/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.naming; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.openejb.AppContext; import org.apache.openejb.BeanContext; import org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException; import org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler; import org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.SecurityServiceInfo; import org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.TransactionServiceInfo; import org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule; import org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory; import org.apache.openejb.config.EjbModule; import org.apache.openejb.jee.EjbJar; import org.apache.openejb.jee.SingletonBean; import org.apache.openejb.loader.SystemInstance; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.io.IOException; /** * @version $Rev$ $Date$ */ public class GlobalLookupScopesTest extends TestCase { public void testNothing() { } // TODO We need this for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENEJB-1140 public void _test() throws Exception { SystemInstance.get().setProperty("openejb.deploymentId.format", "{appId}/{moduleId}/{ejbName}"); final ConfigurationFactory config = new ConfigurationFactory(); final Assembler assembler = new Assembler(); assembler.createTransactionManager(config.configureService(TransactionServiceInfo.class)); assembler.createSecurityService(config.configureService(SecurityServiceInfo.class)); final AppContext circleApp = createApp("circle", config, assembler); final AppContext squareApp = createApp("square", config, assembler); { final BeanContext bean = squareApp.getBeanContexts().get(0); final Context context = bean.getJndiContext(); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/square") instanceof Context); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/square/Bean") instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/square/Bean!" + Bean.class.getName()) instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/square/Other") instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/square/Other!" + Bean.class.getName()) instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/circle") instanceof Context); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/circle/Bean") instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/circle/Bean!" + Bean.class.getName()) instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/circle/Other") instanceof Bean); assertTrue(context.lookup("global/circle/Other!" + Bean.class.getName()) instanceof Bean); } } private AppContext createApp(final String name, final ConfigurationFactory config, final Assembler assembler) throws OpenEJBException, IOException, javax.naming.NamingException { // Setup the descriptor information final EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar(name); ejbJar.addEnterpriseBean(new SingletonBean(Bean.class)); // Deploy the bean a second time to simulate situations // where the same java:module java:app java:global names // are re-declared in a compatible way ejbJar.addEnterpriseBean(new SingletonBean("Other", Bean.class)); final EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(ejbJar); final AppModule module = new AppModule(ejbModule); return assembler.createApplication(config.configureApplication(module)); } public static class Bean { @Resource() private DataSource red; @Resource(name = "orange") private DataSource orange; @Resource(name = "java:module/blue") private DataSource blue; @Resource(name = "java:app/green") private DataSource green; @Resource(name = "java:global/yellow") private DataSource yellow; public Object lookup(final String s) throws javax.naming.NamingException { final InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); return context.lookup(s); } } }