package pt.tumba.parser.swf; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * A pass-through implementation of the SWFTagTypes interface - useful as a * base class * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class SWFTagTypesImpl implements SWFTagTypes { /** * Description of the Field */ protected SWFTagTypes tags; /** *@param tags may be null */ public SWFTagTypesImpl(SWFTagTypes tags) { this.tags = tags; } /** * SWFTags interface * *@param tagType Description of the Parameter *@param longTag Description of the Parameter *@param contents Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tag(int tagType, boolean longTag, byte[] contents) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tag(tagType, longTag, contents); } } /** * SWFHeader interface. Sets movie length to -1 to force a recalculation * since the length cannot be guaranteed to be the same as the original. * *@param version Description of the Parameter *@param length Description of the Parameter *@param twipsWidth Description of the Parameter *@param twipsHeight Description of the Parameter *@param frameRate Description of the Parameter *@param frameCount Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void header(int version, long length, int twipsWidth, int twipsHeight, int frameRate, int frameCount) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.header(version, length, twipsWidth, twipsHeight, frameRate, frameCount); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagEnd() throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagEnd(); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param format Description of the Parameter *@param frequency Description of the Parameter *@param bits16 Description of the Parameter *@param stereo Description of the Parameter *@param sampleCount Description of the Parameter *@param soundData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineSound(int id, int format, int frequency, boolean bits16, boolean stereo, int sampleCount, byte[] soundData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineSound(id, format, frequency, bits16, stereo, sampleCount, soundData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param buttonId Description of the Parameter *@param rollOverSoundId Description of the Parameter *@param rollOverSoundInfo Description of the Parameter *@param rollOutSoundId Description of the Parameter *@param rollOutSoundInfo Description of the Parameter *@param pressSoundId Description of the Parameter *@param pressSoundInfo Description of the Parameter *@param releaseSoundId Description of the Parameter *@param releaseSoundInfo Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineButtonSound(int buttonId, int rollOverSoundId, SoundInfo rollOverSoundInfo, int rollOutSoundId, SoundInfo rollOutSoundInfo, int pressSoundId, SoundInfo pressSoundInfo, int releaseSoundId, SoundInfo releaseSoundInfo) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineButtonSound(buttonId, rollOverSoundId, rollOverSoundInfo, rollOutSoundId, rollOutSoundInfo, pressSoundId, pressSoundInfo, releaseSoundId, releaseSoundInfo); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param soundId Description of the Parameter *@param info Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagStartSound(int soundId, SoundInfo info) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagStartSound(soundId, info); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param playbackFrequency Description of the Parameter *@param playback16bit Description of the Parameter *@param playbackStereo Description of the Parameter *@param streamFormat Description of the Parameter *@param streamFrequency Description of the Parameter *@param stream16bit Description of the Parameter *@param streamStereo Description of the Parameter *@param averageSampleCount Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagSoundStreamHead( int playbackFrequency, boolean playback16bit, boolean playbackStereo, int streamFormat, int streamFrequency, boolean stream16bit, boolean streamStereo, int averageSampleCount) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagSoundStreamHead( playbackFrequency, playback16bit, playbackStereo, streamFormat, streamFrequency, stream16bit, streamStereo, averageSampleCount); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param playbackFrequency Description of the Parameter *@param playback16bit Description of the Parameter *@param playbackStereo Description of the Parameter *@param streamFormat Description of the Parameter *@param streamFrequency Description of the Parameter *@param stream16bit Description of the Parameter *@param streamStereo Description of the Parameter *@param averageSampleCount Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagSoundStreamHead2( int playbackFrequency, boolean playback16bit, boolean playbackStereo, int streamFormat, int streamFrequency, boolean stream16bit, boolean streamStereo, int averageSampleCount) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagSoundStreamHead2( playbackFrequency, playback16bit, playbackStereo, streamFormat, streamFrequency, stream16bit, streamStereo, averageSampleCount); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param soundData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagSoundStreamBlock(byte[] soundData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagSoundStreamBlock(soundData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param serialNumber Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagSerialNumber(String serialNumber) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagSerialNumber(serialNumber); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagGenerator(byte[] data) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagGenerator(data); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagGeneratorText(byte[] data) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagGeneratorText(data); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagGeneratorFont(byte[] data) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagGeneratorFont(data); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagGeneratorCommand(byte[] data) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagGeneratorCommand(data); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagNameCharacter(byte[] data) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagNameCharacter(data); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param imageData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineBits(int id, byte[] imageData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineBits(id, imageData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param jpegEncodingData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagJPEGTables(byte[] jpegEncodingData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagJPEGTables(jpegEncodingData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param imageData Description of the Parameter *@param alphaData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineBitsJPEG3(int id, byte[] imageData, byte[] alphaData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineBitsJPEG3(id, imageData, alphaData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagShowFrame() throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagShowFrame(); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFActions tagDoAction() throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDoAction(); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param outline Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFShape tagDefineShape(int id, Rect outline) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineShape(id, outline); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param outline Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFShape tagDefineShape2(int id, Rect outline) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineShape2(id, outline); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param outline Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFShape tagDefineShape3(int id, Rect outline) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineShape3(id, outline); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param charId Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagFreeCharacter(int charId) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagFreeCharacter(charId); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param charId Description of the Parameter *@param depth Description of the Parameter *@param matrix Description of the Parameter *@param cxform Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagPlaceObject(int charId, int depth, Matrix matrix, AlphaTransform cxform) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagPlaceObject(charId, depth, matrix, cxform); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param isMove Description of the Parameter *@param clipDepth Description of the Parameter *@param depth Description of the Parameter *@param charId