/* * $Id: PdfReaderController.java 4113 2009-12-01 11:08:59Z blowagie $ * * Copyright 2007 Bruno Lowagie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.itextpdf.rups.controller; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener; import com.itextpdf.rups.model.ObjectLoader; import com.itextpdf.rups.model.PdfFile; import com.itextpdf.rups.model.TreeNodeFactory; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.PageSelectionListener; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.RupsMenuBar; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.FormTree; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.OutlineTree; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.PagesTable; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.PdfObjectPanel; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.PdfTree; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.StreamTextArea; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.XRefTable; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.treenodes.PdfObjectTreeNode; import com.itextpdf.rups.view.itext.treenodes.PdfTrailerTreeNode; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PRStream; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfObject; /** * Controls the GUI components that get their content from iText's PdfReader. */ public class PdfReaderController extends Observable implements Observer { /** Treeview of the PDF file. */ protected PdfTree pdfTree; /** Tabbed Pane containing other components. */ protected JTabbedPane navigationTabs; /** JTable with all the pages and their labels. */ protected PagesTable pages; /** Treeview of the outlines. */ protected OutlineTree outlines; /** Treeview of the form. */ protected FormTree form; /** JTable corresponding with the CrossReference table. */ protected XRefTable xref; /** A panel that will show PdfObjects. */ protected PdfObjectPanel objectPanel; /** Tabbed Pane containing other components. */ protected JTabbedPane editorTabs; /** A panel that will show a stream. */ protected StreamTextArea streamArea; /** The factory producing tree nodes. */ protected TreeNodeFactory nodes; /** * Constructs the PdfReaderController. * This is an Observable object to which all iText related GUI components * are added as Observers. * @param treeSelectionListener when somebody selects a tree node, this listener listens to the event * @param pageSelectionListener when somebody changes a page, this listener changes accordingly */ public PdfReaderController(TreeSelectionListener treeSelectionListener, PageSelectionListener pageSelectionListener) { pdfTree = new PdfTree(); pdfTree.addTreeSelectionListener(treeSelectionListener); addObserver(pdfTree); pages = new PagesTable(this, pageSelectionListener); addObserver(pages); outlines = new OutlineTree(this); addObserver(outlines); form = new FormTree(this); addObserver(form); xref = new XRefTable(this); addObserver(xref); navigationTabs = new JTabbedPane(); navigationTabs.addTab("Pages", null, new JScrollPane(pages), "Pages"); navigationTabs.addTab("Outlines", null, new JScrollPane(outlines), "Outlines (Bookmarks)"); navigationTabs.addTab("Form", null, new JScrollPane(form), "Interactive Form"); navigationTabs.addTab("XFA", null, form.getXfaTree(), "Tree view of the XFA form"); navigationTabs.addTab("XRef", null, new JScrollPane(xref), "Cross-reference table"); objectPanel = new PdfObjectPanel(); addObserver(objectPanel); streamArea = new StreamTextArea(); addObserver(streamArea); editorTabs = new JTabbedPane(); editorTabs.addTab("Stream", null, streamArea, "Stream"); editorTabs.addTab("XFA", null, form.getXfaTextArea(), "XFA Form XML file"); } /** * Getter for the PDF Tree. * @return the PdfTree object */ public PdfTree getPdfTree() { return pdfTree; } /** * Getter for the tabs that allow you to navigate through * the PdfTree quickly (pages, form, outlines, xref table). * @return a JTabbedPane */ public JTabbedPane getNavigationTabs() { return navigationTabs; } /** * Getter for the panel that will show the contents * of a PDF Object (except for PdfStreams: only the * Stream Dictionary will be shown; the content stream * is shown in a StreamTextArea object). * @return the PdfObjectPanel */ public PdfObjectPanel getObjectPanel() { return objectPanel; } /** * Getter for the tabs with the editor windows * (to which the Console window will be added). */ public JTabbedPane getEditorTabs() { return editorTabs; } /** * Getter for the object that holds the TextArea * with the content stream of a PdfStream object. * @return a StreamTextArea */ public StreamTextArea getStreamArea() { return streamArea; } /** * Starts loading the PDF Objects in background. * @param file the wrapper object that holds the PdfReader as member variable */ public void startObjectLoader(PdfFile file) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(); setChanged(); new ObjectLoader(this, file.getPdfReader()); } /** * The GUI components that show the internals of a PDF file, * can only be shown if all objects are loaded into the * IndirectObjectFactory using the ObjectLoader. * As soon as this is done, the GUI components are notified. * @param obj in this case the Object should be an ObjectLoader * @see java.util.Observable#notifyObservers(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void notifyObservers(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ObjectLoader) { ObjectLoader loader = (ObjectLoader)obj; nodes = loader.getNodes(); PdfTrailerTreeNode root = pdfTree.getRoot(); root.setTrailer(loader.getReader().getTrailer()); root.setUserObject("PDF Object Tree"); nodes.expandNode(root); } super.notifyObservers(obj); } /** * Selects a node in the PdfTree. * @param node a node in the PdfTree */ public void selectNode(PdfObjectTreeNode node) { pdfTree.selectNode(node); } /** * Selects a node in the PdfTree. * @param objectNumber a number of a node in the PdfTree */ public void selectNode(int objectNumber) { selectNode(nodes.getNode(objectNumber)); } /** * Renders the syntax of a PdfObject in the objectPanel. * If the object is a PDF Stream, then the stream is shown * in the streamArea too. */ public void render(PdfObject object) { objectPanel.render(object); streamArea.render(object); if (object instanceof PRStream) { editorTabs.setSelectedComponent(streamArea); } else { editorTabs.setSelectedIndex(editorTabs.getComponentCount() - 1); } } /** * Selects the row in the pageTable that corresponds with * a certain page number. * @param pageNumber the page number that needs to be selected */ public void gotoPage(int pageNumber) { pageNumber--; if (pages == null || pages.getSelectedRow() == pageNumber) return; if (pageNumber < pages.getRowCount()) pages.setRowSelectionInterval(pageNumber, pageNumber); } /** * Forwards updates from the RupsController to the Observers of this class. * @param observable this should be the RupsController * @param obj the object that has to be forwarded to the observers of PdfReaderController * @see java.util.Observer#update(java.util.Observable, java.lang.Object) */ public void update(Observable observable, Object obj) { if (RupsMenuBar.CLOSE.equals(obj)) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(null); nodes = null; } if (obj instanceof PdfObjectTreeNode) { PdfObjectTreeNode node = (PdfObjectTreeNode)obj; nodes.expandNode(node); if (node.isRecursive()) { pdfTree.selectNode(node.getAncestor()); return; }/* if (node.isIndirect()) { xref.selectRowByReference(node.getNumber()); return; }*/ render(node.getPdfObject()); } } }