package net.zuckerfrei.jcfd; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author Davor Cengija * @version $Revision: $ */ public abstract class DictImpl implements Dict { //~ Static variables/initializers ========================================= static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DictImpl.class); /** DOCUMENT ME! */ private static String host; /** DOCUMENT ME! */ private static int port; static DatabaseList dbList = new DatabaseList(); static StrategyList strList = new StrategyList(); //~ Instance variables ==================================================== /** DOCUMENT ME! */ protected boolean connected = false; /** DOCUMENT ME! */ private Socket socket; /** DOCUMENT ME! */ protected DataOutputStream dos; /** DOCUMENT ME! */ BufferedReader br; //~ Constructors ========================================================== /** * Constructor. * * @param host * @param port * * @throws DictException DOCUMENT ME! */ public DictImpl(String host, int port) throws DictException { = host; this.port = port; connect(); } /** * Creates a new DictImpl object. */ protected DictImpl() { } //~ Methods =============================================================== /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#close() */ public void close() throws DictException { try { writeCommand(Command.QUIT); socket.close(); connected = false; } catch (IOException e) { ; } } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#define(String) */ public DefinitionList define(String word) throws DictException { return define(word, Database.ANY); } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#define(String, boolean) */ public DefinitionList define(String word, boolean firstOnly) throws DictException { if (firstOnly) { return define(word, Database.FIRST); } else { return define(word, Database.ANY); } } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#define(String, Database) */ public DefinitionList define(String word, Database database) throws DictException { if (!connected) { throw new IllegalStateException("Client not connected!"); } DefinitionList list; try { writeCommand(Command.define(word, database.getCode())); String result = readResponse(); list = createDefinitionList(); if (Response.noMatch(result)) { log.debug("No match: " + result); return list; } if (Response.invalidDatabase(result)) { throw new InvalidDatabaseException("Invalid database: " + result); } while (Response.isOk(result)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Response: " + result); } // how many? result = readResponse(); // ovo je celavo, kako znam da cu dobiti bas dobiti // 150 response if (Response.definitionsCountFollows(result)) { int definitionsCount = Response.findCount(result); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Nasao " + definitionsCount + " definicija: " + result); } for (int i = 0; i < definitionsCount; i++) { result = readResponse(); String[] split = Response.splitQuotedString(result, '"'); Definition definition = DefinitionFactory.getInstance() .createDefinition(split[1], DatabaseList.findDatabase(split[2]), readBody()); list.addDefinition(definition); } } // result = readResponse(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DictException("Error while querying for definition", ioe); } return list; } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#define(Match) */ public DefinitionList define(Match match) throws DictException { return define(match.getWord(), match.getDatabase()); } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#define(MatchList) */ public DefinitionList define(MatchList matchList) throws DictException { matchList.goBeforeFirst(); DefinitionList defList = new DefinitionList(); Match match; while(matchList.hasNext()) { match =; defList.addDefinitionList(define(match.getWord(), match.getDatabase())); } return defList; } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#listDatabases() */ public DatabaseList listDatabases() { return dbList; } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#listStrategies() */ public StrategyList listStrategies() { return strList; } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#match(String, Database) */ public MatchList match(String word, Database database) throws DictException { return match(word, Strategy.DEFAULT, database); } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#match(String, Strategy) */ public MatchList match(String word, Strategy strategy) throws DictException { return match(word, strategy, Database.ANY); } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#match(String) */ public MatchList match(String word) throws DictException { return match(word, Strategy.DEFAULT, Database.ANY); } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#match(String, boolean) */ public MatchList match(String word, boolean firstDbOnly) throws DictException { if (firstDbOnly) { return match(word, Database.FIRST); } else { return match(word); } } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#match(String, Strategy, boolean) */ public MatchList match(String word, Strategy strategy, boolean firstDbOnly) throws DictException { if (firstDbOnly) { return match(word, strategy, Database.FIRST); } else { return match(word, strategy); } } /** * @see net.zuckerfrei.jcfd.Dict#match(String, Strategy, Database) */ public MatchList match(String word, Strategy strategy, Database database) throws DictException { if (!connected) { throw new IllegalStateException("Client not connected"); } MatchList list; try { writeCommand(Command.match(word, strategy.getCode(), database.getCode())); String result = readResponse(); list = createMatchList(); if (Response.isOk(result)) { result = readResponse(); if (Response.noMatch(result)) { log.debug("No match: " + result); return list; } if (Response.invalidDatabase(result)) { throw new InvalidDatabaseException("Invalid database: " + result); } if (Response.invalidStrategy(result)) { throw new InvalidStrategyException("Invalid strategy: " + result); } int matchesCount = Response.findCount(result); for (int i = 0; i < matchesCount; i++) { result = readResponse(); String[] split = StringUtils.split(result, " ", 2); Match match = new Match(DatabaseList.findDatabase(split[0]), StringUtils.strip(split[1], "\"")); list.addMatch(match); } flushResponse(); } else { throw new DictException("Unexpected code: " + result); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DictException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } return list; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ protected DefinitionList createDefinitionList() { return new DefinitionList(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ protected MatchList createMatchList() { return new MatchList(); } /** * Fills the list of <code>Database</code>s available on this DICT server. * * @throws DictException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidResponseException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws NoDatabasesException DOCUMENT ME! */ protected void fillDatabaseList() throws DictException, IOException { writeCommand(Command.SHOW_DB); String result = readResponse(); // This part is confusing, RFC doesn't specify 250 ok response, // while dictd 1.5.5/rf on Linux 2.4.18-6mdk from Mandrake 8.1 // distribution sends that response code. if (!Response.isOk(result)) { throw new InvalidResponseException("Unexpected response, expecting 250 ok, got " + result); } result = readResponse(); if (Response.noDatabases(result)) { throw new NoDatabasesException("No databases found. Check your server configuration! Server response: " + result); } int dbCount = Response.findCount(result); for (int i = 0; i < dbCount; i++) { result = readResponse(); String[] split = StringUtils.split(result, " ", 2); String dbCode = split[0]; String dbName = StringUtils.strip(split[1], "\""); Database db = new Database(dbCode, dbName); dbList.addDatabase(db); } flushResponse(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws DictException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws IOException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws InvalidResponseException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws NoStrategiesException DOCUMENT ME! */ protected void fillStrategyList() throws DictException, IOException { writeCommand(Command.SHOW_STRAT); String result = readResponse(); // This part is confusing, RFC doesn't specify 250 ok response, // while dictd 1.5.5/rf on Linux 2.4.18-6mdk from Mandrake 8.1 // distribution sends that response code. if (!Response.isOk(result)) { throw new InvalidResponseException("Unexpected response, expecting 250 ok, got " + result); } result = readResponse(); // maybe we could fall back on default strategy? if (Response.noStrategies(result)) { throw new NoStrategiesException("No strategies found. Check your server configuration! Server response: " + result); } int dbCount = Response.findCount(result); for (int i = 0; i < dbCount; i++) { result = readResponse(); String[] split = StringUtils.split(result, " ", 2); String strCode = split[0]; String strName = StringUtils.strip(split[1], "\""); Strategy strategy = new Strategy(strCode, strName); strList.addStrategy(strategy); } flushResponse(); } /** * Flushes the response buffer preparing it for the next read. Every DICT * reponse ends with "<CR><LF>.<CR><LF>". This * method simply traverses through the reponse while the dot is * encountered. * * @throws IOException when error while sending command is encountered. */ protected void flushResponse() throws IOException { String result = readResponse(); while (!result.equals(DEFINITION_END)) { result = readResponse(); } } /** * Send an identification string to DICT server. This string is not * mandatory but it's nice to introduce yourself when connected. * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws DictException DOCUMENT ME! */ protected boolean identify() throws DictException { try { writeCommand(Command.CLIENT); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DictException("Identification failed", ioe); } return true; } /** * Method <code>readBody</code> return <code>String</code> representing * definition body for the requested word. Override this method if you * want specially formatted body (e.g. XML formatted links etc.) * * @return String * * @throws IOException when error while reading is encountered. */ protected String readBody() throws IOException { String result = readResponse(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(result); buff.append(DEFINITION_LINE_SEPARATOR); while (!result.equals(DEFINITION_END)) { result = readResponse(); buff.append(result) .append(DEFINITION_LINE_SEPARATOR); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("readBody response: " + result); } } return buff.toString(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws IOException DOCUMENT ME! */ protected String readResponse() throws IOException { return br.readLine(); } /** * Sends a string representing command to DICT server. This method * properly ends command with CRLF. Before that it firstly trims all * whitespaces from the beggining and the end of the command string. * * @param command Commant to be sent to DICT server. * * @throws IOException when error while sending command is encountered. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>command</code> is null */ protected final void writeCommand(String command) throws IOException { if (command == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parametar cannot be null"); } dos.writeBytes(command.trim() + COMMAND_LINE_END); } /** * Connects to DICT server. Uses host and port defined in the constructor. * * @throws DictException */ private void connect() throws DictException { try { socket = new Socket(host, port); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); identify(); if (!Response.isConnected(readResponse())) { throw new DictException("Invalid server response"); } connected = true; fillDatabaseList(); fillStrategyList(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new DictException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DictException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }