/* * $Id: MetaDo.java 4242 2010-01-02 23:22:20Z xlv $ * * This file is part of the iText project. * Copyright (c) 1998-2009 1T3XT BVBA * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY 1T3XT, * 1T3XT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: * http://itextpdf.com/terms-of-use/ * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, * you must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created or manipulated * using iText. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this * address: sales@itextpdf.com */ package com.itextpdf.text.pdf.codec.wmf; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.codec.BmpImage; public class MetaDo { public static final int META_SETBKCOLOR = 0x0201; public static final int META_SETBKMODE = 0x0102; public static final int META_SETMAPMODE = 0x0103; public static final int META_SETROP2 = 0x0104; public static final int META_SETRELABS = 0x0105; public static final int META_SETPOLYFILLMODE = 0x0106; public static final int META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE = 0x0107; public static final int META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA = 0x0108; public static final int META_SETTEXTCOLOR = 0x0209; public static final int META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION = 0x020A; public static final int META_SETWINDOWORG = 0x020B; public static final int META_SETWINDOWEXT = 0x020C; public static final int META_SETVIEWPORTORG = 0x020D; public static final int META_SETVIEWPORTEXT = 0x020E; public static final int META_OFFSETWINDOWORG = 0x020F; public static final int META_SCALEWINDOWEXT = 0x0410; public static final int META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG = 0x0211; public static final int META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT = 0x0412; public static final int META_LINETO = 0x0213; public static final int META_MOVETO = 0x0214; public static final int META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT = 0x0415; public static final int META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT = 0x0416; public static final int META_ARC = 0x0817; public static final int META_ELLIPSE = 0x0418; public static final int META_FLOODFILL = 0x0419; public static final int META_PIE = 0x081A; public static final int META_RECTANGLE = 0x041B; public static final int META_ROUNDRECT = 0x061C; public static final int META_PATBLT = 0x061D; public static final int META_SAVEDC = 0x001E; public static final int META_SETPIXEL = 0x041F; public static final int META_OFFSETCLIPRGN = 0x0220; public static final int META_TEXTOUT = 0x0521; public static final int META_BITBLT = 0x0922; public static final int META_STRETCHBLT = 0x0B23; public static final int META_POLYGON = 0x0324; public static final int META_POLYLINE = 0x0325; public static final int META_ESCAPE = 0x0626; public static final int META_RESTOREDC = 0x0127; public static final int META_FILLREGION = 0x0228; public static final int META_FRAMEREGION = 0x0429; public static final int META_INVERTREGION = 0x012A; public static final int META_PAINTREGION = 0x012B; public static final int META_SELECTCLIPREGION = 0x012C; public static final int META_SELECTOBJECT = 0x012D; public static final int META_SETTEXTALIGN = 0x012E; public static final int META_CHORD = 0x0830; public static final int META_SETMAPPERFLAGS = 0x0231; public static final int META_EXTTEXTOUT = 0x0a32; public static final int META_SETDIBTODEV = 0x0d33; public static final int META_SELECTPALETTE = 0x0234; public static final int META_REALIZEPALETTE = 0x0035; public static final int META_ANIMATEPALETTE = 0x0436; public static final int META_SETPALENTRIES = 0x0037; public static final int META_POLYPOLYGON = 0x0538; public static final int META_RESIZEPALETTE = 0x0139; public static final int META_DIBBITBLT = 0x0940; public static final int META_DIBSTRETCHBLT = 0x0b41; public static final int META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH = 0x0142; public static final int META_STRETCHDIB = 0x0f43; public static final int META_EXTFLOODFILL = 0x0548; public static final int META_DELETEOBJECT = 0x01f0; public static final int META_CREATEPALETTE = 0x00f7; public static final int META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH = 0x01F9; public static final int META_CREATEPENINDIRECT = 