package org.webcat.exceptiondoctor; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import java.util.Stack; public abstract class AbstractHandler { protected abstract Class<? extends Throwable> getExceptionType(); protected abstract String getNewMessage( Throwable oldException ); protected String getExceptionName() { return getExceptionType().getName(); } private File getSourceFile( StackTraceElement culprit ) { File culpritFile = null; String fileName = culprit.getClassName().replace( '.', '/' ) + ".java"; URL fileURL = Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .getResource( fileName ); if ( fileURL != null ) { culpritFile = new File( fileURL.getFile() ); if ( culpritFile.exists() ) return culpritFile; } fileURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( fileName ); if ( fileURL != null ) { culpritFile = new File( fileURL.getFile() ); if ( culpritFile.exists() ) return culpritFile; } culpritFile = new File( culprit.getFileName() ); if ( culpritFile.exists() ) return culpritFile; culpritFile = new File( culprit.getClassName().replace( '.', '/' ) + ".java" ); if ( culpritFile.exists() ) return culpritFile; culpritFile = new File( new File( "src" ), culpritFile.getPath() ); if ( culpritFile.exists() ) return culpritFile; return null; } public Throwable wrapException( Throwable oldException ) { String newMessage = ""; if ( getExceptionName() != null && getExceptionName().length() != 0 ) newMessage += "An exception was thrown.\n"; if ( oldException.getMessage() != null && oldException.getMessage().length() != 0 ) newMessage += "Original Message:\n\t" + oldException.getMessage() + "\n"; // StackTraceElement culprit = findCulprit( oldException ); StackTraceElement[] newTrace = getCleanedTrace( oldException ); int elementNumber = findCulprit( newTrace ); StackTraceElement culprit = newTrace[elementNumber]; File source = getSourceFile( culprit ); if ( source != null ) { newMessage += source.getName() + ":"; if ( culprit.getLineNumber() > 0 ) { newMessage += culprit.getLineNumber() + ":\n\t"; try { String sourceLine = findLine( source, culprit.getLineNumber() ); if ( sourceLine != null ) newMessage += "\t" + stripComments( sourceLine.trim() ) + "\n"; } catch ( IOException e ) { // Just dont add source line } } else { newMessage += "\n\tSource code unavailable"; } newMessage += "\n"; } if ( getNewMessage( oldException ) != null ) { newMessage += "Helpful Hints:\n"; if ( culprit.equals( newTrace[0] ) ) { newMessage += wrap( getNewMessage( oldException ), 80, "\t" ) + "\n"; } else { String libraryMessage = ""; boolean direct = false; StackTraceElement[] oldTrace = oldException.getStackTrace(); if ( oldTrace.length >= 2 ) { if ( oldTrace[1].equals( culprit ) ) direct = true; libraryMessage += oldTrace[0].getClassName() + " appears to" + " be a library class that is used "; if ( direct ) libraryMessage += "directly"; else libraryMessage += "indirectly"; libraryMessage += " by your code. " + "This situation arose as a result of a method call"; if ( culprit.getLineNumber() >= 0 && culprit.getFileName() != null ) { libraryMessage += " on line " + culprit.getLineNumber() + " of " + culprit.getFileName() + "."; } else { libraryMessage += "."; } libraryMessage += " Make sure you are providing " + "appropriate parameters in your method call," + " and that the relevant object(s) are in a state " + "where "; StackTraceElement called = oldTrace[elementNumber - 1]; if ( called.getMethodName() != null ) libraryMessage += called.getMethodName(); else libraryMessage += "the method"; libraryMessage += " is appropriate to call."; } newMessage += wrap( libraryMessage, 80, "\t" ); } } newMessage += "\nStack Trace:\n"; return createNewException( oldException, newMessage, newTrace ); } private int findCulprit( StackTraceElement[] newTrace ) { for ( int i = 0; i < newTrace.length; i++ ) { if ( isStudent( newTrace[i] ) ) return i; } return 0; } private Throwable createNewException( Throwable oldException, String