package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import soot.Body; import soot.Hierarchy; import soot.SootClass; import soot.SootMethod; import soot.Unit; import soot.jimple.internal.JAssignStmt; import soot.jimple.internal.JInvokeStmt; public class CallGraphTXTCreator extends AbstractAnalyzer { private String callGraphPath; public static final String CALL_GRAPH_TXT_FILE_NAME = "callgraph.txt"; public CallGraphTXTCreator(AbstractProject project) { super(project); } private List<Unit> getUnits(SootMethod aMethod) { List<Unit> unitList = new ArrayList<Unit>(); if (aMethod.hasActiveBody()) { Body body = aMethod.getActiveBody(); unitList.addAll(body.getUnits()); } return unitList; } public List<SootClass> getSubTypeClassOf(SootClass aType, Hierarchy aHierarchy) { if (aType.isInterface()) { return aHierarchy.getImplementersOf(aType); } else { return aHierarchy.getSubclassesOf(aType); } } public List<SootMethod> getOverrideMethodsOf(SootMethod aMethod, Hierarchy aHierarchy, Map<Map<SootClass, String>, SootMethod> aMethodMapBySubSignature) { List<SootMethod> result = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); SootClass receiverType = aMethod.getDeclaringClass(); List<SootClass> subTypeClassList = getSubTypeClassOf(receiverType, aHierarchy); if (!subTypeClassList.isEmpty()) { for (SootClass aClass : subTypeClassList) { Map<SootClass, String> key = new HashMap<SootClass, String>(); key.put(aClass, aMethod.getSubSignature()); SootMethod overrideMethod = aMethodMapBySubSignature.get(key); if (overrideMethod != null) { result.add(overrideMethod); } } } return result; } @Override protected void preAnalysis() { String fileName2 = CALL_GRAPH_TXT_FILE_NAME; callGraphPath = MyUtil.getPath(project.getOutputDirectory(), fileName2); } @Override protected void analyze(List<SootClass> classList, Hierarchy hierarchy) { // This is a map that has keys of (class, subsignature of method) pair. Map<Map<SootClass, String>, SootMethod> methodMapBySubSignature = new HashMap<Map<SootClass, String>, SootMethod>(); for (SootClass aClass : classList) { for (SootMethod aMethod : aClass.getMethods()) { Map<SootClass, String> key = new HashMap<SootClass, String>(); key.put(aClass, aMethod.getSubSignature()); methodMapBySubSignature.put(key, aMethod); } } PrintWriter writer = null; try { File outputFile = new File(callGraphPath); File dir = outputFile.getParentFile(); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(callGraphPath)); for (SootClass aClass : classList) { for (SootMethod aMethod : aClass.getMethods()) { for (Unit aUnit : getUnits(aMethod)) { if (aUnit instanceof JInvokeStmt) { JInvokeStmt jInvokeStatement = (JInvokeStmt) aUnit; SootMethod invokedMethod = jInvokeStatement .getInvokeExpr().getMethod(); SootClass receiverClass = invokedMethod .getDeclaringClass(); if (classList.contains(receiverClass)) { writer.print(aMethod.toString()); writer.print("\t"); writer.println(invokedMethod.toString()); // If there is a call to abstract type class, // its subclass' methods should be added to a // call graph. if (!invokedMethod.getName().equals("<init>")) { List<SootMethod> overrideMethodList = getOverrideMethodsOf( invokedMethod, hierarchy, methodMapBySubSignature); for (SootMethod overrideMethod : overrideMethodList) { writer.print(aMethod.toString()); writer.print("\t"); writer.println(overrideMethod .toString()); } } } } if (aUnit instanceof JAssignStmt) { JAssignStmt jAssignStatement = (JAssignStmt) aUnit; if (jAssignStatement.containsInvokeExpr()) { SootMethod invokedMethod = jAssignStatement .getInvokeExpr().getMethod(); SootClass receiverClass = invokedMethod .getDeclaringClass(); if (classList.contains(receiverClass)) { writer.print(aMethod.toString()); writer.print("\t"); writer.println(invokedMethod.toString()); // If there is a call to abstract type // class, its subclass' methods should be // added to a call graph. if (!invokedMethod.getName().equals( "<init>")) { List<SootMethod> overrideMethodList = getOverrideMethodsOf( invokedMethod, hierarchy, methodMapBySubSignature); for (SootMethod overrideMethod : overrideMethodList) { writer.print(aMethod.toString()); writer.print("\t"); writer.println(overrideMethod .toString()); } } } } } } } } writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } } }