package student.web.internal.tests; import student.TestCase; import student.*; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * This webbot test to make sure the website is the one it should be. * * @author Catalina Astengo(castengo), CJ Norris (cjn) * @version (2009.01.30) */ public class PageOutlinerTest extends TestCase { private PageOutliner pageOutl1; private student.web.WebBot webBot1; //~ Constructor ........................................................... // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new PageOutlinerTest test object. */ public PageOutlinerTest() { // The constructor is usually empty in unit tests, since it runs // once for the whole class, not once for each test method. // Per-test initialization should be placed in setUp() instead. } //~ Methods ............................................................... // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Sets up the test fixture. * Called before every test case method. */ public void setUp() { pageOutl1 = new PageOutliner(); pageOutl1.task(); webBot1 = pageOutl1.getRobot(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * tests the page title. */ public void testcompletion() { assertEquals("Some Cool CS Quotes", webBot1.getPageTitle()); } /** * tests the size of the first heading. */ public void testheading() { assertEquals(2, webBot1.getHeadingLevel()); } /** * checks to see if webbot is at end of page. */ public void testpageend() { assertEquals(false, webBot1.isLookingAtEndOfPage()); } /** * tests to see if the bot has visited any previous pages. */ public void testprevious() { assertEquals(0, webBot1.numberOfPreviousPages()); } }