.getFamily(); } public int getFontSize(final NodeModel node) { final Font font = getFont(node); return font.getSize(); } public String getShape(final NodeModel node) { final String returnedString = shapeHandlers.getProperty(node); return returnedString; } public boolean isBold(final NodeModel node) { return getFont(node).isBold(); } public boolean isItalic(final NodeModel node) { return getFont(node).isItalic(); } public IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel> removeBackgroundColorGetter(final Integer key) { return backgroundColorHandlers.removeGetter(key); } public IPropertyHandler<Color, NodeModel> removeColorGetter(final Integer key) { return textColorHandlers.removeGetter(key); } public IPropertyHandler<Font, NodeModel> removeFontGetter(final Integer key) { return fontHandlers.removeGetter(key); } public IPropertyHandler<String, NodeModel> removeShapeGetter(final Integer key) { return shapeHandlers.removeGetter(key); } public Boolean getNodeNumbering(NodeModel node) { final NodeStyleModel style = (NodeStyleModel) node.getExtension(NodeStyleModel.class); if (style == null) return false; final Boolean nodeNumbering = style.getNodeNumbering(); return nodeNumbering == null ? false : nodeNumbering.booleanValue(); } public String getNodeFormat(NodeModel node) { final NodeStyleModel style = (NodeStyleModel) node.getExtension(NodeStyleModel.class); return style == null ? null : style.getNodeFormat(); } public int getMaxWidth(NodeModel node) { final MapModel map = node.getMap(); final LogicalStyleController styleController = LogicalStyleController.getController(modeController); // DOCEAR - FIXME: asynch threads collide while reseting and reading // nodestyle try { final Collection<IStyle> style = styleController.getStyles(node); final int maxTextWidth = getStyleMaxNodeWidth(map, style); return maxTextWidth; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtils.warn("org.freeplane.features.nodestyle.NodeStyleController.getMaxWidth: "+ex.getMessage()); return getDefaultMaxNodeWidth(); } } public static int getDefaultMaxNodeWidth() { final int w = ResourceController.getResourceController().getIntProperty("max_node_width", -1); if (w != -1) return w; return ResourceController.getResourceController().getIntProperty("el__max_default_window_width", 600) * 2 / 3; } public int getMinWidth(NodeModel node) { final MapModel map = node.getMap(); final LogicalStyleController styleController = LogicalStyleController.getController(modeController); final Collection<IStyle> style = styleController.getStyles(node); final int minWidth = getStyleMinWidth(map, style); return minWidth; } public ModeController getModeController() { return modeController; } }