/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.openejb.jee.sun; import org.apache.openejb.jee.KeyedCollection; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "ejbName", "jndiName", "ejbRef", "resourceRef", "resourceEnvRef", "serviceRef", "messageDestinationRef", "passByReference", "cmp", "principal", "mdbConnectionFactory", "jmsDurableSubscriptionName", "jmsMaxMessagesLoad", "iorSecurityConfig", "isReadOnlyBean", "refreshPeriodInSeconds", "commitOption", "cmtTimeoutInSeconds", "useThreadPoolId", "genClasses", "beanPool", "beanCache", "mdbResourceAdapter", "webserviceEndpoint", "flushAtEndOfMethod", "checkpointedMethods", "checkpointAtEndOfMethod" }) public class Ejb { @XmlAttribute(name = "availability-enabled") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter.class) protected String availabilityEnabled; @XmlElement(name = "ejb-name", required = true) protected String ejbName; @XmlElement(name = "jndi-name") protected String jndiName; @XmlElement(name = "ejb-ref") protected List<EjbRef> ejbRef; @XmlElement(name = "resource-ref") protected List<ResourceRef> resourceRef; @XmlElement(name = "resource-env-ref") protected List<ResourceEnvRef> resourceEnvRef; @XmlElement(name = "service-ref") protected List<ServiceRef> serviceRef; @XmlElement(name = "message-destination-ref") protected List<MessageDestinationRef> messageDestinationRef; @XmlElement(name = "pass-by-reference") protected String passByReference; protected Cmp cmp; protected Principal principal; @XmlElement(name = "mdb-connection-factory") protected MdbConnectionFactory mdbConnectionFactory; @XmlElement(name = "jms-durable-subscription-name") protected String jmsDurableSubscriptionName; @XmlElement(name = "jms-max-messages-load") protected String jmsMaxMessagesLoad; @XmlElement(name = "ior-security-config") protected IorSecurityConfig iorSecurityConfig; @XmlElement(name = "is-read-only-bean") protected String isReadOnlyBean; @XmlElement(name = "refresh-period-in-seconds") protected String refreshPeriodInSeconds; @XmlElement(name = "commit-option") protected String commitOption; @XmlElement(name = "cmt-timeout-in-seconds") protected String cmtTimeoutInSeconds; @XmlElement(name = "use-thread-pool-id") protected String useThreadPoolId; @XmlElement(name = "gen-classes") protected GenClasses genClasses; @XmlElement(name = "bean-pool") protected BeanPool beanPool; @XmlElement(name = "bean-cache") protected BeanCache beanCache; @XmlElement(name = "mdb-resource-adapter") protected MdbResourceAdapter mdbResourceAdapter; @XmlElement(name = "webservice-endpoint") protected KeyedCollection<String, WebserviceEndpoint> webserviceEndpoint; @XmlElement(name = "flush-at-end-of-method") protected FlushAtEndOfMethod flushAtEndOfMethod; @XmlElement(name = "checkpointed-methods") protected String checkpointedMethods; @XmlElement(name = "checkpoint-at-end-of-method") protected CheckpointAtEndOfMethod checkpointAtEndOfMethod; public String getAvailabilityEnabled() { return availabilityEnabled; } public void setAvailabilityEnabled(final String value) { this.availabilityEnabled = value; } public String getEjbName() { return ejbName; } public void setEjbName(final String value) { this.ejbName = value; } public String getJndiName() { return jndiName; } public void setJndiName(final String value) { this.jndiName = value; } public List<EjbRef> getEjbRef() { if (ejbRef == null) { ejbRef = new ArrayList<EjbRef>(); } return this.ejbRef; } public List<ResourceRef> getResourceRef() { if (resourceRef == null) { resourceRef = new ArrayList<ResourceRef>(); } return this.resourceRef; } public List<ResourceEnvRef> getResourceEnvRef() { if (resourceEnvRef == null) { resourceEnvRef = new ArrayList<ResourceEnvRef>(); } return this.resourceEnvRef; } public