import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; public class RunPattern{ public static void main(String [] arguments){ System.out.println("Example for the Visitor pattern"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("This sample will use a ProjectCostVisitor to calculate"); System.out.println(" the total amount required to complete a Project."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Deserializing a test Project for Visitor pattern"); System.out.println(); if (!(new File("data.ser").exists())){ DataCreator.serialize("data.ser"); } Project project = (Project)(DataRetriever.deserializeData("data.ser")); System.out.println("Creating a ProjectCostVisitor, to calculate the total cost of the project."); ProjectCostVisitor visitor = new ProjectCostVisitor(); visitor.setHourlyRate(100); System.out.println("Moving throuhg the Project, calculating total cost"); System.out.println(" by passing the Visitor to each of the ProjectItems."); visitProjectItems(project, visitor); System.out.println("The total cost for the project is: " + visitor.getTotalCost()); } private static void visitProjectItems(ProjectItem item, ProjectVisitor visitor){ item.accept(visitor); if (item.getProjectItems() != null){ Iterator subElements = item.getProjectItems().iterator(); while (subElements.hasNext()){ visitProjectItems((ProjectItem), visitor); } } } }