package com.baselet.element.old.allinone; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.sourceforge.jlibeps.epsgraphics.EpsGraphics2D; import com.baselet.control.HandlerElementMap; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignHorizontal; import com.baselet.control.enums.Direction; import com.baselet.control.util.Utils; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.GridElementDeprecatedAddons; import com.baselet.element.old.OldGridElement; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.AEnd; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Activity; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Condition; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Const; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Container; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Element; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.End; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.EndIf; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.EventRaise; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.EventRecieve; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Fork; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.GoTo; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.If; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.LineSpacer; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.PartActivity; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Row; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Start; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.StartElement; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.StopElement; import com.baselet.element.old.activity.Sync; import com.baselet.element.sticking.StickingPolygon; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ActivityDiagramText extends OldGridElement { private final AtomicBoolean autoInsertIF = new AtomicBoolean(); private ArrayList<Row> rows; private ArrayList<Container> containers; private Container root_container; private Container current_container; private HashMap<String, Element> elements; private String title; private Graphics2D graphics; private ArrayList<GoTo> gotos; private int goto_seperation_left; private int goto_seperation_right; private float zoom; private static final String normalchars = "[^\\~\\>]";// "[ \\w\\\\\\(\\)]"; private static final String conditionChars = "[^\\]]"; private static final String title_pattern = "title\\:(" + normalchars + "+)"; private static final String line_pattern = "(\\t*)" + // tabs 1 "(\\[([ " + conditionChars + "]+)\\])?" + // conditions 2..3 "(" + // 4 "(" + // 5 "(Start)" + // start 6 "|(End|AEnd)" + // end7 "|(\\|)" + // linespacer 8 "|(If|Fork)|(EndIf|Sync)" + // if blocks 9/10 "|(While(\\[(" + normalchars + "*)\\])?)" + // while 11..13 "|(\\>(" + normalchars + "+))" + // recieve event 14..15 "|((" + normalchars + "+)\\>)" + // raise event 16..17 "|((" + normalchars + "+)\\.\\.)" + // partactivity 18..19 "|(" + normalchars + "+)" + // activity 20 ")" + "(\\~(" + normalchars + "+)?)?" + // ids 21..22 ")?" + "\\s*" + "(\\-\\>(" + normalchars + "+))?" + // goto 23..24 "\\s*"; private void init(Graphics2D graphics) { zoom = HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getZoomFactor(); = graphics; rows = new ArrayList<Row>(); gotos = new ArrayList<GoTo>(); containers = new ArrayList<Container>(); elements = new HashMap<String, Element>(); rows.add(new Row()); root_container = new Container(autoInsertIF, HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, null, rows, 0); current_container = root_container; title = null; goto_seperation_left = (int) (5 * zoom); goto_seperation_right = (int) (5 * zoom); // Some unimportant initialization stuff; setting color, font // quality, etc. You should not have to change this. = graphics;;; } private String preparse(String line) { String parsed_line = ""; Pattern p_empty = Pattern.compile("\\s*"); Pattern p_title = Pattern.compile(title_pattern); if (!p_empty.matcher(line).matches()) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(line_pattern); Matcher m_title = p_title.matcher(line); if (m_title.matches()) { parsed_line = null; title =; } else if (p.matcher(line).matches()) { parsed_line = line; } else { parsed_line = null; } } return parsed_line; } public int getGotoPosition(Direction dir) { if (Direction.LEFT.equals(dir)) { if (goto_seperation_left + Const.GOTO_SEP * zoom < Const.DIAGRAM_PAD * zoom) { goto_seperation_left += Const.GOTO_SEP * zoom; } return (int) (Const.DIAGRAM_PAD * zoom - goto_seperation_left); } else { if (goto_seperation_right + Const.GOTO_SEP * zoom < Const.DIAGRAM_PAD * zoom) { goto_seperation_right += Const.GOTO_SEP * zoom; } return (int) (root_container.getWidth() + Const.DIAGRAM_PAD * zoom + goto_seperation_right); } } private Vector<String> preparse(Vector<String> lines) { if (lines.isEmpty()) { return lines; } Vector<String> parsed_lines = new Vector<String>(); Iterator<String> it = lines.iterator(); String current_line = this.preparse(; if (current_line == null) { current_line = ""; } while (current_line.equals("") && it.hasNext()) { current_line = this.preparse(; if (current_line == null) { current_line = ""; } } String previous_line = current_line; int current_depth = 0; int last_depth = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { current_line = this.preparse(; if (current_line != null) { if (!current_line.equals("")) { for (current_depth = 0; current_line.charAt(current_depth) == '\t'; current_depth++) {/* do nothing except increasing current depth */} if (!previous_line.equals("") || current_depth == last_depth) { parsed_lines.add(previous_line); } previous_line = current_line; last_depth = current_depth; } else if (!previous_line.equals("")) { parsed_lines.add(previous_line); previous_line = current_line; } } } if (!previous_line.equals("")) { parsed_lines.add(previous_line); } return parsed_lines; } private void addElement(Element e) { current_container.addElement(e); elements.put(e.getId(), e); } @Override public void paintEntity(Graphics g) { init((Graphics2D) g); Vector<String> lines = Utils.decomposeStringsWithEmptyLines(getPanelAttributes()); lines = this.preparse(lines); if (lines.size() == 0) { return; } autoInsertIF.set(true); while (lines.size() > 0 && lines.elementAt(0).startsWith("var:")) { if (lines.elementAt(0).equals("var:noautoif")) { autoInsertIF.set(false); } lines.remove(0); } int current_depth = 0; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(line_pattern); StartElement start_element = null; Element current_element = null; containers.add(root_container); for (String line : lines) { Matcher m = p.matcher(line); Container closed_container = null; if (m.matches()) { Pattern p_empty = Pattern.compile("\\s*"); Matcher m_empty = p_empty.matcher(line); /* NEW COLUMN IN CURRENT LAYER */ if (m_empty.matches()) { /* start element was no start element (example: IF element without following container) */ if (start_element != null) { addElement(start_element); start_element = null; } if (!current_container.isRoot()) { current_container.addColumn(); } // empty line - no need to proceed with other stuff continue; } /* DEPTH */ if ( != null) { /* NEW LAYER */ if ( > current_depth) { for (; current_depth <; current_depth++) { current_container = current_container.addNewContainer(); containers.add(current_container); if (start_element != null) { current_container.setStartElement(start_element); elements.put(start_element.getId(), start_element); start_element = null; } } } else { /* start element was no start element (example: IF element without following container) */ if (start_element != null) { addElement(start_element); start_element = null; } /* CLOSE LAYER(s) */ if ( < current_depth) { for (; current_depth >; current_depth--) { closed_container = current_container; if (!current_container.isRoot()) { current_container = current_container.close(); } } } } } Element e = null; /* BEDINGUNG */ if ( != null) { String input = ""; if ( != null) { input =; } e = new Condition(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), input, graphics); current_element = e; } if (e != null) { addElement(e); } e = null; if ( != null) { String id =; /* START */ if ( != null) { e = new Start(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics); } /* END */ else if ( != null) { if ("AEnd")) { e = new AEnd(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, id); } else { e = new End(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, id); } } /* LINESPACER */ else if ( != null) { e = new LineSpacer(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics); } /* IF/FORK */ else if ( != null) { // these elements are processed as soon as a the // new container is opened (or as single elements // if none is openend if ("Fork")) { start_element = new Fork(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, id); } else { start_element = new If(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, id); } current_element = start_element; } /* ENDIF/SYNC */ else if ( != null) { // set as stop element if a container has been closed StopElement se; if ("Sync")) { se = new Sync(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, id); } else { se = new EndIf(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics, id); } if (closed_container != null) { closed_container.setStopElement(se); elements.put(se.getId(), se); } else { e = se; } current_element = se; } /* WHILE */ else if ( != null) { current_container = current_container.addNewWhile(; current_depth++; } /* GET