List<ServiceRef> getServiceRef() { if (serviceRef == null) { serviceRef = new ArrayList<ServiceRef>(); } return this.serviceRef; } public List<MessageDestinationRef> getMessageDestinationRef() { if (messageDestinationRef == null) { messageDestinationRef = new ArrayList<MessageDestinationRef>(); } return this.messageDestinationRef; } public String getPassByReference() { return passByReference; } public void setPassByReference(final String value) { this.passByReference = value; } public Cmp getCmp() { return cmp; } public void setCmp(final Cmp value) { this.cmp = value; } public Principal getPrincipal() { return principal; } public void setPrincipal(final Principal value) { this.principal = value; } public MdbConnectionFactory getMdbConnectionFactory() { return mdbConnectionFactory; } public void setMdbConnectionFactory(final MdbConnectionFactory value) { this.mdbConnectionFactory = value; } public String getJmsDurableSubscriptionName() { return jmsDurableSubscriptionName; } public void setJmsDurableSubscriptionName(final String value) { this.jmsDurableSubscriptionName = value; } public String getJmsMaxMessagesLoad() { return jmsMaxMessagesLoad; } public void setJmsMaxMessagesLoad(final String value) { this.jmsMaxMessagesLoad = value; } public IorSecurityConfig getIorSecurityConfig() { return iorSecurityConfig; } public void setIorSecurityConfig(final IorSecurityConfig value) { this.iorSecurityConfig = value; } public String getIsReadOnlyBean() { return isReadOnlyBean; } public void setIsReadOnlyBean(final String value) { this.isReadOnlyBean = value; } public String getRefreshPeriodInSeconds() { return refreshPeriodInSeconds; } public void setRefreshPeriodInSeconds(final String value) { this.refreshPeriodInSeconds = value; } public String getCommitOption() { return commitOption; } public void setCommitOption(final String value) { this.commitOption = value; } public String getCmtTimeoutInSeconds() { return cmtTimeoutInSeconds; } public void setCmtTimeoutInSeconds(final String value) { this.cmtTimeoutInSeconds = value; } public String getUseThreadPoolId() { return useThreadPoolId; } public void setUseThreadPoolId(final String value) { this.useThreadPoolId = value; } public GenClasses getGenClasses() { return genClasses; } public void setGenClasses(final GenClasses value) { this.genClasses = value; } public BeanPool getBeanPool() { return beanPool; } public void setBeanPool(final BeanPool value) { this.beanPool = value; } public BeanCache getBeanCache() { return beanCache; } public void setBeanCache(final BeanCache value) { this.beanCache = value; } public MdbResourceAdapter getMdbResourceAdapter() { return mdbResourceAdapter; } public void setMdbResourceAdapter(final MdbResourceAdapter value) { this.mdbResourceAdapter = value; } public Collection<WebserviceEndpoint> getWebserviceEndpoint() { if (webserviceEndpoint == null) { webserviceEndpoint = new KeyedCollection<String, WebserviceEndpoint>(); } return this.webserviceEndpoint; } public Map<String, WebserviceEndpoint> getWebserviceEndpointMap() { if (webserviceEndpoint == null) { webserviceEndpoint = new KeyedCollection<String, WebserviceEndpoint>(); } return this.webserviceEndpoint.toMap(); } public FlushAtEndOfMethod getFlushAtEndOfMethod() { return flushAtEndOfMethod; } public void setFlushAtEndOfMethod(final FlushAtEndOfMethod value) { this.flushAtEndOfMethod = value; } public String getCheckpointedMethods() { return checkpointedMethods; } public void setCheckpointedMethods(final String value) { this.checkpointedMethods = value; } public CheckpointAtEndOfMethod getCheckpointAtEndOfMethod() { return checkpointAtEndOfMethod; } public void setCheckpointAtEndOfMethod(final CheckpointAtEndOfMethod value) { this.checkpointAtEndOfMethod = value; } }