package common.counterbalancing; import common.filesystem.FileSystem; import common.filesystem.FileSystemConstants; import configuration.RoundDesign; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.Integer; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; /** * * @author Tristan Goffman( Nov 7, 2011 */ public class CounterBalancedOrdering { public static String foldPath = FileSystem.FOLDER_CONF + File.separatorChar + FileSystemConstants.COUNTERBALANCED_ORDERING_FOLDER; public static void reset() { util.Util.removeDirectory(new File(foldPath)); } private int groups; private int numOrderables; public int getNumOrderables() { return numOrderables; } public void setNumOrderables(int numOrderables) { this.numOrderables = numOrderables; } public int getGroups() { return groups; } public void setGroups(int groups) { this.groups = groups; } List<List<Integer>> getOrderings() { ArrayList<List<Integer>> li = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); final int numOs = this.getNumOrderables(); ArrayList<Integer> colArr = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numOs; i++) { colArr.add(new Integer(i)); } while (li.size() < getGroups()) { int temp = 0; //NOTE: Not the best implementation by any means List<Integer> attempt = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numOs; i++) { temp = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * numOs); attempt.add(new Integer(temp)); } boolean isDup = false; for (List<Integer> other : li) { if (other.equals(attempt)) { isDup = true; break; } } if (!isDup && attempt.containsAll(colArr)) { li.add(attempt); } } return li; } protected <E> List<E> reorder(List<E> toReorder, int subjectNumber) throws SizeLimitExceededException{ if(toReorder.size() != getNumOrderables()){ throw new SizeLimitExceededException("Number of orderables is different size than list supplied"); } List<List<Integer>> orders = getOrderings(); //Save to file try { Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); yaml.dump(orders, new FileWriter(getOrdFile(toReorder.size(), getGroups()))); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CounterBalancedOrdering.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Error while attempting to dump out yaml of orderings", ex); } int rawIndex = subjectNumber % getGroups(); List<Integer> reodering = orders.get(rawIndex); return reorderWith(reodering, toReorder); } protected static <E> List<E> reorderWith(List<Integer> reodering, List<E> toReorder) { Object[] arr = new Object[toReorder.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < reodering.size(); i++) { arr[reodering.get(i)]= toReorder.get(i); } return (List<E>) Arrays.asList(arr); } public static <E> List<E> reorder(List<E> toReorder, int subjectNumber, int numGroups) throws SizeLimitExceededException, NotEnoughPermutations{ if(containsFile(toReorder.size(), numGroups)) try{ InputStream input = new FileInputStream( getOrdFile(toReorder.size(), numGroups)); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); List data = (List) yaml.load(input); List arr = (List) data.get( subjectNumber % numGroups); List<Integer> newarr = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Object object : arr) { newarr.add(new Integer((int) object)); } return reorderWith(newarr, toReorder); }catch(FileNotFoundException ex){ //don't do anything continue on with rest (non IO based solution } if(numGroups > fact(toReorder.size())) throw new NotEnoughPermutations("Given the amount of elements in the list given enough permutations of the elements are not available for" + Integer.toString(numGroups)); CounterBalancedOrdering ord = new CounterBalancedOrdering(); ord.setGroups(numGroups); ord.setNumOrderables(toReorder.size()); return ord.reorder(toReorder, subjectNumber); } /** * Swaps the position of two element within a list * @param <E> * @param li * @param oldindex * @param newindex * @return */ private static <E> List<E> swap(List<E> li, int oldindex,int newindex){ E val = li.get(oldindex); li.set(oldindex, li.get(newindex)); li.set(newindex, val); return li; } private static int fact(int n){ int temp = 1; for(int i = n; n > 0;n--){ temp*= i; } return temp; } public static class NotEnoughPermutations extends Exception { public NotEnoughPermutations(String string) { super(string); } } private static String pathToOrdFile(int size, int numGroups){ return foldPath + File.separatorChar + "ord_groups_" + Integer.toString(numGroups) + "_orderables_" + Integer.toString(size) + ".conf"; } private static File getOrdFile(int size, int numGroups){ return new File(pathToOrdFile(size, numGroups)); } private static boolean containsFile(int size, int numGroups) { File file = new File(foldPath); if (file.exists()){ file = new File(pathToOrdFile(size, numGroups)); return file.exists();} else{ file.mkdir(); } return false; } public static void main(String[] args){ List<RoundDesign> li = new ArrayList<RoundDesign>(); li.add(new RoundDesign()); RoundDesign rnd = new RoundDesign(); rnd.setPoints(1000); li.add(rnd); try { List<RoundDesign> frst = CounterBalancedOrdering.reorder(li, 0, 2); List<RoundDesign> snd = CounterBalancedOrdering.reorder(li, 1, 2); snd.size(); } catch (SizeLimitExceededException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CounterBalancedOrdering.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (NotEnoughPermutations ex) { Logger.getLogger(CounterBalancedOrdering.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }