/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.openejb.config; import org.apache.openejb.JndiConstants; import org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException; import org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.ContainerInfo; import org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.ResourceInfo; import org.apache.openejb.config.sys.Container; import org.apache.openejb.config.sys.Resource; import org.apache.openejb.jee.ActivationConfig; import org.apache.openejb.jee.ActivationConfigProperty; import org.apache.openejb.jee.AdminObject; import org.apache.openejb.jee.AssemblyDescriptor; import org.apache.openejb.jee.ConnectionDefinition; import org.apache.openejb.jee.Connector; import org.apache.openejb.jee.EnterpriseBean; import org.apache.openejb.jee.EntityBean; import org.apache.openejb.jee.InboundResourceadapter; import org.apache.openejb.jee.InjectionTarget; import org.apache.openejb.jee.JndiConsumer; import org.apache.openejb.jee.JndiReference; import org.apache.openejb.jee.MessageDestination; import org.apache.openejb.jee.MessageDestinationRef; import org.apache.openejb.jee.MessageDrivenBean; import org.apache.openejb.jee.MessageListener; import org.apache.openejb.jee.OutboundResourceAdapter; import org.apache.openejb.jee.PersistenceContextRef; import org.apache.openejb.jee.PersistenceRef; import org.apache.openejb.jee.PersistenceType; import org.apache.openejb.jee.ResourceAdapter; import org.apache.openejb.jee.ResourceRef; import org.apache.openejb.jee.SessionBean; import org.apache.openejb.jee.SessionType; import org.apache.openejb.jee.jpa.unit.Persistence; import org.apache.openejb.jee.jpa.unit.PersistenceUnit; import org.apache.openejb.jee.jpa.unit.TransactionType; import org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.EjbDeployment; import org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.OpenejbJar; import org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.ResourceLink; import org.apache.openejb.loader.SystemInstance; import org.apache.openejb.resource.jdbc.DataSourceFactory; import org.apache.openejb.util.IntrospectionSupport; import org.apache.openejb.util.Join; import org.apache.openejb.util.LinkResolver; import org.apache.openejb.util.LogCategory; import org.apache.openejb.util.Logger; import org.apache.openejb.util.PropertyPlaceHolderHelper; import org.apache.openejb.util.SuperProperties; import org.apache.openejb.util.URISupport; import org.apache.openejb.util.URLs; import javax.annotation.ManagedBean; import javax.ejb.TimerService; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager; import javax.jms.Queue; import javax.jms.Topic; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.sql.DataSource; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import javax.validation.Validator; import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; import javax.ws.rs.core.Application; import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders; import javax.ws.rs.core.Request; import javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo; import javax.ws.rs.ext.ContextResolver; import javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; public class AutoConfig implements DynamicDeployer, JndiConstants { public static final String ORIGIN_ANNOTATION = "Annotation"; public static final String ORIGIN_FLAG = "Origin"; public static final String ORIGINAL_ID = "OriginalId"; private static final AppResources EMPTY_APP_RESOURCES = new AppResources(); public static Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(LogCategory.OPENEJB_STARTUP_CONFIG, AutoConfig.class); private static final int MAX_IMPLICIT_POOL_SIZE = 5; private static final Set<String> ignoredReferenceTypes = new TreeSet<String>(); public static final String AUTOCREATE_JTA_DATASOURCE_FROM_NON_JTA_ONE_KEY = "openejb.autocreate.jta-datasource-from-non-jta-one"; static { // Context objects are automatically handled ignoredReferenceTypes.add("javax.ejb.SessionContext"); ignoredReferenceTypes.add("javax.ejb.EntityContext"); ignoredReferenceTypes.add("javax.ejb.MessageDrivenContext"); ignoredReferenceTypes.add("javax.ejb.EJBContext"); ignoredReferenceTypes.add("javax.xml.ws.WebServiceContext"); // URLs are automatically handled ignoredReferenceTypes.add("java.net.URL"); // User transaction is automatically handled ignoredReferenceTypes.add(UserTransaction.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(TransactionManager.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(TimerService.class.getName()); // Bean Validation is automatically handled ignoredReferenceTypes.add(Validator.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(ValidatorFactory.class.getName()); // CDI BeanManager is handled ignoredReferenceTypes.add(BeanManager.class.getName()); // REST injections done via @Context and bound into a resource env... ignoredReferenceTypes.add(Request.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(UriInfo.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(HttpHeaders.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(SecurityContext.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(ContextResolver.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(Application.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(Providers.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(ServletRequest.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(HttpServletRequest.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(ServletConfig.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(ServletContext.class.getName()); ignoredReferenceTypes.add(HttpServletResponse.class.getName()); } private final ConfigurationFactory configFactory; private boolean autoCreateContainers = true; private boolean autoCreateResources = true; public AutoConfig(final ConfigurationFactory configFactory) { this.configFactory = configFactory; } public synchronized boolean autoCreateResources() { return autoCreateResources; } public synchronized void autoCreateResources(final boolean autoCreateResources) { this.autoCreateResources = autoCreateResources; } public synchronized boolean autoCreateContainers() { return autoCreateContainers; } public synchronized void autoCreateContainers(final boolean autoCreateContainers) { this.autoCreateContainers = autoCreateContainers; } public void init() throws OpenEJBException { } @Override public synchronized AppModule deploy(final AppModule appModule) throws OpenEJBException { final AppResources appResources = new AppResources(appModule); appResources.dump(); processApplicationResources(appModule); processApplicationContainers(appModule, appResources); for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { processActivationConfig(ejbModule); } resolveDestinationLinks(appModule); resolvePersistenceRefs(appModule); for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { deploy(ejbModule, appResources); } for (final ClientModule clientModule : appModule.getClientModules()) { deploy(clientModule, appResources); } for (final WebModule webModule : appModule.getWebModules()) { deploy(webModule, appResources); } for (final PersistenceModule persistenceModule : appModule.getPersistenceModules()) { deploy(appModule, persistenceModule); } // Note that there is nothing to process for resource modules. // We dont need to loop over "appModule.getConnectorModules()". return appModule; } private void resolvePersistenceRefs(final AppModule appModule) { final LinkResolver<PersistenceUnit> persistenceUnits = new PersistenceUnitLinkResolver(appModule); for (final PersistenceModule module : appModule.getPersistenceModules()) { final String rootUrl = module.getRootUrl(); for (final PersistenceUnit unit : module.getPersistence().getPersistenceUnit()) { unit.setId(appModule.persistenceUnitId(rootUrl, unit.getName())); persistenceUnits.add(rootUrl, unit.getName(), unit); } } for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { final URI moduleURI = ejbModule.getModuleUri(); for (final JndiConsumer component : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) { processPersistenceRefs(component, ejbModule, persistenceUnits, moduleURI); } } for (final ClientModule clientModule : appModule.getClientModules()) { final URI moduleURI = URLs.uri(clientModule.getModuleId()); processPersistenceRefs(clientModule.getApplicationClient(), clientModule, persistenceUnits, moduleURI); } for (final WebModule webModule : appModule.getWebModules()) { final URI moduleURI = URLs.uri(webModule.getModuleId()); processPersistenceRefs(webModule.getWebApp(), webModule, persistenceUnits, moduleURI); } } private void processPersistenceRefs(final JndiConsumer component, final DeploymentModule module, final LinkResolver<PersistenceUnit> persistenceUnits, final URI moduleURI) { final String componentName = component.getJndiConsumerName(); final ValidationContext validation = module.getValidation(); for (final PersistenceRef ref : component.getPersistenceUnitRef()) { processPersistenceRef(persistenceUnits, ref, moduleURI, componentName, validation); } for (final PersistenceRef ref : component.getPersistenceContextRef()) { processPersistenceRef(persistenceUnits, ref, moduleURI, componentName, validation); } } private PersistenceUnit processPersistenceRef(final LinkResolver<PersistenceUnit> persistenceUnits, final PersistenceRef ref, final URI moduleURI, final String componentName, final ValidationContext validation) { if (ref.getMappedName() != null && ref.getMappedName().startsWith("jndi:")) { return null; } PersistenceUnit unit = persistenceUnits.resolveLink(ref.getPersistenceUnitName(), moduleURI); // Explicitly check if we messed up the "if there's only one, // that's what you get" rule by adding our "cmp" unit. final Collection<PersistenceUnit> cmpUnits = persistenceUnits.values("cmp"); if (unit == null && cmpUnits.size() > 0 && persistenceUnits.values().size() - cmpUnits.size() == 1) { // We did, there is exactly one non-cmp unit. Let's find it. for (final PersistenceUnit persistenceUnit : persistenceUnits.values()) { if (!persistenceUnit.getName().equals("cmp")) { // Found it unit = persistenceUnit; break; } } } // try again using the ref name if (unit == null) { unit = persistenceUnits.resolveLink(ref.getName(), moduleURI); } // try again using the ref name with any prefix removed if (unit == null) { final String shortName = ref.getName().replaceFirst(".*/", ""); unit = persistenceUnits.resolveLink(shortName, moduleURI); } if (unit != null) { ref.setPersistenceUnitName(unit.getName()); ref.setMappedName(unit.getId()); } else { // ---------------------------------------------- // Nothing was found. Let's try and figure out // what went wrong and log a validation message // ---------------------------------------------- String refType = "persistence"; if (ref instanceof PersistenceContextRef) { refType += "ContextRef"; } else { refType += "UnitRef"; } String refShortName = ref.getName(); if (refShortName.matches(".*\\..*/.*")) { refShortName = refShortName.replaceFirst(".