package com.baselet.diagram.draw; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import com.baselet.control.StringStyle; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.DimensionDouble; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Line; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Lines; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.PointDouble; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Rectangle; import com.baselet.control.constants.FacetConstants; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignHorizontal; import com.baselet.control.enums.FormatLabels; import com.baselet.control.enums.LineType; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.ColorOwn; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.ColorOwn.Transparency; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.Style; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.StyleException; public abstract class DrawHandler { protected static final double HALF_PX = 0.5f; protected Style style = new Style(); private final Style overlay = new Style(); private final ArrayList<DrawFunction> drawablesBackground = new ArrayList<DrawFunction>(); private final ArrayList<DrawFunction> drawablesForeground = new ArrayList<DrawFunction>(); public static enum Layer { Foreground, Background } private Layer layer = Layer.Background; private boolean enableDrawing = true; /** * all background elements are drawn before drawing the foreground elements * can be useful e.g. if a printText call is made before a drawRectangle call although it should be placed behind the rectangle */ public void setLayer(Layer layer) { this.layer = layer; } public void setEnableDrawing(boolean enableDrawing) { this.enableDrawing = enableDrawing; } protected Style getOverlay() { return overlay; } protected void addDrawable(DrawFunction drawable) { if (enableDrawing) { if (layer == Layer.Foreground) { drawablesForeground.add(drawable); } else { drawablesBackground.add(drawable); } } // if drawing is disabled don't add the DrawFunction to any collection } public void drawAll(boolean isSelected) { if (isSelected) { overlay.setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.SELECTION_FG); } else { overlay.setForegroundColor(null); } drawAll(); } public void clearCache() { drawablesBackground.clear(); drawablesForeground.clear(); } public final double textHeightMaxWithSpace() { return textHeightMax() + getDistanceBetweenTextLines(); } public final double textHeightMax() { return textDimension(new StringStyle(Collections.<FormatLabels> emptySet(), "Hy")).getHeight(); // "Hy" is a good dummy for a generic max height and depth } /** * @param singleLineWithMarkup a single line (no \n) with interpreted markup * @return the height of the given text * @see StringStyle#replaceNotEscaped(String) * @see StringStyle#analyzeFormatLabels(String) * @see #textHeight(StringStyle) */ public final double textHeight(String singleLineWithMarkup) { return textHeight(escapeAndAnalyzeSingleLine(singleLineWithMarkup)); } /** * @param singleLine a single line (no \n), no further processing of the String takes place. * i.e. The text is printed unmodified with the given formating. * @return the height of the given text */ public final double textHeight(StringStyle singleLine) { return textDimension(singleLine).getHeight(); } /** * * @param singleLineWithMarkup a single line (no \n) with interpreted markup * @return the width of the given text * @see StringStyle#replaceNotEscaped(String) * @see StringStyle#analyzeFormatLabels(String) * @see #textWidth(StringStyle) */ public final double textWidth(String singleLineWithMarkup) { return textWidth(escapeAndAnalyzeSingleLine(singleLineWithMarkup)); } /** * @param singleLine single line (no \n), no further processing of the String takes place. * i.e. The text is printed unmodified with the given formating. * @return the width of the given text */ public final double textWidth(StringStyle singleLine) { return textDimension(singleLine).getWidth(); } public final void setForegroundColor(String color) { if (color.equals(FacetConstants.FOREGROUND_COLOR_KEY)) { setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.DEFAULT_FOREGROUND); } else { setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.forString(color, Transparency.FOREGROUND)); // if fgColor is not a valid string null will be set } } public final void setForegroundColor(ColorOwn color) { if (color == null) { style.setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.DEFAULT_FOREGROUND); } else { style.setForegroundColor(color); } } public final void setBackgroundColorAndKeepTransparency(String color) { if (color.equals(FacetConstants.BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY)) { setBackgroundColor(ColorOwn.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); } else { // #295: if bg is the default, use background transparency, but if bg has been set reuse its transparency (otherwise transparency= would only work if the line comes after bg=) ColorOwn oldBg = getBackgroundColor(); int newAlpha = oldBg == ColorOwn.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND ? Transparency.BACKGROUND.getAlpha() : oldBg.getAlpha(); setBackgroundColor(ColorOwn.forString(color, newAlpha)); } } public final void setBackgroundColor(ColorOwn color) { if (color == null) { style.setBackgroundColor(ColorOwn.