/* * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. * * This file is a derivative of code released under the terms listed below. * */ /* * Copyright (c) 2013, * Tobias Blaschke <code@tobiasblaschke.de> * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.ibm.wala.dalvik.ipa.callgraph.androidModel.stubs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.CallSiteReference; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClass; import com.ibm.wala.dalvik.ipa.callgraph.androidModel.AndroidModel; import com.ibm.wala.dalvik.ipa.callgraph.androidModel.AndroidModelClass; import com.ibm.wala.dalvik.ipa.callgraph.impl.AndroidEntryPoint; import com.ibm.wala.dalvik.util.AndroidComponent; import com.ibm.wala.dalvik.util.AndroidTypes; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.AnalysisCache; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.AnalysisOptions; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.cha.IClassHierarchy; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.summaries.MethodSummary; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.summaries.SummarizedMethod; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.summaries.VolatileMethodSummary; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IInvokeInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.ConstantValue; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.types.Descriptor; import com.ibm.wala.types.MethodReference; import com.ibm.wala.types.Selector; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeName; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference; import com.ibm.wala.util.CancelException; import com.ibm.wala.util.ssa.ParameterAccessor; import com.ibm.wala.util.ssa.SSAValue; import com.ibm.wala.util.ssa.TypeSafeInstructionFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.strings.Atom; /** * This is generates a dummy for the call to an external Activity. * * Is used by the IntentContextInterpreter if an Intent is marked as beeing external. * * @see com.ibm.wala.dalvik.ipa.callgraph.propagation.cfa.IntentContextInterpreter * * @author Tobias Blaschke <code@tobiasblaschke.de> * @since 2013-10-15 */ public class ExternalModel extends AndroidModel { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExternalModel.class); public final Atom name; private SummarizedMethod activityModel; // private final AndroidComponent target; // uses AndroidModel.cha; /** * Do not call any EntryPoint. * * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean selectEntryPoint(AndroidEntryPoint ep) { return false; } public ExternalModel(final IClassHierarchy cha, final AnalysisOptions options, final AnalysisCache cache, AndroidComponent target) { super(cha, options, cache); if (target == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The component type requested to create an ExternalModel for was null"); } this.name = Atom.findOrCreateAsciiAtom("startExternal" + target.toString()); // this.target = target; logger.debug("Will be known as {}/{}", AndroidModelClass.ANDROID_MODEL_CLASS.getName(), this.name); } //@Override private void register(SummarizedMethod model) { AndroidModelClass mClass = AndroidModelClass.getInstance(cha); if (!(mClass.containsMethod(model.getSelector()))) { mClass.addMethod(model); } } @Override public SummarizedMethod getMethod() throws CancelException { if (!built) { super.build(this.name); this.register(super.model); this.activityModel = super.model; } return this.activityModel; } @Override protected void build(Atom name, Collection<? extends AndroidEntryPoint> entrypoints) { assert ((entrypoints == null) || (! entrypoints.iterator().hasNext())); final TypeName intentName = AndroidTypes.IntentName; final TypeName bundleName = AndroidTypes.BundleName; final Descriptor descr = Descriptor.findOrCreate(new TypeName[] { intentName, TypeReference.IntName, bundleName}, intentName); this.mRef = MethodReference.findOrCreate(AndroidModelClass.ANDROID_MODEL_CLASS, name, descr); final Selector selector = new Selector(name, descr); // Assert not registered yet final AndroidModelClass mClass = AndroidModelClass.getInstance(this.cha); if (mClass.containsMethod(selector)) { this.model = (SummarizedMethod) mClass.getMethod(selector); return; } this.body = new VolatileMethodSummary(new MethodSummary(this.mRef)); this.body.setStatic(true); logger.debug("The Selector of the method will be {}", selector); populate(null); this.klass = AndroidModelClass.getInstance(this.cha); this.model = new SummarizedMethod(this.mRef, this.body.getMethodSummary(), this.klass) { @Override public TypeReference getParameterType (int i) { IClassHierarchy cha = getClassHierarchy(); TypeReference tRef = super.getParameterType(i); if (tRef.isClassType()) { if (cha.lookupClass(tRef) != null) { return tRef; } else { for (IClass c : cha) { if (c.getName().toString().equals(tRef.getName().toString())) { return c.getReference(); } } } throw new IllegalStateException("Error looking up " + tRef); } else { return tRef; } } }; this.built = true; } /** * Fill the model with instructions. * * Read the extra-data associated with the Intent. * Read the optional bundle argument * Write data to the Intent to return. */ //@Override private void populate(Iterable<? extends AndroidEntryPoint> entrypoints) { assert ((entrypoints == null) || (! entrypoints.iterator().hasNext())); assert (! built) : "You can only build once"; final TypeSafeInstructionFactory instructionFactory = new TypeSafeInstructionFactory(getClassHierarchy()); // mRef is: startExternal...