*/", ""); } final List<String> availableUnits = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final PersistenceUnit persistenceUnit : persistenceUnits.values()) { availableUnits.add(persistenceUnit.getName()); } Collections.sort(availableUnits); String unitName = ref.getPersistenceUnitName(); if (availableUnits.size() == 0) { // Print a sample persistence.xml using their data if (unitName == null) { unitName = refShortName; } validation.fail(componentName, refType + ".noPersistenceUnits", refShortName, unitName); } else if ((ref.getPersistenceUnitName() == null || ref.getPersistenceUnitName().length() == 0) && availableUnits.size() > 1) { // Print a correct example of unitName in a ref // DMB: Idea, the ability to set a default unit-name in openejb-jar.xml via a property final String sampleUnitName = availableUnits.get(0); validation.fail(componentName, refType + ".noUnitName", refShortName, Join.join(", ", availableUnits), sampleUnitName); } else { final Collection<PersistenceUnit> vagueMatches = persistenceUnits.values(ref.getPersistenceUnitName()); if (vagueMatches.size() != 0) { // Print the full rootUrls final List<String> possibleUnits = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final PersistenceUnit persistenceUnit : persistenceUnits.values()) { try { URI unitURI = URLs.uri(persistenceUnit.getId()); unitURI = URISupport.relativize(moduleURI, unitURI); possibleUnits.add(unitURI.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { // id is typically not a valid URI possibleUnits.add(persistenceUnit.getId()); } } Collections.sort(possibleUnits); validation.fail(componentName, refType + ".vagueMatches", refShortName, unitName, possibleUnits.size(), Join.join("\n", possibleUnits)); } else { validation.fail(componentName, refType + ".noMatches", refShortName, unitName, Join.join(", ", availableUnits)); } } } return unit; } /** * Set destination, destinationType, clientId and subscriptionName in the MDB activation config. */ private void processActivationConfig(final EjbModule ejbModule) throws OpenEJBException { final OpenejbJar openejbJar; if (ejbModule.getOpenejbJar() != null) { openejbJar = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar(); } else { openejbJar = new OpenejbJar(); ejbModule.setOpenejbJar(openejbJar); } final Map<String, EjbDeployment> deployments = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName(); for (final EnterpriseBean bean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) { if (bean instanceof MessageDrivenBean) { final MessageDrivenBean mdb = (MessageDrivenBean) bean; if (mdb.getActivationConfig() == null) { mdb.setActivationConfig(new ActivationConfig()); } if (!isJms(mdb)) { continue; } final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = deployments.get(bean.getEjbName()); if (ejbDeployment == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("No ejb deployment found for ejb " + bean.getEjbName()); } final Properties properties = mdb.getActivationConfig().toProperties(); String destination = properties.getProperty("destinationName", properties.getProperty("destinationLookup")); if (destination != null) { if (destination.startsWith("openejb:Resource/")) { destination = destination.substring("openejb:Resource/".length()); } if (destination.startsWith("java:openejb/Resource/")) { destination = destination.substring("java:openejb/Resource/".length()); } mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("destination", destination); // Remove destinationName as it is not in the standard ActivationSpec final List<ActivationConfigProperty> list = mdb.getActivationConfig().getActivationConfigProperty(); final Iterator<ActivationConfigProperty> iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final ActivationConfigProperty configProperty = iterator.next(); final String activationConfigPropertyName = configProperty.getActivationConfigPropertyName(); if (activationConfigPropertyName.equals("destinationName") || activationConfigPropertyName.equals("destinationLookup")) { iterator.remove(); break; // we suppose we have only one of both we should be the case } } } else { destination = properties.getProperty("destination"); } if (destination == null) { // EE 7/EJB 3.2 destination = properties.getProperty("destinationLookup"); } // destination // String destination = properties.getProperty("destination", properties.getProperty("destinationName")); if (destination == null) { destination = ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(); mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("destination", destination); } // destination identifier ResourceLink link = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink("openejb/destination"); if (link == null && mdb.getMessageDestinationLink() == null) { link = new ResourceLink(); link.setResId(destination); link.setResRefName("openejb/destination"); ejbDeployment.addResourceLink(link); } // destination type String destinationType = properties.getProperty("destinationType"); if (destinationType == null && mdb.getMessageDestinationType() != null) { destinationType = mdb.getMessageDestinationType(); mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("destinationType", destinationType); } if (mdb.getMessageDestinationType() == null) { mdb.setMessageDestinationType(destinationType); } // topics need a clientId and subscriptionName if ("javax.jms.Topic".equals(destinationType)) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean( SystemInstance.get().getProperty( "openejb.activemq.deploymentId-as-clientId", ejbModule.getProperties().getProperty("openejb.activemq.deploymentId-as-clientId", "true"))) && !properties.containsKey("clientId")) { mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("clientId", ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId()); } if (!properties.containsKey("subscriptionName")) { mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("subscriptionName", ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId() + "_subscription"); } } } } } private boolean isJms(final MessageDrivenBean mdb) { final String messagingType = mdb.getMessagingType(); return messagingType != null && messagingType.startsWith("javax.jms"); } /** * Set resource id in all message-destination-refs and MDBs that are using message destination links. */ private void resolveDestinationLinks(final AppModule appModule) throws OpenEJBException { // build up a link resolver final LinkResolver<MessageDestination> destinationResolver = new LinkResolver<MessageDestination>(); for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { final AssemblyDescriptor assembly = ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor(); if (assembly != null) { for (final MessageDestination destination : assembly.getMessageDestination()) { destinationResolver.add(ejbModule.getModuleUri(), destination.getMessageDestinationName(), destination); } } } for (final ClientModule clientModule : appModule.getClientModules()) { for (final MessageDestination destination : clientModule.getApplicationClient().getMessageDestination()) { destinationResolver.add(appModule.getModuleUri(), destination.getMessageDestinationName(), destination); } } for (final WebModule webModule : appModule.getWebModules()) { for (final MessageDestination destination : webModule.getWebApp().getMessageDestination()) { destinationResolver.add(appModule.getModuleUri(), destination.getMessageDestinationName(), destination); } } // remember the type of each destination so we can use it to fillin MDBs that don't declare destination type final Map<MessageDestination, String> destinationTypes = new HashMap<MessageDestination, String>(); // resolve all MDBs with destination links // if MessageDestination does not have a mapped name assigned, give it the destination from the MDB for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { final AssemblyDescriptor assembly = ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor(); if (assembly == null) { continue; } final URI moduleUri = ejbModule.getModuleUri(); final OpenejbJar openejbJar = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar(); for (final EnterpriseBean bean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) { // MDB destination is deploymentId if none set if (bean instanceof MessageDrivenBean) { final MessageDrivenBean mdb = (MessageDrivenBean) bean; final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName().get(bean.getEjbName()); if (ejbDeployment == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("No ejb deployment found for ejb " + bean.getEjbName()); } // skip destination refs without a destination link final String link = mdb.getMessageDestinationLink(); if (link == null || link.length() == 0) { continue; } // resolve the destination... if we don't find one it is a configuration bug final MessageDestination destination = destinationResolver.resolveLink(link, moduleUri); if (destination == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("Message destination " + link + " for message driven bean " + mdb.getEjbName() + " not found"); } // get the destinationId is the mapped name String destinationId = destination.getMappedName(); if (destinationId == null) { // if we don't have a mapped name use the destination of the mdb final Properties properties = mdb.getActivationConfig().toProperties(); destinationId = properties.getProperty("destination"); destination.setMappedName(destinationId); } if (mdb.getMessageDestinationType() != null && !destinationTypes.containsKey(destination)) { destinationTypes.put(destination, mdb.getMessageDestinationType()); } // destination identifier ResourceLink resourceLink = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink("openejb/destination"); if (resourceLink == null) { resourceLink = new ResourceLink(); resourceLink.setResRefName("openejb/destination"); ejbDeployment.addResourceLink(resourceLink); } resourceLink.setResId(destinationId); } } } // resolve all message destination refs with links and assign a ref id to the reference for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { final AssemblyDescriptor assembly = ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor(); if (assembly == null) { continue; } final URI moduleUri = ejbModule.getModuleUri(); final OpenejbJar openejbJar = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar(); for (final EnterpriseBean bean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) { final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName().get(bean.getEjbName()); if (ejbDeployment == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("No ejb deployment found for ejb " + bean.getEjbName()); } for (final MessageDestinationRef ref : bean.getMessageDestinationRef()) { // skip destination refs with a resource link already assigned if (ref.getMappedName() == null && ejbDeployment.getResourceLink(ref.getName()) == null) { final String destinationId = resolveDestinationId(ref, moduleUri, destinationResolver, destinationTypes); if (destinationId != null) { // build the link and add it final ResourceLink resourceLink = new ResourceLink(); resourceLink.setResId(destinationId); resourceLink.setResRefName(ref.getName()); ejbDeployment.addResourceLink(resourceLink); } } } } } for (final ClientModule clientModule : appModule.getClientModules()) { final URI moduleUri = clientModule.getModuleUri(); for (final MessageDestinationRef ref : clientModule.getApplicationClient().getMessageDestinationRef()) { final String destinationId = resolveDestinationId(ref, moduleUri, destinationResolver, destinationTypes); if (destinationId != null) { // for client modules we put the destinationId in the mapped name ref.setMappedName(destinationId); } } } for (final WebModule webModule : appModule.getWebModules()) { final URI moduleUri = URLs.uri(webModule.getModuleId()); for (final MessageDestinationRef ref : webModule.getWebApp().getMessageDestinationRef()) { final String destinationId = resolveDestinationId(ref, moduleUri, destinationResolver, destinationTypes); if (destinationId != null) { // for web modules we put the destinationId in the mapped name ref.setMappedName(destinationId); } } } // Process MDBs one more time... // this time fill in the destination type (if not alreday specified) with // the info from the destination (which got filled in from the references) for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) { final AssemblyDescriptor assembly = ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor(); if (assembly == null) { continue; } final URI moduleUri = URLs.uri(ejbModule.getModuleId()); final OpenejbJar openejbJar = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar(); for (final EnterpriseBean bean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) { // MDB destination is deploymentId if none set if (bean instanceof MessageDrivenBean) { final MessageDrivenBean mdb = (MessageDrivenBean) bean; if (!isJms(mdb)) { continue; } final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName().get(bean.getEjbName()); if (ejbDeployment == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("No ejb deployment found for ejb " + bean.getEjbName()); } // if destination type is already set in, continue String destinationType = mdb.getMessageDestinationType(); if (destinationType != null) { continue; } final String link = mdb.getMessageDestinationLink(); if (link != null && link.length() != 0) { // resolve the destination... if we don't find one it is a configuration bug final MessageDestination destination = destinationResolver.resolveLink(link, moduleUri); if (destination == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("Message destination " + link + " for message driven bean " + mdb.getEjbName() + " not found"); } destinationType = destinationTypes.get(destination); } if (destinationType == null) { // couldn't determine type... we'll have to guess // if destination name contains the string "queue" or "topic" we use that final Properties properties = mdb.getActivationConfig().toProperties(); final String destination = properties.getProperty("destination").toLowerCase(); if (destination.contains("queue")) { destinationType = Queue.class.getName(); } else if (destination.contains("topic")) { destinationType = Topic.class.getName(); } else { // Queue is the default destinationType = Queue.class.getName(); } logger.info("Auto-configuring a message driven bean " + ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId() + " destination " + properties.getProperty("destination") + " to be destinationType " + destinationType); } if (destinationType != null) { mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("destinationType", destinationType); mdb.setMessageDestinationType(destinationType); // topics need a clientId and subscriptionName if ("javax.jms.Topic".equals(destinationType)) { final Properties properties = mdb.getActivationConfig().toProperties(); if (!properties.containsKey("clientId")) { mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("clientId", ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId()); } if (!properties.containsKey("subscriptionName")) { mdb.getActivationConfig().addProperty("subscriptionName", ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId() + "_subscription"); } } } } } } } private String resolveDestinationId(final MessageDestinationRef ref, final URI moduleUri, final LinkResolver<MessageDestination> destinationResolver, final Map<MessageDestination, String> destinationTypes) throws OpenEJBException { // skip destination refs without a destination link final String link = ref.getMessageDestinationLink(); if (link == null || link.length() == 0) { return null; } // resolve the destination... if we don't find one it is a configuration bug final MessageDestination destination = destinationResolver.resolveLink(link, moduleUri); if (destination == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("Message destination " + link + " for message-destination-ref " + ref.getMessageDestinationRefName() + " not found"); } // remember the type of each destination so we can use it to fillin MDBs that don't declare destination type if (ref.getMessageDestinationType() != null && !destinationTypes.containsKey(destination)) { destinationTypes.put(destination, ref.getMessageDestinationType()); } // get the destinationId final String destinationId = destination.getMappedName(); if (destinationId == null) { destination.getMessageDestinationName(); } return destinationId; } private void deploy(final ClientModule clientModule, final AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { processJndiRefs(clientModule.getModuleId(), clientModule.getApplicationClient(), appResources, clientModule.getClassLoader()); } private void deploy(final WebModule webModule, final AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { processJndiRefs(webModule.getModuleId(), webModule.getWebApp(), appResources, webModule.getClassLoader()); } private void processJndiRefs(final String moduleId, final JndiConsumer jndiConsumer, final AppResources appResources, final ClassLoader classLoader) throws OpenEJBException { // Resource reference for (final ResourceRef ref : jndiConsumer.getResourceRef()) { // skip destinations with lookup name if (ref.getLookupName() != null) { continue; } // skip destinations with a global jndi name final String mappedName = ref.getMappedName() == null ? "" : ref.getMappedName(); if (mappedName.startsWith("jndi:")) { continue; } final String refType = getType(ref, classLoader); // skip references such as URLs which are automatically handled by the server if (isIgnoredReferenceType(refType, classLoader)) { continue; } String destinationId = mappedName.length() == 0 ? ref.getName() : mappedName; try { destinationId = getResourceId(moduleId, destinationId, refType, appResources); } catch (final OpenEJBException ex) { if (!(ref instanceof ContextRef)) { throw ex; } else { // let jaxrs provider manage it continue; } } ref.setMappedName(destinationId); } // Resource env reference for (final JndiReference ref : jndiConsumer.getResourceEnvRef()) { // skip destinations with lookup name if (ref.getLookupName() != null) { continue; } // skip destinations with a global jndi name final String mappedName = ref.getMappedName() == null ? "" : ref.getMappedName(); if (mappedName.startsWith("jndi:")) { continue; } final String refType = getType(ref, classLoader); // skip references such as URLs which are automatically handled by the server if (isIgnoredReferenceType(refType, classLoader)) { continue; } String destinationId = mappedName.length() == 0 ? ref.getName() : mappedName; destinationId = getResourceEnvId(moduleId, destinationId, refType, appResources); ref.setMappedName(destinationId); } // Message destination reference for (final MessageDestinationRef ref : jndiConsumer.getMessageDestinationRef()) { // skip destinations with lookup name if (ref.getLookupName() != null) { continue; } // skip destinations with a global jndi name final String mappedName = ref.getMappedName() == null ? "" : ref.getMappedName(); if (mappedName.startsWith("jndi:")) { continue; } String destinationId = mappedName.length() == 0 ? ref.getName() : mappedName; destinationId = getResourceEnvId(moduleId, destinationId, ref.getType(), appResources); ref.setMappedName(destinationId); } } private boolean isIgnoredReferenceType(final String typeName, final ClassLoader loader) { if (ignoredReferenceTypes.contains(typeName)) { return true; } else if (loader != null) { try { final Class<?> type = loader.loadClass(typeName); return type.isAnnotationPresent(ManagedBean.class); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // ignore } } return false; } private void deploy(final EjbModule ejbModule, final AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { final OpenejbJar openejbJar; if (ejbModule.getOpenejbJar() != null) { openejbJar = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar(); } else { openejbJar = new OpenejbJar(); ejbModule.setOpenejbJar(openejbJar); } final Map<String, EjbDeployment> deployments = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName(); for (final EnterpriseBean bean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) { final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = deployments.get(bean.getEjbName()); if (ejbDeployment == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("No ejb deployment found for ejb " + bean.getEjbName()); } final Class<? extends ContainerInfo> containerInfoType = ConfigurationFactory.getContainerInfoType(getType(bean)); if (ejbDeployment.getContainerId() == null && !skipMdb(bean)) { String containerId = getUsableContainer(containerInfoType, bean, appResources); if (containerId == null) { containerId = createContainer(containerInfoType, ejbDeployment, bean); } ejbDeployment.setContainerId(containerId); } // create the container if it doesn't exist final List<String> containerIds = configFactory.getContainerIds(); containerIds.addAll(appResources.getContainerIds()); if (!containerIds.contains(ejbDeployment.getContainerId()) && !skipMdb(bean)) { createContainer(containerInfoType, ejbDeployment, bean); } // Resource reference for (final ResourceRef ref : bean.getResourceRef()) { processResourceRef(ref, ejbDeployment, appResources, ejbModule); } // Resource env reference for (final JndiReference ref : bean.getResourceEnvRef()) { processResourceEnvRef(ref, ejbDeployment, appResources, ejbModule.getClassLoader()); } // Message destination reference for (final MessageDestinationRef ref : bean.getMessageDestinationRef()) { processResourceEnvRef(ref, ejbDeployment, appResources, ejbModule.getClassLoader()); } // mdb message destination id if (autoCreateResources && bean instanceof MessageDrivenBean) { final MessageDrivenBean mdb = (MessageDrivenBean) bean; final ResourceLink resourceLink = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink("openejb/destination"); if (resourceLink != null) { try { final String destinationId = getResourceEnvId(bean.getEjbName(), resourceLink.getResId(), mdb.getMessageDestinationType(), appResources); resourceLink.setResId(destinationId); } catch (final OpenEJBException e) { // The MDB doesn't need the auto configured "openejb/destination" env entry ejbDeployment.removeResourceLink("openejb/destination"); } } } } } private void processApplicationContainers(final AppModule module, final AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { if (module.getContainers().isEmpty()) { return; } final String prefix = module.getModuleId() + "/"; for (final Container container : module.getContainers()) { if (container.getId() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("a container can't get a null id: " + container.getType() + " from " + module.getModuleId()); } if (!container.getId().startsWith(prefix)) { container.setId(prefix + container.getId()); } final ContainerInfo containerInfo = configFactory.createContainerInfo(container); configFactory.install(containerInfo); appResources.addContainer(containerInfo); } } private void processApplicationResources(final AppModule module) throws OpenEJBException { final Collection<Resource> resources = module.getResources(); if (resources.size() == 0) { return; } final List<JndiConsumer> jndiConsumers = new ArrayList<JndiConsumer>(); for (final WebModule webModule : module.getWebModules()) { final JndiConsumer consumer = webModule.getWebApp(); jndiConsumers.add(consumer); } for (final EjbModule ejbModule : module.getEjbModules()) { Collections.addAll(jndiConsumers, ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()); } List<ResourceInfo> resourceInfos = new ArrayList<ResourceInfo>(); final Map<ResourceInfo, Resource> resourcesMap = new HashMap<ResourceInfo, Resource>(resources.size()); for (final Resource resource : resources) { final String originalId = PropertyPlaceHolderHelper.value(resource.getId()); final String modulePrefix = module.getModuleId() + "/"; if ("/".equals(modulePrefix) || originalId.startsWith("global") || originalId.startsWith("/global")) { resource.setId(replaceJavaAndSlash(originalId)); } else { resource.getProperties().setProperty(ORIGINAL_ID, originalId); resource.setId(modulePrefix + replaceJavaAndSlash(originalId)); } resource.setJndi(PropertyPlaceHolderHelper.value(resource.getJndi())); final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); final ClassLoader oldCl = thread.getContextClassLoader(); thread.setContextClassLoader(module.getClassLoader()); try { resource.getProperties().putAll(PropertyPlaceHolderHelper.holds(resource.getProperties())); } finally { thread.setContextClassLoader(oldCl); } final Collection<String> aliases = resource.getAliases(); if (!aliases.isEmpty()) { final Collection<String> newAliases = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String s : aliases) { newAliases.add(module.getModuleId() + "/" + s); } resource.getAliases().clear(); resource.getAliases().addAll(newAliases); } final Properties properties = resource.getProperties(); if (DataSource.class.getName().equals(resource.getType()) || DataSource.class.getSimpleName().equals(resource.getType())) { DataSourceFactory.trimNotSupportedDataSourceProperties(properties); } final boolean shouldGenerateJdbcUrl = DataSource.class.getName().equals(resource.getType()) && resource.getProperties().containsKey(ORIGIN_FLAG) && resource.getProperties().getProperty(ORIGIN_FLAG).equals(ORIGIN_ANNOTATION); if (shouldGenerateJdbcUrl && properties.get("JdbcUrl") == null) { final String url = getVendorUrl(properties); if (url != null) { properties.put("JdbcUrl", url); } } final ResourceInfo resourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(resource, ResourceInfo.class); resourceInfo.originAppName = module.getModuleId(); final ResourceRef resourceRef = new ResourceRef(); resourceRef.setResType(chooseType(module.getClassLoader(), resourceInfo, resource.getType())); if (shouldGenerateJdbcUrl) { properties.remove(ORIGIN_FLAG); resourceRef.setResRefName(dataSourceLookupName(resource)); } else { resourceRef.setResRefName(OPENEJB_RESOURCE_JNDI_PREFIX + resourceInfo.id); } resourceRef.setMappedName(resourceInfo.id); final ResourceRef strictRef = new ResourceRef(OPENEJB_RESOURCE_JNDI_PREFIX + originalId, resourceRef.getResType(), resourceRef.getResAuth(), resourceRef.getResSharingScope()); strictRef.setMappedName(resourceInfo.id); for (final JndiConsumer consumer : jndiConsumers) { addResource(consumer, resourceRef); // for injections etc... if (!"/".equals(modulePrefix)) { addResource(consumer, strictRef); // for lookups (without prefix) } } resourceInfos.add(resourceInfo); resourcesMap.put(resourceInfo, resource); } resourceInfos = ConfigurationFactory.sort(resourceInfos, module.getModuleId() + "/"); for (final ResourceInfo resourceInfo : resourceInfos) { final int originalSize = resourceInfo.aliases.size(); final String id = installResource(module.getModuleId(), resourceInfo); final Resource resource = resourcesMap.remove(resourceInfo); resource.setId(id); if (resourceInfo.aliases.size() > originalSize) { // an aliases is generally added to be able to bind in global jndi tree resource.getAliases().add(resourceInfo.aliases.get(resourceInfo.aliases.size() - 1)); } } resourceInfos.clear(); // resources.clear(); // don't clear it since we want to keep this to be able to undeploy resources with the app } private static void addResource(final JndiConsumer consumer, final ResourceRef resourceRef) { final ResourceRef existing = consumer.getResourceRefMap().get(resourceRef.getKey()); if (existing != null) { existing.setMappedName(resourceRef.getMappedName()); } else { consumer.getResourceRef().add(resourceRef); } } private static String chooseType(final ClassLoader classLoader, final ResourceInfo info, final String defaultType) { if (info.types != null) { for (final String type : info.types) { if (canLoad(classLoader, type)) { return type; } } } return info.className != null ? ((canLoad(classLoader, info.className) ? info.className : defaultType)) : defaultType; } private static boolean canLoad(final ClassLoader classLoader, final String type) { try { classLoader.loadClass(type); return true; } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private String dataSourceLookupName(final Resource datasource) { final String jndi = datasource.getJndi(); if (jndi.startsWith("java:")) { return jndi.startsWith("/") ? jndi.substring(1) : jndi; } if (jndi.startsWith("comp/env/")) { return "java:" + jndi; } if (jndi.startsWith("module/")) { return "java:" + jndi; } if (jndi.startsWith("global/")) { return "java:" + jndi; } if (jndi.startsWith("app/")) { return "java:" + jndi; } return "java:comp/env/" + jndi; } private static String getVendorUrl(final Properties properties) { final String driver = properties.getProperty("JdbcDriver"); final String serverName = properties.getProperty("ServerName"); final int port = getInt(properties.get("PortNumber")); final boolean remote = port != -1; final String databaseName = properties.getProperty("DatabaseName"); if (driver == null || driver.equals("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver")) { if (remote) { return String.format("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://%s:%s/%s", serverName, port, databaseName); } else { return String.format("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:%s", databaseName); } } if (driver.startsWith("org.apache.derby.jdbc.Embedded")) { // Driver or DataSource return String.format("jdbc:derby:%s%s", databaseName, properties.getProperty("connectionAttributes", ";create=true")); } if (driver.equals("org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver")) { return String.format("jdbc:derby://%s:%s/%s%s", serverName, port, databaseName, properties.getProperty("connectionAttributes", ";create=true")); } if (driver.equals("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")) { return String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s:%s/%s", serverName, port, databaseName); } if (driver.equals("com.postgresql.jdbc.Driver")) { return String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%s/%s", serverName, port, databaseName); } if (driver.equals("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver")) { return String.format("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//%s:%s/%s", serverName, port, databaseName); } return null; } private static int getInt(final Object number) { try { return (Integer) number; } catch (final Exception e) { try { return Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(number)); } catch (final NumberFormatException e1) { return -1; } } } private String createContainer(final Class<? extends ContainerInfo> containerInfoType, final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment, final EnterpriseBean bean) throws OpenEJBException { if (!autoCreateContainers) { throw new OpenEJBException("A container of type " + getType(bean) + " must be declared in the configuration file for bean: " + bean.getEjbName()); } // get the container info (data used to build the container) final ContainerInfo containerInfo = configFactory.configureService(containerInfoType); logger.info("Auto-creating a container for bean " + ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId() + ": Container(type=" + getType(bean) + ", id=" + containerInfo.id + ")"); // if the is an MDB container we need to resolve the resource adapter final String resourceAdapterId = containerInfo.properties.getProperty("ResourceAdapter"); if (resourceAdapterId != null) { final String newResourceId = getResourceId(ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(), resourceAdapterId, null, null); if (resourceAdapterId.equals(newResourceId)) { containerInfo.properties.setProperty("ResourceAdapter", newResourceId); } } // install the container configFactory.install(containerInfo); return containerInfo.id; } private void processResourceRef(final ResourceRef ref, final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment, final AppResources appResources, final EjbModule ejbModule) throws OpenEJBException { // skip destinations with lookup name if (ref.getLookupName() != null) { return; } // skip destinations with a global jndi name final String mappedName = ref.getMappedName() == null ? "" : ref.getMappedName(); if (mappedName.startsWith("jndi:")) { return; } final String refName = ref.getName(); final String refType = getType(ref, ejbModule.getClassLoader()); // skip references such as URLs which are automatically handled by the server if (ignoredReferenceTypes.contains(refType)) { final ResourceInfo resourceInfo = configFactory.getResourceInfo(refName.replace("java:", "").replace("comp/env/", "")); if (resourceInfo != null) { ref.setMappedName("jndi:" + (resourceInfo.id.startsWith("java:") ? resourceInfo.id : "openejb:Resource/" + resourceInfo.id)); } return; } try { final Class<?> clazz = ejbModule.getClassLoader().loadClass(refType); if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(ManagedBean.class)) { return; } } catch (final Throwable t) { // no-op } try { ResourceLink link = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink(refName); if (link == null) { String id = mappedName.length() == 0 ? ref.getName() : mappedName; if (id.startsWith("java:")) { id = id.substring("java:".length()); } if (id.startsWith("/")) { id = id.substring(1); } try { final AppModule appModule = ejbModule.getAppModule(); if (appModule != null) { final String newId = findResourceId(appModule.getModuleId() + '/' + id.replace("java:", "").replaceAll("^comp/env/", ""), refType, new Properties(), appResources); if (newId != null) { // app scoped resources, try to find it without creating it first id = getResourceId(ejbModule.getModuleId(), newId, refType, appResources); } else { id = getResourceId(ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(), id, refType, appResources); } } else { id = getResourceId(ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(), id, refType, appResources); } } catch (final OpenEJBException e) { // changing the message to be explicit throw new OpenEJBException("Can't find resource for " + ref.getOrigin() + ". (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e.getCause()); } logger.info("Auto-linking resource-ref '" + refName + "' in bean " + ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId() + " to Resource(id=" + id + ")"); link = new ResourceLink(); link.setResId(id); link.setResRefName(refName); ejbDeployment.addResourceLink(link); } else { final String id = getResourceId(ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(), link.getResId(), refType, appResources); link.setResId(id); link.setResRefName(refName); } } catch (final OpenEJBException ex) { if (!