Description of the Parameter *@param matrix Description of the Parameter *@param cxform Description of the Parameter *@param ratio Description of the Parameter *@param name Description of the Parameter *@param clipActionFlags Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFActions tagPlaceObject2(boolean isMove, int clipDepth, int depth, int charId, Matrix matrix, AlphaTransform cxform, int ratio, String name, int clipActionFlags) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagPlaceObject2(isMove, clipDepth, depth, charId, matrix, cxform, ratio, name, clipActionFlags); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param charId Description of the Parameter *@param depth Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagRemoveObject(int charId, int depth) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagRemoveObject(charId, depth); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param depth Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagRemoveObject2(int depth) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagRemoveObject2(depth); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param color Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagSetBackgroundColor(color); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param label Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagFrameLabel(String label) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagFrameLabel(label); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFTagTypes tagDefineSprite(int id) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineSprite(id); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param password Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagProtect(byte[] password) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagProtect(password); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param password Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagEnableDebug(byte[] password) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagEnableDebug(password); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param numGlyphs Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFVectors tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineFont(id, numGlyphs); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param fontId Description of the Parameter *@param fontName Description of the Parameter *@param flags Description of the Parameter *@param codes Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineFontInfo(int fontId, String fontName, int flags, int[] codes) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineFontInfo(fontId, fontName, flags, codes); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param flags Description of the Parameter *@param name Description of the Parameter *@param numGlyphs Description of the Parameter *@param ascent Description of the Parameter *@param descent Description of the Parameter *@param leading Description of the Parameter *@param codes Description of the Parameter *@param advances Description of the Parameter *@param bounds Description of the Parameter *@param kernCodes1 Description of the Parameter *@param kernCodes2 Description of the Parameter *@param kernAdjustments Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFVectors tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineFont2(id, flags, name, numGlyphs, ascent, descent, leading, codes, advances, bounds, kernCodes1, kernCodes2, kernAdjustments); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param fieldId Description of the Parameter *@param fieldName Description of the Parameter *@param initialText Description of the Parameter *@param boundary Description of the Parameter *@param flags Description of the Parameter *@param textColor Description of the Parameter *@param alignment Description of the Parameter *@param fontId Description of the Parameter *@param fontSize Description of the Parameter *@param charLimit Description of the Parameter *@param leftMargin Description of the Parameter *@param rightMargin Description of the Parameter *@param indentation Description of the Parameter *@param lineSpacing Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineTextField(int fieldId, String fieldName, String initialText, Rect boundary, int flags, AlphaColor textColor, int alignment, int fontId, int fontSize, int charLimit, int leftMargin, int rightMargin, int indentation, int lineSpacing) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineTextField(fieldId, fieldName, initialText, boundary, flags, textColor, alignment, fontId, fontSize, charLimit, leftMargin, rightMargin, indentation, lineSpacing); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param bounds Description of the Parameter *@param matrix Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFText tagDefineText(int id, Rect bounds, Matrix matrix) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineText(id, bounds, matrix); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param bounds Description of the Parameter *@param matrix Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFText tagDefineText2(int id, Rect bounds, Matrix matrix) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineText2(id, bounds, matrix); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param buttonRecords Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFActions tagDefineButton(int id, List buttonRecords) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineButton(id, buttonRecords); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param buttonId Description of the Parameter *@param transform Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagButtonCXForm(int buttonId, ColorTransform transform) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagButtonCXForm(buttonId, transform); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param trackAsMenu Description of the Parameter *@param buttonRecord2s Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFActions tagDefineButton2(int id, boolean trackAsMenu, List buttonRecord2s) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineButton2(id, trackAsMenu, buttonRecord2s); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param names Description of the Parameter *@param ids Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagExport(String[] names, int[] ids) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagExport(names, ids); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param movieName Description of the Parameter *@param names Description of the Parameter *@param ids Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagImport(String movieName, String[] names, int[] ids) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagImport(movieName, names, ids); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param filename Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineQuickTimeMovie(int id, String filename) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineQuickTimeMovie(id, filename); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param data Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineBitsJPEG2(int id, byte[] data) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineBitsJPEG2(id, data); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param jpegImage Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineBitsJPEG2(int id, InputStream jpegImage) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineBitsJPEG2(id, jpegImage); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param startBounds Description of the Parameter *@param endBounds Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SWFShape tagDefineMorphShape(int id, Rect startBounds, Rect endBounds) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { return tags.tagDefineMorphShape(id, startBounds, endBounds); } return null; } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param format Description of the Parameter *@param width Description of the Parameter *@param height Description of the Parameter *@param colors Description of the Parameter *@param imageData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineBitsLossless(id, format, width, height, colors, imageData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes interface * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@param format Description of the Parameter *@param width Description of the Parameter *@param height Description of the Parameter *@param colors Description of the Parameter *@param imageData Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagDefineBitsLossless2(id, format, width, height, colors, imageData); } } /** * SWFTagTypes METADATA * Metadata such as title in xml format * The format of the metadata is RDF that is compliant with Adobe’s * Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP™) specification. * * @param data xml data as string * @throws IOException */ @Override public void tagMetaData (String xml) throws IOException { if (tags != null) { tags.tagMetaData(xml); } } }