/* * $Id: PdfLine.java 4457 2010-04-09 08:21:21Z blowagie $ * * This file is part of the iText project. * Copyright (c) 1998-2009 1T3XT BVBA * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY 1T3XT, * 1T3XT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: * http://itextpdf.com/terms-of-use/ * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, * you must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created or manipulated * using iText. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this * address: sales@itextpdf.com */ package com.itextpdf.text.pdf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import com.itextpdf.text.Chunk; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.itextpdf.text.ListItem; /** * <CODE>PdfLine</CODE> defines an array with <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE>-objects * that fit into 1 line. */ public class PdfLine { // membervariables /** The arraylist containing the chunks. */ protected ArrayList<PdfChunk> line; /** The left indentation of the line. */ protected float left; /** The width of the line. */ protected float width; /** The alignment of the line. */ protected int alignment; /** The height of the line. */ protected float height; /** The listsymbol (if necessary). */ protected Chunk listSymbol = null; /** The listsymbol (if necessary). */ protected float symbolIndent; /** <CODE>true</CODE> if the chunk splitting was caused by a newline. */ protected boolean newlineSplit = false; /** The original width. */ protected float originalWidth; protected boolean isRTL = false; // constructors /** * Constructs a new <CODE>PdfLine</CODE>-object. * * @param left the limit of the line at the left * @param right the limit of the line at the right * @param alignment the alignment of the line * @param height the height of the line */ PdfLine(float left, float right, int alignment, float height) { this.left = left; this.width = right - left; this.originalWidth = this.width; this.alignment = alignment; this.height = height; this.line = new ArrayList<PdfChunk>(); } /** * Creates a PdfLine object. * @param left the left offset * @param originalWidth the original width of the line * @param remainingWidth bigger than 0 if the line isn't completely filled * @param alignment the alignment of the line * @param newlineSplit was the line splitted (or does the paragraph end with this line) * @param line an array of PdfChunk objects * @param isRTL do you have to read the line from Right to Left? */ PdfLine(float left, float originalWidth, float remainingWidth, int alignment, boolean newlineSplit, ArrayList<PdfChunk> line, boolean isRTL) { this.left = left; this.originalWidth = originalWidth; this.width = remainingWidth; this.alignment = alignment; this.line = line; this.newlineSplit = newlineSplit; this.isRTL = isRTL; } // methods /** * Adds a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> to the <CODE>PdfLine</CODE>. * * @param chunk the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> to add * @return <CODE>null</CODE> if the chunk could be added completely; if not * a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> containing the part of the chunk that could * not be added is returned */ PdfChunk add(PdfChunk chunk) { // nothing happens if the chunk is null. if (chunk == null || chunk.toString().equals("")) { return null; } // we split the chunk to be added PdfChunk overflow = chunk.split(width); newlineSplit = chunk.isNewlineSplit() || overflow == null; if (chunk.isTab()) { Object[] tab = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.TAB); float tabPosition = ((Float)tab[1]).floatValue(); boolean newline = ((Boolean)tab[2]).booleanValue(); if (newline && tabPosition < originalWidth - width) { return chunk; } width = originalWidth - tabPosition; chunk.adjustLeft(left); addToLine(chunk); } // if the length of the chunk > 0 we add it to the line else if (chunk.length() > 0 || chunk.isImage()) { if (overflow != null) chunk.trimLastSpace(); width -= chunk.width(); addToLine(chunk); } // if the length == 0 and there were no other chunks added to the line yet, // we risk to end up in an endless loop trying endlessly to add the same chunk else if (line.size() < 1) { chunk = overflow; overflow = chunk.truncate(width); width -= chunk.width(); if (chunk.length() > 0) { addToLine(chunk); return overflow; } // if the chunk couldn't even be truncated, we add everything, so be it else { if (overflow != null) addToLine(overflow); return null; } } else { width += (line.get(line.size() - 1)).trimLastSpace(); } return overflow; } private void addToLine(PdfChunk chunk) { if (chunk.changeLeading && chunk.isImage()) { Image img = chunk.getImage(); float f = img.getScaledHeight() + chunk.getImageOffsetY() + img.getBorderWidthTop() + img.getSpacingBefore(); if (f > height) height = f; } line.add(chunk); } // methods to retrieve information /** * Returns the number of chunks in the line. * * @return a value */ public int size() { return line.size(); } /** * Returns an iterator of <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE>s. * * @return an <CODE>Iterator</CODE> */ public Iterator<PdfChunk> iterator() { return line.iterator(); } /** * Returns the height of the line. * * @return a value */ float height() { return height; } /** * Returns the left indentation of the line taking the alignment of the line into account. * * @return a value */ float indentLeft() { if (isRTL) { switch (alignment) { case Element.ALIGN_LEFT: return left + width; case Element.ALIGN_CENTER: return left + width / 2f; default: return left; } } else if (this.getSeparatorCount() <= 0) { switch (alignment) { case Element.ALIGN_RIGHT: return left + width; case Element.ALIGN_CENTER: return left + width / 2f; } } return left; } /** * Checks if this line has to be justified. * * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the alignment equals <VAR>ALIGN_JUSTIFIED</VAR> and there is some width left. */ public boolean hasToBeJustified() { return (alignment == Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED || alignment == Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ALL) && width != 0; } /** * Resets the alignment of this line. * <P> * The