(ref instanceof ContextRef)) { throw ex; } } } private void processResourceEnvRef(final JndiReference ref, final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment, final AppResources appResources, final ClassLoader classLoader) throws OpenEJBException { // skip destinations with lookup name if (ref.getLookupName() != null) { return; } // skip destinations with a global jndi name final String mappedName = ref.getMappedName() == null ? "" : ref.getMappedName(); if (mappedName.startsWith("jndi:")) { return; } final String refName = ref.getName(); final String refType = getType(ref, classLoader); // skip references such as SessionContext which are automatically handled by the server if (isIgnoredReferenceType(refType, classLoader)) { return; } ResourceLink link = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink(refName); if (link == null) { String id = mappedName.length() == 0 ? refName : mappedName; id = getResourceEnvId(ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(), id, refType, appResources); if (id == null) { // could be a session context ref return; } logger.info("Auto-linking resource-env-ref '" + refName + "' in bean " + ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId() + " to Resource(id=" + id + ")"); link = new ResourceLink(); link.setResId(id); link.setResRefName(refName); ejbDeployment.addResourceLink(link); } else { final String id = getResourceEnvId(ejbDeployment.getDeploymentId(), link.getResId(), refType, appResources); link.setResId(id); link.setResRefName(refName); } } private String getType(final JndiReference ref, final ClassLoader classLoader) throws OpenEJBException { final String refType = ref.getType(); if (refType != null) { return refType; } if (classLoader != null) { final Set<InjectionTarget> injections = ref.getInjectionTarget(); for (final InjectionTarget injection : injections) { try { final Class target = classLoader.loadClass(injection.getInjectionTargetClass().trim()); final Class type = IntrospectionSupport.getPropertyType(target, injection.getInjectionTargetName().trim()); return type.getName(); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException e) { // ignore } } } throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to infer type for " + ref.getKey()); } private static boolean skipMdb(final Object bean) { return bean instanceof MessageDrivenBean && SystemInstance.get().hasProperty("openejb.geronimo"); } private static String getType(final EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean) throws OpenEJBException { if (enterpriseBean instanceof EntityBean) { if (((EntityBean) enterpriseBean).getPersistenceType() == PersistenceType.CONTAINER) { return BeanTypes.CMP_ENTITY; } else { return BeanTypes.BMP_ENTITY; } } else if (enterpriseBean instanceof SessionBean) { if (((SessionBean) enterpriseBean).getSessionType() == SessionType.STATEFUL) { return BeanTypes.STATEFUL; } else if (((SessionBean) enterpriseBean).getSessionType() == SessionType.SINGLETON) { return BeanTypes.SINGLETON; } else if (((SessionBean) enterpriseBean).getSessionType() == SessionType.MANAGED) { return BeanTypes.MANAGED; } else { return BeanTypes.STATELESS; } } else if (enterpriseBean instanceof MessageDrivenBean) { return BeanTypes.MESSAGE; } throw new OpenEJBException("Unknown enterprise bean type " + enterpriseBean.getClass().getName()); } private void deploy(final AppModule app, final PersistenceModule persistenceModule) throws OpenEJBException { if (!autoCreateResources) { return; } final Persistence persistence = persistenceModule.getPersistence(); for (final PersistenceUnit unit : persistence.getPersistenceUnit()) { if (unit.getProvider() != null) { logger.info("Configuring PersistenceUnit(name=" + unit.getName() + ", provider=" + unit.getProvider() + ")"); } else { logger.info("Configuring PersistenceUnit(name=" + unit.getName() + ")"); } if (unit.getJtaDataSource() == null && unit.getNonJtaDataSource() == null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(SystemInstance.get().getProperty("openejb.force-unit-type", unit.getProperty("openejb.force-unit-type", "true")))) { unit.setTransactionType(TransactionType.JTA); // of JPA 2.0 spec } // if jta datasource is specified it can be used as model fo rnon jta datasource final boolean resourceLocal = TransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL.equals(unit.getTransactionType()) && unit.getJtaDataSource() == null; if (resourceLocal && unit.getNonJtaDataSource() == null && isDataSourcePropertiesConfigured(unit.getProperties())) { continue; } final Properties required = new Properties(); // if (unit.getJtaDataSource() == null && unit.getNonJtaDataSource() == null){ // unit.setJtaDataSource("JtaDataSource"); // unit.setNonJtaDataSource("NonJtaDataSource"); // } else if (unit.getJtaDataSource() == null){ // unit.setJtaDataSource(unit.getNonJtaDataSource()+"Jta"); // } else if (unit.getNonJtaDataSource() == null){ // unit.setNonJtaDataSource(unit.getJtaDataSource()+"NonJta"); // } if ("org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl".equals(unit.getProvider())) { if (unit.getJtaDataSource() == null) { unit.setJtaDataSource(unit.getProperty("openjpa.ConnectionFactoryName")); } if (unit.getNonJtaDataSource() == null) { unit.setNonJtaDataSource(unit.getProperty("openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Name")); } } logger.debug("raw <jta-data-source>" + unit.getJtaDataSource() + "</jta-datasource>"); logger.debug("raw <non-jta-data-source>" + unit.getNonJtaDataSource() + "</non-jta-datasource>"); final String originalJtaDataSource = unit.getJtaDataSource(); // keep it can start with java:global for instance unit.setJtaDataSource(normalizeResourceId(originalJtaDataSource)); final String originalNonJtaDataSource = unit.getNonJtaDataSource(); unit.setNonJtaDataSource(normalizeResourceId(originalNonJtaDataSource)); logger.debug("normalized <jta-data-source>" + unit.getJtaDataSource() + "</jta-datasource>"); logger.debug("normalized <non-jta-data-source>" + unit.getNonJtaDataSource() + "</non-jta-datasource>"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); final List<String> managed = configFactory.getResourceIds("DataSource", required); required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); final List<String> unmanaged = configFactory.getResourceIds("DataSource", required); required.clear(); final List<String> unknown = configFactory.getResourceIds("DataSource", required); logger.debug("Available DataSources"); for (final String name : managed) { logger.debug("DataSource(name=" + name + ", JtaManaged=true)"); } for (final String name : unmanaged) { logger.debug("DataSource(name=" + name + ", JtaManaged=false)"); } for (final String name : unknown) { if (managed.contains(name)) { continue; } if (unmanaged.contains(name)) { continue; } logger.debug("DataSource(name=" + name + ", JtaManaged=<unknown>)"); } } final String prefix = app.getModuleId() + "/"; String jtaDataSourceId = null; String nonJtaDataSourceId = null; // first try exact matching without JtaManaged which is not mandatory actually (custom DS + JTADataSourceWrapperFactory) final String jtaWithJavaAndSlash = replaceJavaAndSlash(unit.getJtaDataSource()); for (final String potentialName : asList(prefix + jtaWithJavaAndSlash, originalJtaDataSource, jtaWithJavaAndSlash)) { if(potentialName == null) { // If unit.getJtaDataSource() is null, one of the potentialName is also null. continue; } final ResourceInfo jtaInfo = configFactory.getResourceInfo(potentialName); if (jtaInfo != null) { if (!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(jtaInfo.properties.getProperty("JtaManaged")) // don't test true since it can be missing && (jtaInfo.types.contains("DataSource") || jtaInfo.types.contains(DataSource.class.getName()))) { jtaDataSourceId = jtaInfo.id; break; } else { logger.warning("Found matching datasource: " + jtaInfo.id + " but this one is not a JTA datasource"); } } } final String nonJtaWithJavaAndSlash = replaceJavaAndSlash(unit.getNonJtaDataSource()); for (final String potentialName : asList(prefix + nonJtaWithJavaAndSlash, originalNonJtaDataSource, nonJtaWithJavaAndSlash)) { if(potentialName == null) { // If unit.getNonJtaDataSource() is null, one of the potentialName is also null. continue; } final ResourceInfo info = configFactory.getResourceInfo(potentialName); if (info != null) { if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(info.properties.getProperty("JtaManaged")) && (info.types.contains("DataSource") || info.types.contains(DataSource.class.getName()))) { nonJtaDataSourceId = info.id; break; } else { logger.warning("Found matching datasource: " + info.id + " but this one is a JTA datasource"); } } } // then that's ok to force configuration if (jtaDataSourceId == null && !resourceLocal) { required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); jtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(prefix + jtaWithJavaAndSlash, "DataSource", required, null); if (jtaDataSourceId == null) { // test with javax.sql.DataSource before DataSource since RA can register resources without our shortcut jtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(jtaWithJavaAndSlash, "javax.sql.DataSource", required, null); } /* this shouldn't be mandatory anymore since our DataSource has as alias javax.sql.DataSource if (jtaDataSourceId == null) { jtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(replaceJavaAndSlash(unit.getJtaDataSource()), "DataSource", required, null); } */ } if (nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); nonJtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(prefix + nonJtaWithJavaAndSlash, "DataSource", required, null); if (nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { nonJtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(nonJtaWithJavaAndSlash, "DataSource", required, null); } } if ((jtaDataSourceId != null || resourceLocal) && nonJtaDataSourceId != null) { // Both DataSources were explicitly configured. if (jtaDataSourceId != null) { setJtaDataSource(unit, jtaDataSourceId); } setNonJtaDataSource(unit, nonJtaDataSourceId); continue; } // // If the jta-data-source or the non-jta-data-source link to // third party resources, then we can't do any auto config // for them. We give them what they asked for and move on. // if (jtaDataSourceId == null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { required.put("JtaManaged", ServiceUtils.NONE); if (!resourceLocal) { jtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(unit.getJtaDataSource(), "DataSource", required, null); } nonJtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(unit.getNonJtaDataSource(), "DataSource", required, null); if (jtaDataSourceId != null || nonJtaDataSourceId != null) { if (jtaDataSourceId != null) { setJtaDataSource(unit, jtaDataSourceId); } if (nonJtaDataSourceId != null) { setNonJtaDataSource(unit, nonJtaDataSourceId); } continue; } } // We are done with the most optimal configuration. // // If both the jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source // references were explicitly and correctly configured // to existing datasource, we wouldn't get this far. // // At this point we see if either we can't figure out // if there's an issue with their configuration or // if we can't intelligently complete their configuration. // // Do both the jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source references // point to the same datasource? // // If so, then unlink the invalid one so defaulting rules can // possibly fill in a good value. // required.put("JtaManaged", ServiceUtils.ANY); final String possibleJta = findResourceId(jtaWithJavaAndSlash, "DataSource", required, null); final String possibleNonJta = findResourceId(nonJtaWithJavaAndSlash, "DataSource", required, null); if (possibleJta != null && possibleJta.equals(possibleNonJta)) { final ResourceInfo dataSource = configFactory.getResourceInfo(possibleJta); final String jtaManaged = (String) dataSource.properties.get("JtaManaged"); logger.warning("PeristenceUnit(name=" + unit.getName() + ") invalidly refers to Resource(id=" + dataSource.id + ") as both its <jta-data-source> and <non-jta-data-source>."); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(jtaManaged)) { nonJtaDataSourceId = null; unit.setNonJtaDataSource(null); } else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(jtaManaged)) { jtaDataSourceId = null; unit.setJtaDataSource(null); } } // // Do the jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source references // point to innapropriately configured Resources? // checkUnitDataSourceRefs(unit); // // Do either the jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source // references point to the explicit name of a ServiceProvider? // if (jtaDataSourceId == null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { jtaDataSourceId = findResourceProviderId(unit.getJtaDataSource()); nonJtaDataSourceId = findResourceProviderId(unit.getNonJtaDataSource()); // if one of them is not null we have a match on at least one // we can just create the second resource using the first as a template if (jtaDataSourceId != null || nonJtaDataSourceId != null) { final Resource jtaResource = new Resource(jtaDataSourceId, "DataSource", jtaDataSourceId); jtaResource.getProperties().setProperty("JtaManaged", "true"); final Resource nonJtaResource = new Resource(nonJtaDataSourceId, "DataSource", nonJtaDataSourceId); nonJtaResource.getProperties().setProperty("JtaManaged", "false"); if (jtaDataSourceId == null) { jtaResource.setId(nonJtaDataSourceId + "Jta"); jtaResource.setProvider(nonJtaDataSourceId); } else if (nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { nonJtaResource.setId(jtaDataSourceId + "NonJta"); nonJtaResource.setProvider(jtaDataSourceId); } final ResourceInfo jtaResourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(jtaResource, ResourceInfo.class); final ResourceInfo nonJtaResourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(nonJtaResource, ResourceInfo.class); if (jtaDataSourceId != null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { nonJtaResourceInfo.originAppName = jtaResourceInfo.originAppName; } logAutoCreateResource(jtaResourceInfo, "DataSource", unit.getName()); jtaDataSourceId = installResource(unit.getName(), jtaResourceInfo); logAutoCreateResource(nonJtaResourceInfo, "DataSource", unit.getName()); nonJtaDataSourceId = installResource(unit.getName(), nonJtaResourceInfo); setJtaDataSource(unit, jtaDataSourceId); setNonJtaDataSource(unit, nonJtaDataSourceId); continue; } } // No data sources were specified: // Look for defaults, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENEJB-1027 if (jtaDataSourceId == null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { // We check for data sources matching the following names: // 1. The persistence unit id // 2. The web module id // 3. The web module context root // 4. The application module id final List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); ids.add(unit.getName()); for (final WebModule webModule : app.getWebModules()) { ids.add(webModule.getModuleId()); ids.add(webModule.getContextRoot()); } ids.add(app.getModuleId()); // Search for a matching data source for (final String id : ids) { //Try finding a jta managed data source required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); jtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(id, "DataSource", required, null); if (jtaDataSourceId == null) { //No jta managed data source found. Try finding a non-jta managed required.clear(); required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); nonJtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(id, "DataSource", required, null); } if (jtaDataSourceId == null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { // Neither jta nor non-jta managed data sources were found. try to find one with it unset required.clear(); required.put("JtaManaged", ServiceUtils.NONE); jtaDataSourceId = findResourceId(id, "DataSource", required, null); } if (jtaDataSourceId != null || nonJtaDataSourceId != null) { //We have found a default. Exit the loop break; } } } // // If neither of the references are valid yet, then let's take // the first valid datasource. // // We won't fill in both jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source // this way as the following code does a great job at determining // if any of the existing data sources are a good match or if // one needs to be generated. // if (jtaDataSourceId == null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { required.clear(); required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); jtaDataSourceId = firstMatching(prefix, "DataSource", required, null); if (jtaDataSourceId == null) { required.clear(); required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); nonJtaDataSourceId = firstMatching(prefix, "DataSource", required, null); } } // // Does the jta-data-source reference point an existing // Resource in the system with JtaManaged=true? // // If so, we can search for an existing datasource // configured with identical properties and use it. // // If that doesn't work, we can copy the jta-data-source // and auto-create the missing non-jta-data-source // using it as a template, applying the overrides, // and finally setting JtaManaged=false // if (jtaDataSourceId != null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { final ResourceInfo jtaResourceInfo = configFactory.getResourceInfo(jtaDataSourceId); final Properties jtaProperties = jtaResourceInfo.properties; if (jtaProperties.containsKey("JtaManaged")) { // Strategy 1: Best match search required.clear(); required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); for (final String key : asList("JdbcDriver", "JdbcUrl")) { if (jtaProperties.containsKey(key)) { required.put(key, jtaProperties.get(key)); } } nonJtaDataSourceId = firstMatching(prefix, "DataSource", required, null); // Strategy 2: Copy if (nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { final ResourceInfo nonJtaResourceInfo = copy(jtaResourceInfo); nonJtaResourceInfo.id = jtaResourceInfo.id + "NonJta"; nonJtaResourceInfo.originAppName = jtaResourceInfo.originAppName; suffixAliases(nonJtaResourceInfo, "NonJta"); configureImplicitDataSource(nonJtaResourceInfo); final Properties overrides = ConfigurationFactory.getSystemProperties(nonJtaResourceInfo.id, nonJtaResourceInfo.service); nonJtaResourceInfo.properties.putAll(overrides); nonJtaResourceInfo.properties.setProperty("JtaManaged", "false"); nonJtaResourceInfo.properties.remove("Definition"); // if created from annotation we just want live config logAutoCreateResource(nonJtaResourceInfo, "DataSource", unit.getName()); logger.info("configureService.configuring", nonJtaResourceInfo.id, nonJtaResourceInfo.service, jtaResourceInfo.id); nonJtaDataSourceId = installResource(unit.getName(), nonJtaResourceInfo); } } } // // Does the jta-data-source reference point an existing // Resource in the system with JtaManaged=false? // // If so, we can search for an existing datasource // configured with identical properties and use it. // // If that doesn't work, we can copy the jta-data-source // and auto-create the missing non-jta-data-source // using it as a template, applying the overrides, // and finally setting JtaManaged=false // final String deduceJtaFromNonJta = unit.getProperty(AUTOCREATE_JTA_DATASOURCE_FROM_NON_JTA_ONE_KEY, SystemInstance.get().getOptions().get(AUTOCREATE_JTA_DATASOURCE_FROM_NON_JTA_ONE_KEY, (String) null)); if (nonJtaDataSourceId != null && jtaDataSourceId == null // hibernate uses the fact that this ds is missing to get a non jta em instead of a JTA one && (!resourceLocal || deduceJtaFromNonJta != null) && (deduceJtaFromNonJta == null || deduceJtaFromNonJta != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(deduceJtaFromNonJta))) { final ResourceInfo nonJtaResourceInfo = configFactory.getResourceInfo(nonJtaDataSourceId); final Properties nonJtaProperties = nonJtaResourceInfo.properties; if (nonJtaProperties.containsKey("JtaManaged")) { // Strategy 1: Best match search required.clear(); required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); for (final String key : asList("JdbcDriver", "JdbcUrl")) { if (nonJtaProperties.containsKey(key)) { required.put(key, nonJtaProperties.get(key)); } } jtaDataSourceId = firstMatching(prefix, "DataSource", required, null); // Strategy 2: Copy if (jtaDataSourceId == null) { final ResourceInfo jtaResourceInfo = copy(nonJtaResourceInfo); jtaResourceInfo.id = nonJtaResourceInfo.id + "Jta"; suffixAliases(jtaResourceInfo, "Jta"); configureImplicitDataSource(jtaResourceInfo); final Properties overrides = ConfigurationFactory.getSystemProperties(jtaResourceInfo.id, jtaResourceInfo.service); jtaResourceInfo.properties.putAll(overrides); jtaResourceInfo.properties.setProperty("JtaManaged", "true"); jtaResourceInfo.properties.remove("Definition"); // if created from annotation we just want live config logAutoCreateResource(jtaResourceInfo, "DataSource", unit.getName()); logger.info("configureService.configuring", jtaResourceInfo.id, jtaResourceInfo.service, nonJtaResourceInfo.id); jtaDataSourceId = installResource(unit.getName(), jtaResourceInfo); } } } // // By this point if we've found anything at all, both // jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source should be // filled in (provided they aren't using a third party // data source). // // Should both references still be null // we can just take a shot in the dark and auto-create // them them both using the built-in templates for jta // and non-jta default datasources. These are supplied // via the service-jar.xml file. // if (jtaDataSourceId == null && nonJtaDataSourceId == null) { if (!resourceLocal) { required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); jtaDataSourceId = autoCreateResource("DataSource", required, unit.getName()); } required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); nonJtaDataSourceId = autoCreateResource("DataSource", required, unit.getName()); } if (jtaDataSourceId != null) { setJtaDataSource(unit, jtaDataSourceId); } if (nonJtaDataSourceId != null) { setNonJtaDataSource(unit, nonJtaDataSourceId); } } } private boolean isDataSourcePropertiesConfigured(final Properties properties) { return "true".equals(SystemInstance.get().getProperty("openejb.guess.resource-local-datasource-properties-configured", "true")) && (properties.containsKey("javax.persistence.jdbc.driver") || properties.containsKey("javax.persistence.jdbc.url")); } private static void suffixAliases(final ResourceInfo ri, final String suffix) { final Collection<String> aliases = ri.aliases; final List<String> newAliases = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String alias : aliases) { newAliases.add(alias + suffix); } ri.aliases = newAliases; } private static void configureImplicitDataSource(final ResourceInfo copy) { if (copy != null && copy.properties != null) { for (final String key : copy.properties.stringPropertyNames()) { if ("InitialSize".