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); } else { style.setBackgroundColor(color); } } public ColorOwn getForegroundColor() { return style.getForegroundColor(); } public ColorOwn getBackgroundColor() { return style.getBackgroundColor(); } public double getLineWidth() { return style.getLineWidth(); } public void resetColorSettings() { setForegroundColor(FacetConstants.FOREGROUND_COLOR_KEY); setBackgroundColorAndKeepTransparency(FacetConstants.BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY); } public final void setFontSize(double fontSize) { assertDoubleRange(fontSize); style.setFontSize(fontSize); } public double getFontSize() { return style.getFontSize(); } public final void setLineType(LineType type) { style.setLineType(type); } public LineType getLineType() { return style.getLineType(); } public final void setLineWidth(double lineWidth) { assertDoubleRange(lineWidth); style.setLineWidth(lineWidth); } private void assertDoubleRange(double doubleValue) { if (doubleValue < 0 || doubleValue > 5000) { throw new StyleException("value must be >=0 and <=5000"); } } public void resetStyle() { resetColorSettings(); style.setFontSize(getDefaultFontSize()); style.setLineType(LineType.SOLID); style.setLineWidth(1); } public Style getStyleClone() { return style.cloneFromMe(); } public void setStyle(Style style) { = style.cloneFromMe(); } public void drawAll() { for (DrawFunction d : drawablesBackground) {; } for (DrawFunction d : drawablesForeground) {; } } public double getDistanceBorderToText() { return 5; } public double getDistanceBetweenTextLines() { return 3; } /** * @param singleLine single line (no \n), no further processing of the String takes place. * i.e. The text is printed unmodified with the given formating. * @return the dimension the text would need if printed with the current settings */ protected DimensionDouble textDimension(StringStyle singleLine) { return textDimensionHelper(singleLine); } /* HELPER METHODS */ /** * @param singleLine single line (no \n), no further processing of the String takes place. * i.e. The text is printed unmodified with the given formating. * @return the dimension the text would need if printed with the current settings */ protected abstract DimensionDouble textDimensionHelper(StringStyle singleLine); protected abstract double getDefaultFontSize(); /* DRAW METHODS */ public void drawRectangle(Rectangle rect) { drawRectangle(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); } public void drawLine(Line line) { drawLine(line.getStart().getX(), line.getStart().getY(), line.getEnd().getX(), line.getEnd().getY()); } public void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { drawLines(new PointDouble(x1, y1), new PointDouble(x2, y2)); } public void drawLines(Collection<PointDouble> points) { drawLines(points.toArray(new PointDouble[points.size()])); } public void drawLines(Line... lines) { drawLines(Lines.toPoints(lines)); } protected StringStyle escapeAndAnalyzeSingleLine(String singleLineWithMarkup) { return StringStyle.analyzeFormatLabels(StringStyle.replaceNotEscaped(singleLineWithMarkup)); } public void print(String multiLineWithMarkup, double x, double y, AlignHorizontal align) { print(multiLineWithMarkup, new PointDouble(x, y), align); } public void print(StringStyle singleLine, double x, double y, AlignHorizontal align) { printHelper(new StringStyle[] { singleLine }, new PointDouble(x, y), align); } /** * @param multiLineWithMarkup can contain multiple lines (separated by \n). Each line is then analyzed and printed. * @param point * @param align the horizontal alignment */ public void print(String multiLineWithMarkup, PointDouble point, AlignHorizontal align) { String[] lines = multiLineWithMarkup.split("\n"); StringStyle[] formatedLines = new StringStyle[lines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { formatedLines[i] = escapeAndAnalyzeSingleLine(lines[i]); } printHelper(formatedLines, point, align); } /** * @param lines each element is a single line (no \n), no further processing of the String takes place. * i.e. The each element is printed unmodified with the given formating. * @param format the format which is used for each line * @param point * @param align the horizontal alignment */ public void print(String[] lines, Set<FormatLabels> format, PointDouble point, AlignHorizontal align) { StringStyle[] formatedLines = new StringStyle[lines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { formatedLines[i] = new StringStyle(format, lines[i]); } printHelper(formatedLines, point, align); } /** * @param x topLeft corner of the surrounding rectangle of the ellipse * @param y topLeft corner of the surrounding rectangle of the ellipse * @param width of the full ellipse, i.e. width of the surrounding rectangle of the ellipse * @param height of the full ellipse, i.e. height of the surrounding rectangle of the ellipse * @param start of the arc in degrees. 0 corresponds to the right side of a horizontal line. 90 corresponds to the top of a vertical line. * @param extent can be up to 360 (extend in degrees from the start parameter) */ public abstract void drawArc(double x, double y, double width, double height, double start, double extent, boolean open); public abstract void drawCircle(double x, double y, double radius); public abstract void drawEllipse(double x, double y, double width, double height); public abstract void drawLines(PointDouble... points); public abstract void drawRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height); public abstract void drawRectangleRound(double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius); /** * @param lines each element is a single line (no \n), no further processing of the String takes place. * i.e. The each element is printed unmodified with the given formating. * @param point * @param align the horizontal alignment */ public abstract void printHelper(StringStyle[] lines, PointDouble point, AlignHorizontal align); }