package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import soot.Body; import soot.Hierarchy; import soot.SootClass; import soot.SootField; import soot.SootMethod; import soot.Type; import soot.Unit; import soot.Value; import soot.jimple.internal.JAssignStmt; import soot.jimple.internal.JInvokeStmt; public class Analysis { protected List<SootClass> classList; protected CallGraph callGraph; protected HashMap<String, SootClass> classMap; private HashMap<String, SootMethod> methodMap; private HashMap<String, SootField> fieldMap; protected Hierarchy hierarchy; private Map<Map<SootClass, String>, SootMethod> methodMapBySubSignature; public Analysis(List<SootClass> aClassList, Hierarchy aHierarchy, CallGraph aGraph) { classList = new ArrayList<SootClass>(); classMap = new HashMap<String, SootClass>(); methodMap = new HashMap<String, SootMethod>(); fieldMap = new HashMap<String, SootField>(); /* * This is a map that has keys of (class, subsignature of method) pair. */ methodMapBySubSignature = new HashMap<Map<SootClass, String>, SootMethod>(); classList = aClassList; for (SootClass aClass : classList) { classMap.put(aClass.getName(), aClass); for (SootField aField : aClass.getFields()) { fieldMap.put(aField.toString(), aField); } for (SootMethod aMethod : aClass.getMethods()) { methodMap.put(aMethod.toString(), aMethod); Map<SootClass, String> key = new HashMap<SootClass, String>(); key.put(aClass, aMethod.getSubSignature()); methodMapBySubSignature.put(key, aMethod); } } callGraph = aGraph; hierarchy = aHierarchy; } public Analysis(List<SootClass> aClassList, Hierarchy aHierarchy, boolean useSimpleCallGraph) { classList = new ArrayList<SootClass>(); classMap = new HashMap<String, SootClass>(); methodMap = new HashMap<String, SootMethod>(); fieldMap = new HashMap<String, SootField>(); methodMapBySubSignature = new HashMap<Map<SootClass, String>, SootMethod>(); classList = aClassList; for (SootClass aClass : classList) { classMap.put(aClass.getName(), aClass); for (SootField aField : aClass.getFields()) { fieldMap.put(aField.toString(), aField); } for (SootMethod aMethod : aClass.getMethods()) { methodMap.put(aMethod.toString(), aMethod); Map<SootClass, String> key = new HashMap<SootClass, String>(); key.put(aClass, aMethod.getSubSignature()); methodMapBySubSignature.put(key, aMethod); } } hierarchy = aHierarchy; if (useSimpleCallGraph) { callGraph = new SimpleCallGraph(classList, methodMap, aHierarchy); } else { callGraph = new SootCallGraph(classList); } } protected List<Unit> getUnits(SootMethod aMethod) { List<Unit> unitList = new ArrayList<Unit>(); if (aMethod.hasActiveBody()) { Body body = aMethod.getActiveBody(); unitList.addAll(body.getUnits()); } return unitList; } protected boolean isAbstractTypeClass(SootClass aClass) { boolean result = false; if (aClass.isInterface() || aClass.isAbstract()) { result = true; } return result; } public List<SootClass> getAbstractTypeClassList() { List<SootClass> result = new ArrayList<SootClass>(); for (SootClass aClass : classList) { if (isAbstractTypeClass(aClass)) { result.add(aClass); } } return result; } private List<SootClass> getSubTypeClassOf(SootClass aType) { if (aType.isInterface()) { return hierarchy.getImplementersOf(aType); } else { return hierarchy.getSubclassesOf(aType); } } public List<SootMethod> getOverrideMethodsOf(SootMethod aMethod) { List<SootMethod> result = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); SootClass receiverType = aMethod.getDeclaringClass(); List<SootClass> subTypeClassList = getSubTypeClassOf(receiverType); if (!subTypeClassList.isEmpty()) { for (SootClass aClass : subTypeClassList) { Map<SootClass, String> key = new HashMap<SootClass, String>(); key.put(aClass, aMethod.getSubSignature()); SootMethod overrideMethod = methodMapBySubSignature.get(key); if (overrideMethod != null) { result.add(overrideMethod); } } } return result; } public List<SootClass> getSuperClassListExcludingInterface(SootClass aClass) { List<SootClass> result = new ArrayList<SootClass>(); for (SootClass candidateClass : classList) { if (!candidateClass.isInterface()) { if (isClassOfSubType(aClass, candidateClass)) { if (!aClass.equals(candidateClass)) { result.add(candidateClass); } } } } return result; } // <JInvokeStmt> interfaceinvoke temp$0.