package org.docear.plugin.bibtex.jabref; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JViewport; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; import net.sf.jabref.BasePanel; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexDatabase; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntry; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntryType; import net.sf.jabref.EntryTypeDialog; import net.sf.jabref.FocusRequester; import net.sf.jabref.Globals; import net.sf.jabref.JabRefFrame; import net.sf.jabref.KeyCollisionException; import net.sf.jabref.SearchManager2; import net.sf.jabref.Util; import net.sf.jabref.export.DocearReferenceUpdateController; import net.sf.jabref.external.DroppedFileHandler; import net.sf.jabref.gui.MainTable; import net.sf.jabref.labelPattern.LabelPatternUtil; import net.sf.jabref.undo.UndoableInsertEntry; import net.sf.jabref.util.XMPUtil; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.Reference; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.ReferenceUpdater; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.ReferencesController; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.actions.MetaDataAction; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.actions.MetaDataAction.MetaDataActionObject; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.actions.MetaDataAction.MetaDataActionResult; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.dialogs.PdfMetadataListDialog; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.dialogs.PdfTitleQuestionDialog; import org.docear.plugin.core.mindmap.MindmapUpdateController; import org.docear.plugin.core.util.CoreUtils; import; import; import; import org.freeplane.core.ui.components.UITools; import org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils; import org.freeplane.core.util.TextUtils; import; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; import; import com.sun.jersey.core.util.StringKeyStringValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap; public abstract class JabRefCommons { static class MetadataRequestTask implements Callable<MetadataCallableResult> { private MetadataCallableResult result; private Runnable task; private MetadataRequestTask(Runnable task, MetadataCallableResult result) { this.task = task; this.result = result; } public static Callable<MetadataCallableResult> create(Runnable task, MetadataCallableResult result) { return new MetadataRequestTask(task, result); } public MetadataCallableResult call() throws Exception { if (task == null) { return this.result; }; return this.result; } } public static class MetadataCallableResult { private String result; private String errorText; DocearServiceResponse.Status status; public static MetadataCallableResult newInstance() { return new MetadataCallableResult(); } public void setResult(String string) { if (string == null || string.trim().length() <= 0) { this.result = null; } else { this.result = string; } } public String getResult() { return this.result; } public void setError(String text) { this.errorText = text; } public DocearServiceResponse.Status getStatus() { return this.status; } public void setStatus(DocearServiceResponse.Status status) { this.status = status; } public boolean hasError() { return this.errorText != null; } public String getError() { return errorText; } public String toString() { return getResult(); } } private static void updateEntryInDatabase(File file, BibtexEntry selected, BibtexEntry oldEntry) { if (selected == null) { return; } BibtexEntryType type = selected.getType(); if (type != null) { oldEntry.setType(type); } addMissingFields(oldEntry, selected); // insertFields(oldEntry.getRequiredFields(), oldEntry, selected); // insertFields(oldEntry.getGeneralFields(), oldEntry, selected); // insertFields(oldEntry.getOptionalFields(), oldEntry, selected); JabrefWrapper wrapper = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper(); if(file != null) { new JabRefAttributes().removeFileromBibtexEntry(file, oldEntry); DroppedFileHandler dfh = new DroppedFileHandler(wrapper.getJabrefFrame(), wrapper.getBasePanel()); // DOCEAR - change file path to relative to bib-library path? dfh.linkPdfToEntry(file.getPath(), oldEntry); } else { runCurrentMapUpdate(); } showInReferenceManager(oldEntry, false); } private static void runCurrentMapUpdate() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (DocearReferenceUpdateController.isLocked()) { return; } DocearReferenceUpdateController.lock(); MapModel currentMap = Controller.getCurrentController().getMap(); if (currentMap == null) { return; } MindmapUpdateController mindmapUpdateController = new MindmapUpdateController(false); mindmapUpdateController.addMindmapUpdater(new ReferenceUpdater(TextUtils.getText("update_references_current_mindmap"))); mindmapUpdateController.updateCurrentMindmap(true); }catch(Exception e){ LogUtils.warn(e.getMessage()); } finally { DocearReferenceUpdateController.unlock(); } } }); } private static void