package org.docear.plugin.bibtex.jabref; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexDatabase; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntry; import net.sf.jabref.GUIGlobals; import net.sf.jabref.Globals; import net.sf.jabref.gui.FileListEntry; import net.sf.jabref.gui.FileListTableModel; import net.sf.jabref.labelPattern.LabelPatternUtil; import; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.JabRefProjectExtension; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.Reference; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.Reference.Item; import org.docear.plugin.bibtex.ReferencesController; import org.docear.plugin.core.features.DocearMapModelExtension; import org.docear.plugin.core.features.MapModificationSession; import org.docear.plugin.core.util.NodeUtilities; import org.docear.plugin.core.workspace.model.DocearWorkspaceProject; import org.freeplane.core.util.Compat; import org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils; import org.freeplane.core.util.TextUtils; import org.freeplane.features.attribute.Attribute; import org.freeplane.features.attribute.AttributeController; import org.freeplane.features.attribute.NodeAttributeTableModel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; import org.freeplane.features.mode.mindmapmode.MModeController; import org.freeplane.features.url.UrlManager; import org.freeplane.plugin.workspace.URIUtils; import org.freeplane.plugin.workspace.WorkspaceController; import org.freeplane.plugin.workspace.features.WorkspaceMapModelExtension; import org.freeplane.plugin.workspace.model.project.AWorkspaceProject; import; public class JabRefAttributes { private static Boolean updateNodeLock = false; private boolean nodeDirty = false; private HashMap<String, String> valueAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); private String keyAttribute; public JabRefAttributes() { registerAttributes(); } public void registerAttributes() { this.keyAttribute = TextUtils.getText("bibtex_key"); this.valueAttributes.put("authors", "author"); this.valueAttributes.put("title", "title"); this.valueAttributes.put("year", "year"); this.valueAttributes.put("journal", "journal"); } public String getKeyAttribute() { return keyAttribute; } public HashMap<String, String> getValueAttributes() { return valueAttributes; } public String getBibtexKey(NodeModel node) { return getAttributeValue(node, this.keyAttribute); } public String getAttributeValue(NodeModel node, String attributeName) { NodeAttributeTableModel attributeTable = (NodeAttributeTableModel) node.getExtension(NodeAttributeTableModel.class); if (attributeTable == null) { return null; } for (Attribute attribute : attributeTable.getAttributes()) { if (attribute.getName().equals(attributeName)) { return attribute.getValue().toString(); } } return null; } public boolean isReferencing(BibtexEntry entry, NodeModel node) { String nodeKey = getBibtexKey(node); String entryKey = entry.getCiteKey(); if (nodeKey != null && entryKey != null && nodeKey.equals(entryKey)) { return true; } return false; } public void setReferenceToNode(BibtexEntry entry) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { NodeModel node = Controller.getCurrentModeController().getMapController().getSelectedNode(); try { WorkspaceMapModelExtension mapExt = WorkspaceController.getMapModelExtension(node.getMap()); AWorkspaceProject project = mapExt.getProject(); if(project != null) { JabRefProjectExtension ext = (JabRefProjectExtension) project.getExtensions(JabRefProjectExtension.class); if(ext != null) { setReferenceToNode(new Reference(ext.getBaseHandle().getBasePanel(), entry), node); return; } } setReferenceToNode(new Reference(ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getBasePanel(), entry), node); } catch(Exception e) { LogUtils.warn("JabRefAttributes.setReferenceToNode()"); } } public void removeReferenceFromNode(NodeModel node) { for(INodeView nodeView : node.getViewers()) { if(nodeView instanceof NodeView) { NodeAttributeTableModel attributeTable = ((NodeView) nodeView).getAttributeView().getAttributes(); if (attributeTable == null) { continue; } List<String> keys = attributeTable.getAttributeKeyList(); for (String attributeKey : keys) { if (this.valueAttributes.containsKey(attributeKey) || this.keyAttribute.equals(attributeKey)) { int pos = attributeTable.getAttributePosition(attributeKey); if(pos > -1) { try { AttributeController.getController(MModeController.getMModeController()).performRemoveRow(attributeTable, pos); } catch (Exception e) { //DOCEAR - ignore for now //the whole attribute removing is completely messed up //"not found ("+attributeKey+"): "+pos); //LogUtils.warn(e); } } } } if(attributeTable.getRowCount() <= 0) { ((NodeView) nodeView).getAttributeView().viewRemoved(); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean updateReferenceToNode(Reference