/* * RemovedArticles.java - stores ID and titles of removed articles. * * Copyright (c) 2007 Andrew Krizhanovsky /aka at mail.iias.spb.su/ * Distributed under GNU Public License. */ package wikipedia.data; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** The storage of ID and titles of removed articles with purpose to speed-up * the search. */ public class RemovedArticles { /** id of articles removed due to * 1. category parents belonged to category_black_list or * 2. since title of article is skipped by user preferences, e.g. skip spaces */ private List<Integer> id; /** title of articles removed due to * 1. category parents belonged to category_black_list, * @see CategoryBlackList.DeleteUsingBlackList or * 2. title of article is skipped by user preferences, e.g. skip spaces */ private List<String> title; public RemovedArticles() { id = new ArrayList<Integer>(); title = new ArrayList<String>(); } /** Clears list of ID and titles */ public void clear() { id.clear(); title.clear(); } /** Checks: was this title removed */ public boolean hasTitle(String s) { return title.contains(s); } /** Checks: was this ID removed */ public boolean hasId(int i) { return id.contains(i); } /** Adds removed title (without duplicates) */ public void addTitle(String s) { if(!title.contains(s)) title.add(s); } /** Adds removed ID (without duplicates) */ public void addId(int i) { if(!id.contains(i)) id.add(i); } /** Gets number of titles */ public int sizeTitle() { return title.size(); } /** Gets number of ID */ public int sizeId() { return id.size(); } }