package com.baselet.standalone; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Timer; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.baselet.control.Main; import com.baselet.control.config.Config; import com.baselet.control.config.handler.ConfigHandler; import com.baselet.control.enums.Program; import com.baselet.control.enums.RuntimeType; import com.baselet.control.util.Path; import com.baselet.control.util.RunningFileChecker; import com.baselet.control.util.Utils; import com.baselet.control.util.Utils.BuildInfo; import com.baselet.diagram.DiagramHandler; import com.baselet.diagram.UpdateCheckTimerTask; import com.baselet.standalone.gui.StandaloneGUI; public class MainStandalone { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainStandalone.class); public static void main(final String[] args) { // #369 Before anything else make sure that OSX handles cmd+Q as expected (see #369 and System.setProperty("apple.eawt.quitStrategy", "CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS"); if (args.length != 0) { String action = null; String format = null; String filename = null; String output = null; for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("-action=")) { action = arg.substring(8); } else if (arg.startsWith("-format=")) { format = arg.substring(8); } else if (arg.startsWith("-filename=")) { filename = arg.substring(10); } else if (arg.startsWith("-output=")) { output = arg.substring(8); } } // Program started by double-click on diagram file (either diagram filename is passed without prefix or with -filename=... prefix) if (action == null && format == null && (filename != null || args.length == 1)) { if (filename == null) { filename = args[0]; } initAll(RuntimeType.STANDALONE); if (!alreadyRunningChecker(false) || !sendFileNameToRunningApplication(filename)) { startStandalone(filename); } } else if (action != null && format != null && filename != null) { if (action.equals("convert")) { initAll(RuntimeType.BATCH); String[] splitFilename = filename.split("(/|\\\\)"); String localName = splitFilename[splitFilename.length - 1]; String dir = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - localName.length()); if (dir.isEmpty()) { dir = "."; } FileFilter fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(localName); File[] files = new File(dir).listFiles(fileFilter); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) {"Converting file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); doConvert(file, format, output); } } } else { printUsage(); } } else { printUsage(); } } else { // no arguments specified initAll(RuntimeType.STANDALONE); alreadyRunningChecker(true); // start checker startStandalone(null); } } private static void initAll(RuntimeType runtime) { readBuildInfoAndInitVersion(runtime); initHomeProgramPath(); ConfigHandler.loadConfig(); } private static void startStandalone(String filenameToOpen) { if (Config.getInstance().isCheckForUpdates()) { new Timer("Update Checker", true).schedule(UpdateCheckTimerTask.getInstance(), 0); } Main.getInstance().init(new StandaloneGUI(Main.getInstance(), tmpFile())); if (filenameToOpen == null) { Main.getInstance().doNew(); } else { Main.getInstance().doOpen(filenameToOpen); } } static void doConvert(File inputFile, String outputFormat, String outputParam) { if (!inputFile.exists()) { printToConsole("File '" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' not found."); return; } DiagramHandler handler = new DiagramHandler(inputFile); String outputFileName = determineOutputName(inputFile, outputFormat, outputParam); try { handler.getFileHandler().doExportAs(outputFormat, new File(outputFileName)); printToConsole("Conversion finished: \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" to \"" + outputFileName + "\""); } catch (Exception e) { printToConsole(e.getMessage()); } } private static void printToConsole(String text) { System.out.println(text); } private static String determineOutputName(File inputFile, String outputFormat, String outputParam) { String outputFileName; if (outputParam == null) { outputFileName = inputFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else if (new File(outputParam).isDirectory()) { // if outputdir already exists outputFileName = outputParam + File.separator + inputFile.getName(); } else { outputFileName = outputParam; } return createBatchOutputName(outputFormat, outputFileName); } private static String createBatchOutputName(String extension, String fileName) { String uxf = "." + Program.getInstance().getExtension(); if (fileName.endsWith(uxf)) { // #451: remove uxf suffix before adding the new extension fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - uxf.length()); } if (fileName.endsWith(extension)) { return fileName; } else { return fileName + "." + extension; } } private static void initHomeProgramPath() { String tempPath, realPath; tempPath = Path.executable(); tempPath = tempPath.substring(0, tempPath.length() - 1); tempPath = tempPath.substring(0, tempPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (tempPath.endsWith("/lib/")) { tempPath = tempPath.substring(0, tempPath.length() - "lib/".length()); } realPath = new File(tempPath).getAbsolutePath() + "/"; Path.setHomeProgram(realPath); } private static boolean sendFileNameToRunningApplication(String filename) { // send the filename per file to the running application File f1 = tmpFile(); try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f1), "UTF-8")); writer.println(filename); writer.close(); return true; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return false; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private static boolean alreadyRunningChecker(boolean force) { try { File f = tmpFile(); if (f.exists() && !force) { return true; } Path.safeCreateFile(f, false); new Timer("alreadyRunningChecker", true).schedule(new RunningFileChecker(tmpFile(), Main.getInstance()), 0, 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return true; } return false; } private static File tmpFile() { return new File(Path.temp() + Program.getInstance().getProgramName().toLowerCase() + ".tmp"); } public static void readBuildInfoAndInitVersion(RuntimeType runtime) { BuildInfo buildInfo = Utils.readBuildInfo(); Program.init(buildInfo.version, runtime); } private static void printUsage() { StringBuilder formatBuilder = new StringBuilder("pdf|svg|eps"); for (String format : ImageIO.getWriterFileSuffixes()) { formatBuilder.append("|").append(format); } printToConsole("USAGE: -action=convert -format=(" + formatBuilder.toString() + ") -filename=inputfile." + Program.getInstance().getExtension() + " [-output=outputfile[.extension]]"); } }