0x02FA; public static final int META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT = 0x02FB; public static final int META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT = 0x02FC; public static final int META_CREATEREGION = 0x06FF; public PdfContentByte cb; public InputMeta in; int left; int top; int right; int bottom; int inch; MetaState state = new MetaState(); public MetaDo(InputStream in, PdfContentByte cb) { this.cb = cb; this.in = new InputMeta(in); } public void readAll() throws IOException, DocumentException{ if (in.readInt() != 0x9AC6CDD7) { throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("not.a.placeable.windows.metafile")); } in.readWord(); left = in.readShort(); top = in.readShort(); right = in.readShort(); bottom = in.readShort(); inch = in.readWord(); state.setScalingX((float)(right - left) / (float)inch * 72f); state.setScalingY((float)(bottom - top) / (float)inch * 72f); state.setOffsetWx(left); state.setOffsetWy(top); state.setExtentWx(right - left); state.setExtentWy(bottom - top); in.readInt(); in.readWord(); in.skip(18); int tsize; int function; cb.setLineCap(1); cb.setLineJoin(1); for (;;) { int lenMarker = in.getLength(); tsize = in.readInt(); if (tsize < 3) break; function = in.readWord(); switch (function) { case 0: break; case META_CREATEPALETTE: case META_CREATEREGION: case META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH: state.addMetaObject(new MetaObject()); break; case META_CREATEPENINDIRECT: { MetaPen pen = new MetaPen(); pen.init(in); state.addMetaObject(pen); break; } case META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT: { MetaBrush brush = new MetaBrush(); brush.init(in); state.addMetaObject(brush); break; } case META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT: { MetaFont font = new MetaFont(); font.init(in); state.addMetaObject(font); break; } case META_SELECTOBJECT: { int idx = in.readWord(); state.selectMetaObject(idx, cb); break; } case META_DELETEOBJECT: { int idx = in.readWord(); state.deleteMetaObject(idx); break; } case META_SAVEDC: state.saveState(cb); break; case META_RESTOREDC: { int idx = in.readShort(); state.restoreState(idx, cb); break; } case META_SETWINDOWORG: state.setOffsetWy(in.readShort()); state.setOffsetWx(in.readShort()); break; case META_SETWINDOWEXT: state.setExtentWy(in.readShort()); state.setExtentWx(in.readShort()); break; case META_MOVETO: { int y = in.readShort(); Point p = new Point(in.readShort(), y); state.setCurrentPoint(p); break; } case META_LINETO: { int y = in.readShort(); int x = in.readShort(); Point p = state.getCurrentPoint(); cb.moveTo(state.transformX(p.x), state.transformY(p.y)); cb.lineTo(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y)); cb.stroke(); state.setCurrentPoint(new Point(x, y)); break; } case META_POLYLINE: { state.setLineJoinPolygon(cb); int len = in.readWord(); int x = in.readShort(); int y = in.readShort(); cb.moveTo(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y)); for (int k = 1; k < len; ++k) { x = in.readShort(); y = in.readShort(); cb.lineTo(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y)); } cb.stroke(); break; } case META_POLYGON: { if (isNullStrokeFill(false)) break; int len = in.readWord(); int sx = in.readShort(); int sy = in.readShort(); cb.moveTo(state.transformX(sx), state.transformY(sy)); for (int k = 1; k < len; ++k) { int x = in.readShort(); int y = in.readShort(); cb.lineTo(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y)); } cb.lineTo(state.transformX(sx), state.transformY(sy)); strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_POLYPOLYGON: { if (isNullStrokeFill(false)) break; int numPoly = in.readWord(); int lens[] = new int[numPoly]; for (int k = 0; k < lens.length; ++k) lens[k] = in.readWord(); for (int j = 0; j < lens.length; ++j) { int len = lens[j]; int sx = in.readShort(); int sy = in.readShort(); cb.moveTo(state.transformX(sx), state.transformY(sy)); for (int k = 1; k < len; ++k) { int x = in.readShort(); int y = in.readShort(); cb.lineTo(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y)); } cb.lineTo(state.transformX(sx), state.transformY(sy)); } strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_ELLIPSE: { if (isNullStrokeFill(state.getLineNeutral())) break; int b = in.readShort(); int r = in.readShort(); int t = in.readShort(); int