reference, NodeModel node) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { if (updateNodeLock) { return false; } synchronized (updateNodeLock) { updateNodeLock = true; } boolean changes = false; try { MapModificationSession session = node.getMap().getExtension(DocearMapModelExtension.class).getMapModificationSession(); Set<String> ignoresPdf = null; if (session != null) { ignoresPdf = (Set<String>) session.getSessionObject(MapModificationSession.FILE_IGNORE_LIST); if (ignoresPdf == null) { ignoresPdf = new HashSet<String>(); session.putSessionObject(MapModificationSession.FILE_IGNORE_LIST, ignoresPdf); } } Set<String> ignoresUrl = null; if (session != null) { ignoresUrl = (Set<String>) session.getSessionObject(MapModificationSession.URL_IGNORE_LIST); if (ignoresUrl == null) { ignoresUrl = new HashSet<String>(); session.putSessionObject(MapModificationSession.URL_IGNORE_LIST, ignoresUrl); } } for (URI uri : reference.getUris()) { File file = UrlManager.getController().getAbsoluteFile(node.getMap(), uri); URL url = null; if (file == null) { try { url = uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LogUtils.warn(e); } } try { if (ignoresPdf != null) { if (file != null) { if (ignoresPdf.contains(file.getName())) { throw new ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException(file); } } } else if (ignoresUrl != null) { if (url != null) { if (ignoresUrl.contains(url.toExternalForm())) { throw new ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException(url); } } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { LogUtils.warn("org.docear.plugin.bibtex.jabrefe.JabRefAttributes.updateReferenceToNode: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException ex) { if (ignoresPdf != null) { if (file != null) { ignoresPdf.add(file.getName()); } } throw ex; } } NodeUtilities.setAttributeValue(node, reference.getKey().getName(), reference.getKey().getValue(), true); NodeUtilities.updateAttributeList(); NodeAttributeTableModel attributeTable = (NodeAttributeTableModel) node.getExtension(NodeAttributeTableModel.class); if (attributeTable == null) { return false; } AttributeController attributeController = AttributeController.getController(MModeController.getMModeController()); Vector<Attribute> attributes = attributeTable.getAttributes(); ArrayList<Item> inserts = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (Item item : reference.getAttributes()) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size() && !found; i++) { try { Attribute attribute = attributes.get(i); if (attribute.getName().equals(item.getName())) { found = true; if (item.getValue() == null) { attributeController.performRemoveRow(attributeTable, i); changes = true; } else if (!attribute.getValue().equals(item.getValue())) { attributeController.performSetValueAt(attributeTable, item.getValue(), i, 1); attribute.setValue(item.getValue()); changes = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.warn("Exception in org.docear.plugin.bibtex.jabref.JabRefAttributes.updateReferenceToNode(): "+ e.getMessage()); } } if (!found && item.getValue() != null) { inserts.add(item); } } int i = attributes.size(); for (Item item : inserts) { changes = true; try { AttributeController.getController(MModeController.getMModeController()).performInsertRow(attributeTable, i, item.getName(), item.getValue()); } catch (Throwable ignore) { // probably just another swing with threading issue that can (hopefully) be ignored } i++; } } finally { try { // do not overwrite existing links NodeLinks nodeLinks = NodeLinks.getLinkExtension(node); if (nodeLinks == null || nodeLinks.getHyperLink() == null) { // add link to node if (reference.getUris().size() > 0) { ((MLinkController) MLinkController.getController()).setLinkTypeDependantLink(node, reference.getUris().iterator().next()); changes = true; } else { URL url = reference.getUrl(); if (url != null) { ((MLinkController) MLinkController.getController()).setLinkTypeDependantLink(node, URI.create(url.toExternalForm())); changes = true; } } } } finally { synchronized (updateNodeLock) { updateNodeLock = false; } } } return changes; } public boolean setReferenceToNode(BibtexEntry entry, NodeModel node) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { //return setReferenceToNode(new Reference(entry), node); try { WorkspaceMapModelExtension mapExt = WorkspaceController.getMapModelExtension(node.getMap()); AWorkspaceProject project = mapExt.getProject(); if(project != null) { JabRefProjectExtension ext = (JabRefProjectExtension) project.getExtensions(JabRefProjectExtension.class); if(ext != null) { return setReferenceToNode(new Reference(ext.getBaseHandle().getBasePanel(), entry), node); } } return setReferenceToNode(new Reference(ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getBasePanel(), entry), node); } catch(Exception