(Intent, int, Bundle) --> Intent final ParameterAccessor pAcc = new ParameterAccessor(this.mRef, /* hasImplicitThis */ false); // final AndroidModelParameterManager pm = new AndroidModelParameterManager(pAcc); // See this.build() for parameter mapping final SSAValue inIntent = pAcc.firstOf(AndroidTypes.IntentName); assert (inIntent.getNumber() == 1); final SSAValue inBundle = pAcc.firstOf(AndroidTypes.BundleName); assert (inBundle.getNumber() == 3) : "Wrong bundle " + inBundle + " of " + this.mRef; // TODO: Verify was 2 int nextLocal = pAcc.getFirstAfter(); //assert (nextLocal == 4); // was 3 SSAValue outBundle; SSAValue outIntent; { // Read out Intent extras logger.debug("Read Intent extras"); final int callPC = this.body.getNextProgramCounter(); // Bundle Intent.getExtras() final Selector mSel = Selector.make("getExtras()Landroid/os/Bundle;"); final MethodReference mRef = MethodReference.findOrCreate(AndroidTypes.Intent, mSel); final CallSiteReference site = CallSiteReference.make(callPC, mRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.VIRTUAL); final SSAValue exception = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, TypeReference.JavaLangException, this.mRef, "exception"); outBundle = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, inBundle); final List<SSAValue> params = new ArrayList<SSAValue>(1); params.add(inIntent); final SSAInstruction invokation = instructionFactory.InvokeInstruction(callPC, outBundle, params, exception, site); this.body.addStatement(invokation); } /*{ // Read from the bundle returned by the Intent extras // TODO Defunct logger.debug("Read Intent extras bundle"); // TODO: If I clone it - does it access all? final int callPC = this.body.getNextProgramCounter(); // Bundle Intent.getExtras() final Selector mSel = Selector.make("clone()Landroid/os/Bundle;"); final MethodReference mRef = MethodReference.findOrCreate(AndroidTypes.Bundle, mSel); final CallSiteReference site = CallSiteReference.make(callPC, mRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.VIRTUAL); final SSAValue exception = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, TypeReference.JavaLangException, this.mRef, "exception"); final SSAValue myBundle = outBundle; outBundle = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, outBundle); final List<SSAValue> params = new ArrayList<SSAValue>(1); params.add(myBundle); final SSAInstruction invokation = instructionFactory.InvokeInstruction(callPC, outBundle, params, exception, site); this.body.addStatement(invokation); } { // Read from the bundle given as argument logger.debug("Read optional argument bundle"); // TODO: If I clone it - does it access all? final int callPC = this.body.getNextProgramCounter(); // Bundle Intent.getExtras() final Selector mSel = Selector.make("clone()Landroid/os/Bundle;"); final MethodReference mRef = MethodReference.findOrCreate(AndroidTypes.Bundle, mSel); final CallSiteReference site = CallSiteReference.make(callPC, mRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.VIRTUAL); final SSAValue exception = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, TypeReference.JavaLangException, this.mRef, "exception"); outBundle = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, outBundle); final List<SSAValue> params = new ArrayList<SSAValue>(1); params.add(inBundle); final SSAInstruction invokation = instructionFactory.InvokeInstruction(callPC, outBundle, params, exception, site); this.body.addStatement(invokation); }*/ { // Call Intent.putExtra(String name, int value) do add some new info logger.debug("Calling putExtra"); final SSAValue outName = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, TypeReference.JavaLangString, this.mRef, "outName"); this.body.addConstant(outName.getNumber(), new ConstantValue("my.extra.object")); final SSAValue outValue = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, TypeReference.Int, this.mRef, "outValue"); // Assign value? final int callPC = this.body.getNextProgramCounter(); // void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) final Selector mSel = Selector.make("putExtra(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/Intent;"); final MethodReference mRef = MethodReference.findOrCreate(AndroidTypes.Intent, mSel); final CallSiteReference site = CallSiteReference.make(callPC, mRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.VIRTUAL); final SSAValue exception = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, TypeReference.JavaLangException, this.mRef, "exception"); outIntent = new SSAValue(nextLocal++, inIntent); final List<SSAValue> params = new ArrayList<SSAValue>(3); params.add(inIntent); params.add(outName); params.add(outValue); final SSAInstruction invokation = instructionFactory.InvokeInstruction(callPC, outIntent, params, exception, site); this.body.addStatement(invokation); } { // Add return statement on intent logger.debug("Adding return"); final int returnPC = this.body.getNextProgramCounter(); final SSAInstruction returnInstruction = instructionFactory.ReturnInstruction(returnPC, outIntent); this.body.addStatement(returnInstruction); } } }