package pt.tumba.parser.swf; import com.anotherbigidea.flash.SWFConstants; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A Font Symbol. The Font references a FontDefinition object from which it * takes the glyph definitions it needs. * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class Font extends Symbol { /** * Description of the Class * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class NoGlyphException extends Exception { /** * Description of the Field */ public int code; /** * Constructor for the NoGlyphException object * *@param code Description of the Parameter */ public NoGlyphException(int code) { super("The font does not have a glyph definition for code " + code); this.code = code; } } /** * A set of contiguous characters in one font. * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class Chars { /** * Description of the Field */ protected String chars; /** * Description of the Field */ protected double size; /** * Description of the Field */ protected int[] indices; /** * Description of the Field */ protected int[] advances; /** * Description of the Field */ protected double totalAdvance; //total advance /** * Description of the Field */ protected double ascent; /** * Description of the Field */ protected double descent; /** * Description of the Field */ protected double leftMargin; /** * Description of the Field */ protected double rightMargin; /** * Description of the Method * *@return Description of the Return Value */ public String toString() { return chars; } /** * Gets the font attribute of the Chars object * *@return The font value */ public Font getFont() { return Font.this; } /** * Gets the size attribute of the Chars object * *@return The size value */ public double getSize() { return size; } /** * Gets the totalAdvance attribute of the Chars object * *@return The totalAdvance value */ public double getTotalAdvance() { return totalAdvance; } /** * Gets the ascent attribute of the Chars object * *@return The ascent value */ public double getAscent() { return ascent; } /** * Gets the descent attribute of the Chars object * *@return The descent value */ public double getDescent() { return descent; } /** * The left margin is the difference between the origin of the first * glyph and the left edge of its geometry * *@return The leftMargin value */ public double getLeftMargin() { return leftMargin; } /** * The right margin is the different between the total advance and the * right edge of the geometry of the last glyph * *@return The rightMargin value */ public double getRightMargin() { return rightMargin; } /** *@param chars the characters to display (displayable * chars only - i.e. no newlines, tabs etc..) *@param size point-size - only relevant if font is * not null *@exception NoGlyphException Description of the Exception */ protected Chars(String chars, double size) throws NoGlyphException { this.chars = chars; this.size = size; init(); } /** * Description of the Method * *@exception NoGlyphException Description of the Exception */ protected final void init() throws NoGlyphException { //--Figure out the indices and advances char[] codes = chars.toCharArray(); indices = new int[codes.length]; advances = new int[codes.length]; double maxAscent = 0.0; double maxDescent = 0.0; double scale = size * SWFConstants.TWIPS / 1024.0; for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { int code = (int) codes[i]; int[] index = new int[1]; FontDefinition.Glyph glyph = getGlyph(code, index); indices[i] = index[0]; if (glyph != null) { Shape shape = glyph.getShape(); double[] outline = shape.getBoundingRectangle(); double x1 = outline[0] * scale; double y1 = outline[1] * scale; double x2 = outline[2] * scale; double y2 = outline[3] * scale; if (maxAscent < -y1) { maxAscent = -y1; } if (maxDescent < y2) { maxDescent = y2; } double advance = glyph.getAdvance() * scale; if (advance == 0) { advance = x2 - x1; } //Kerning adjustment if (i < codes.length - 1) { advance += (fontDef.getKerningOffset(code, (int) codes[i + 1]) * scale); } totalAdvance += advance; advances[i] = (int) (advance * SWFConstants.TWIPS); if (i == 0) { leftMargin = -y1; } if (i == codes.length - 1) { rightMargin = x2 - advance; } } } ascent = fontDef.getAscent() * scale; if (ascent == 0.0) { ascent = maxAscent; } descent = fontDef.getDescent() * scale; if (descent == 0.0) { descent = maxDescent; } } } /** * Description of the Field */ protected Object font1Key = new Object(); //used in movie defined symbols lookup /** * Description of the Field */ protected Object font2Key = new Object(); //used in movie defined symbols lookup /** * Description of the Field */ protected FontDefinition fontDef; /** * Description of the Field */ protected Map glyphs = new HashMap(); //glyphs used by this font /** * Description of the Field */ protected Map indices = new HashMap(); //glyph indices /** * Description of the Field */ protected List glyphList = new ArrayList(); /** * Gets the definition attribute of the Font object * *@return The definition value */ public FontDefinition getDefinition() { return fontDef; } /** * Constructor for the Font object * *@param fontDef Description of the Parameter */ public Font(FontDefinition fontDef) { this.fontDef = fontDef; } /** * Gets the glyphList attribute of the Font object * *@return The glyphList value */ public List getGlyphList() { return glyphList; } /** * Load the glyphs for the characters in the given string from the * FontDefinition into this font. * *@param chars Description of the Parameter *@exception NoGlyphException */ public void loadGlyphs(String chars) throws NoGlyphException { char[] chs = chars.