newMessage, StackTraceElement[] newTrace ) { Class<? extends Throwable> eType = getExceptionType(); Throwable newException; try { Constructor<? extends Throwable> messageConstructor = eType.getConstructor( String.class ); newException = messageConstructor.newInstance( newMessage ); } catch ( Exception e ) { newException = new Throwable( newMessage ); } newException.initCause( oldException ); newException.setStackTrace( newTrace ); return newException; } private StackTraceElement[] getCleanedTrace( Throwable oldException ) { // List<StackTraceElement> cleanedElements = Arrays.asList( // oldException.getStackTrace() ); StackTraceElement[] oldTrace = oldException.getStackTrace(); Stack<StackTraceElement> cleanedElements = new Stack<StackTraceElement>(); // Clean Bottom of the stack (Remove infrastructure) boolean inStudentCode = false; for ( int i = 0; i < oldTrace.length; i++ ) { StackTraceElement currentElement = oldTrace[i]; // String packageName = getPackageName( currentElement ); if ( !inStudentCode ) { inStudentCode = isStudent( currentElement ); } else { if ( !isStudent( currentElement ) ) break; } cleanedElements.push( currentElement ); } return cleanedElements.toArray( new StackTraceElement[cleanedElements.size()] ); } private String getPackageName( StackTraceElement currentElement ) { String packageName = currentElement.getClassName(); int lastDot = packageName.lastIndexOf( "." ); if ( lastDot <= 0 ) { packageName = "."; } else { packageName = packageName.substring( 0, lastDot ); } return packageName; } private boolean isStudent( StackTraceElement element ) { File potentialSource = getSourceFile( element ); if ( potentialSource != null && potentialSource.exists() ) return true; return false; } protected String findLine( Throwable exToWrap ) { StackTraceElement[] newTrace = getCleanedTrace( exToWrap ); int elementNumber = findCulprit( newTrace ); StackTraceElement culprit = newTrace[elementNumber]; File source = getSourceFile( culprit ); if ( culprit.getLineNumber() < 0 || !source.exists() ) return null; try { return findLine( source, culprit.getLineNumber() ); } catch ( IOException e ) { return null; } } protected String findLine( File source, int lineNumber ) throws IOException { BufferedReader fread = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( source ) ); String line = null; String read = fread.readLine(); for ( int i = 1; read != null; i++ ) { if ( i == lineNumber ) { line = read; break; } read = fread.readLine(); } return line; } private static String wrap( String message, int width, String prefix ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( message.length() + ( prefix.length() + 1 ) * ( 1 + message.length() / width ) ); int len = message.length(); int pos = 0; while ( len - pos > width ) { int split = message.lastIndexOf( ' ', pos + width ); if ( split < pos ) { // can't find space earlier on line, so this must be a // word longer than the specified width--it can't be split split = message.indexOf( ' ', pos + width ); } // If there are no more spaces to split on ... if ( split < 0 ) break; int newpos = split + 1; // search backwards from split to skip over preceding blanks while ( split > 0 && message.charAt( split - 1 ) == ' ' ) { split--; } // search forwards to skip over trailing blanks while ( newpos < len && message.charAt( newpos ) == ' ' ) { newpos++; } buf.append( "\n" ); buf.append( prefix ); buf.append( message.substring( pos, split ) ); pos = newpos; } if ( len > pos ) { buf.append( "\n" ); buf.append( prefix ); buf.append( message.substring( pos ) ); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Removes any Java-style comments from the line, as well as trimming * whitespace. * * @param line * The line to strip * @return The line without any comments and leading/trailing space. */ public static String stripComments( String line ) { return line.trim() .replaceAll( "/\\*(.)*?\\*/", "" ) .replaceFirst( "^.*\\*/", "" ) .replaceFirst( "//.*$", "" ) .trim(); } }