import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CalendarEditor{ private State currentState; private File appointmentFile; private ArrayList appointments = new ArrayList(); private static final String DEFAULT_APPOINTMENT_FILE = "appointments.ser"; public CalendarEditor(){ this(DEFAULT_APPOINTMENT_FILE); } public CalendarEditor(String appointmentFileName){ appointmentFile = new File(appointmentFileName); try{ appointments = (ArrayList)FileLoader.loadData(appointmentFile); } catch (ClassCastException exc){ System.err.println("Unable to load information. The file does not contain a list of appointments."); } currentState = new CleanState(); } public void save(){; } public void edit(){ currentState.edit(); } private class DirtyState implements State{ private State nextState; public DirtyState(State nextState){ this.nextState = nextState; } public void save(){ FileLoader.storeData(appointmentFile, appointments); currentState = nextState; } public void edit(){ } } private class CleanState implements State{ private State nextState = new DirtyState(this); public void save(){ } public void edit(){ currentState = nextState; } } public ArrayList getAppointments(){ return appointments; } public void addAppointment(Appointment appointment){ if (!appointments.contains(appointment)){ appointments.add(appointment); } } public void removeAppointment(Appointment appointment){ appointments.remove(appointment); } }