<State: void // changeSpeed(CeilingFan)>(this) // <UseBox> VB(temp$0) // <Type> State // <UseBox> VB(this) // <Type> CeilingFan // <UseBox> VB(interfaceinvoke temp$0.<State: void // changeSpeed(CeilingFan)>(this)) // <Type> void // <MethodRef> <State: void changeSpeed(CeilingFan)> public boolean isInvokeStatementOfReceiverType(Unit aUnit, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; if (aUnit instanceof JInvokeStmt) { JInvokeStmt statement = (JInvokeStmt) aUnit; SootClass receiver = statement.getInvokeExpr().getMethod() .getDeclaringClass(); String key = receiver.toString(); SootClass receiverClass = null; if (classMap.containsKey(key)) { receiverClass = classMap.get(key); } if (receiverClass != null) { if (receiverClass instanceof SootClass) { if (receiverClass.equals(aType)) { result = true; } } } } return result; } public boolean isAssignmentStatementHasInvocationOfReceiverType(Unit aUnit, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; if (aUnit instanceof JAssignStmt) { JAssignStmt statement = (JAssignStmt) aUnit; if (statement.containsInvokeExpr()) { SootClass receiver = statement.getInvokeExpr().getMethod() .getDeclaringClass(); String key = receiver.toString(); SootClass receiverClass = null; if (classMap.containsKey(key)) { receiverClass = classMap.get(key); } if (receiverClass != null) { if (receiverClass instanceof SootClass) { if (receiverClass.equals(aType)) { result = true; } } } } } return result; } public boolean isClassOfSubType(SootClass aClass, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; if (aType.isInterface() && !(aClass.isInterface())) { List<SootClass> implementerList = hierarchy .getImplementersOf(aType); result = implementerList.contains(aClass); } else if (aType.isInterface() && aClass.isInterface()) { if (hierarchy.isInterfaceSubinterfaceOf(aClass, aType) || aClass.equals(aType)) { result = true; } } else if (!(aType.isInterface()) && !(aClass.isInterface())) { result = hierarchy.isClassSubclassOfIncluding(aClass, aType); } return result; } public boolean isClassOfSubTypeExcluding(SootClass aClass, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; if (aType.isInterface() && !(aClass.isInterface())) { List<SootClass> implementerList = hierarchy .getImplementersOf(aType); result = implementerList.contains(aClass); } else if (aType.isInterface() && aClass.isInterface()) { if (hierarchy.isInterfaceSubinterfaceOf(aClass, aType)) { result = true; } } else if (!(aType.isInterface()) && !(aClass.isInterface())) { result = hierarchy.isClassSubclassOf(aClass, aType); } return result; } // <Creation Statement> temp$0 = new Off // <DefBox> VB(temp$0) // <UseBox> VB(new Off) public boolean isInstanceCreationStatementOfSubType(Unit aUnit, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; if (aUnit instanceof JAssignStmt) { String rightSide = aUnit.getUseBoxes().get(0).getValue().toString(); if (rightSide.matches("new .*")) { String className = rightSide.substring(4); SootClass createdClass = classMap.get(className); if (createdClass != null) { result = isClassOfSubType(createdClass, aType); } } } return result; } // private boolean isFieldOfType(SootField aField, SootClass aType) { // boolean result = false; // if (aType.getName().equals(aField.getType().toString())) { // result = true; // } // return result; // } public boolean isFieldOfSubType(SootField aField, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; String key = aField.getType().toString(); SootClass fieldClass = null; if (classMap.containsKey(key)) { fieldClass = classMap.get(key); } if (fieldClass != null) { if (isClassOfSubType(fieldClass, aType)) { result = true; } } return result; } public String getReadFieldStringByThisStatement(Unit aUnit) { String result = null; if (aUnit instanceof JAssignStmt) { JAssignStmt assignStmt = (JAssignStmt) aUnit; String rightSideString = assignStmt.getRightOp().toString(); if (rightSideString.startsWith("this.")) { rightSideString = rightSideString.substring(5); } // Only field variable if (rightSideString.startsWith("<")) { result = rightSideString; } } return result; } public List<String> getReadFieldStringListByThisMethod(SootMethod aMethod) { List<String> fieldStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Unit aUnit : getUnits(aMethod)) { String fieldString = getReadFieldStringByThisStatement(aUnit); if (fieldString != null) { fieldStringList.add(fieldString); } } return fieldStringList; } public String getWrittenFieldStringByThisStatement(Unit aUnit, SootClass aType) { String result = null; if (aUnit instanceof JAssignStmt) { JAssignStmt assignStmt = (JAssignStmt) aUnit; Value rightOp = assignStmt.getRightOp(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") SootClass rightOpType = null; String rightOpTypeKey = rightOp.getType().toString(); // if (!(rightOpTypeKey.startsWith("null"))) { if (classMap.containsKey(rightOpTypeKey)) { rightOpType = classMap.get(rightOpTypeKey); // if ((rightOpType != null) // && isClassOfSubType(rightOpType, aType)) { String leftSideString = assignStmt.getLeftOp().toString(); if (leftSideString.startsWith("this.")) { leftSideString = leftSideString.substring(5); } // Only field variable if (leftSideString.startsWith("<")) { result = leftSideString; } // } } // } } return result; } public List<String> getWrittenFieldStringListByThisMethod( SootMethod aMethod, SootClass aType) { List<String> fieldStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Unit aUnit : getUnits(aMethod)) { String fieldString = getWrittenFieldStringByThisStatement(aUnit, aType); if (fieldString != null) { fieldStringList.add(fieldString); } } return fieldStringList; } // public boolean isInjectorMethodOfField(SootMethod aMethod, SootField // aField) { // boolean result = false; // Set<String> writtenFieldStringSet = new HashSet<String>(); // writtenFieldStringSet.addAll(getWrittenFieldStringListByThisMethod(aMethod)); // // for (String fieldString : writtenFieldStringSet) { // if (aField.toString().equals(fieldString)) { // result = true; // break; // } // } // return result; // } private String getReturnTypeString(SootMethod aMethod) { Type returnType = aMethod.getReturnType(); return returnType.toString(); } public boolean doesThisMethodReturnObjectOfSubtype(SootMethod aMethod, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; String returnTypeString = getReturnTypeString(aMethod); SootClass returnType = classMap.get(returnTypeString); if (returnType != null) { result = isClassOfSubType(returnType, aType); } return result; } private List<String> getParameterTypeStringList(SootMethod aMethod) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Type> parameterTypeList = aMethod.getParameterTypes(); List<String> parameterTypeStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Type aParameterType : parameterTypeList) { parameterTypeStringList.add(aParameterType.toString()); } return parameterTypeStringList; } public boolean doesThisMethodParameterOfSubtype(SootMethod aMethod, SootClass aType) { boolean result = false; List<String> parameterTypeStringList = getParameterTypeStringList(aMethod); List<SootClass> parameterTypeList = new ArrayList<SootClass>(); for (String aParameterTypeString : parameterTypeStringList) { SootClass parameterType = null; if (classMap.containsKey(aParameterTypeString)) { parameterType = classMap.get(aParameterTypeString); } if (parameterType != null) { parameterTypeList.add(parameterType); } } for (SootClass aParameterType : parameterTypeList) { if (isClassOfSubType(aParameterType, aType)) { result = true; return result; } } return result; } public MethodAnalysisResult analyzeMethodOverType(SootMethod aMethod, SootClass aType, HashMap<String, MyNode> nodeMap) { MethodAnalysisResult result = new MethodAnalysisResult(); String aNodeKey = aMethod.toString(); if (nodeMap.containsKey(aNodeKey)) { result.setMethod((MyMethod) nodeMap.get(aNodeKey)); } result.setAbstractType(aType); for (Unit aUnit : getUnits(aMethod)) { if (isInstanceCreationStatementOfSubType(aUnit, aType)) { result.getMethod().setIsCreator(true); result.getMethod().addCreateStatement(aUnit); } if (isInvokeStatementOfReceiverType(aUnit, aType)) { result.getMethod().setIsCaller(true); result.getMethod().addCallStatement(aUnit); } else