l = in.readShort(); cb.arc(state.transformX(l), state.transformY(b), state.transformX(r), state.transformY(t), 0, 360); strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_ARC: { if (isNullStrokeFill(state.getLineNeutral())) break; float yend = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xend = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float ystart = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xstart = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float b = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float r = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float t = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float l = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float cx = (r + l) / 2; float cy = (t + b) / 2; float arc1 = getArc(cx, cy, xstart, ystart); float arc2 = getArc(cx, cy, xend, yend); arc2 -= arc1; if (arc2 <= 0) arc2 += 360; cb.arc(l, b, r, t, arc1, arc2); cb.stroke(); break; } case META_PIE: { if (isNullStrokeFill(state.getLineNeutral())) break; float yend = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xend = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float ystart = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xstart = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float b = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float r = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float t = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float l = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float cx = (r + l) / 2; float cy = (t + b) / 2; float arc1 = getArc(cx, cy, xstart, ystart); float arc2 = getArc(cx, cy, xend, yend); arc2 -= arc1; if (arc2 <= 0) arc2 += 360; ArrayList<float[]> ar = PdfContentByte.bezierArc(l, b, r, t, arc1, arc2); if (ar.isEmpty()) break; float pt[] = ar.get(0); cb.moveTo(cx, cy); cb.lineTo(pt[0], pt[1]); for (int k = 0; k < ar.size(); ++k) { pt = ar.get(k); cb.curveTo(pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], pt[5], pt[6], pt[7]); } cb.lineTo(cx, cy); strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_CHORD: { if (isNullStrokeFill(state.getLineNeutral())) break; float yend = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xend = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float ystart = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xstart = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float b = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float r = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float t = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float l = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float cx = (r + l) / 2; float cy = (t + b) / 2; float arc1 = getArc(cx, cy, xstart, ystart); float arc2 = getArc(cx, cy, xend, yend); arc2 -= arc1; if (arc2 <= 0) arc2 += 360; ArrayList<float[]> ar = PdfContentByte.bezierArc(l, b, r, t, arc1, arc2); if (ar.isEmpty()) break; float pt[] = ar.get(0); cx = pt[0]; cy = pt[1]; cb.moveTo(cx, cy); for (int k = 0; k < ar.size(); ++k) { pt = ar.get(k); cb.curveTo(pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], pt[5], pt[6], pt[7]); } cb.lineTo(cx, cy); strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_RECTANGLE: { if (isNullStrokeFill(true)) break; float b = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float r = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float t = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float l = state.transformX(in.readShort()); cb.rectangle(l, b, r - l, t - b); strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_ROUNDRECT: { if (isNullStrokeFill(true)) break; float h = state.transformY(0) - state.transformY(in.readShort()); float w = state.transformX(in.readShort()) - state.transformX(0); float b = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float r = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float t = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float l = state.transformX(in.readShort()); cb.roundRectangle(l, b, r - l, t - b, (h + w) / 4); strokeAndFill(); break; } case META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT: { float b = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float r = state.transformX(in.readShort()); float t = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float