package student.web.internal.tests; import student.*; import java.util.*; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Performs a series of tests to be sure the robot is behaving as expected. * * @author dboynton * @version 2009.02.20 */ public class SourceForgeScraperTest extends TestCase { private SourceForgeScraper testScraper; private String sampleHTML; //~ Constructor ........................................................... // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new SourceForgeScraperTest test object. */ public SourceForgeScraperTest() { // The constructor is usually empty in unit tests, since it runs // once for the whole class, not once for each test method. // Per-test initialization should be placed in setUp() instead. } //~ Methods ............................................................... // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets up the test fixture. * Called before every test case method. * * The sample HTML here is a simplified layout that mimics the style * used on SourceForge. */ public void setUp() { testScraper = new SourceForgeScraper(); sampleHTML = "" + "<head><title=\"Sample HTML Page\"></title></head>" + "<body><div id=\"Test1\">Contents of Division 1</div>" + "<div id=\"Test2\">Begin Div2 Contents" + "<div id=\"Test3\">Contents of Division 3</div>" + "</div>" + "<div id=\"most_active\">" + "<a href=\"/projects/Number1/\">P1</a>" + "<a href=\"/projects/Number2/\">P2</a>" + "<a href=\"/projects/Number3/\">P3</a>" + "</div>" + "<div id=\"most_downloaded\">" + "<a href=\"/projects/Downlaod1/\">Download 1</a>" + "<a href=\"/falselink/Downlaod1/\">Download 1</a>" + "</div>" + "</body>"; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Make sure that the Div tag locater is pulling out the * correct html. */ public void testDivisionFinding() { String result = "zzzz"; testScraper.jumpToThisHTML(sampleHTML); result = testScraper.getDivContents("Test 222"); assertEquals(result, null); result = testScraper.getDivContents("Test3"); assertEquals(result, "Contents of Division 3"); } /** * Make sure that the robot starts on the right page. */ public void testRightPage() { assertEquals(testScraper.getPageTitle(), " Software Map"); assertEquals(testScraper.getPageURL().toString(), ""); } /** * Make sure that the getApplicationNames method works against test data. * This will count the results from most_active, and verify the text * returned for the first element of most_downloaded. */ public void testGetApplicationNames() { ArrayList<String> activeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> popularNames = new ArrayList<String>(); int counter = 0; testScraper.jumpToThisHTML(sampleHTML); activeNames = testScraper.getApplicationNames("most_active"); popularNames = testScraper.getApplicationNames("most_downloaded"); for (String appName : activeNames) { counter++; } assertEquals(counter, 3); assertEquals(popularNames.get(0), "Download 1"); } /** * This method will test the printing functionality of the bot. */ public void testPrinting() { testScraper.jumpToThisHTML(sampleHTML); testScraper.printMostActive(); testScraper.printMostPopular(); assertTrue(testScraper.out().getHistory().contains("P1")); assertTrue(testScraper.out().getHistory().contains("P2")); assertTrue(testScraper.out().getHistory().contains("P3")); assertTrue(testScraper.out().getHistory().contains("Download 1")); } }