package wikokit.kiwidict.wordlist; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import wikokit.base.wikipedia.language.LanguageType; import wikokit.base.wikt.sql.TLang; import wikokit.base.wikt.sql.TPage; import wikokit.base.wikt.sql.index.IndexForeign; import wikokit.base.wikt.sql.index.IndexNative; import wikokit.kiwidict.lang.LangChoice; import wikokit.kiwidict.search_window.QueryTextString; import wikokit.kiwidict.word_card.WCActivity; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.Toast; public class WordList extends ListActivity { public Context context; QueryTextString query_text_string; ProgressBar spinning_wheel; LangChoice lang_choice; // todo FilterMeanSemRelTrans filter_mean_sem_transl; LanguageType native_lang; SQLiteDatabase db; /** Page titles from 'page_array' */ String[] page_array_string; /** Words extracted by several letters (prefix). */ TPage[] page_array; private final static TPage[] NULL_TPAGE_ARRAY = new TPage[0]; /** Page titles from 'index_foreign' */ String[] foreign_array_string; /** Foreign words extracted by several letters (prefix). */ IndexForeign[] index_foreign; // //var foreign_word_to_index : Map<String, IndexForeign>; /** Number of words visible in the list */ int n_words_list; /** Skips #REDIRECT words if true. */ boolean b_skip_redirects; ListView word_listview; WordListArrayAdapter word_list_adapter; AsyncTask<Void, Void, TPage[]> wordlist_async; public WordList (Context _context) { page_array = NULL_TPAGE_ARRAY; context = _context; } /** Set parameters of the class. * @param word0 initial user query search string * @param n_words_list number of words visible in the list */ public void initialize( SQLiteDatabase _db, QueryTextString _query_text_string, ProgressBar _spinning_wheel, LangChoice _lang_choice, // todo FilterMeanSemRelTrans _filter_mean_sem_transl, LanguageType _native_lang, //_word0 : String, int _n_words_list, ListView _word_listview, // GUI Activity main_activity ) { db = _db; query_text_string = _query_text_string; spinning_wheel = _spinning_wheel; lang_choice = _lang_choice; //filter_mean_sem_transl = _filter_mean_sem_transl; n_words_list = _n_words_list; native_lang = _native_lang; word_listview = _word_listview; //ListView listView = getListView(); //listView.setTextFilterEnabled(true); // some initial values String[] page_array_string = new String[]{"line1"}; // , "line test 2", "endline", "line4"}; List<String> _list = new ArrayList<String>( page_array_string.length ); _list.addAll(Arrays.asList(page_array_string)); word_list_adapter = new WordListArrayAdapter( main_activity, //this, _list, // page_array_string, getPageArray()); word_listview.setOnItemClickListener(new ListView.OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { //Toast.makeText(context, // getApplicationContext(), // "Click ListItem Number " + position, Toast.LENGTH_LONG) // .show(); String word_in_list = getSelectedWordInList( position ); if(word_in_list.length() > 0) // there is a word to search in Wiktionary { QueryTextString q = query_text_string; q.enableUpdateWordList(false); q.setWordValue(word_in_list); q.setWordValueOld(word_in_list); q.word_textfield.setSelection(word_in_list.length()); // move cursor to the end of the word q.enableUpdateWordList(true); /* // meaningless for Android application with only one open window * if( q.word_value_last_open_card.length() == 0 || // if 0 word cards are opened !q.word_value_last_open_card.equals(word_in_list) // if user trying to open the same card ) { q.word_value_last_open_card = word_in_list; */ openWordCard(position); // selected_index //} } } }); word_listview.setAdapter(word_list_adapter); } /*public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setListAdapter(new WordListArrayAdapter(this, page_array_string)); // , page_array)); }*/ /** Whether to skip #REDIRECT words. */ public void setSkipRedirects(boolean _b_skip_redirects) { b_skip_redirects = _b_skip_redirects; } /** Whether to skip #REDIRECT words. */ public boolean getSkipRedirects() { return b_skip_redirects; } public TPage[] getPageArray() { return page_array; } /** Checks whether the word list is filled from the table 'page', * or from the table 'index_XX', where XX is a foreign language code. */ public boolean isActiveIndexForeign() { System.out.println("WordList.isActiveIndexForeign(), lang_choice.getNumberSourceLang() = " + lang_choice.getNumberSourceLang()); return lang_choice.getNumberSourceLang() == 1; } /** Copies data from TPagŠµ[].text page_array to SwingListItem[] page_listItems */ public void updateWordList( boolean b_skip_redirects, String word ) { // no, since it could be interrupted: page_array = null; //? String[] page_titles = TPage.getPageTitles(page_array); //System.out.println("WordList.updateWordList(), word_value=" + word); //System.out.println("WordList.updateWordList(), number of source languagues="+ lang_choice.getNumberSourceLang()); // wheather to filter words by destination language code (destination language filter check box) // todo boolean lang_dest_selected = lang_choice.getDestLangSelected(); if( lang_choice.isNativeLanguageActive() ) { TPage[] page_array_new = IndexNative.getByPrefixNative( db, word, n_words_list, native_lang, false);//todo filter_mean_sem_transl.filterBySemanticRelation()); page_array = page_array_new; page_array_string = copyWordsToStringArray(page_array); word_list_adapter.updateData(page_array_string, page_array); } else { if(!isActiveIndexForeign()){ // all words of all languages if(null != wordlist_async) wordlist_async.cancel(true); wordlist_async = new WordListAsyncUpdater( db, word, n_words_list, // any (first) N words, since "" == prefix b_skip_redirects, lang_choice.getSourceLang(), // lang_source_value, false,//todo filter_mean_sem_transl.filterByMeaning(), //meaning_checkbox_value, false, this, word_list_adapter, spinning_wheel).execute(); /* TPage[] page_array_new = TPage.getByPrefix ( db, word, n_words_list, // any (first) N words, since "" == prefix b_skip_redirects, lang_choice.getSourceLang(), // lang_source_value, false,//todo filter_mean_sem_transl.filterByMeaning(), //meaning_checkbox_value, false); //todo filter_mean_sem_transl.filterBySemanticRelation()); //sem_rel_CheckBox_value); */ } else { TLang foreign_lang = lang_choice.getSourceLang()[0]; if(null == foreign_lang) { Toast.makeText(context, "Error in WordList.updateWordList(): foreign_lang is NULL!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } index_foreign = IndexForeign.getByPrefixForeign( db, word, n_words_list, native_lang, foreign_lang.getLanguage(), false, //todo filter_mean_sem_transl.filterByMeaning(), false);//todo filter_mean_sem_transl.filterBySemanticRelation()); foreign_array_string = copyForeignWordsToStringArray(index_foreign); word_list_adapter.updateData(foreign_array_string, index_foreign); } } } /** Copies data from page_array to page_array_string */ public String[] copyWordsToStringArray(TPage[] pp) { String[] result = new String[pp.length]; for(int i=0; i<pp.length; i++) { TPage p = pp [i]; result[i] = p.getPageTitle(); //System.out.println("copyWordsToStringArray. p.title = {p.getPageTitle()}"); } return result; }; /** Copies data from the index of foreign words to string array */ public String[] copyForeignWordsToStringArray(IndexForeign[] index) { String[] result = new String[index.length]; for(int i=0; i<index.length; i++) { //println(" ->: {index[i].getConcatForeignAndNativeWords(" -> ")}"); result[i] = index[i].getConcatForeignAndNativeWords(" -> "); } return result; }; /** Gets first word from the WordList or empty "" String if it is absent. */ public String getFirstWordInList() { if(null == page_array_string || 0 == page_array_string.length) return ""; return page_array_string[0]; } /** Gets selected item from the list else the first word from the WordList, * or empty string "" if the list is empty. * @param position the position of the clicked-upon item in the list - currently selected item. **/ String getSelectedWordInList(int position) { if (ListView.INVALID_POSITION == position) return ""; String selected_item = ""; // all languages or native language if(!isActiveIndexForeign() || lang_choice.isNativeLanguageActive()){ if(null != page_array_string && position < page_array_string.length ) { // cur != null && cur.getValue()!= null && cur.getValue().length() > 0) { selected_item = page_array_string[position]; } } else { if( position < foreign_array_string.length ) { selected_item = foreign_array_string[position]; } } return selected_item; } /** Gets selected item from the list else the first word from the WordList, * or empty string "" if the list is empty. */ /* public String getSelectedOrFirstWordInList() { String selected_item = getSelectedWordInList(); if(selected_item.length() == 0) return getFirstWordInList(); return selected_item; } */ /** Opens new word card. */ public void openWordCard(int selected_index) { //int selected_index = l.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if(selected_index < 0) selected_index = 0; // selected first word, when user pressed 'Enter' // native_lang : LanguageType if(!isActiveIndexForeign() || lang_choice.isNativeLanguageActive()){ // get data for "page_array[l.selectedIndex]" runWordCardActivity(page_array[ selected_index ]); } else { //System.out.println( "WordList.openWordCard(): index_foreign.length=" + index_foreign.length + // "; selected_index=" + selected_index); // if index_foreign has .native_page_title != null // then take it // else open .foreign_word IndexForeign i = index_foreign [ selected_index ]; TPage native_page = i.getNativePage(); if(null != native_page) { runWordCardActivity( native_page ); } else { TPage foreign_page = i.getForeignPage(); if(null == foreign_page) { System.out.println("Error (WordList.openWordCard()): native_page and foreign_page are NULL, where foreign_word={i.getForeignWord()}"); return; } runWordCardActivity( foreign_page ); } } } /** Opens new word card. */ private void runWordCardActivity(TPage _tpage) // String page_title) { if(null == _tpage) return; Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("page_id", _tpage.getID()); // pass parameter: TPage _tpage by page_id Intent i = new Intent(context, WCActivity.class); // this == _context i.putExtras(b); context.startActivity(i); //System.out.println("runWordCardActivity: I am trying to start WCActivity..."); } }