alignment of the last line of for instance a <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> * that has to be justified, has to be reset to <VAR>ALIGN_LEFT</VAR>. */ public void resetAlignment() { if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED) { alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; } } /** Adds extra indentation to the left (for Paragraph.setFirstLineIndent). */ void setExtraIndent(float extra) { left += extra; width -= extra; } /** * Returns the width that is left, after a maximum of characters is added to the line. * * @return a value */ float widthLeft() { return width; } /** * Returns the number of space-characters in this line. * * @return a value */ int numberOfSpaces() { String string = toString(); int length = string.length(); int numberOfSpaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (string.charAt(i) == ' ') { numberOfSpaces++; } } return numberOfSpaces; } /** * Sets the listsymbol of this line. * <P> * This is only necessary for the first line of a <CODE>ListItem</CODE>. * * @param listItem the list symbol */ public void setListItem(ListItem listItem) { this.listSymbol = listItem.getListSymbol(); this.symbolIndent = listItem.getIndentationLeft(); } /** * Returns the listsymbol of this line. * * @return a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> if the line has a listsymbol; <CODE>null</CODE> otherwise */ public Chunk listSymbol() { return listSymbol; } /** * Return the indentation needed to show the listsymbol. * * @return a value */ public float listIndent() { return symbolIndent; } /** * Get the string representation of what is in this line. * * @return a <CODE>String</CODE> */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(); for (PdfChunk pdfChunk : line) { tmp.append((pdfChunk).toString()); } return tmp.toString(); } /** * Returns the length of a line in UTF32 characters * @return the length in UTF32 characters * @since 2.1.2 */ public int GetLineLengthUtf32() { int total = 0; for (Object element : line) { total += ((PdfChunk)element).lengthUtf32(); } return total; } /** * Checks if a newline caused the line split. * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if a newline caused the line split */ public boolean isNewlineSplit() { return newlineSplit && alignment != Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ALL; } /** * Gets the index of the last <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> with metric attributes * @return the last <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> with metric attributes */ public int getLastStrokeChunk() { int lastIdx = line.size() - 1; for (; lastIdx >= 0; --lastIdx) { PdfChunk chunk = line.get(lastIdx); if (chunk.isStroked()) break; } return lastIdx; } /** * Gets a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> by index. * @param idx the index * @return the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> or null if beyond the array */ public PdfChunk getChunk(int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= line.size()) return null; return line.get(idx); } /** * Gets the original width of the line. * @return the original width of the line */ public float getOriginalWidth() { return originalWidth; } /* * Gets the maximum size of all the fonts used in this line * including images. * @return maximum size of all the fonts used in this line float getMaxSizeSimple() { float maxSize = 0; PdfChunk chunk; for (int k = 0; k < line.size(); ++k) { chunk = (PdfChunk)line.get(k); if (!chunk.isImage()) { maxSize = Math.max(chunk.font().size(), maxSize); } else { maxSize = Math.max(chunk.getImage().getScaledHeight() + chunk.getImageOffsetY() , maxSize); } } return maxSize; }*/ /** * Gets the difference between the "normal" leading and the maximum * size (for instance when there are images in the chunk). * @return an extra leading for images * @since 2.1.5 */ float[] getMaxSize() { float normal_leading = 0; float image_leading = -10000; PdfChunk chunk; for (int k = 0; k < line.size(); ++k) { chunk = line.get(k); if (!chunk.isImage()) { normal_leading = Math.max(chunk.font().size(), normal_leading); } else { Image img = chunk.getImage(); float height = img.getScaledHeight() + chunk.getImageOffsetY() + img.getSpacingBefore(); image_leading = Math.max(height, image_leading); } } return new float[]{normal_leading, image_leading}; } boolean isRTL() { return isRTL; } /** * Gets the number of separators in the line. * Returns -1 if there's a tab in the line. * @return the number of separators in the line * @since 2.1.2 */ int getSeparatorCount() { int s = 0; PdfChunk ck; for (Object element : line) { ck = (PdfChunk)element; if (ck.isTab()) { return -1; } if (ck.isHorizontalSeparator()) { s++; } } return s; } /** * Gets a width corrected with a charSpacing and wordSpacing. * @param charSpacing * @param wordSpacing * @return a corrected width */ public float getWidthCorrected(float charSpacing, float wordSpacing) { float total = 0; for (int k = 0; k < line.size(); ++k) { PdfChunk ck = line.get(k); total += ck.getWidthCorrected(charSpacing, wordSpacing); } return total; } /** * Gets the maximum size of the ascender for all the fonts used * in this line. * @return maximum size of all the ascenders used in this line */ public float getAscender() { float ascender = 0; for (int k = 0; k < line.size(); ++k) { PdfChunk ck = line.get(k); if (ck.isImage()) ascender = Math.max(ascender, ck.getImage().getScaledHeight() + ck.getImageOffsetY()); else { PdfFont font = ck.font(); ascender = Math.max(ascender, font.getFont().getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, font.size())); } } return ascender; } /** * Gets the biggest descender for all the fonts used * in this line. Note that this is a negative number. * @return maximum size of all the descenders used in this line */ public float getDescender() { float descender = 0; for (int k = 0; k < line.size(); ++k) { PdfChunk ck = line.get(k); if (ck.isImage()) descender = Math.min(descender, ck.getImageOffsetY()); else { PdfFont font = ck.font(); descender = Math.min(descender, font.getFont().getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, font.size())); } } return descender; } }