l = state.transformX(in.readShort()); cb.rectangle(l, b, r - l, t - b); cb.eoClip(); cb.newPath(); break; } case META_EXTTEXTOUT: { int y = in.readShort(); int x = in.readShort(); int count = in.readWord(); int flag = in.readWord(); int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int x2 = 0; int y2 = 0; if ((flag & (MetaFont.ETO_CLIPPED | MetaFont.ETO_OPAQUE)) != 0) { x1 = in.readShort(); y1 = in.readShort(); x2 = in.readShort(); y2 = in.readShort(); } byte text[] = new byte[count]; int k; for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) { byte c = (byte)in.readByte(); if (c == 0) break; text[k] = c; } String s; try { s = new String(text, 0, k, "Cp1252"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { s = new String(text, 0, k); } outputText(x, y, flag, x1, y1, x2, y2, s); break; } case META_TEXTOUT: { int count = in.readWord(); byte text[] = new byte[count]; int k; for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) { byte c = (byte)in.readByte(); if (c == 0) break; text[k] = c; } String s; try { s = new String(text, 0, k, "Cp1252"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { s = new String(text, 0, k); } count = count + 1 & 0xfffe; in.skip(count - k); int y = in.readShort(); int x = in.readShort(); outputText(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, s); break; } case META_SETBKCOLOR: state.setCurrentBackgroundColor(in.readColor()); break; case META_SETTEXTCOLOR: state.setCurrentTextColor(in.readColor()); break; case META_SETTEXTALIGN: state.setTextAlign(in.readWord()); break; case META_SETBKMODE: state.setBackgroundMode(in.readWord()); break; case META_SETPOLYFILLMODE: state.setPolyFillMode(in.readWord()); break; case META_SETPIXEL: { BaseColor color = in.readColor(); int y = in.readShort(); int x = in.readShort(); cb.saveState(); cb.setColorFill(color); cb.rectangle(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y), .2f, .2f); cb.fill(); cb.restoreState(); break; } case META_DIBSTRETCHBLT: case META_STRETCHDIB: { int rop = in.readInt(); if (function == META_STRETCHDIB) { /*int usage = */ in.readWord(); } int srcHeight = in.readShort(); int srcWidth = in.readShort(); int ySrc = in.readShort(); int xSrc = in.readShort(); float destHeight = state.transformY(in.readShort()) - state.transformY(0); float destWidth = state.transformX(in.readShort()) - state.transformX(0); float yDest = state.transformY(in.readShort()); float xDest = state.transformX(in.readShort()); byte b[] = new byte[tsize * 2 - (in.getLength() - lenMarker)]; for (int k = 0; k < b.length; ++k) b[k] = (byte)in.readByte(); try { ByteArrayInputStream inb = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); Image bmp = BmpImage.getImage(inb, true, b.length); cb.saveState(); cb.rectangle(xDest, yDest, destWidth, destHeight); cb.clip(); cb.newPath(); bmp.scaleAbsolute(destWidth * bmp.getWidth() / srcWidth, -destHeight * bmp.getHeight() / srcHeight); bmp.setAbsolutePosition(xDest - destWidth * xSrc / srcWidth, yDest + destHeight * ySrc / srcHeight - bmp.getScaledHeight()); cb.addImage(bmp); cb.restoreState(); } catch (Exception e) { // empty on purpose } break; } } in.skip(tsize * 2 - (in.getLength() - lenMarker)); } state.cleanup(cb); } public void outputText(int x, int y, int flag, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, String text) { MetaFont font = state.getCurrentFont(); float refX = state.transformX(x); float refY = state.transformY(y); float angle = state.transformAngle(font.getAngle()); float sin = (float)Math.sin(angle); float cos = (float)Math.cos(angle); float fontSize = font.getFontSize(state); BaseFont bf = font.getFont(); int align = state.getTextAlign(); float textWidth = bf.getWidthPoint(text, fontSize); float tx = 0; float ty = 0; float descender = bf.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fontSize); float ury = bf.