/* * @(#)PolygonHandle.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: � by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package CH.ifa.draw.contrib; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.*; import CH.ifa.draw.standard.*; import CH.ifa.draw.figures.PolyLineHandle; import CH.ifa.draw.util.Geom; import CH.ifa.draw.util.Undoable; import CH.ifa.draw.util.UndoableAdapter; import java.awt.Point; /** * A handle for a node on the polygon. * Based on PolyLineHandle * * @author Doug Lea (dl at gee, Fri Feb 28 07:47:13 1997) * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class PolygonHandle extends AbstractHandle { private Locator fLocator; private int fIndex; /** * Constructs a polygon handle. * @param owner the owning polygon figure. * @l the locator * @index the index of the node associated with this handle. */ public PolygonHandle(PolygonFigure owner, Locator l, int index) { super(owner); fLocator = l; fIndex = index; } public void invokeStart(int x, int y, DrawingView view) { setUndoActivity(createUndoActivity(view, fIndex)); getUndoActivity().setAffectedFigures(new SingleFigureEnumerator(owner())); ((PolygonHandle.UndoActivity)getUndoActivity()).setOldPoint(new Point(x, y)); } public void invokeStep(int x, int y, int anchorX, int anchorY, DrawingView view) { int index = ((PolyLineHandle.UndoActivity)getUndoActivity()).getPointIndex(); myOwner().setPointAt(new Point(x, y), index); } public void invokeEnd(int x, int y, int anchorX, int anchorY, DrawingView view) { myOwner().smoothPoints(); if ((x == anchorX) && (y == anchorY)) { setUndoActivity(null); } } public Point locate() { return fLocator.locate(owner()); } private PolygonFigure myOwner() { return (PolygonFigure)owner(); } /** * Factory method for undo activity. To be overriden by subclasses. */ protected Undoable createUndoActivity(DrawingView newView, int newPointIndex) { return new PolygonHandle.UndoActivity(newView, newPointIndex); } public static class UndoActivity extends PolyLineHandle.UndoActivity { public UndoActivity(DrawingView newView, int newPointIndex) { super(newView, newPointIndex); } protected boolean movePointToOldLocation() { FigureEnumeration fe = getAffectedFigures(); if (!fe.hasMoreElements()) { return false; } PolygonFigure figure = (PolygonFigure)fe.nextFigure(); Point backupPoint = figure.pointAt(getPointIndex()); figure.setPointAt(getOldPoint(), getPointIndex()); figure.smoothPoints(); setOldPoint(backupPoint); return true; } } }