e) { LogUtils.warn("JabRefAttributes.setReferenceToNode(): "+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public boolean setReferenceToNode(Reference reference, NodeModel node) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { return updateReferenceToNode(reference, node); } public void removeFileromBibtexEntry(File file, BibtexEntry entry) { String filename = file.getName(); FileListTableModel model = new FileListTableModel(); String oldVal = entry.getField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); if (oldVal == null) { return; } model.setContent(oldVal); for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { FileListEntry fle = model.getEntry(i); File f = new File(fle.getLink()); if (filename.equals(f.getName())) { model.removeEntry(i); + " <--> " + model.getStringRepresentation()); i--; } } entry.setField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD, model.getStringRepresentation()); } public void removeUrlFromBibtexEntry(URL url, BibtexEntry entry) { String field = entry.getField("url"); if (url != null && field != null && field.equals(url.toString())) { entry.setField("url", null); } } // public void resolveDuplicateLinks(BibtexEntry entry) throws // InterruptedException { // for (String s : retrieveFileLinksFromEntry(entry)) { // try { // resolveDuplicateLinks(new File(s)); // } // catch (Exception ex) { // LogUtils.warn("org.docear.plugin.bibtex.jabref.JabRefAttributes.resolveDuplicateLinks: " // + ex.getMessage()); // } // } // } public void removeLinkFromNode(NodeModel node) { for (LinkModel linkModel : NodeLinks.getLinkExtension(node).getLinks()) { if (linkModel instanceof NodeLinkModel) { ((MLinkController) LinkController.getController()).removeArrowLink((NodeLinkModel) linkModel); } } } // FIXME: not used yet --> implement functionality into // findBibtexEntryForPDF public BibtexEntry findBibtexEntryForURL(URI nodeUri, MapModel map, boolean ignoreDuplicates) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { WorkspaceMapModelExtension mapExt = WorkspaceController.getMapModelExtension(map); if(mapExt == null || mapExt.getProject() == null || !mapExt.getProject().isLoaded()) { //DOCEAR - todo: what to do? return null; } else { JabRefProjectExtension prjExt = (JabRefProjectExtension) mapExt.getProject().getExtensions(JabRefProjectExtension.class); if(prjExt == null) { return null; } else { ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getJabrefFrame().showBasePanel(prjExt.getBaseHandle().getBasePanel()); } } BibtexDatabase database = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getDatabase(); if (database == null || nodeUri == null) { return null; } MapModificationSession session = map.getExtension(DocearMapModelExtension.class).getMapModificationSession(); Set<String> ignores = null; if (session != null) { ignores = (Set<String>) session.getSessionObject(MapModificationSession.URL_IGNORE_LIST); if (ignores == null) { ignores = new HashSet<String>(); session.putSessionObject(MapModificationSession.URL_IGNORE_LIST, ignores); } } URL nodeUrl = null; try { nodeUrl = nodeUri.toURL(); } catch (Exception e1) {; return null; } try { if (ignores != null) { if (nodeUrl != null && !nodeUrl.toExternalForm().isEmpty()) { if (ignores.contains(nodeUrl.toExternalForm())) { throw new ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException(nodeUrl); } } } if (!ignoreDuplicates) { DuplicateResolver.getDuplicateResolver().resolveDuplicateLinks(nodeUrl); } for (BibtexEntry entry : database.getEntries()) { String entryUrlField = entry.getField("url"); if (entryUrlField != null && !entryUrlField.isEmpty()) { URI entryUri = null; try { entryUri = URI.create(entryUrlField); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.warn("org.docear.plugin.bibtex.jabref.JabRefAttributes.findBibtexEntryForURL: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } String entryScheme = entryUri.getScheme(); String nodeScheme = nodeUri.getScheme(); if (entryScheme != null && nodeScheme != null && !entryScheme.equals(nodeScheme)) { continue; } String entryUriString = entryUri.toString(); if (entryScheme != null) { entryUriString = entryUriString.substring(entryScheme.length() + 3); } String nodeUriString = nodeUri.toString(); if (nodeScheme != null) { nodeUriString = nodeUriString.substring(nodeScheme.length() + 3); } if (entryUriString.equals(nodeUriString)) { return entry; } } } } catch (ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException e) { if (ignores != null) { if (nodeUrl != null && !nodeUrl.toExternalForm().isEmpty()) { ignores.add(nodeUrl.toExternalForm()); } } throw e; } return null; } public BibtexEntry findBibtexEntryForPDF(URI uri, MapModel map) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { return findBibtexEntryForPDF(uri, map, false); } public BibtexEntry findBibtexEntryForPDF(URI uri, MapModel map, boolean ignoreDuplicates) throws ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException { WorkspaceMapModelExtension mapExt = WorkspaceController.getMapModelExtension(map); if(mapExt == null || mapExt.getProject() == null || !mapExt.getProject().isLoaded()) { //DOCEAR - todo: what to do? return null; } else { JabRefProjectExtension prjExt = (JabRefProjectExtension) mapExt.getProject().getExtensions(JabRefProjectExtension.class); if(prjExt == null) { //DOCEAR - todo: what to do? return null; } ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getJabrefFrame().showBasePanel(prjExt.getBaseHandle().getBasePanel()); } BibtexDatabase database = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getDatabase(); if (database == null) { return null; } // file name linked in a node File nodeFile = UrlManager.getController().getAbsoluteFile(map, uri); if (nodeFile == null || nodeFile.getAbsolutePath().isEmpty()) { return null; } String nodeFileName = nodeFile.getName(); String baseName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(nodeFileName); MapModificationSession session = map.getExtension(DocearMapModelExtension.class).getMapModificationSession(); Set<String> ignores = null; if (session != null) { ignores = (Set<String>) session.getSessionObject(MapModificationSession.FILE_IGNORE_LIST); if (ignores == null) { ignores = new HashSet<String>(); session.putSessionObject(MapModificationSession.FILE_IGNORE_LIST, ignores); } } try { if (ignores != null) { if (nodeFileName != null) { if (ignores.contains(nodeFileName)) { throw new ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException(nodeFile); } } } if (!ignoreDuplicates) { DuplicateResolver.getDuplicateResolver().resolveDuplicateLinks(nodeFile); } for (BibtexEntry entry : database.getEntries()) { String jabrefFiles = entry.getField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); if (jabrefFiles != null) { // path linked in jabref for (String jabrefFile : parsePathNames(entry, jabrefFiles)) { if (jabrefFile.endsWith(nodeFileName)) { return entry; } } } } } catch (ResolveDuplicateEntryAbortedException e) { if (ignores != null) { if (nodeFileName != null) { ignores.add(nodeFileName); } } throw e; } BibtexEntry entry = database.getEntryByKey(baseName); return entry; } public static ArrayList<String> parsePathNames(BibtexEntry entry, String path) { ArrayList<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> paths = extractPaths(path); if (path == null) { LogUtils.warn("Could not extract path from: " + entry.getCiteKey()); return fileNames; } if (paths == null || paths.size() == 0) { return fileNames; } for (String s : paths) { try { if (Compat.isWindowsOS()) { fileNames.add(new File(s).getPath()); } else { // DOCEAR - maybe no escape removal -> could cause problems // like in win os fileNames.add(new File(removeEscapingCharacter(s)).getPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } return fileNames; } public ArrayList<URI> parsePaths(DocearWorkspaceProject project, BibtexEntry entry, String pathInBibtexFile) { ArrayList<URI> uris = new ArrayList<URI>(); ArrayList<String> paths = extractPaths(pathInBibtexFile); for (String path : paths) { if (path == null) { LogUtils.warn("Could not extract path from: " + entry.getCiteKey()); continue; } path = removeEscapingCharacter(path); if (isAbsolutePath(path) && (new File(path)).exists()) { uris.add(new File(path).toURI()); } else { URI absUri = URIUtils.getAbsoluteURI(project.getBibtexDatabase()); final ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader()); URI pdfUri = absUri.resolve(UriBuilder.fromPath(path).build()); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(contextClassLoader); File file = null; try { file = new File(pdfUri); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LogUtils.warn(e.getMessage() + " for: " + path); } if (file != null && file.exists()) { uris.add(pdfUri); } } } return uris; } private static boolean isAbsolutePath(String path) { return path.matches("^/.*") || path.matches("^[a-zA-Z]:.*"); } private static String removeEscapingCharacter(String string) { return string.replaceAll("([^\\\\]{1,1})[\\\\]{1}", "$1"); } public static ArrayList<String> extractPaths(String fileField) { ArrayList<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); if (fileField != null) { FileListTableModel model = new FileListTableModel(); model.setContent(fileField); for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { paths.add(model.getEntry(i).getLink()); } } return paths; } public void generateBibtexEntry(BibtexEntry entry) { BibtexDatabase database = ReferencesController.getController().getJabrefWrapper().getDatabase(); LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(Globals.prefs.getKeyPattern(), database, entry); } public boolean isNodeDirty() { return nodeDirty; } public void setNodeDirty(boolean nodeDirty) { this.nodeDirty = nodeDirty; } }