addMissingFields(BibtexEntry oldEntry, BibtexEntry newData) { DocearReferenceUpdateController.lock(); for(String field : oldEntry.getAllFields()){ oldEntry.clearField(field); } for (String field : newData.getAllFields()) { /*if (oldEntry.getField(field) == null) { oldEntry.setField(field, newData.getField(field)); }*/ oldEntry.setField(field, newData.getField(field)); } DocearReferenceUpdateController.unlock(); } public static List<String> addOrUpdateRefenceEntry(String[] fileNames, int dropRow, JabRefFrame jabRefFrame, BasePanel basePanel, MainTable entryTable, boolean chooseFirst) { MetaDataActionObject result = new MetaDataAction.MetaDataActionObject(); if(fileNames == null) return new ArrayList<String>(); BibtexDatabase database = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getDatabase(); BibtexEntry dropEntry = null; if(dropRow >= 0){ dropEntry = entryTable.getEntryAt(dropRow); } for(String fileName : fileNames){ if (fileName != null && fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")) { BibtexEntry existingEntry = null; URI fileUri = new File(fileName).toURI(); for (BibtexEntry entry : database.getEntries()) { URL entryUrl = null; String urlString = entry.getField("url"); try { if (urlString != null) { entryUrl = new URL(urlString); } if (fileUri.toURL().equals(entryUrl)) { existingEntry = entry; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { + ": " + e.getMessage()); } for (String jabrefPath : DuplicateResolver.getDuplicateResolver().retrieveFileLinksFromEntry(entry)) { File jabrefFile = new File(jabrefPath); if (jabrefFile != null && jabrefFile.getName().equals(new File(fileName).getName())) { existingEntry = entry; break; } } if(existingEntry != null) break; } MetaDataActionResult fileResult = new MetaDataAction.MetaDataActionResult(); if(dropEntry != null && existingEntry != null){ fileResult.setDuplicatePdf(true); fileResult.setShowattachOnlyOption(true); fileResult.setEntryToUpdate(dropEntry); } else if(dropEntry == null && existingEntry != null){ fileResult.setEntryToUpdate(existingEntry); } else if(dropEntry != null && existingEntry == null){ fileResult.setEntryToUpdate(dropEntry); fileResult.setShowattachOnlyOption(true); } result.getResult().put(fileUri, fileResult); } else{ result.getUnhandledFiles().add(fileName); } } MetaDataAction.showDialog(result); for(URI file : result.getResult().keySet()){ MetaDataActionResult fileResult = result.getResult().get(file); if(fileResult.isSelectedCancel()) continue; if(fileResult.isAttachOnly()){ DroppedFileHandler dfh = new DroppedFileHandler(jabRefFrame, basePanel); dfh.linkPdfToEntry(CoreUtils.resolveURI(file).getAbsolutePath(), fileResult.getEntryToUpdate()); } if(fileResult.isSelectedBlank()){ addOrUpdateEntryToDatabase(CoreUtils.resolveURI(file), new BibtexEntry()); } else if((fileResult.isSelectedFetched() || fileResult.isSelectedXmp()) && fileResult.getResultEntry() != null){ addOrUpdateEntryToDatabase(CoreUtils.resolveURI(file), fileResult.getResultEntry()); } } return result.getUnhandledFiles(); // List<String> unhandledFileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) { // for (String fileName : fileNames) { // // // create document hash and try to extract the title for // // each file that is of type pdf // if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")) { // URI fileUri = new File(fileName).toURI(); // // ImportDialog importDialog = new ImportDialog(dropRow, fileName, (chooseFirst ? (dropRow < 0) : null)); // Tools.centerRelativeToWindow(importDialog, UITools.getFrame()); // // String hash = AnnotationController.getDocumentHash(fileUri); // if(hash == null) { // importDialog.getRadioButtonMrDlib().setEnabled(false); // importDialog.getRadioButtonUpdateEmptyFields().setEnabled(false); // importDialog.getRadioButtonMrDlib().setSelected(false); // importDialog.getRadioButtonNoMeta().setSelected(true); // } // // List<BibtexEntry> xmpEntriesInFile = readXmpEntries(fileName); // if ((xmpEntriesInFile == null) || (xmpEntriesInFile.size() == 0)) { // importDialog.getRadioButtonXmp().setEnabled(false); // } // // if(chooseFirst) { // importDialog.showDialog(); // } // else if (dropRow == -1 && hash != null) { // dropped on a new area // // create new entry (with metadata? empty entry? // try { // showMetadataDialog(fileUri); // } catch (Exception e) { // LogUtils.warn("exception in JabRefCommons.addOrUpdateRefenceEntry() 1 : " + e.getMessage()); // } // continue; // } // // // dropped on an existing entry // if(!chooseFirst) { // importDialog.showDialog(); // } // if (importDialog.getResult() == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { // // xmp metadata was selected // if (importDialog.getRadioButtonXmp().isSelected()) { // PrintStream old_err = System.err; // try { // System.setErr(new PrintStream(new StringOutputStream(), false)); // ImportMenuItem importer = new ImportMenuItem(jabRefFrame, false); // importer.automatedImport(new String[] { fileName }); // } // finally { // System.setErr(old_err); // } // } // // docear services was selected // else if (importDialog.getRadioButtonMrDlib().isSelected()) { // try { // showMetadataDialog(fileUri); // } catch (Exception e) { // LogUtils.warn("exception in JabRefCommons.addOrUpdateRefenceEntry() 2 : " + e.getMessage()); // } // } else { // // if (importDialog.getRadioButtonNoMeta().isSelected()) { // BibtexEntry newEntry = JabRefCommons.createNewEntry(jabRefFrame, basePanel); // if (newEntry != null) { // DroppedFileHandler dfh = new DroppedFileHandler(jabRefFrame, basePanel); // dfh.linkPdfToEntry(fileName, newEntry); // } // } // // update was selected // else if (importDialog.getRadioButtonUpdateEmptyFields().isSelected()) { // try { // showMetadataUpdateDialog(fileUri, entryTable.getEntryAt(dropRow)); // } catch (Exception e) { // LogUtils.warn("exception in JabRefCommons.addOrUpdateRefenceEntry() 3: " + e.getMessage()); // } // } // // attach file only was selected // else if (importDialog.getRadioButtononlyAttachPDF().isSelected()) { // DroppedFileHandler dfh = new DroppedFileHandler(jabRefFrame, basePanel); // dfh.linkPdfToEntry(fileName, entryTable.getEntryAt(dropRow)); // } // } // } // } else { // // add filename to fallback list // unhandledFileNames.add(fileName); // } // } // } // return unhandledFileNames; } public static List<BibtexEntry> readXmpEntries(String fileName) { List<BibtexEntry> xmpEntriesInFile = new ArrayList<BibtexEntry>(); PrintStream err = System.err; System.setErr(new PrintStream(new StringOutputStream())); try { xmpEntriesInFile = XMPUtil.readXMP(fileName); } catch (Throwable e) { LogUtils.warn("exception in JabRefCommons.readXmpEntries(): " + e.getMessage()); } finally { System.setErr(err); } return xmpEntriesInFile; } public static void showMetadataDialog(URI uri) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { String userName = ServiceController.getCurrentUser().getUsername(); // if (userName == null) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.requirement_failed")); // return; // } final String hash = AnnotationController.getDocumentHash(uri); if (hash == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.no_hash")); return; } // ask for title dialog String title = searchForTitle(AnnotationController.getDocumentTitle(uri), uri); if (title == null) { return; } File file = new File(uri); final MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = new StringKeyStringValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap(); if (userName != null) { params.add("username", userName); } if (title != null) { params.add("title", title); } PdfMetadataListDialog metadata = new PdfMetadataListDialog(); metadata.runServiceRequest(hash, params); int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(UITools.getFrame(), metadata, TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.title"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if(metadata.wasSuccessful()) //does not work anymore with errors shown right away { if (response == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { Util.setAutomaticFields(metadata.getEntries(), true, true, false); BibtexEntry selected = metadata.getSelectedEntry(); selected.setField("dcr_pdf_hash", hash); addOrUpdateEntryToDatabase(file, selected); if (metadata.hasRemoteBib()) { commit(selected.getField("dcr_bibtex_id"), hash, userName); } } else { if (metadata.hasRemoteBib()) { rejectAll(hash, userName); } } } } public static void showMetadataUpdateDialog(URI uri, BibtexEntry oldEntry) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { String userName = ServiceController.getCurrentUser().getUsername(); // if (userName == null) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.requirement_failed")); // return; // } final String hash = AnnotationController.getDocumentHash(uri); if (hash == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.no_hash")); return; } // ask for title dialog String title = searchForTitle(AnnotationController.getDocumentTitle(uri), uri); if (title == null) { return; } File file = new File(uri); final MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = new StringKeyStringValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap(); params.add("username", userName); if (title != null) { params.add("title", title); } PdfMetadataListDialog metadata = new PdfMetadataListDialog(); metadata.runServiceRequest(hash, params); int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(UITools.getFrame(), metadata, TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.title"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if(metadata.wasSuccessful()) //does not work anymore with errors shown right away { if (response == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { BibtexEntry selected = metadata.getSelectedEntry(); selected.setField("dcr_pdf_hash", hash); updateEntryInDatabase(file, selected, oldEntry); if (metadata.hasRemoteBib()) { commit(selected.getField("dcr_bibtex_id"), hash, userName); } } else { if (metadata.hasRemoteBib()) { rejectAll(hash, userName); } } } } public static String searchForTitle(String title, URI fileUri) { PdfTitleQuestionDialog titleDialog = new PdfTitleQuestionDialog(title == null ? "" : title, fileUri); int searchGo = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(UITools.getFrame(), titleDialog, TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.title.