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURY, fontSize); cb.saveState(); cb.concatCTM(cos, sin, -sin, cos, refX, refY); if ((align & MetaState.TA_CENTER) == MetaState.TA_CENTER) tx = -textWidth / 2; else if ((align & MetaState.TA_RIGHT) == MetaState.TA_RIGHT) tx = -textWidth; if ((align & MetaState.TA_BASELINE) == MetaState.TA_BASELINE) ty = 0; else if ((align & MetaState.TA_BOTTOM) == MetaState.TA_BOTTOM) ty = -descender; else ty = -ury; BaseColor textColor; if (state.getBackgroundMode() == MetaState.OPAQUE) { textColor = state.getCurrentBackgroundColor(); cb.setColorFill(textColor); cb.rectangle(tx, ty + descender, textWidth, ury - descender); cb.fill(); } textColor = state.getCurrentTextColor(); cb.setColorFill(textColor); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, fontSize); cb.setTextMatrix(tx, ty); cb.showText(text); cb.endText(); if (font.isUnderline()) { cb.rectangle(tx, ty - fontSize / 4, textWidth, fontSize / 15); cb.fill(); } if (font.isStrikeout()) { cb.rectangle(tx, ty + fontSize / 3, textWidth, fontSize / 15); cb.fill(); } cb.restoreState(); } public boolean isNullStrokeFill(boolean isRectangle) { MetaPen pen = state.getCurrentPen(); MetaBrush brush = state.getCurrentBrush(); boolean noPen = pen.getStyle() == MetaPen.PS_NULL; int style = brush.getStyle(); boolean isBrush = style == MetaBrush.BS_SOLID || style == MetaBrush.BS_HATCHED && state.getBackgroundMode() == MetaState.OPAQUE; boolean result = noPen && !isBrush; if (!noPen) { if (isRectangle) state.setLineJoinRectangle(cb); else state.setLineJoinPolygon(cb); } return result; } public void strokeAndFill(){ MetaPen pen = state.getCurrentPen(); MetaBrush brush = state.getCurrentBrush(); int penStyle = pen.getStyle(); int brushStyle = brush.getStyle(); if (penStyle == MetaPen.PS_NULL) { cb.closePath(); if (state.getPolyFillMode() == MetaState.ALTERNATE) { cb.eoFill(); } else { cb.fill(); } } else { boolean isBrush = brushStyle == MetaBrush.BS_SOLID || brushStyle == MetaBrush.BS_HATCHED && state.getBackgroundMode() == MetaState.OPAQUE; if (isBrush) { if (state.getPolyFillMode() == MetaState.ALTERNATE) cb.closePathEoFillStroke(); else cb.closePathFillStroke(); } else { cb.closePathStroke(); } } } static float getArc(float xCenter, float yCenter, float xDot, float yDot) { double s = Math.atan2(yDot - yCenter, xDot - xCenter); if (s < 0) s += Math.PI * 2; return (float)(s / Math.PI * 180); } public static byte[] wrapBMP(Image image) throws IOException { if (image.getOriginalType() != Image.ORIGINAL_BMP) throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("only.bmp.can.be.wrapped.in.wmf")); InputStream imgIn; byte data[] = null; if (image.getOriginalData() == null) { imgIn = image.getUrl().openStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int b = 0; while ((b = imgIn.read()) != -1) out.write(b); imgIn.close(); data = out.toByteArray(); } else data = image.getOriginalData(); int sizeBmpWords = data.length - 14 + 1 >>> 1; ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // write metafile header writeWord(os, 1); writeWord(os, 9); writeWord(os, 0x0300); writeDWord(os, 9 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 13 + sizeBmpWords + 3); // total metafile size writeWord(os, 1); writeDWord(os, 14 + sizeBmpWords); // max record size writeWord(os, 0); // write records writeDWord(os, 4); writeWord(os, META_SETMAPMODE); writeWord(os, 8); writeDWord(os, 5); writeWord(os, META_SETWINDOWORG); writeWord(os, 0); writeWord(os, 0); writeDWord(os, 5); writeWord(os, META_SETWINDOWEXT); writeWord(os, (int)image.getHeight()); writeWord(os, (int)image.getWidth()); writeDWord(os, 13 + sizeBmpWords); writeWord(os, META_DIBSTRETCHBLT); writeDWord(os, 0x00cc0020); writeWord(os, (int)image.getHeight()); writeWord(os, (int)image.getWidth()); writeWord(os, 0); writeWord(os, 0); writeWord(os, (int)image.getHeight()); writeWord(os, (int)image.getWidth()); writeWord(os, 0); writeWord(os, 0); os.write(data, 14, data.length - 14); if ((data.length & 1) == 1) os.write(0); // writeDWord(os, 14 + sizeBmpWords); // writeWord(os, META_STRETCHDIB); // writeDWord(os, 0x00cc0020); // writeWord(os, 0); // writeWord(os, (int)image.height()); // writeWord(os, (int)image.width()); // writeWord(os, 0); // writeWord(os, 0); // writeWord(os, (int)image.height()); // writeWord(os, (int)image.width()); // writeWord(os, 0); // writeWord(os, 0); // os.write(data, 14, data.length - 14); // if ((data.length & 1) == 1) // os.write(0); writeDWord(os, 3); writeWord(os, 0); os.close(); return os.toByteArray(); } public static void writeWord(OutputStream os, int v) throws IOException { os.write(v & 0xff); os.write(v >>> 8 & 0xff); } public static void writeDWord(OutputStream os, int v) throws IOException { writeWord(os, v & 0xffff); writeWord(os, v >>> 16 & 0xffff); } }