EVENT */ else if ( != null) { e = new EventRecieve(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics,, id); } else if ( != null) { e = new EventRaise(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this), graphics,, id); } else if ( != null) { e = new PartActivity(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this),, graphics, id); } else if ( != null) { e = new Activity(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this),, graphics, id); } } if (e != null) { current_element = e; addElement(e); } /* GOTO */ if ( != null) { if ( != null && current_element != null) { String connect_to =; gotos.add(new GoTo(graphics, current_element, connect_to)); current_element.setTerminated(); } } } } // if a Startelement was the last element if (start_element != null) { addElement(start_element); } // close opened containers while (!current_container.isRoot()) { current_container = current_container.close(); } // remove empty columns of containers (maybe there if only a goto element was there) for (Container c : containers) { c.removeEmptyColumns(); } // PROCESS GOTO ELEMENTS ArrayList<GoTo> valid_gotos = new ArrayList<GoTo>(); for (GoTo go : gotos) { Element from = go.getFromElement(); go.setToElement(elements.get(go.getToElementId())); Element to = go.getToElement(); if (from != null && to != null) { valid_gotos.add(go); boolean fromleft = from.getRow().isLeft(from); boolean fromright = from.getRow().isRight(from); boolean toleft = to.getRow().isLeft(to); boolean toright = to.getRow().isRight(to); if (fromleft) { go.setDirection(Direction.LEFT); if (!toleft) { rows = to.getRow().makeExclusiveLeft(to, rows); } } else if (toleft) { go.setDirection(Direction.LEFT); rows = from.getRow().makeExclusiveLeft(from, rows); } else if (fromright) { go.setDirection(Direction.RIGHT); if (!toright) { rows = to.getRow().makeExclusiveRight(to, rows); } } else if (toright) { go.setDirection(Direction.RIGHT); rows = from.getRow().makeExclusiveRight(from, rows); } else { go.setDirection(Direction.LEFT); rows = from.getRow().makeExclusiveLeft(from, rows); rows = to.getRow().makeExclusiveLeft(to, rows); } } } // draw title int offset = 0; int width = (int) (root_container.getWidth() + Const.DIAGRAM_PAD * zoom * 2); int height = 0; if (title != null) { offset += (int) (25 * zoom); height += (int) (25 * zoom); if (title.length() > 0) { HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getFontHandler().writeText(graphics, title, (int) (10 * zoom), (int) HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getFontHandler().getFontSize() + (int) HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getFontHandler().getDistanceBetweenTexts(), AlignHorizontal.LEFT); int titlewidth = (int) HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getFontHandler().getTextWidth(title); int ty = (int) HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getFontHandler().getFontSize() + (int) HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getFontHandler().getDistanceBetweenTexts() + (int) (8 * zoom); graphics.drawLine(0, ty, titlewidth + (int) (10 * zoom), ty); graphics.drawLine(titlewidth + (int) (10 * zoom), ty, titlewidth + ty + (int) (10 * zoom), 0); } } /* COMPUTE POSITIONS */ for (Row r : rows) { offset = r.setElementYPosition(offset); } root_container.setX((int) (root_container.getLeftWidth() + Const.DIAGRAM_PAD * zoom)); if (Const.DEBUG) { root_container.printData(""); } for (Row r : rows) { height += r.getHeight(); } if (width < Const.MIN_WIDTH * zoom) { width = (int) (Const.MIN_WIDTH * zoom); } if (height < Const.MIN_HEIGHT * zoom) { height = (int) (Const.MIN_HEIGHT * zoom); } // draw diagram this.setSize(width, height); graphics.drawRect(0, 0, getRectangle().width - 1, getRectangle().height - 1); root_container.paint(); // draw goto elements for (GoTo goTo : valid_gotos) { goTo.paint(HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(this).getZoomFactor(), getGotoPosition(goTo.getDirection())); } } @Override public Set<Direction> getResizeArea(int x, int y) { return new HashSet<Direction>(); // deny size changes } @Override public StickingPolygon generateStickingBorder() { return null; } @Override public boolean isDeprecated() { return false; } @Override public GridElementDeprecatedAddons getDeprecatedAddons() { return new GridElementDeprecatedAddons() { @Override public void doBeforeExport() { // Issue 159: the old all in one grid elements calculate their real size AFTER painting. although it's bad design it works for most cases, but batch-export can fail if the element width in the uxf is wrong (eg if it was created using another umlet-default-fontsize), therefore a pseudo-paint call is made to get the real size paintEntity(new EpsGraphics2D()); } }; } }