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if (searchGo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return titleDialog.getTitle(); } return null; } private static void commit(final String bibtexID, final String hash, final String userName) { final MetadataCallableResult result = MetadataCallableResult.newInstance(); Runnable task = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = new StringKeyStringValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap(); params.add("username", userName); params.add("commit", "true"); params.add("id", bibtexID); DocearServiceResponse serviceResponse = ServiceController.getConnectionController().put("/internal/documents/" + hash + "/metadata", params); if (serviceResponse.getStatus() != DocearServiceResponse.Status.OK) {"JabRefCommons.commit(...).new Runnable() {...}.run(): " + serviceResponse.getContentAsString()); } } catch (Throwable e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), // e.getLocalizedMessage(), // TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.error"), // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); result.setError(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; try { executeTask(MetadataRequestTask.create(task, result)); } catch (Exception e) {"JabRefCommons.commit(...).new Runnable() {...}.run(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); LogUtils.warn(e); } } private static void rejectAll(final String hash, final String userName) { final MetadataCallableResult result = MetadataCallableResult.newInstance(); Runnable task = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = new StringKeyStringValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap(); params.add("username", userName); params.add("commit", "false"); DocearServiceResponse serviceResponse = ServiceController.getConnectionController().put("/internal/documents/" + hash + "/metadata", params); if (serviceResponse.getStatus() != DocearServiceResponse.Status.OK) { if(serviceResponse.getStatus() == DocearServiceResponse.Status.UNAUTHORIZED) { //DOCEAR - TODO: show wizard with registration button } else {"JabRefCommons.rejectAll(...).new Runnable() {...}.run(): " + serviceResponse.getContentAsString()); } } } catch (Throwable e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), // e.getLocalizedMessage(), // TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.error"), // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); result.setError(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; try { executeTask(MetadataRequestTask.create(task, result)); } catch (Exception e) {"exception in JabRefCommons.rejectAll(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); LogUtils.warn(e); } } public static MetadataCallableResult requestBibTeX(final String hash, final MultivaluedMap<String, String> params) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { final MetadataCallableResult result = MetadataCallableResult.newInstance(); Runnable task = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DocearServiceResponse serviceResponse = ServiceController.getConnectionController().get("/internal/documents/" + hash + "/metadata", params); result.setStatus(serviceResponse.getStatus()); if (serviceResponse.getStatus() == DocearServiceResponse.Status.FAILURE || serviceResponse.getStatus() == DocearServiceResponse.Status.UNAUTHORIZED) { result.setError(serviceResponse.getContentAsString()); return; } if (serviceResponse.getStatus() == DocearServiceResponse.Status.NO_CONTENT) { result.setError(TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.infotext")); return; } InputStream is = serviceResponse.getContent();// this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/bibtex-test.bib"); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(is); int c = -1; while ((c = > -1) { sb.append((char) c); } is.close(); result.setResult(sb.toString()); } catch (Throwable e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UITools.getFrame(), e.getLocalizedMessage(), TextUtils.getText("docear.metadata.import.