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chs.length; i++) { getGlyph(chs[i], null); } } /** * Load all glyphs from the font definition */ public void loadAllGlyphs() { List list = fontDef.getGlyphList(); for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph); addGlyph(g); } } /** * Get the Chars instance for the given string at the given font size * *@param chars Description of the Parameter *@param fontSize Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception NoGlyphException Description of the Exception */ public Chars chars(String chars, double fontSize) throws NoGlyphException { return new Chars(chars, fontSize); } /** * Gets the glyph attribute of the Font object * *@param code Description of the Parameter *@param index Description of the Parameter *@return The glyph value *@exception NoGlyphException Description of the Exception */ protected FontDefinition.Glyph getGlyph(int code, int[] index2) throws NoGlyphException { int index[] = index2; Integer codeI = new Integer(code); FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph) glyphs.get(codeI); if (g != null) { if (index != null) { Integer idx = (Integer) indices.get(codeI); index[0] = idx.intValue(); } return g; } g = fontDef.getGlyph(code); if (g == null) { throw new NoGlyphException(code); } int idx = addGlyph(g); if (index != null) { index[0] = idx; } return g; } /** * Add a glyph and return the index * *@param glyph The feature to be added to the Glyph attribute *@return Description of the Return Value */ public int addGlyph(FontDefinition.Glyph glyph) { int idx = glyphs.size(); if (glyph.getCode() > 0) { Integer codeI = new Integer(glyph.getCode()); indices.put(codeI, new Integer(idx)); glyphs.put(codeI, glyph); } glyphList.add(glyph); return idx; } /** * Set the code for the glyph at the given index * *@param index The new code value *@param code The new code value */ public void setCode(int index, int code) { if (index >= glyphList.size()) { return; } FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph) glyphList.get(index); g.setCode(code); Integer codeI = new Integer(code); indices.put(codeI, new Integer(index)); glyphs.put(codeI, g); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param textFont Description of the Parameter *@param movie Description of the Parameter *@param tagwriter Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ protected int define(boolean textFont, Movie movie, SWFTagTypes tagwriter) throws IOException { Integer integerId = textFont ? (Integer) movie.definedSymbols.get(font1Key) : (Integer) movie.definedSymbols.get(font2Key); if (integerId == null) { if (textFont) { integerId = new Integer(defineFont1(movie, tagwriter)); movie.definedSymbols.put(font1Key, integerId); } else { integerId = new Integer(defineFont2(movie, tagwriter)); movie.definedSymbols.put(font2Key, integerId); } } id = integerId.intValue(); return id; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param movie Description of the Parameter *@param tagwriter Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ protected int defineFont1(Movie movie, SWFTagTypes tagwriter) throws IOException { int id = getNextId(movie); SWFVectors vecs = tagwriter.tagDefineFont(id, glyphList.size()); for (Iterator it = glyphList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph); Shape s = g.getShape(); s.writeGlyph(vecs); } if (fontDef.getName() != null) { int flags = 0; if (fontDef.isUnicode()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT_UNICODE; } if (fontDef.isShiftJIS()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT_SHIFTJIS; } if (fontDef.isAnsi()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT_ANSI; } if (fontDef.isItalic()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT_ITALIC; } if (fontDef.isBold()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT_BOLD; } tagwriter.tagDefineFontInfo(id, fontDef.getName(), flags, getCodes()); } return id; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param movie Description of the Parameter *@param tagwriter Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ protected int defineFont2(Movie movie, SWFTagTypes tagwriter) throws IOException { int id = getNextId(movie); int glyphCount = glyphList.size(); int[] codes = new int[glyphCount]; Rect[] bounds = new Rect[glyphCount]; int[] advances = new int[glyphCount]; //--Gather glyph info int i = 0; for (Iterator it = glyphList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph); codes[i] = g.getCode(); advances[i] = (int) (g.getAdvance() * SWFConstants.TWIPS); double[] bound = g.getShape().getBoundingRectangle(); bounds[i] = new Rect((int) (bound[0] * SWFConstants.TWIPS), (int) (bound[1] * SWFConstants.TWIPS), (int) (bound[2] * SWFConstants.TWIPS), (int) (bound[3] * SWFConstants.TWIPS)); i++; } //--Gather kerning info List kerns = fontDef.getKerningPairList(); int kernCount = kerns.size(); int[] kern1 = new int[kernCount]; int[] kern2 = new int[kernCount]; int[] kernOff = new int[kernCount]; i = 0; for (Iterator it = kerns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FontDefinition.KerningPair pair = (FontDefinition.KerningPair); kern1[i] = pair.getCode1(); kern2[i] = pair.getCode2(); kernOff[i] = (int) (pair.getAdjustment() * SWFConstants.TWIPS); i++; } int flags = 0; if (fontDef.hasMetrics()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT2_HAS_LAYOUT; } if (fontDef.isShiftJIS()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT2_SHIFTJIS; } if (fontDef.isUnicode()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT2_UNICODE; } if (fontDef.isAnsi()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT2_ANSI; } if (fontDef.isItalic()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT2_ITALIC; } if (fontDef.isBold()) { flags |= SWFConstants.FONT2_BOLD; } SWFVectors vecs = tagwriter.tagDefineFont2( id, flags, fontDef.getName(), glyphCount, (int) (fontDef.getAscent() * SWFConstants.TWIPS), (int) (fontDef.getDescent() * SWFConstants.TWIPS), (int) (fontDef.getLeading() * SWFConstants.TWIPS), codes, advances, bounds, kern1, kern2, kernOff); for (Iterator it = glyphList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph); Shape s = g.getShape(); s.writeGlyph(vecs); } return id; } /** * Get the codes of the current set of glyphs * *@return The codes value */ protected int[] getCodes() { int[] codes = new int[glyphList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { FontDefinition.Glyph g = (FontDefinition.Glyph) glyphList.get(i); codes[i] = g.getCode(); } return codes; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param movie Description of the Parameter *@param timelineWriter Description of the Parameter *@param definitionwriter Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ protected int defineSymbol(Movie movie, SWFTagTypes timelineWriter, SWFTagTypes definitionwriter) throws IOException { return id; } }