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { try { final int value = Integer.parseInt(copy.properties.getProperty("InitialSize")); if (MAX_IMPLICIT_POOL_SIZE < value) { copy.properties.setProperty(key, Integer.toString(MAX_IMPLICIT_POOL_SIZE)); logger.warning("Adjusting " + key + " to " + MAX_IMPLICIT_POOL_SIZE + " for " + copy.id + " DataSource to avoid too much network bandwidth usage." + " If you want to keep it please define the DataSource explicitely."); } } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { // no-op } } } } } private String replaceJavaAndSlash(final String name) { if (name == null) { return null; } if (name.startsWith("java:")) { return replaceJavaAndSlash(name.substring("java:".length())); } if (name.startsWith("/")) { return name.substring(1); } return name; } private void setNonJtaDataSource(final PersistenceUnit unit, final String current) { final String previous = unit.getNonJtaDataSource(); if (!current.equals(previous)) { logger.info("Adjusting PersistenceUnit " + unit.getName() + " <non-jta-data-source> to Resource ID '" + current + "' from '" + previous + "'"); } unit.setNonJtaDataSource(current); } private void setJtaDataSource(final PersistenceUnit unit, final String current) { final String previous = unit.getJtaDataSource(); if (!current.equals(previous)) { logger.info("Adjusting PersistenceUnit " + unit.getName() + " <jta-data-source> to Resource ID '" + current + "' from '" + previous + "'"); } unit.setJtaDataSource(current); } private ResourceInfo copy(final ResourceInfo a) { final ResourceInfo b = new ResourceInfo(); b.id = a.id; b.service = a.service; b.className = a.className; b.codebase = a.codebase; b.displayName = a.displayName; b.description = a.description; b.factoryMethod = a.factoryMethod; b.constructorArgs.addAll(a.constructorArgs); b.originAppName = a.originAppName; b.types.addAll(a.types); b.properties = new SuperProperties(); b.properties.putAll(a.properties); if (a.classpath != null) { b.classpath = new URI[a.classpath.length]; System.arraycopy(a.classpath, 0, b.classpath, 0, a.classpath.length); } //b.aliases.addAll(a.aliases); return b; } private void checkUnitDataSourceRefs(final PersistenceUnit unit) throws OpenEJBException { final Properties required = new Properties(); // check that non-jta-data-source does NOT point to a JtaManaged=true datasource required.put("JtaManaged", "true"); final String invalidNonJta = findResourceId(unit.getNonJtaDataSource(), "DataSource", required, null); if (invalidNonJta != null) { throw new OpenEJBException("PeristenceUnit " + unit.getName() + " <non-jta-data-source> points to a jta managed Resource. Update Resource \"" + invalidNonJta + "\" to \"JtaManaged=false\", use a different Resource, or delete the <non-jta-data-source> element and a default will be supplied if possible."); } // check that jta-data-source does NOT point to a JtaManaged=false datasource required.put("JtaManaged", "false"); final String invalidJta = findResourceId(unit.getJtaDataSource(), "DataSource", required, null); if (invalidJta != null) { throw new OpenEJBException("PeristenceUnit " + unit.getName() + " <jta-data-source> points to a non jta managed Resource. Update Resource \"" + invalidJta + "\" to \"JtaManaged=true\", use a different Resource, or delete the <jta-data-source> element and a default will be supplied if possible."); } } private String findResourceProviderId(String resourceId) throws OpenEJBException { if (resourceId == null) { return null; } if (ServiceUtils.hasServiceProvider(resourceId)) { return resourceId; } if (resourceId.startsWith("java:")) { // can be an absolute path String jndi = resourceId.substring("java:".length()); if (jndi.startsWith("/")) { jndi = jndi.substring(1); } if (ServiceUtils.hasServiceProvider(jndi)) { return jndi; } } resourceId = toShortName(resourceId); if (ServiceUtils.hasServiceProvider(resourceId)) { return resourceId; } return null; } private String getResourceId(final String beanName, final String resourceId, final String type, final AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { return getResourceId(beanName, resourceId, type, null, appResources); } private String getResourceId(final String beanName, String resourceId, final String type, final Properties required, AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { resourceId = normalizeResourceId(resourceId); if (resourceId == null) { return null; } if (appResources == null) { appResources = EMPTY_APP_RESOURCES; } // skip references such as URL which are automatically handled by the server if (type != null && ignoredReferenceTypes.contains(type)) { return null; } // check for existing resource with specified resourceId and type and properties String id = findResourceId(beanName + '/' + resourceId, type, required, appResources); // check first in app namespace if (id != null) { return id; } id = findResourceId(resourceId, type, required, appResources); if (id != null) { return id; } // expand search to any type -- may be asking for a reference to a sub-type id = findResourceId(resourceId, null, required, appResources); if (id != null) { return id; } // app resources if (appResources.appId != null && !appResources.appId.isEmpty() && resourceId.startsWith(appResources.appId + '/')) { id = findResourceId(resourceId.substring(appResources.appId.length() + 1), type, required, appResources); if (id != null) { return id; } } // throw an exception or log an error final String shortName = toShortName(resourceId); final String message = "No existing resource found while attempting to Auto-link unmapped resource-ref '" + resourceId + "' of type '" + type + "' for '" + beanName + "'. Looked for Resource(id=" + resourceId + ") and Resource(id=" + shortName + ")"; if (!autoCreateResources) { throw new OpenEJBException(message); } logger.debug(message); // if there is a provider with the specified name. use it if (ServiceUtils.hasServiceProvider(resourceId)) { final ResourceInfo resourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(resourceId, ResourceInfo.class); return installResource(beanName, resourceInfo); } else if (ServiceUtils.hasServiceProvider(shortName)) { final ResourceInfo resourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(shortName, ResourceInfo.class); return installResource(beanName, resourceInfo); } // if there are any resources of the desired type, use the first one id = firstMatching(beanName, type, required, appResources); if (id != null) { return id; } // Auto create a resource using the first provider that can supply a resource of the desired type return autoCreateResource(type, required, beanName); } private String autoCreateResource(final String type, final Properties required, final String beanName) throws OpenEJBException { final String resourceId; resourceId = ServiceUtils.getServiceProviderId(type, required); if (resourceId == null) { throw new OpenEJBException("No provider available for resource-ref '" + resourceId + "' of type '" + type + "' for '" + beanName + "'."); } final ResourceInfo resourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(resourceId, ResourceInfo.class); logAutoCreateResource(resourceInfo, type, beanName); return installResource(beanName, resourceInfo); } private void logAutoCreateResource(final ResourceInfo resourceInfo, final String type, final String beanName) { logger.info("Auto-creating a Resource with id '" + resourceInfo.id + "' of type '" + type + " for '" + beanName + "'."); } private String firstMatching(final String prefix, final String type, final Properties required, final AppResources appResources) { final List<String> resourceIds = new ArrayList<String>(getResourceIds(appResources, type, required)); Collections.sort(resourceIds, new Comparator<String>() { // sort from webapp to global resources @Override public int compare(final String o1, final String o2) { // don't change global order, just put app scoped resource before others if (o1.startsWith(prefix) && o2.startsWith(prefix)) { return resourceIds.indexOf(o1) - resourceIds.indexOf(o2); } else if (o1.startsWith(prefix)) { return -1; } else if (o2.startsWith(prefix)) { return 1; } // make it stable with prefixed comparison + keep existing ordering (bck compat) return resourceIds.indexOf(o1) - resourceIds.indexOf(o2); } }); String idd = null; if (resourceIds.size() > 0) { idd = resourceIds.get(0); } return idd; } private String findResourceId(final String resourceId, final String type, final Properties required, final AppResources appResources) { if (resourceId == null) { return null; } return findResourceId(getResourceIds(appResources, type, required), resourceId); } public static String findResourceId(final Collection<String> resourceIds, final String inId) { if (inId == null) { return null; } final String resourceId = normalizeResourceId(inId); // check for existing resource with specified resourceId for (final String id : resourceIds) { if (id.equalsIgnoreCase(resourceId)) { return id; } } // check for existing resource with shortName final String shortName = toShortName(resourceId); for (final String id : resourceIds) { if (id.equalsIgnoreCase(shortName)) { return id; } } if (resourceId.startsWith("osgi:")) { return resourceId; } return null; } private List<String> getResourceIds(final AppResources appResources, final String type, final Properties required) { final List<String> resourceIds; resourceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (appResources != null) { resourceIds.addAll(appResources.getResourceIds(type)); } resourceIds.addAll(configFactory.getResourceIds(type, required)); return resourceIds; } private static String toShortName(final String resourceId) { // check for an existing resource using the short name (everything ever the final '/') return resourceId.replaceFirst(".