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }; executeTask(MetadataRequestTask.create(task, result)); return result; } private static MetadataCallableResult executeTask(Callable<MetadataCallableResult> task) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); MetadataCallableResult taskResult = null; try { Future<MetadataCallableResult> future = executor.submit(task); taskResult = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); future.cancel(true); } catch (TimeoutException tex) { } executor.shutdown(); return taskResult; } private static void addOrUpdateEntryToDatabase(File file, BibtexEntry selected) { if (selected == null) { return; } JabrefWrapper wrapper = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper(); BibtexEntry oldEntry = null; if(file != null) { for(BibtexEntry entry : wrapper.getDatabase().getEntries()) { Reference ref = new Reference(wrapper.getBasePanel(), entry); if(ref.containsFile(file)) { oldEntry = entry; break; } } } if(oldEntry == null) { selected.setId(Util.createNeutralId()); wrapper.getBasePanel().getDatabase().insertEntry(selected); DroppedFileHandler dfh = new DroppedFileHandler(wrapper.getJabrefFrame(), wrapper.getBasePanel()); if(file != null) { // DOCEAR - change file path to relative to bib-library path? dfh.linkPdfToEntry(file.getPath(), selected); LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(Globals.prefs.getKeyPattern(), wrapper.getDatabase(), selected); } showInReferenceManager(selected, false); } else { JabRefCommons.updateEntryInDatabase(file, selected, oldEntry); showInReferenceManager(oldEntry, false); } } public static void showInReferenceManager(String bibtexKey) { showInReferenceManager(bibtexKey, false); } public static BibtexEntry showInReferenceManager(String bibtexKey, boolean keepSelected) { if (bibtexKey != null && bibtexKey.length()>0) { JabrefWrapper wrapper = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper(); BibtexEntry referenceEntry = wrapper.getDatabase().getEntryByKey(bibtexKey); return showInReferenceManager(referenceEntry, keepSelected); } return null; } public static void clearSearchFilter() { SearchManager2 searcher = (SearchManager2) ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getJabrefFrame().sidePaneManager.getComponent("search"); searcher.clearSearch(); } public static BibtexEntry showInReferenceManager(BibtexEntry referenceEntry, boolean keepSelected) { if(referenceEntry == null) { return null; } MainTable table = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getBasePanel().getMainTable(); List<BibtexEntry> list = table.getTableRows(); int viewHeight = table.getPane().getHeight()-table.getTableHeader().getHeight(); Rectangle viewRect = new Rectangle(0,((JViewport)table.getParent()).getViewPosition().y, 4, viewHeight); int pos = 0; Rectangle rowArea = new Rectangle(); for(BibtexEntry row : list) { if(row.equals(referenceEntry)) { rowArea.setBounds(0, (table.getRowHeight()*pos), 2, table.getRowHeight()); if(!keepSelected) { table.clearSelection(); } table.addRowSelectionInterval(pos,pos); if(isRowOutsideViewArea(viewRect, rowArea)) { ((JViewport)table.getParent()).setViewPosition(rowArea.getLocation()); } return row; } pos++; } return null; } private static boolean isRowOutsideViewArea(final Rectangle viewArea, final Rectangle row) { if(viewArea.contains(row)) { return false; } return true; } public static void addNewRefenceEntry(String[] fileNames, JabRefFrame jabRefFrame, BasePanel basePanel) { addOrUpdateRefenceEntry(fileNames, -1, jabRefFrame, basePanel, null, true); } public static BibtexEntry createNewEntry(JabRefFrame frame, BasePanel panel) { // Find out what type is wanted. EntryTypeDialog etd = new EntryTypeDialog(frame); // We want to center the dialog, to make it look nicer. Util.placeDialog(etd, UITools.getFrame()); etd.setVisible(true); BibtexEntryType type = etd.getChoice(); if (type != null) { // Only if the dialog was not cancelled. String id = Util.createNeutralId(); final BibtexEntry be = new BibtexEntry(id, type); if(insertEntry(panel, be)){ return be; } else{ return null; } } return null; } private static boolean insertEntry(BasePanel panel, final BibtexEntry be) { try { panel.database().insertEntry(be); // Set owner/timestamp if options are enabled: ArrayList<BibtexEntry> list = new ArrayList<BibtexEntry>(); list.add(be); Util.setAutomaticFields(list, true, true, false); // Create an UndoableInsertEntry object. panel.undoManager.addEdit(new UndoableInsertEntry(panel.database(), be, panel)); panel.output(Globals.lang("Added new")+" '"+be.getType().getName().toLowerCase()+"' " +Globals.lang("entry")+"."); // We are going to select the new entry. Before that, make sure that we are in // show-entry mode. If we aren't already in that mode, enter the WILL_SHOW_EDITOR // mode which makes sure the selection will trigger display of the entry editor // and adjustment of the splitter. if (panel.getMode() != BasePanel.SHOWING_EDITOR) { panel.setMode(BasePanel.WILL_SHOW_EDITOR); } panel.showEntry(be); panel.markBaseChanged(); // The database just changed. new FocusRequester(panel.getEntryEditor(be)); return true; } catch (KeyCollisionException ex) { LogUtils.warn("exception in JabRefCommons.insertEntry(): " + ex.getMessage()); } return false; } // private static void insertFields(String[] fields, BibtexEntry entry, BibtexEntry newData) { // for (String field : fields) { // if (entry.getField(field) == null) { // entry.setField(field, newData.getField(field)); // } // } // } }