package; import static*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StackMapTableWriter extends Element { private final byte[] data; public StackMapTableWriter(ClassWriter writer, List<StackMapFrame> frames) throws IOException { = serialize(writer, frames); } private byte[] serialize(ClassWriter writer, List<StackMapFrame> frames) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream data = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for(StackMapFrame frame : frames) { frame.write(data, writer); } ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeUShort(bs, writer.addCPUtf8("StackMapTable")); writeInt(bs, data.size() + 2); writeUShort(bs, frames.size()); data.writeTo(bs); return bs.toByteArray(); } public StackMapTableWriter(ClassWriter writer, MethodData method, Output output, ClassHierarchyProvider cha, String[][] vars) throws FailureException, IOException { this(writer, stackMapTable(writer, method, output, cha, vars, null)); } public StackMapTableWriter(ClassWriter writer, MethodData method, Output output, ClassHierarchyProvider cha, String[][] vars, List<StackMapFrame> reuseFrames) throws FailureException, IOException { this(writer, stackMapTable(writer, method, output, cha, vars, reuseFrames)); } private static List<StackMapFrame> remapStackFrames(List<StackMapFrame> sm, int[] newBytecodesToOldBytecodes) { // mapping to new bytecode Map<Integer,Integer> oldToNew = HashMapFactory.make(); for(int i = newBytecodesToOldBytecodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { oldToNew.put(newBytecodesToOldBytecodes[i], i); } // positions of frames int i = 1; int positions[] = new int[ sm.size()]; Iterator<StackMapFrame> sms = sm.iterator(); int position =; positions[0] = oldToNew.get(position); while (sms.hasNext()) { position = position + + 1; positions[i++] = oldToNew.get(position); } // positions turned into offsets for(i = positions.length-1; i > 0; i--) { positions[i] = positions[i] - positions[i-1] - 1; } // frames with new offsets List<StackMapFrame> newFrames = new ArrayList<StackMapFrame>(sm.size()); for(i = 0; i < sm.size(); i++) { newFrames.add(new StackMapFrame(sm.get(i), positions[i])); } return newFrames; } public StackMapTableWriter(ClassWriter w, List<StackMapFrame> sm, int[] newBytecodesToOldBytecodes) throws IOException { this(w, remapStackFrames(sm, newBytecodesToOldBytecodes)); } static StackMapType item(String type) { if (type == null) { return Item.ITEM_Top; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_null)) { return Item.ITEM_Null; } else if (type.equals(Analyzer.topType)) { return Item.ITEM_Top; } else if (type.equals(Analyzer.thisType)) { return Item.ITEM_UninitializedThis; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_int)) { return Item.ITEM_Integer; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_float)) { return Item.ITEM_Float; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_double)) { return Item.ITEM_Double; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_long)) { return Item.ITEM_Long; } else { if (type.startsWith("#")) { return new UninitializedType(type); } else { return new ObjectType(type); } } } static void writeUByte(OutputStream s, int v) throws IOException { byte bytes[] = new byte[1]; ClassWriter.setUByte(bytes, 0, v); s.write(bytes); } static void writeUShort(OutputStream s, int v) throws IOException { byte bytes[] = new byte[2]; ClassWriter.setUShort(bytes, 0, v); s.write(bytes); } static void writeInt(OutputStream s, int v) throws IOException { byte bytes[] = new byte[4]; ClassWriter.setInt(bytes, 0, v); s.write(bytes); } static StackMapType[] trim(StackMapType[] types) { int i = types.length-1; while (i >= 0 && (types[i] == null || types[i] == Item.ITEM_Null || types[i] == Item.ITEM_Top)) { i--; } if (i < 0) { return new StackMapType[0]; } else if (i < types.length-1) { StackMapType[] trimmed = new StackMapType[ i+1 ]; System.arraycopy(types, 0, trimmed, 0, i+1); return trimmed; } else { return types; } } private static String hackUnknown(String type) { if (type == null) { return type; } else if (type.startsWith("[")) { return "[" + hackUnknown(type.substring(1)); } else if ("L?;".equals(type)) { return "Ljava/lang/Object;"; } else { return type; } } static StackMapType[] types(String[] types, boolean locals) { StackMapType[] stackTypes = new StackMapType[ types.length ]; int x = 0; for(int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) { StackMapType stackType = item(hackUnknown(types[j])); stackTypes[x++] = stackType; if (locals && stackType.size() == 2) { j++; } } return trim(stackTypes); } private static boolean isUselessGoto(IInstruction inst, int index) { if (inst instanceof GotoInstruction) { if (((GotoInstruction)inst).getBranchTargets()[0] == index+1) { return true; } } return false; } public static List<StackMapFrame> stackMapTable(ClassWriter writer, MethodData method, Output output, ClassHierarchyProvider cha, String[][] vars, List<StackMapFrame> reuseFrames) throws FailureException, IOException { int idx = 0; List<StackMapFrame> frames = new ArrayList<StackMapFrame>(); int[] instructionToBytecode = output.getInstructionOffsets(); IInstruction[] insts = method.getInstructions(); Verifier typeChecker = new Verifier(method, instructionToBytecode, vars); if (cha != null) { typeChecker.setClassHierarchy(cha); } typeChecker.computeTypes(); BitSet bbs = typeChecker.getBasicBlockStarts(); int offset = 0; for(int i = 1; i < insts.length; i++) { if (bbs.get(i)) { // Shrike does not generate goto i+1 if (isUselessGoto(insts[i], i)) { continue; } // offset delta int position = instructionToBytecode[i]; assert position - offset > 0 || offset == 0; int frameOffset = offset==0? position: position - offset - 1; offset = position; if (reuseFrames != null) { if (reuseFrames.get(idx).getOffset() == frameOffset) { frames.add(reuseFrames.get(idx++)); continue; } else { reuseFrames = null; } } // full frame byte frameType = (byte)255; // locals String[] localTypes = typeChecker.getLocalTypes()[i]; StackMapType[] localWriteTypes; if (localTypes != null) { localWriteTypes = types(localTypes, true); } else { localWriteTypes = new StackMapType[0]; } // stack String[] stackTypes = typeChecker.getStackTypes()[i]; StackMapType[] stackWriteTypes; if (stackTypes != null) { stackWriteTypes = types(stackTypes, false); } else { stackWriteTypes = new StackMapType[0]; } frames.add(new StackMapFrame(frameType, frameOffset, localWriteTypes, stackWriteTypes)); } } return frames; } @Override public int getSize() { return data.length; } @Override public int copyInto(byte[] buf, int offset) { for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { buf[offset+i] = data[i]; } return data.length+offset; } }