*/", ""); } private static String normalizeResourceId(String resourceId) { if (resourceId == null) { return null; } if (resourceId.startsWith("java:")) { resourceId = resourceId.substring("java:".length()); if (resourceId.startsWith("/")) { resourceId = resourceId.substring(1); } } // strip off "java:comp/env" if (resourceId.startsWith("comp/env/")) { resourceId = resourceId.substring("comp/env/".length()); } // strip off "java:openejb/Resource" if (resourceId.startsWith("openejb/Resource/")) { resourceId = resourceId.substring("openejb/Resource/".length()); } // strip off "java:openejb/Connector" if (resourceId.startsWith("openejb/Connector/")) { resourceId = resourceId.substring("openejb/Connector/".length()); } return resourceId; } private String installResource(final String beanName, final ResourceInfo resourceInfo) throws OpenEJBException { final String resourceAdapterId = resourceInfo.properties.getProperty("ResourceAdapter"); if (resourceAdapterId != null) { final String newResourceId = getResourceId(beanName, resourceAdapterId, null, null); if (!resourceAdapterId.equals(newResourceId)) { resourceInfo.properties.setProperty("ResourceAdapter", newResourceId); } } final String dataSourceId = resourceInfo.properties.getProperty("DataSource"); if (dataSourceId != null && dataSourceId.length() > 0) { final String newResourceId = getResourceId(beanName, dataSourceId, null, null); if (!dataSourceId.equals(newResourceId)) { resourceInfo.properties.setProperty("DataSource", newResourceId); } } configFactory.install(resourceInfo); return resourceInfo.id; } private String getResourceEnvId(final String beanName, String resourceId, final String type, AppResources appResources) throws OpenEJBException { if (resourceId == null) { return null; } if (appResources == null) { appResources = EMPTY_APP_RESOURCES; } // skip references such as URLs which are automatically handled by the server if (ignoredReferenceTypes.contains(type)) { return null; } resourceId = normalizeResourceId(resourceId); // check for existing resource with specified resourceId final List<String> resourceEnvIds = getResourceIds(appResources, type, null); for (final String id : resourceEnvIds) { if (id.equalsIgnoreCase(resourceId)) { return id; } } // throw an exception or log an error final String message = "No existing resource found while attempting to Auto-link unmapped resource-env-ref '" + resourceId + "' of type '" + type + "' for '" + beanName + "'. Looked for Resource(id=" + resourceId + ")"; if (!autoCreateResources) { throw new OpenEJBException(message); } logger.debug(message); // Auto create a resource using the first provider that can supply a resource of the desired type final String providerId = ServiceUtils.getServiceProviderId(type); if (providerId == null) { // if there are any existing resources of the desired type, use the first one if (resourceEnvIds.size() > 0) { return resourceEnvIds.get(0); } throw new OpenEJBException("No provider available for resource-env-ref '" + resourceId + "' of type '" + type + "' for '" + beanName + "'."); } final Resource resource = new Resource(resourceId, null, providerId); resource.getProperties().setProperty("destination", resourceId); final ResourceInfo resourceInfo = configFactory.configureService(resource, ResourceInfo.class); logAutoCreateResource(resourceInfo, type, beanName); return installResource(beanName, resourceInfo); } private String getUsableContainer(final Class<? extends ContainerInfo> containerInfoType, final Object bean, final AppResources appResources) { if (MessageDrivenBean.class.isInstance(bean)) { final MessageDrivenBean messageDrivenBean = (MessageDrivenBean) bean; final String messagingType = messageDrivenBean.getMessagingType(); final List<String> containerIds = appResources.containerIdsByType.get(messagingType); if (containerIds != null && !containerIds.isEmpty()) { return containerIds.get(0); } } String containerInfo = matchContainer(containerInfoType, bean, appResources.getContainerInfos()); if (containerInfo == null) { // avoid to build configFactory.getContainerInfos() if not needed containerInfo = matchContainer(containerInfoType, bean, configFactory.getContainerInfos()); } if (containerInfo != null) { return containerInfo; } return null; } private String matchContainer(final Class<? extends ContainerInfo> containerInfoType, final Object bean, final Collection<ContainerInfo> list) { for (final ContainerInfo containerInfo : list) { if (containerInfo.getClass().equals(containerInfoType)) { // MDBs must match message listener interface type if (MessageDrivenBean.class.isInstance(bean)) { final MessageDrivenBean messageDrivenBean = (MessageDrivenBean) bean; final String messagingType = messageDrivenBean.getMessagingType(); if (containerInfo.properties.get("MessageListenerInterface").equals(messagingType)) { return containerInfo.id; } } else { return containerInfo.id; } } } return null; } /*private*/ static class AppResources { private String appId; @SuppressWarnings({"MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection"}) private final Set<String> resourceAdapterIds = new TreeSet<String>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> resourceIdsByType = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> resourceEnvIdsByType = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> containerIdsByType = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); private final Collection<ContainerInfo> containerInfos = new HashSet<>(); public void dump() { if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) { return; } for (final String s : resourceAdapterIds) { logger.debug(appId + " module contains resource adapter id: " + s); } for (final String s : resourceIdsByType.keySet()) { for (final String value : resourceIdsByType.get(s)) { logger.debug(appId + " module contains resource type: " + s + " --> " + value); } } for (final String s : resourceEnvIdsByType.keySet()) { for (final String value : resourceEnvIdsByType.get(s)) { logger.debug(appId + " module contains resource env type: " + s + " --> " + value); } } for (final String s : containerIdsByType.keySet()) { for (final String value : containerIdsByType.get(s)) { logger.debug(appId + " module contains container type: " + s + " --> " + value); } } } public AppResources() { } public AppResources(final AppModule appModule) { this.appId = appModule.getModuleId(); // // DEVELOPERS NOTE: if you change the id generation code here, you must change // the id generation code in ConfigurationFactory.configureApplication(AppModule appModule) // for (final ConnectorModule connectorModule : appModule.getConnectorModules()) { final Connector connector = connectorModule.getConnector(); final ResourceAdapter resourceAdapter = connector.getResourceAdapter(); if (resourceAdapter.getResourceAdapterClass() != null) { final String resourceAdapterId; if (resourceAdapter.getId() != null) { resourceAdapterId = resourceAdapter.getId(); } else { resourceAdapterId = connectorModule.getModuleId() + "RA"; } resourceAdapterIds.add(resourceAdapterId); } final OutboundResourceAdapter outbound = resourceAdapter.getOutboundResourceAdapter(); if (outbound != null) { for (final ConnectionDefinition connection : outbound.getConnectionDefinition()) { final String type = connection.getConnectionFactoryInterface(); final String resourceId; if (connection.getId() != null) { resourceId = connection.getId(); } else if (outbound.getConnectionDefinition().size() == 1) { resourceId = connectorModule.getModuleId(); } else { resourceId = connectorModule.getModuleId() + "-" + type; } List<String> resourceIds = resourceIdsByType.get(type); if (resourceIds == null) { resourceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); resourceIdsByType.put(type, resourceIds); } resourceIds.add(resourceId); } } final InboundResourceadapter inbound = resourceAdapter.getInboundResourceAdapter(); if (inbound != null) { for (final MessageListener messageListener : inbound.getMessageAdapter().getMessageListener()) { final String type = messageListener.getMessageListenerType(); final String containerId; if (messageListener.getId() != null) { containerId = messageListener.getId(); } else if (inbound.getMessageAdapter().getMessageListener().size() == 1) { containerId = connectorModule.getModuleId(); } else { containerId = connectorModule.getModuleId() + "-" + type; } List<String> containerIds = containerIdsByType.get(type); if (containerIds == null) { containerIds = new ArrayList<String>(); containerIdsByType.put(type, containerIds); } containerIds.add(containerId); } } for (final AdminObject adminObject : resourceAdapter.getAdminObject()) { final String type = adminObject.getAdminObjectInterface(); final String resourceEnvId; if (adminObject.getId() != null) { resourceEnvId = adminObject.getId(); } else if (resourceAdapter.getAdminObject().size() == 1) { resourceEnvId = connectorModule.getModuleId(); } else { resourceEnvId = connectorModule.getModuleId() + "-" + type; } List<String> resourceEnvIds = resourceEnvIdsByType.get(type); if (resourceEnvIds == null) { resourceEnvIds = new ArrayList<String>(); resourceEnvIdsByType.put(type, resourceEnvIds); } resourceEnvIds.add(resourceEnvId); } } for (final Resource r : appModule.getResources()) { final String type = r.getType(); if (type != null) { final String[] types = type.trim().split(","); for (final String t : types) { List<String> ids = resourceIdsByType.get(t); if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<String>(); resourceIdsByType.put(t, ids); } ids.add(r.getId()); if (r.getJndi() != null) { ids.add(r.getJndi()); } } } } // for (EjbModule module : appModule.getEjbModules()) { // EnterpriseBean[] enterpriseBeans = module.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans(); // OpenejbJar openejbJar = module.getOpenejbJar(); // Map<String, EjbDeployment> deployments = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName(); // // for (DatasourceDefinition ds : module.getDatasources()) { // final String id = module.getUniqueId() + '/' + ds.getName().replace("java:", ""); // if (resourceIdsByType.get("javax.sql.DataSource") == null) { // resourceIdsByType.put("javax.sql.DataSource", new ArrayList<String>()); // } // resourceIdsByType.get("javax.sql.DataSource").add(id); // // for (EnterpriseBean bean : enterpriseBeans) { // EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = deployments.get(bean.getEjbName()); // for (ResourceRef ref : bean.getResourceRef()) { // if (ds.getName().equals(ref.getName())) { // ResourceLink link = new ResourceLink(); // link.setResId(id); // link.setResRefName(ds.getName()); // ejbDeployment.addResourceLink(link); // } // } // } // } // } } public Collection<ContainerInfo> getContainerInfos() { return containerInfos; } // needs to be called after merge otherwise we get wrong/missing data private void addContainer(final ContainerInfo container) { containerInfos.add(container); // no need to enrich containerIdsByType here, TODO: see if we can remove containerIdsByType } public List<String> getResourceIds(final String type) { if (type == null) { final List<String> allResourceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final List<String> resourceIds : resourceIdsByType.values()) { allResourceIds.addAll(resourceIds); } return allResourceIds; } final List<String> resourceIds = resourceIdsByType.get(type); if (resourceIds != null) { return resourceIds; } return Collections.emptyList(); } public List<String> getResourceEnvIds(final String type) { if (type != null) { final List<String> resourceIds = resourceEnvIdsByType.get(type); if (resourceIds != null) { return resourceIds; } } return Collections.emptyList(); } public List<String> getContainerIds() { final ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final List<String> list : containerIdsByType.values()) { ids.addAll(list); } return ids; } } }