if (isAssignmentStatementHasInvocationOfReceiverType(aUnit, aType)) { result.getMethod().setIsCaller(true); result.getMethod().addCallStatement(aUnit); } } HashSet<SootMethod> callerSet = new HashSet<SootMethod>(); for (MyNode aNode : callGraph.sourceNodes(new MyMethod(aMethod))) { callerSet.add(((MyMethod) aNode).getMethod()); } HashSet<SootMethod> calleeSet = new HashSet<SootMethod>(); for (MyNode aNode : callGraph.targetNodes(new MyMethod(aMethod))) { calleeSet.add(((MyMethod) aNode).getMethod()); } if (doesThisMethodParameterOfSubtype(aMethod, aType)) { for (SootMethod callerMethod : callerSet) { MyNode method = nodeMap.get(callerMethod.toString()); if (method != null) { result.addSourceNode(method); // result.targetNodes.add(method); // can make cycle } } } if (doesThisMethodReturnObjectOfSubtype(aMethod, aType)) { for (SootMethod callerMethod : callerSet) { MyNode method = nodeMap.get(callerMethod.toString()); if (method != null) { result.addTargetNode(method); } } } for (SootMethod calleeMethod : calleeSet) { if (doesThisMethodParameterOfSubtype(calleeMethod, aType)) { MyNode method = nodeMap.get(calleeMethod.toString()); if (method != null) { result.addTargetNode(method); // result.sourceNodes.add(method); // can make cycle } } // new ConcreteClass() should have return type of ConcreteClass // But temp0 = new ConcreteClass // temp0.<init> // has void return type // So it needs special care for creator method if (isClassOfSubType(calleeMethod.getDeclaringClass(), aType) && calleeMethod.getName().equals("<init>")) { MyNode method = nodeMap.get(calleeMethod.toString()); if (method != null) { result.addSourceNode(method); } } } for (SootMethod calleeMethod : calleeSet) { if (doesThisMethodReturnObjectOfSubtype(calleeMethod, aType)) { MyNode method = nodeMap.get(calleeMethod.toString()); if (method != null) { result.addSourceNode(method); } } } List<SootField> superClassFieldListOfAbstractType = new ArrayList<SootField>(); SootClass classOfThisMethod = aMethod.getDeclaringClass(); if (!classOfThisMethod.isInterface()) { List<SootClass> superClassList = getSuperClassListExcludingInterface(classOfThisMethod); for (SootClass aClass : superClassList) { for (SootField aField : aClass.getFields()) { if (isFieldOfSubType(aField, aType)) { superClassFieldListOfAbstractType.add(aField); } } } } List<String> readFieldStringList = getReadFieldStringListByThisMethod(aMethod); for (String readFieldString : readFieldStringList) { if (nodeMap.containsKey(readFieldString)) { nodeMap.get(readFieldString).setIsStore(true); result.addSourceNode(nodeMap.get(readFieldString)); } else { for (SootField aSuperClassField : superClassFieldListOfAbstractType) { String fieldKey = aSuperClassField.toString(); if (fieldKey.contains(readFieldString.replaceFirst("<.*:", ""))) { if (nodeMap.containsKey(fieldKey)) { nodeMap.get(fieldKey).setIsStore(true); result.addSourceNode(nodeMap.get(fieldKey)); } } } } } List<String> writtenFieldStringList = getWrittenFieldStringListByThisMethod( aMethod, aType); for (String writtenFieldString : writtenFieldStringList) { if (nodeMap.containsKey(writtenFieldString)) { nodeMap.get(writtenFieldString).setIsStore(true); result.addTargetNode(nodeMap.get(writtenFieldString)); } else { for (SootField aSuperClassField : superClassFieldListOfAbstractType) { String fieldKey = aSuperClassField.toString(); if (fieldKey.contains(writtenFieldString.replaceFirst( "<.*:", ""))) { if (nodeMap.containsKey(fieldKey)) { nodeMap.get(fieldKey).setIsStore(true); result.addTargetNode(nodeMap.get(fieldKey)); } } } } } return result; } public Graph<MyNode> getGraphFromMethodAnalysisResultList( List<MethodAnalysisResult> resultList) { DefaultHashMapGraph<MyNode> graph = new DefaultHashMapGraph<MyNode>(); HashMap<String, HashSet<MyNode>> sourceMap = graph.getSourceMap(); HashMap<String, HashSet<MyNode>> targetMap = graph.getTargetMap(); for (MethodAnalysisResult result : resultList) { MyNode selfNode = result.getMethod(); for (MyNode sourceNode : result.getSourceNodes()) { // add mapping information to targetMap String key = sourceNode.toString(); if (targetMap.containsKey(key)) { targetMap.get(key).add(selfNode); } else { HashSet<MyNode> newSet = new HashSet<MyNode>(); newSet.add(selfNode); targetMap.put(key, newSet); } // add mapping information to sourceMap key = selfNode.toString(); if (sourceMap.containsKey(key)) { sourceMap.get(key).add(sourceNode); } else { HashSet<MyNode> newSet = new HashSet<MyNode>(); newSet.add(sourceNode); sourceMap.put(key, newSet); } } for (MyNode targetNode : result.getTargetNodes()) { // add mapping information to sourceMap String key = targetNode.toString(); if (sourceMap.containsKey(key)) { sourceMap.get(key).add(selfNode); } else { HashSet<MyNode> newSet = new HashSet<MyNode>(); newSet.add(selfNode); sourceMap.put(key, newSet); } // add mapping information to targetMap key = selfNode.toString(); if (targetMap.containsKey(key)) { targetMap.get(key).add(targetNode); } else { HashSet<MyNode> newSet = new HashSet<MyNode>(); newSet.add(targetNode); targetMap.put(key, newSet); } } } return graph; } public AnalysisResult analyzeOverType(SootClass aType) { AnalysisResult anAnalysisResult = new AnalysisResult(); List<MethodAnalysisResult> methodAnalysisResultList = new ArrayList<MethodAnalysisResult>(); HashMap<String, MyNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<String, MyNode>(); for (SootClass aClass : classList) { for (SootField aField : aClass.getFields()) { // We only consider fields of the abstract type. if (aField.getType().toString().equals(aType.toString())) { nodeMap.put(aField.toString(), new MyField(aField)); } } for (SootMethod aMethod : aClass.getMethods()) { nodeMap.put(aMethod.toString(), new MyMethod(aMethod)); } } anAnalysisResult.setAbstractType(aType); for (SootClass aClass : classList) { for (SootMethod aMethod : aClass.getMethods()) { methodAnalysisResultList.add(analyzeMethodOverType(aMethod, aType, nodeMap)); } } for (MethodAnalysisResult aResult : methodAnalysisResultList) { MyNode node = aResult.getMethod(); if (node.isCaller()) { anAnalysisResult.addCaller(node); } if (node.isCreator()) { anAnalysisResult.addCreator(node); } } Graph<MyNode> referenceFlowGraph = getGraphFromMethodAnalysisResultList(methodAnalysisResultList); // graphXML = graphXML + referenceFlowGraph.toXML(); for (MyNode callerNode : anAnalysisResult.getCallers()) { GraphPathCollector<MyNode> pathCollector = new GraphPathCollector<MyNode>( callerNode, referenceFlowGraph) { @Override protected boolean isGoal(MyNode aNode) { boolean result = false; if (graph.sourceNodes(aNode).isEmpty() || hitSet.contains(aNode.toString())) { result = true; } // result = aNode.isCreator(); // && // (graph.sourceNodes(aNode)).isEmpty(); return result; } }; List<Path<MyNode>> pathList =; List<Path<MyNode>> pathIncludeStoreList = new ArrayList<Path<MyNode>>(); for (Path<MyNode> aPath : pathList) { boolean doesPathIncludeStore = false; for (MyNode aNode : aPath.getNodeList()) { if (aNode.isStore()) { doesPathIncludeStore = true; break; } } if (doesPathIncludeStore) { pathIncludeStoreList.add(aPath); } } if (!pathIncludeStoreList.isEmpty()) { anAnalysisResult.putReferenceFlowPath(callerNode.key(), pathIncludeStoreList); } } // for (Entry<String, List<MyPath>> anEntry : // anAnalysisResult.referenceFlowPathMap // .entrySet()) { // for (MyPath aPath : anEntry.getValue()) { // MyNode creator = aPath.last(); // TriggerPathCollector triggerPathCollector = new TriggerPathCollector( // creator, callGraph, aType, this); // List<MyPath> triggerPathList =; // // if (!triggerPathList.isEmpty()) { // anAnalysisResult.creatorTriggerPathMap.put(aPath, // triggerPathList); // } // } // } return anAnalysisResult; } public List<AnalysisResult> analyzeOverAllAbstractTypes() { List<AnalysisResult> analysisResultList = new ArrayList<AnalysisResult>(); List<SootClass> abstractTypeList = getAbstractTypeClassList(); // String graphXML = "<GraphList>"; for (SootClass aType : abstractTypeList) { if (!aType.toString().equals("org.jhotdraw.framework.Figure")) { analysisResultList.add(analyzeOverType(aType)); } } // graphXML = graphXML + "</GraphList>"; // MyUtil.stringToFile(graphXML, // "/Users/chanwoo/Documents/workspace/StatePatternExample2/output/StatePatternExample2_ReferenceFlowGraph.xml"); return analysisResultList; } }